
## 恶劣自然环境的句子 (74句)

**1. 狂风怒吼,巨浪拍岸,海面波涛汹涌,仿佛一头怒吼的巨兽。**

The wind howled, the waves crashed against the shore, and the sea was a tempestuous beast.

**2. 暴雨倾盆,雷声震耳欲聋,闪电划破夜空,大地一片汪洋。**

The rain poured down in sheets, the thunder roared, lightning split the night sky, and the earth was a vast ocean.

**3. 烈日炎炎,炙烤着大地,空气仿佛要燃烧起来,树木枯萎,河流干涸。**

The sun beat down mercilessly, scorching the earth. The air felt like it was on fire. Trees withered and rivers dried up.

**4. 寒风刺骨,雪花飞舞,大地银装素裹,万物都陷入沉睡。**

The wind cut to the bone, snow swirled in the air, and the land was covered in a blanket of white. Everything was asleep.

**5. 沙尘暴肆虐,黄沙遮天蔽日,能见度极低,空气中弥漫着刺鼻的沙尘味。**

The sandstorm raged, yellow sand blotted out the sun, visibility was extremely low, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of dust.

**6. 地震山崩,地动山摇,房屋倒塌,房屋被夷为平地。**

The earthquake shook the mountains, the ground trembled, buildings collapsed, and houses were reduced to rubble.

**7. 火山喷发,熔岩滚滚,浓烟蔽日,大地一片火海。**

The volcano erupted, lava flowed, thick smoke filled the air, and the land was a sea of fire.

**8. 洪水泛滥,房屋被淹没,街道一片汪洋,人们无家可归。**

The floodwaters surged, houses were submerged, the streets were a sea of water, and people were left homeless.

**9. 干旱缺水,土地龟裂,庄稼枯死,人们陷入饥饿的困境。**

Drought gripped the land, the soil cracked, crops withered, and people were faced with hunger.

**10. 海啸袭来,巨浪吞噬着陆地,房屋被摧毁,人们无处可逃。**

The tsunami came crashing ashore, giant waves devoured the land, houses were destroyed, and people had nowhere to escape.

**11. 台风来袭,狂风暴雨,树木被连根拔起,房屋被摧毁,人们陷入恐慌。**

The typhoon hit with force, bringing with it fierce winds and torrential rain. Trees were uprooted, houses were destroyed, and people were filled with fear.

**12. 冰雪覆盖,严寒刺骨,人们瑟瑟发抖,难以生存。**

Ice and snow covered the land, the cold was biting, and people shivered, struggling to survive.

**13. 雾气弥漫,能见度极低,交通受阻,人们迷路,陷入困境。**

Fog shrouded the land, visibility was extremely low, transportation was disrupted, people lost their way, and they were in a predicament.

**14. 暴风雪来袭,积雪堆积,交通瘫痪,人们被困在家中,无法出门。**

The blizzard struck, snow piled up, transportation was paralyzed, and people were trapped in their homes, unable to go out.

**15. 雨雪交加,道路泥泞,交通受阻,人们艰难前行。**

Rain and snow fell together, making the roads muddy and transportation difficult. People struggled to move forward.

**16. 暴雨过后,河水暴涨,洪水泛滥,人们惊恐万状。**

After the heavy rain, the river rose rapidly, the floodwaters surged, and people were terrified.

**17. 烈日炎炎,空气干燥,皮肤灼痛,人们躲避在阴凉处,不敢出门。**

The sun beat down mercilessly, the air was dry, and people's skin burned. They sought shelter in the shade, afraid to go out.

**18. 寒风凛冽,冻得人瑟瑟发抖,人们裹紧衣服,躲避在室内。**

The wind was bitter and cold, making people shiver. They huddled in their clothes, seeking refuge indoors.

**19. 天空中乌云密布,空气沉闷,让人感到压抑,仿佛一场暴风雨即将到来。**

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, the air was heavy, and a sense of oppression hung in the air. It felt like a storm was about to break.

**20. 大地干裂,河水断流,土地荒芜,一片死寂。**

The land was cracked, rivers had dried up, the soil was barren, and a deathly silence prevailed.

**21. 暴雨过后,山洪爆发,泥石流倾泻而下,房屋被冲毁,田地被淹没。**

After the heavy rain, flash floods erupted, mudslides roared down, houses were destroyed, and fields were inundated.

**22. 冰川融化,海平面上升,沿海城市面临着被淹没的威胁。**

The glaciers melted, sea levels rose, and coastal cities faced the threat of being submerged.

**23. 飓风来袭,狂风呼啸,房屋倒塌,人们惊慌失措。**

The hurricane struck, the wind roared, houses collapsed, and people were thrown into panic.

