
## 94句晒结婚证的简短句子,并翻译成英文:

**1. 今天,我们正式成为一家人啦!**

Today, we officially became a family!

**2. 从此以后,我们一起携手共度余生。**

From now on, we will spend the rest of our lives together.

**3. 终于等到你,我的爱人。**

Finally, I found you, my love.

**4. 执子之手,与子偕老。**

To hold your hand, and grow old with you.

**5. 爱情,从此有了证书。**

Love, now has a certificate.

**6. 携手共度人生,从此不再孤单。**

Hand in hand through life, no longer alone.

**7. 婚姻的开始,幸福的启程。**

The beginning of marriage, the start of happiness.

**8. 我们,从此有了共同的名字。**

We, now have a shared name.

**9. 谢谢你,愿意与我一起白头偕老。**

Thank you for being willing to grow old with me.

**10. 愿我们爱情甜蜜,生活幸福。**

May our love be sweet, and our life happy.

**11. 执手相伴,一生相守。**

Hand in hand, we will be together forever.

**12. 婚姻的誓言,承诺永远。**

The vows of marriage, a promise forever.

**13. 从此以后,我们就是彼此的唯一。**

From now on, we are each other's only one.

**14. 婚姻,是爱情的见证。**

Marriage, is a testament to love.

**15. 爱情,从此有了归宿。**

Love, now has a home.

**16. 两个人,一起走向未来。**

Two people, walking towards the future together.

**17. 携手共度风雨,共赏人生美景。**

Hand in hand through storms, enjoying the beauty of life together.

**18. 今天,我们正式成为夫妻。**

Today, we officially became husband and wife.

**19. 感谢你,成为我生命中的另一半。**

Thank you for being the other half of my life.

**20. 婚姻的开始,也是幸福的开始。**

The beginning of marriage, is also the beginning of happiness.

**21. 从此以后,我们就是一家人了。**

From now on, we are a family.

**22. 爱情,让我们的生命更加完整。**

Love, makes our lives more complete.

**23. 感谢你,出现在我的生命里。**

Thank you for being in my life.

**24. 我们,将永远相爱,相守。**

We, will always love and be together.

**25. 爱情的结晶,婚姻的开始。**

The crystallization of love, the beginning of marriage.

**26. 执子之手,与子偕老,是我们的誓言。**

To hold your hand, and grow old with you, is our vow.

**27. 爱情的甜蜜,婚姻的幸福。**

The sweetness of love, the happiness of marriage.

**28. 今天,我们正式成为夫妻,从此相伴一生。**

Today, we officially became husband and wife, and we will be together forever.

**29. 从此以后,我们拥有了共同的未来。**

From now on, we have a shared future.

**30. 感谢你,愿意与我一起创造未来。**

Thank you for being willing to create a future with me.

**31. 婚姻,是爱情的升华。**

Marriage, is the sublimation of love.

**32. 爱情,让我们的生命充满了希望。**

Love, fills our lives with hope.

**33. 感谢你,出现在我的生命里,并决定与我携手共度余生。**

Thank you for being in my life and deciding to spend the rest of our lives together.

**34. 从此以后,我们就是彼此的依靠。**

From now on, we are each other's support.

**35. 我们,将一起迎接人生的挑战。**

We, will face life's challenges together.

**36. 爱情,是人生中最美好的礼物。**

Love, is the most beautiful gift in life.

**37. 感谢你,愿意与我一起分享人生的喜怒哀乐。**

Thank you for being willing to share the joys and sorrows of life with me.

**38. 婚姻,是爱情的承诺。**

Marriage, is a commitment of love.

**39. 爱情,是生命中的永恒。**

Love, is eternal in life.

**40. 我们,将永远相爱,相守,相依。**

We, will always love, be together, and depend on each other.

**41. 从此以后,我们拥有了共同的家。**

From now on, we have a shared home.

**42. 爱情的甜蜜,婚姻的幸福,我们一起拥有。**

The sweetness of love, the happiness of marriage, we have them together.

