
## 虱子多了不怕痒的句子 (67句)

**1. 虱子多了,也就不痒了。**

When there are too many lice, you won't feel itchy anymore.

**2. 虱子多了,反而不觉得痒了。**

When there are many lice, you actually won't feel itchy.

**3. 虱子多了,麻木不仁。**

When there are too many lice, you become numb to the itching.

**4. 虱子多了,也习惯了。**

When there are too many lice, you get used to it.

**5. 虱子多了,也就不在乎了。**

When there are too many lice, you don't care anymore.

**6. 虱子多到数不清,痒也就不重要了。**

When there are so many lice you can't even count them, the itching becomes unimportant.

**7. 虱子如云,痒也无妨。**

When lice are like clouds, the itching is nothing.

**8. 虱子满头,习惯成自然。**

When your head is full of lice, you get used to it.

**9. 虱子多到麻木,痒就成了常态。**

When there are so many lice that you're numb, the itching becomes the norm.

**10. 虱子多了,痒得也麻木了。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes numb.

**11. 虱子多了,就成了另一种风景。**

When there are too many lice, they become another kind of scenery.

**12. 虱子多到让你忘了痒。**

When there are so many lice, you forget about the itching.

**13. 虱子多了,痒也就不算什么了。**

When there are too many lice, the itching isn't a big deal anymore.

**14. 虱子多到让你麻木不仁,痒也成了习惯。**

When there are so many lice that you become numb to the itching, it becomes a habit.

**15. 虱子多了,也就不怕痒了。**

When there are too many lice, you don't fear the itching anymore.

**16. 虱子多到让你想不起痒的感觉。**

When there are so many lice, you can't even remember what itching feels like.

**17. 虱子多了,痒也成了乐趣。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes a kind of amusement.

**18. 虱子多到让你觉得痒是理所当然的事。**

When there are so many lice, you think itching is just a natural part of life.

**19. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的日常。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your daily life.

**20. 虱子多到让你对痒失去了感觉。**

When there are so many lice, you lose your sense of itching.

**21. 虱子多了,痒也就不算什么了,就像蚊子叮咬一样。**

When there are too many lice, the itching is nothing, like mosquito bites.

**22. 虱子多了,痒就成了家常便饭。**

When there are too many lice, itching becomes a common occurrence.

**23. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的朋友。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your friend.

**24. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的爱好。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your hobby.

**25. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的习惯。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your habit.

**26. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的生活的一部分。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes part of your life.

**27. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的风景。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your scenery.

**28. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的故事。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your story.

**29. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的回忆。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your memory.

**30. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的灵感。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your inspiration.

**31. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的动力。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your motivation.

**32. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的教训。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your lesson.

**33. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的财富。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your wealth.

**34. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的朋友。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your friend.

**35. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的家人。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your family.

**36. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的情人。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your lover.

**37. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的梦想。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your dream.

**38. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的目标。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your goal.

**39. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的挑战。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your challenge.

**40. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的乐趣。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your amusement.

**41. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的考验。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your test.

**42. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的机遇。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your opportunity.

**43. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的危险。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your danger.

**44. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的秘密。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your secret.

**45. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的财富。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your wealth.

**46. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的武器。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your weapon.

**47. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的责任。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your responsibility.

**48. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的权利。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your right.

**49. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的自由。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your freedom.

**50. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的幸福。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your happiness.

**51. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的痛苦。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your pain.

**52. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的折磨。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your torment.

**53. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的噩梦。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your nightmare.

**54. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的惩罚。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your punishment.

**55. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的报应。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your retribution.

**56. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的讽刺。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your irony.

**57. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的悲剧。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your tragedy.

**58. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的失败。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your failure.

**59. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的教训。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your lesson.

**60. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的启示。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your revelation.

**61. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的机遇。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your opportunity.

**62. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的考验。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your test.

**63. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的挑战。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your challenge.

**64. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的动力。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your motivation.

**65. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的目标。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your goal.

**66. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的梦想。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your dream.

**67. 虱子多了,痒也成了你的故事。**

When there are too many lice, the itching becomes your story.

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