**24. 沙漠荒凉,寸草不生,只有漫天黄沙,令人望而生畏。**

The desert was barren, devoid of any vegetation, only endless sand stretching as far as the eye could see, a sight that inspired awe and fear.

**25. 暴雨过后,道路泥泞不堪,汽车陷在泥潭中,无法通行。**

After the heavy rain, the roads were muddy and impassable. Cars were stuck in the mire, unable to move.

**26. 闪电划破天空,雷声震耳欲聋,仿佛天崩地裂,令人胆战心惊。**

Lightning split the sky, thunder roared deafeningly, it felt like the heavens were collapsing, and people were terrified.

**27. 海面波涛汹涌,巨浪拍打着海岸,岸边树木被狂风吹得摇摇欲坠。**

The sea was a tempestuous beast, giant waves crashed against the shore, and the trees on the coast were swaying precariously in the wind.

**28. 山区积雪,道路崎岖,交通不便,人们出行困难。**

Snow piled up in the mountains, the roads were treacherous, transportation was inconvenient, and people struggled to travel.

**29. 暴风雪来袭,能见度极低,人们迷失在茫茫雪原中,无法找到回家的路。**

The blizzard struck, visibility was extremely low, and people were lost in the vast expanse of snow, unable to find their way home.

**30. 浓雾弥漫,能见度极低,汽车行驶缓慢,容易发生交通事故。**

Thick fog blanketed the land, visibility was extremely low, cars drove slowly, and accidents were prone to occur.

**31. 地震过后,房屋倒塌,街道满目疮痍,人们无家可归,流离失所。**

After the earthquake, buildings collapsed, the streets were a scene of devastation, people were homeless, and they were displaced.

**32. 火山喷发,火山灰弥漫空中,遮天蔽日,空气中弥漫着刺鼻的硫磺味。**

The volcano erupted, volcanic ash filled the air, blotting out the sun, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of sulfur.

**33. 洪水过后,土地被淹没,房屋被冲毁,人们损失惨重。**

After the flood, the land was inundated, houses were destroyed, and people suffered heavy losses.

**34. 干旱缺水,河床干涸,土地龟裂,庄稼枯死,人们陷入困境。**

Drought gripped the land, rivers dried up, the soil cracked, crops withered, and people were faced with hardship.

**35. 海啸来袭,巨浪吞噬着海岸,房屋被摧毁,人们无处可逃,陷入绝望。**

The tsunami came crashing ashore, giant waves devoured the coast, houses were destroyed, people had nowhere to escape, and they were filled with despair.

**36. 台风来袭,狂风暴雨,树木被连根拔起,房屋被摧毁,人们无助地躲避着。**

The typhoon struck with force, bringing with it fierce winds and torrential rain. Trees were uprooted, houses were destroyed, and people helplessly sought shelter.

**37. 冰雪覆盖,严寒刺骨,人们瑟瑟发抖,难以生存,只能依靠有限的物资度日。**

Ice and snow covered the land, the cold was biting, people shivered, struggling to survive, relying on meager supplies to get by.

**38. 雾气弥漫,能见度极低,人们迷失在浓雾中,无法辨认方向,陷入困境。**

Fog shrouded the land, visibility was extremely low, people were lost in the fog, unable to find their way, and they were in a predicament.

**39. 暴风雪来袭,交通瘫痪,人们被困在家中,无法出门,只能依靠有限的储备食物生活。**

The blizzard struck, transportation was paralyzed, people were trapped in their homes, unable to go out, and they relied on limited food supplies to survive.

**40. 雨雪交加,道路泥泞,交通受阻,人们出行困难,只能艰难前行。**

Rain and snow fell together, making the roads muddy and transportation difficult. People struggled to travel, making their way with difficulty.

**41. 暴雨过后,河水暴涨,洪水泛滥,人们惊恐万状,四处逃生。**

After the heavy rain, the river rose rapidly, the floodwaters surged, and people were terrified, scrambling to escape.

**42. 烈日炎炎,空气干燥,皮肤灼痛,人们躲避在阴凉处,不敢出门,只能忍受着酷暑的煎熬。**

The sun beat down mercilessly, the air was dry, and people's skin burned. They sought shelter in the shade, afraid to go out, and they endured the sweltering heat.

**43. 寒风凛冽,冻得人瑟瑟发抖,人们裹紧衣服,躲避在室内,只能依靠暖气取暖。**

The wind was bitter and cold, making people shiver. They huddled in their clothes, seeking refuge indoors, and relied on heating to keep warm.

**44. 天空中乌云密布,空气沉闷,让人感到压抑,仿佛一场暴风雨即将到来,人们心中充满了不安。**

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, the air was heavy, and a sense of oppression hung in the air. It felt like a storm was about to break, and people felt a sense of unease.

