
## 成都天气文案温柔句子 (95句)


1. 春风拂过脸颊,成都的春天,温柔得像一首诗。
2. 阳光洒满街巷,成都的春天,暖暖的,像一杯香甜的奶茶。
3. 漫步在春日的成都,空气中弥漫着花香,让人心旷神怡。
4. 嫩绿的枝芽在春风中摇曳,成都的春天,充满了生机和希望。
5. 春雨滋润万物,成都的春天,静谧而美好。
6. 春光烂漫,成都的春天,像一幅美丽的画卷。
7. 踏青赏花,成都的春天,让人沉醉其中。
8. 春意盎然,成都的春天,充满了诗情画意。
9. 春眠不觉晓,成都的春天,让人心生慵懒。
10. 春风送暖,成都的春天,带来无限的温暖和希望。
11. 春雨如丝,成都的春天,像一首轻柔的歌曲。
12. 春光明媚,成都的春天,让人心生欢喜。
13. 春意浓浓,成都的春天,充满了活力和生机。
14. 春花烂漫,成都的春天,让人流连忘返。
15. 春风十里,成都的春天,让人心醉神迷。
16. 春色满园,成都的春天,美不胜收。
17. 春意融融,成都的春天,充满了诗情画意。
18. 春光无限好,成都的春天,令人心旷神怡。
19. 春暖花开,成都的春天,万物复苏,充满生机。
20. 春风拂柳,成都的春天,像一幅美丽的图画。
21. 春雨绵绵,成都的春天,滋润万物,充满生机。
22. 春意盎然,成都的春天,让人心生向往。
23. 春光烂漫,成都的春天,充满了活力和希望。
24. 春风送爽,成都的春天,让人心情舒畅。
25. 春花怒放,成都的春天,充满了色彩和生机。
26. 春意融融,成都的春天,充满了诗情画意。
27. 春光无限好,成都的春天,让人流连忘返。
28. 春天来了,成都也变得更加美丽。
29. 春天的气息,在成都的每个角落弥漫。
30. 春天的脚步,走进了成都,也走进了我们的心田。
31. 春天的雨,滋润着成都的土地,也滋润着我们的心田。
32. 春天的风,吹拂着成都的街道,也吹拂着我们的心扉。
33. 春天的阳光,照耀着成都的城市,也照耀着我们的希望。
34. 春天的花朵,绽放在成都的公园,也绽放在我们的心中。
35. 春天,让我们一起感受成都的温暖和美好。


36. 夏日炎炎,成都的夏天,热情似火。
37. 阳光炙热,成都的夏天,充满了活力。
38. 蝉鸣声声,成都的夏天,充满了夏天的味道。
39. 汗水浸透衣裳,成都的夏天,充满了汗水和激情。
40. 夜晚凉风习习,成都的夏天,充满了浪漫。
41. 吃着冰凉的西瓜,成都的夏天,充满了甜蜜。
42. 躲在空调房里,成都的夏天,充满了惬意。
43. 坐在树荫下乘凉,成都的夏天,充满了悠闲。
44. 泡在游泳池里,成都的夏天,充满了快乐。
45. 去郊外避暑,成都的夏天,充满了清凉。
46. 阳光明媚,成都的夏天,充满了热情和活力。
47. 夏风送爽,成都的夏天,充满了凉爽和舒适。
48. 夏夜星空,成都的夏天,充满了浪漫和诗意。
49. 夏日荷花,成都的夏天,充满了清香和美丽。
50. 夏天,让我们一起感受成都的热情和活力。
51. 夏天的阳光,照耀着成都的城市,也照耀着我们的梦想。
52. 夏天的雨,洗刷着成都的街道,也洗刷着我们的烦恼。
53. 夏天的风,吹拂着成都的树木,也吹拂着我们的心情。
54. 夏天的夜晚,充满了星星和浪漫,也充满了希望。
55. 夏天的成都,充满了活力和热情,也充满了无限的可能性。


