
## 成本与利润句子 (72句)


1. 控制成本是企业生存的关键。

Controlling costs is crucial for business survival.

2. 降低成本可以提高利润率。

Reducing costs can increase profit margins.

3. 成本过高会导致利润下降。

High costs can lead to declining profits.

4. 提高效率可以降低生产成本。

Improving efficiency can lower production costs.

5. 寻找更便宜的原材料可以降低成本。

Finding cheaper raw materials can reduce costs.

6. 优化供应链可以减少成本浪费。

Optimizing the supply chain can minimize cost waste.

7. 采购管理可以有效控制采购成本。

Procurement management can effectively control procurement costs.

8. 严格的成本控制可以防止财务危机。

Strict cost control can prevent financial crises.

9. 成本分析是制定合理价格的重要依据。

Cost analysis is a crucial basis for setting reasonable prices.

10. 成本预算有助于控制支出。

A cost budget helps control expenditures.

11. 成本核算可以准确反映企业的经营状况。

Cost accounting can accurately reflect the company's operating conditions.

12. 成本管理是企业持续发展的重要保障。

Cost management is an essential guarantee for business sustainability.

13. 成本效益分析可以帮助企业做出更明智的决策。

Cost-benefit analysis can help companies make more informed decisions.

14. 固定成本是企业不可避免的支出。

Fixed costs are unavoidable expenses for businesses.

15. 可变成本会随着产量变化而波动。

Variable costs fluctuate with production output.

16. 直接成本是与产品生产直接相关的成本。

Direct costs are those directly related to product production.

17. 间接成本是与产品生产间接相关的成本。

Indirect costs are those indirectly related to product production.

18. 机会成本是选择某项投资而放弃其他投资的机会损失。

Opportunity cost is the potential loss of profit from choosing one investment over another.

19. 沉没成本是已经发生且不可收回的成本。

Sunk costs are past expenses that cannot be recovered.

20. 成本控制需要全员参与。

Cost control requires the participation of all employees.


21. 提高利润是企业经营的目标之一。

Increasing profits is one of the goals of business operations.

22. 利润是企业收入减去成本后的剩余部分。

Profit is the remaining portion of revenue after deducting costs.

23. 利润率是衡量企业盈利能力的重要指标。

Profit margin is a key indicator of a company's profitability.

24. 提高销售额可以增加利润。

Increasing sales can boost profits.

25. 降低成本可以提高利润率。

Reducing costs can increase profit margins.

26. 利润分配是企业发展的重要环节。

Profit distribution is a crucial step in business development.

27. 利润增长是企业成功的重要标志。

Profit growth is a significant indicator of business success.

28. 利润目标是企业经营的指南。

Profit goals are a guide for business operations.

29. 利润预测可以帮助企业做出更明智的决策。

Profit forecasting can help companies make more informed decisions.

30. 利润分配要体现公平公正。

Profit distribution should be fair and impartial.

31. 利润分配要考虑企业发展和员工利益。

Profit distribution should consider both business development and employee interests.

32. 利润增长需要企业不断创新。

Profit growth requires continuous innovation by businesses.

33. 利润是企业生存和发展的基础。

Profit is the foundation of a company's survival and development.

34. 利润是企业创造价值的体现。

Profit is a reflection of a company's value creation.

35. 利润是企业回报社会的一种方式。

Profit is a way for businesses to give back to society.

36. 利润共享可以提高员工的积极性。

Profit sharing can increase employee motivation.

37. 利润增长可以提升企业竞争力。

Profit growth can enhance a company's competitiveness.

38. 利润分配要透明公开。

Profit distribution should be transparent and public.

39. 利润分配要符合法律法规。

Profit distribution must comply with laws and regulations.

40. 利润增长需要企业持续经营和管理。

Profit growth requires continuous business operations and management.


41. 成本是利润的基石。

Cost is the foundation of profit.

42. 成本控制是提高利润的重要手段。

Cost control is a crucial means of increasing profits.

43. 利润的增加需要成本的有效控制。

Profit increases require effective cost control.

44. 成本与利润之间存在着密切的联系。

There is a close relationship between cost and profit.

45. 降低成本可以提高利润率,但不能以牺牲产品质量为代价。

Lowering costs can increase profit margins, but it should not come at the expense of product quality.

46. 高利润不一定意味着高成本。

High profits don't necessarily mean high costs.

47. 高成本不一定意味着低利润。

High costs don't necessarily mean low profits.

48. 成本与利润的平衡是企业经营的关键。

Balancing costs and profits is key to business operations.

49. 企业要根据市场情况和自身情况合理控制成本,追求利润最大化。

Businesses should control costs and pursue maximum profits rationally based on market conditions and their own circumstances.

50. 成本控制是企业获得持续利润的保证。

Cost control is a guarantee of sustained profitability for businesses.

51. 降低成本可以提高利润率,从而提高企业竞争力。

Reducing costs can increase profit margins, thereby increasing business competitiveness.

52. 提高利润需要企业不断寻找降低成本的途径。

Increasing profits requires businesses to continuously seek ways to reduce costs.

53. 企业要重视成本控制,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。

Businesses must prioritize cost control in order to remain competitive in a fierce market.

54. 成本与利润是企业经营的两大关键要素。

Cost and profit are the two key elements of business operations.

55. 只有有效控制成本,才能实现利润最大化。

Only by effectively controlling costs can profit maximization be achieved.

56. 成本控制是企业持续盈利的基础。

Cost control is the foundation of sustained profitability for businesses.

57. 利润是企业努力的结果,也是企业发展的动力。

Profit is the result of business efforts and a driving force for development.

58. 企业要不断追求利润增长,才能在市场中保持竞争优势。

Businesses must continuously strive for profit growth to maintain a competitive edge in the market.

59. 成本控制是提高利润率的有效方法。

Cost control is an effective way to increase profit margins.

60. 提高利润需要企业综合考虑成本、价格、市场等因素。

Increasing profits requires businesses to comprehensively consider factors such as costs, prices, and the market.


61. 成本与利润之间存在着辩证关系。

There is a dialectical relationship between costs and profits.

62. 成本控制需要科学的方法和有效的管理。

Cost control requires scientific methods and effective management.

63. 利润分配要合理,才能提高员工的积极性和企业的发展。

Profit distribution must be reasonable in order to improve employee motivation and business development.

64. 成本与利润是企业经营的两个重要指标。

Cost and profit are two important indicators of business operations.

65. 降低成本和提高利润是企业经营的目标之一。

Reducing costs and increasing profits are one of the goals of business operations.

66. 成本控制和利润分配是企业经营的两个重要环节。

Cost control and profit distribution are two important parts of business operations.

67. 成本与利润的分析可以帮助企业了解自身的经营状况。

Analysis of costs and profits can help businesses understand their operating conditions.

68. 成本控制和利润增长是企业持续发展的关键。

Cost control and profit growth are key to business sustainability.

69. 企业要不断创新,才能在激烈的市场竞争中获得更高的利润。

Businesses must constantly innovate to achieve higher profits in fierce market competition.

70. 只有不断提高效率,降低成本,才能实现利润最大化。

Only by continuously improving efficiency and reducing costs can profit maximization be achieved.

71. 成本与利润的管理是企业经营的重要内容。

Cost and profit management is an essential part of business operations.

72. 成本与利润的分析可以帮助企业制定合理的经营策略。

Analysis of costs and profits can help businesses develop reasonable operating strategies.

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