**45. 大地干裂,河水断流,土地荒芜,一片死寂,令人感到心寒。**

The land was cracked, rivers had dried up, the soil was barren, and a deathly silence prevailed, chilling the heart.

**46. 暴雨过后,山洪爆发,泥石流倾泻而下,房屋被冲毁,田地被淹没,人们无家可归,流离失所。**

After the heavy rain, flash floods erupted, mudslides roared down, houses were destroyed, fields were inundated, and people were left homeless and displaced.

**47. 冰川融化,海平面上升,沿海城市面临着被淹没的威胁,人们感到恐慌和不安。**

The glaciers melted, sea levels rose, and coastal cities faced the threat of being submerged, causing people to feel fear and unease.

**48. 飓风来袭,狂风呼啸,房屋倒塌,人们惊慌失措,四处逃生,试图躲避飓风的袭击。**

The hurricane struck, the wind roared, houses collapsed, and people were thrown into panic, scrambling to escape, seeking shelter from the hurricane's wrath.

**49. 沙漠荒凉,寸草不生,只有漫天黄沙,令人望而生畏,让人感到绝望和无力。**

The desert was barren, devoid of any vegetation, only endless sand stretching as far as the eye could see, a sight that inspired awe and fear, making people feel despair and helplessness.

**50. 暴雨过后,道路泥泞不堪,汽车陷在泥潭中,无法通行,人们只能步行艰难前行。**

After the heavy rain, the roads were muddy and impassable. Cars were stuck in the mire, unable to move, and people could only make their way on foot, with difficulty.

**51. 闪电划破天空,雷声震耳欲聋,仿佛天崩地裂,令人胆战心惊,人们躲避在安全的地方,祈祷着暴风雨快点过去。**

Lightning split the sky, thunder roared deafeningly, it felt like the heavens were collapsing, and people were terrified. They sought shelter in safe places, praying for the storm to pass quickly.

**52. 海面波涛汹涌,巨浪拍打着海岸,岸边树木被狂风吹得摇摇欲坠,让人感到惊心动魄。**

The sea was a tempestuous beast, giant waves crashed against the shore, and the trees on the coast were swaying precariously in the wind, a sight that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

**53. 山区积雪,道路崎岖,交通不便,人们出行困难,只能依靠步行或者乘坐交通工具艰难前行。**

Snow piled up in the mountains, the roads were treacherous, transportation was inconvenient, and people struggled to travel, relying on walking or limited transportation options to make their way.

**54. 暴风雪来袭,能见度极低,人们迷失在茫茫雪原中,无法找到回家的路,只能依靠有限的物资和求生的本能生存下去。**

The blizzard struck, visibility was extremely low, and people were lost in the vast expanse of snow, unable to find their way home. They could only rely on meager supplies and their survival instincts to live.

**55. 浓雾弥漫,能见度极低,汽车行驶缓慢,容易发生交通事故,人们只能谨慎驾驶,避免发生意外。**

Thick fog blanketed the land, visibility was extremely low, cars drove slowly, and accidents were prone to occur. People could only drive cautiously, avoiding any accidents.

**56. 地震过后,房屋倒塌,街道满目疮痍,人们无家可归,流离失所,只能在废墟中寻找着生存的希望。**

After the earthquake, buildings collapsed, the streets were a scene of devastation, people were homeless, and they were displaced. They could only search for hope of survival amidst the ruins.

**57. 火山喷发,火山灰弥漫空中,遮天蔽日,空气中弥漫着刺鼻的硫磺味,人们被迫戴上口罩,躲避着火山灰的侵袭。**

The volcano erupted, volcanic ash filled the air, blotting out the sun, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of sulfur. People were forced to wear masks, seeking protection from the volcanic ash.

**58. 洪水过后,土地被淹没,房屋被冲毁,人们损失惨重,只能重建家园,重新开始生活。**

After the flood, the land was inundated, houses were destroyed, and people suffered heavy losses. They could only rebuild their homes and start their lives anew.

**59. 干旱缺水,河床干涸,土地龟裂,庄稼枯死,人们陷入困境,只能依靠有限的资源,艰苦度日。**

Drought gripped the land, rivers dried up, the soil cracked, crops withered, and people were faced with hardship. They could only rely on limited resources and endure their difficult lives.

**60. 海啸来袭,巨浪吞噬着海岸,房屋被摧毁,人们无处可逃,陷入绝望,只能等待着救援的到来。**

The tsunami came crashing ashore, giant waves devoured the coast, houses were destroyed, people had nowhere to escape, and they were filled with despair. They could only wait for rescue to arrive.