56. 秋风瑟瑟,成都的秋天,充满了诗意。
57. 落叶飘零,成都的秋天,充满了伤感。
58. 天高云淡,成都的秋天,充满了宁静。
59. 果实累累,成都的秋天,充满了丰收的喜悦。
60. 秋雨绵绵,成都的秋天,充满了温柔。
61. 秋色宜人,成都的秋天,充满了美景。
62. 秋高气爽,成都的秋天,充满了舒适。
63. 秋意浓浓,成都的秋天,充满了浪漫。
64. 秋风习习,成都的秋天,充满了凉爽。
65. 秋叶飘零,成都的秋天,充满了诗情画意。
66. 秋雨绵绵,成都的秋天,滋润万物,充满了生机。
67. 秋色宜人,成都的秋天,让人心生向往。
68. 秋高气爽,成都的秋天,让人心情舒畅。
69. 秋意浓浓,成都的秋天,让人流连忘返。
70. 秋风送爽,成都的秋天,让人心旷神怡。
71. 秋天来了,成都的景色也更加迷人。
72. 秋天的气息,在成都的每个角落弥漫。
73. 秋天的脚步,走进了成都,也走进了我们的心中。
74. 秋天的雨,滋润着成都的土地,也滋润着我们的心田。
75. 秋天的风,吹拂着成都的街道,也吹拂着我们的心扉。
76. 秋天的阳光,照耀着成都的城市,也照耀着我们的希望。
77. 秋天的果实,成熟在成都的田野,也成熟在我们的心中。
78. 秋天,让我们一起感受成都的宁静和美好。


79. 冬风凛冽,成都的冬天,充满了寒意。
80. 雪花飘落,成都的冬天,充满了浪漫。
81. 暖阳普照,成都的冬天,充满了温暖。
82. 围炉煮茶,成都的冬天,充满了闲适。
83. 围坐在一起,成都的冬天,充满了温馨。
84. 吃着火锅,成都的冬天,充满了温暖和幸福。
85. 冬天来了,成都也变得更加静谧。
86. 冬天的气息,在成都的每个角落弥漫。
87. 冬天的脚步,走进了成都,也走进了我们的心中。
88. 冬天的雨,滋润着成都的土地,也滋润着我们的心田。
89. 冬天的风,吹拂着成都的街道,也吹拂着我们的心扉。
90. 冬天的阳光,照耀着成都的城市,也照耀着我们的希望。
91. 冬天的雪,覆盖着成都的房屋,也覆盖着我们的梦想。
92. 冬天,让我们一起感受成都的温暖和美好。
93. 成都的冬天,虽然寒冷,但却充满了温馨和浪漫。
94. 在成都的冬天,让我们一起享受温暖和幸福。
95. 冬天,让我们一起感受成都的魅力和独特。

## 英文翻译


The spring breeze caresses your cheeks, Chengdu's spring is as gentle as a poem.

Sunlight bathes the streets, Chengdu's spring is warm and sweet like a cup of milk tea.

Strolling through spring in Chengdu, the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers, refreshing your mind and soul.

Tender green buds sway in the spring breeze, Chengdu's spring is full of life and hope.

Spring rain nourishes all things, Chengdu's spring is quiet and beautiful.

Spring is in full bloom, Chengdu's spring is like a beautiful painting.

Going on a spring outing and admiring flowers, Chengdu's spring makes you intoxicated.

Spring is in the air, Chengdu's spring is full of poetry and painting.

Spring sleep is unaware of the dawn, Chengdu's spring makes you feel lazy.

The spring breeze brings warmth, Chengdu's spring brings endless warmth and hope.

The spring rain is like silk, Chengdu's spring is like a soft song.

The spring sunshine is bright, Chengdu's spring makes you feel happy.

Spring is thick, Chengdu's spring is full of vitality and life.

Spring flowers are in full bloom, Chengdu's spring makes you linger.

Ten miles of spring breeze, Chengdu's spring makes you intoxicated.

The spring scenery is full of gardens, Chengdu's spring is magnificent.

Spring is warm, Chengdu's spring is full of poetry and painting.

Spring is endless, Chengdu's spring is refreshing.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, Chengdu's spring is full of life, everything is revived.

The spring breeze blows on the willows, Chengdu's spring is like a beautiful painting.

The spring rain is continuous, Chengdu's spring nourishes all things, full of life.

Spring is in the air, Chengdu's spring makes you yearn for it.

Spring is in full bloom, Chengdu's spring is full of vitality and hope.

The spring breeze is refreshing, Chengdu's spring makes you feel relaxed.

Spring flowers are blooming, Chengdu's spring is full of color and life.

Spring is warm, Chengdu's spring is full of poetry and painting.

Spring is endless, Chengdu's spring makes you linger.

Spring is here, Chengdu has become even more beautiful.

The scent of spring permeates every corner of Chengdu.

The footsteps of spring have entered Chengdu, and also entered our hearts.

The spring rain nourishes Chengdu's land, and also nourishes our hearts.

