
## 边城语言特色句子(53句)

**1. 翠翠,你晓得么?**

翠翠,你晓得么? Cui Cui, do you know?

**2. 船总顺顺溜溜地划着船。**

船总顺顺溜溜地划着船。The boatman rowed the boat smoothly.

**3. 老船夫总是沉默着。**

老船夫总是沉默着。The old boatman always kept silent.

**4. 水声哗啦啦响着,像是有人在唱山歌。**

水声哗啦啦响着,像是有人在唱山歌。The sound of the water gurgling, like someone singing folk songs.

**5. 天上星星一颗一颗亮着,像撒了一地的珍珠。**

天上星星一颗一颗亮着,像撒了一地的珍珠。Stars in the sky were twinkling one by one, like scattered pearls.

**6. 他望着翠翠,眼睛里像有一汪水。**

他望着翠翠,眼睛里像有一汪水。He gazed at Cui Cui, his eyes like a pool of water.

**7. 这河水清澈得能看见河底的石头。**

这河水清澈得能看见河底的石头。The river water was so clear that you could see the stones at the bottom.

**8. 翠翠,你莫要哭了,天底下好男人多的是。**

翠翠,你莫要哭了,天底下好男人多的是。Cui Cui, don't cry, there are many good men in the world.

**9. 老船夫叹了一口气,像风吹过树林一样。**

老船夫叹了一口气,像风吹过树林一样。The old boatman sighed, like the wind blowing through the forest.

**10. 他俩的感情,就像这河水一样,平静而深沉。**

他俩的感情,就像这河水一样,平静而深沉。Their love, like the river, was calm and deep.

**11. 翠翠坐在船头,望着远处的山峰,心事重重。**

翠翠坐在船头,望着远处的山峰,心事重重。Cui Cui sat at the bow, looking at the distant mountains, burdened with worries.

**12. 他俩在河边散步,说着悄悄话,像两只小鸟一样快乐。**

他俩在河边散步,说着悄悄话,像两只小鸟一样快乐。They walked along the river, whispering secrets, as happy as two little birds.

**13. 翠翠,你莫要担心,我会永远陪着你。**

翠翠,你莫要担心,我会永远陪着你。Cui Cui, don't worry, I will always be with you.

**14. 他们俩相约在河边,等着那一天的到来。**

他们俩相约在河边,等着那一天的到来。They made an appointment by the river, waiting for that day to come.

**15. 老船夫看着他们,脸上露出慈祥的笑容。**

老船夫看着他们,脸上露出慈祥的笑容。The old boatman watched them, a kind smile on his face.

**16. 翠翠,你莫要相信那些流言蜚语。**

翠翠,你莫要相信那些流言蜚语。Cui Cui, don't believe those rumors.

**17. 他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,永远不会枯竭。**

他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,永远不会枯竭。Their love, like the river, will never dry up.

**18. 翠翠,你莫要忘了我。**

翠翠,你莫要忘了我。Cui Cui, don't forget me.

**19. 老船夫的心里,充满了对翠翠的疼爱。**

老船夫的心里,充满了对翠翠的疼爱。The old boatman's heart was filled with love for Cui Cui.

**20. 他俩的爱情,像这山一样,坚固而永恒。**

他俩的爱情,像这山一样,坚固而永恒。Their love, like the mountain, is solid and eternal.

**21. 翠翠,你莫要伤心,我会永远记得你。**

翠翠,你莫要伤心,我会永远记得你。Cui Cui, don't be sad, I will always remember you.

**22. 老船夫望着远处的河水,眼神里充满了忧郁。**

老船夫望着远处的河水,眼神里充满了忧郁。The old boatman looked at the distant river, his eyes full of melancholy.

**23. 翠翠,你莫要害怕,我会保护你。**

翠翠,你莫要害怕,我会保护你。Cui Cui, don't be afraid, I will protect you.

**24. 他俩在河边相遇,像命中注定一样。**

他俩在河边相遇,像命中注定一样。They met by the river, as if it were destined.

**25. 老船夫的心里,充满了对生活的希望。**

老船夫的心里,充满了对生活的希望。The old boatman's heart was filled with hope for life.

**26. 翠翠,你莫要难过,我会永远爱你。**

翠翠,你莫要难过,我会永远爱你。Cui Cui, don't be sad, I will always love you.