**61. 台风来袭,狂风暴雨,树木被连根拔起,房屋被摧毁,人们无助地躲避着,只能祈祷着台风快点过去。**

The typhoon struck with force, bringing with it fierce winds and torrential rain. Trees were uprooted, houses were destroyed, and people helplessly sought shelter. They could only pray for the typhoon to pass quickly.

**62. 冰雪覆盖,严寒刺骨,人们瑟瑟发抖,难以生存,只能依靠有限的物资度日,期待着春天的到来。**

Ice and snow covered the land, the cold was biting, people shivered, struggling to survive. They could only rely on meager supplies to get by, hoping for the arrival of spring.

**63. 雾气弥漫,能见度极低,人们迷失在浓雾中,无法辨认方向,陷入困境,只能依靠着本能,寻找着出路。**

Fog shrouded the land, visibility was extremely low, people were lost in the fog, unable to find their way. They could only rely on their instincts to seek a way out of their predicament.

**64. 暴风雪来袭,交通瘫痪,人们被困在家中,无法出门,只能依靠有限的储备食物生活,等待着暴风雪过去。**

The blizzard struck, transportation was paralyzed, people were trapped in their homes, unable to go out. They could only rely on limited food supplies to survive, waiting for the blizzard to pass.

**65. 雨雪交加,道路泥泞,交通受阻,人们出行困难,只能艰难前行,寻找着安全的地方避难。**

Rain and snow fell together, making the roads muddy and transportation difficult. People struggled to travel, seeking safe havens to take shelter.

**66. 暴雨过后,河水暴涨,洪水泛滥,人们惊恐万状,四处逃生,试图躲避洪水的侵袭。**

After the heavy rain, the river rose rapidly, the floodwaters surged, and people were terrified, scrambling to escape, trying to avoid the flood's wrath.

**67. 烈日炎炎,空气干燥,皮肤灼痛,人们躲避在阴凉处,不敢出门,只能忍受着酷暑的煎熬,等待着雨季的到来。**

The sun beat down mercilessly, the air was dry, and people's skin burned. They sought shelter in the shade, afraid to go out, and they endured the sweltering heat, waiting for the rainy season to arrive.

**68. 寒风凛冽,冻得人瑟瑟发抖,人们裹紧衣服,躲避在室内,只能依靠暖气取暖,盼望着春暖花开的日子。**

The wind was bitter and cold, making people shiver. They huddled in their clothes, seeking refuge indoors, and relied on heating to keep warm, longing for the days when spring would bring warmth and flowers.

**69. 天空中乌云密布,空气沉闷,让人感到压抑,仿佛一场暴风雨即将到来,人们心中充满了不安,担心着暴风雨的袭击。**

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, the air was heavy, and a sense of oppression hung in the air. It felt like a storm was about to break, and people felt a sense of unease, worrying about the storm's assault.

**70. 大地干裂,河水断流,土地荒芜,一片死寂,令人感到心寒,让人意识到自然的强大和人类的渺小。**

The land was cracked, rivers had dried up, the soil was barren, and a deathly silence prevailed, chilling the heart. It made people realize the power of nature and the insignificance of humanity.

**71. 暴雨过后,山洪爆发,泥石流倾泻而下,房屋被冲毁,田地被淹没,人们无家可归,流离失所,只能在灾难中重建家园。**

After the heavy rain, flash floods erupted, mudslides roared down, houses were destroyed, fields were inundated, and people were left homeless and displaced. They could only rebuild their homes in the aftermath of the disaster.

**72. 冰川融化,海平面上升,沿海城市面临着被淹没的威胁,人们感到恐慌和不安,开始寻找着应对气候变化的方案。**

The glaciers melted, sea levels rose, and coastal cities faced the threat of being submerged. People felt fear and unease, and they began to search for solutions to address climate change.

**73. 飓风来袭,狂风呼啸,房屋倒塌,人们惊慌失措,四处逃生,试图躲避飓风的袭击,并祈求着能够平安度过这场灾难。**

The hurricane struck, the wind roared, houses collapsed, and people were thrown into panic, scrambling to escape, seeking shelter from the hurricane's wrath. They prayed that they would survive this disaster.

**74. 沙漠荒凉,寸草不生,只有漫天黄沙,令人望而生畏,让人感到绝望和无力,但人们依然顽强地生活着,寻找着生命的希望。**

The desert was barren, devoid of any vegetation, only endless sand stretching as far as the eye could see, a sight that inspired awe and fear. It made people feel despair and helplessness. However, they still lived on, resiliently seeking a glimmer of hope for life.

以上就是关于恶劣的自然环境的句子74句(恶劣的自然环境的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