The spring wind blows on the streets of Chengdu, and also blows on our hearts.

The spring sunshine shines on the city of Chengdu, and also shines on our hopes.

The spring flowers bloom in the parks of Chengdu, and also bloom in our hearts.

Spring, let's together feel the warmth and beauty of Chengdu.


The summer is scorching hot, Chengdu's summer is as passionate as fire.

The sun is scorching hot, Chengdu's summer is full of vitality.

The cicadas are chirping, Chengdu's summer is full of the taste of summer.

Sweat soaks through clothes, Chengdu's summer is full of sweat and passion.

The night breeze is cool, Chengdu's summer is full of romance.

Eating cold watermelon, Chengdu's summer is full of sweetness.

Hiding in an air-conditioned room, Chengdu's summer is full of comfort.

Sitting in the shade of a tree, Chengdu's summer is full of leisure.

Swimming in the pool, Chengdu's summer is full of joy.

Going to the countryside to escape the heat, Chengdu's summer is full of coolness.

The sun is shining brightly, Chengdu's summer is full of passion and vitality.

The summer wind is refreshing, Chengdu's summer is full of coolness and comfort.

The summer night sky, Chengdu's summer is full of romance and poetry.

The summer lotus flowers, Chengdu's summer is full of fragrance and beauty.

Summer, let's together feel the passion and vitality of Chengdu.

The summer sunshine shines on the city of Chengdu, and also shines on our dreams.

The summer rain washes the streets of Chengdu, and also washes away our worries.

The summer wind blows on the trees of Chengdu, and also blows on our mood.

The summer nights are full of stars and romance, and also full of hope.

Chengdu in summer is full of vitality and passion, and also full of endless possibilities.


The autumn wind is rustling, Chengdu's autumn is full of poetry.

The leaves are falling, Chengdu's autumn is full of sadness.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, Chengdu's autumn is full of tranquility.

The fruits are abundant, Chengdu's autumn is full of the joy of harvest.

The autumn rain is continuous, Chengdu's autumn is full of gentleness.

The autumn scenery is pleasant, Chengdu's autumn is full of beautiful scenery.

The autumn is high and the air is fresh, Chengdu's autumn is full of comfort.

The autumn is thick, Chengdu's autumn is full of romance.

The autumn wind is blowing, Chengdu's autumn is full of coolness.

The autumn leaves are falling, Chengdu's autumn is full of poetry and painting.

The autumn rain is continuous, Chengdu's autumn nourishes all things, full of life.

The autumn scenery is pleasant, Chengdu's autumn makes you yearn for it.

The autumn is high and the air is fresh, Chengdu's autumn makes you feel relaxed.

The autumn is thick, Chengdu's autumn makes you linger.

The autumn wind is refreshing, Chengdu's autumn is refreshing.

Autumn has come, the scenery of Chengdu has become even more charming.

The scent of autumn permeates every corner of Chengdu.

The footsteps of autumn have entered Chengdu, and also entered our hearts.

The autumn rain nourishes Chengdu's land, and also nourishes our hearts.

The autumn wind blows on the streets of Chengdu, and also blows on our hearts.

The autumn sunshine shines on the city of Chengdu, and also shines on our hopes.

The autumn fruits ripen in the fields of Chengdu, and also ripen in our hearts.

Autumn, let's together feel the tranquility and beauty of Chengdu.


The winter wind is biting, Chengdu's winter is full of coldness.

The snowflakes are falling, Chengdu's winter is full of romance.

The warm sun shines, Chengdu's winter is full of warmth.

Sitting around a stove and boiling tea, Chengdu's winter is full of leisure.

Sitting together, Chengdu's winter is full of warmth.

Eating hot pot, Chengdu's winter is full of warmth and happiness.

Winter has come, Chengdu has become even more quiet.

The scent of winter permeates every corner of Chengdu.

The footsteps of winter have entered Chengdu, and also entered our hearts.

The winter rain nourishes Chengdu's land, and also nourishes our hearts.

The winter wind blows on the streets of Chengdu, and also blows on our hearts.

The winter sunshine shines on the city of Chengdu, and also shines on our hopes.

The winter snow covers the houses of Chengdu, and also covers our dreams.

Winter, let's together feel the warmth and beauty of Chengdu.

Chengdu's winter, although cold, is full of warmth and romance.

In the winter of Chengdu, let's together enjoy warmth and happiness.

Winter, let's together feel the charm and uniqueness of Chengdu.

以上就是关于成都天气文案温柔句子95句(成都天气文案温柔句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