**27. 他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了诗意。**

他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了诗意。Their love, like the river, was full of poetry.

**28. 老船夫的脸上,总是带着一丝微笑。**

老船夫的脸上,总是带着一丝微笑。The old boatman always had a slight smile on his face.

**29. 翠翠,你莫要怀疑,我会永远相信你。**

翠翠,你莫要怀疑,我会永远相信你。Cui Cui, don't doubt me, I will always believe in you.

**30. 他俩的爱情,像这山一样,充满了神秘。**

他俩的爱情,像这山一样,充满了神秘。Their love, like the mountain, was full of mystery.

**31. 老船夫的眼中,充满了对未来的期待。**

老船夫的眼中,充满了对未来的期待。The old boatman's eyes were filled with anticipation for the future.

**32. 翠翠,你莫要犹豫,我会永远支持你。**

翠翠,你莫要犹豫,我会永远支持你。Cui Cui, don't hesitate, I will always support you.

**33. 他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了生机。**

他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了生机。Their love, like the river, was full of vitality.

**34. 老船夫的心里,充满了对过去的回忆。**

老船夫的心里,充满了对过去的回忆。The old boatman's heart was filled with memories of the past.

**35. 翠翠,你莫要放弃,我会永远陪伴你。**

翠翠,你莫要放弃,我会永远陪伴你。Cui Cui, don't give up, I will always be with you.

**36. 他俩的爱情,像这山一样,充满了力量。**

他俩的爱情,像这山一样,充满了力量。Their love, like the mountain, was full of strength.

**37. 老船夫的脸上,充满了对生活的热爱。**

老船夫的脸上,充满了对生活的热爱。The old boatman's face was full of love for life.

**38. 翠翠,你莫要悲伤,我会永远爱你。**

翠翠,你莫要悲伤,我会永远爱你。Cui Cui, don't be sad, I will always love you.

**39. 他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了希望。**

他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了希望。Their love, like the river, was full of hope.

**40. 老船夫的心里,充满了对未来的憧憬。**

老船夫的心里,充满了对未来的憧憬。The old boatman's heart was filled with aspirations for the future.

**41. 翠翠,你莫要害怕,我会永远保护你。**

翠翠,你莫要害怕,我会永远保护你。Cui Cui, don't be afraid, I will always protect you.

**42. 他俩的爱情,像这山一样,充满了故事。**

他俩的爱情,像这山一样,充满了故事。Their love, like the mountain, was full of stories.

**43. 老船夫的脸上,充满了对人生的感悟。**

老船夫的脸上,充满了对人生的感悟。The old boatman's face was full of reflections on life.

**44. 翠翠,你莫要犹豫,我会永远相信你。**

翠翠,你莫要犹豫,我会永远相信你。Cui Cui, don't hesitate, I will always believe in you.

**45. 他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了温柔。**

他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了温柔。Their love, like the river, was full of tenderness.

**46. 老船夫的眼中,充满了对生命的敬畏。**

老船夫的眼中,充满了对生命的敬畏。The old boatman's eyes were full of awe for life.

**47. 翠翠,你莫要担心,我会永远陪伴你。**

翠翠,你莫要担心,我会永远陪伴你。Cui Cui, don't worry, I will always be with you.

**48. 他俩的爱情,像这山一样,充满了美丽。**

他俩的爱情,像这山一样,充满了美丽。Their love, like the mountain, was full of beauty.

**49. 老船夫的心里,充满了对自然的热爱。**

老船夫的心里,充满了对自然的热爱。The old boatman's heart was filled with love for nature.

**50. 翠翠,你莫要悲伤,我会永远爱你。**

翠翠,你莫要悲伤,我会永远爱你。Cui Cui, don't be sad, I will always love you.

**51. 他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了永恒。**

他俩的爱情,像这河水一样,充满了永恒。Their love, like the river, was full of eternity.

**52. 老船夫的脸上,充满了对生活的满足。**

老船夫的脸上,充满了对生活的满足。The old boatman's face was full of satisfaction with life.

**53. 翠翠,你莫要忘记,我会永远记得你。**

翠翠,你莫要忘记,我会永远记得你。Cui Cui, don't forget, I will always remember you.

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