**43. 感谢你,成为我生命中最重要的那个人。**

Thank you for being the most important person in my life.

**44. 婚姻,是人生新的起点。**

Marriage, is a new starting point in life.

**45. 爱情,是生命中最宝贵的财富。**

Love, is the most precious treasure in life.

**46. 我们,将一起创造美好的未来。**

We, will create a beautiful future together.

**47. 从此以后,我们就是彼此的港湾。**

From now on, we are each other's harbor.

**48. 爱情,让我们的人生更加精彩。**

Love, makes our lives more exciting.

**49. 感谢你,愿意与我一起经历人生的酸甜苦辣。**

Thank you for being willing to experience the ups and downs of life with me.

**50. 婚姻,是爱情的结晶,也是幸福的开始。**

Marriage, is the crystallization of love, and the beginning of happiness.

**51. 爱情,让我们的人生充满了阳光。**

Love, fills our lives with sunshine.

**52. 感谢你,愿意与我一起分享人生的每一个瞬间。**

Thank you for being willing to share every moment of life with me.

**53. 婚姻,是爱情的承诺,也是幸福的起点。**

Marriage, is a commitment of love, and the beginning of happiness.

**54. 爱情,让我们的生命充满了意义。**

Love, gives our lives meaning.

**55. 感谢你,愿意与我一起创造属于我们的幸福。**

Thank you for being willing to create our own happiness.

**56. 婚姻,是爱情的升华,也是人生新的开始。**

Marriage, is the sublimation of love, and a new beginning in life.

**57. 爱情,让我们的人生充满了色彩。**

Love, fills our lives with color.

**58. 感谢你,愿意与我一起携手共度人生。**

Thank you for being willing to walk through life with me.

**59. 婚姻,是爱情的见证,也是幸福的开始。**

Marriage, is a testament to love, and the beginning of happiness.

**60. 爱情,是生命中的阳光,照亮我们前行的道路。**

Love, is the sunshine in life, illuminating our path forward.

**61. 感谢你,愿意与我一起创造属于我们的幸福家庭。**

Thank you for being willing to create our own happy family.

**62. 婚姻,是爱情的港湾,也是幸福的起点。**

Marriage, is the harbor of love, and the beginning of happiness.

**63. 爱情,是生命中的星辰,指引我们走向幸福的彼岸。**

Love, is the star in life, guiding us to the shores of happiness.

**64. 感谢你,愿意与我一起共度人生的每一个春秋。**

Thank you for being willing to spend every spring and autumn of life with me.

**65. 婚姻,是爱情的承诺,也是幸福的延续。**

Marriage, is a commitment of love, and the continuation of happiness.

**66. 爱情,是生命中的花朵,点缀着我们人生的旅程。**

Love, is the flower in life, adorning our journey.

**67. 感谢你,愿意与我一起迎接人生的每一个挑战。**

Thank you for being willing to face every challenge in life with me.

**68. 婚姻,是爱情的结晶,也是幸福的象征。**

Marriage, is the crystallization of love, and a symbol of happiness.

**69. 爱情,是生命中的旋律,奏响着我们幸福的乐章。**

Love, is the melody in life, playing our happy symphony.

**70. 感谢你,愿意与我一起分享人生的每一个喜怒哀乐。**

Thank you for being willing to share every joy and sorrow of life with me.

**71. 婚姻,是爱情的升华,也是人生新的篇章。**

Marriage, is the sublimation of love, and a new chapter in life.

**72. 爱情,是生命中的甘露,滋润着我们彼此的心田。**

Love, is the nectar in life, nourishing our hearts.

**73. 感谢你,愿意与我一起创造属于我们的幸福人生。**

Thank you for being willing to create our own happy life.

**74. 婚姻,是爱情的承诺,也是幸福的保证。**

Marriage, is a commitment of love, and a guarantee of happiness.

**75. 爱情,是生命中的阳光,照耀着我们未来的路程。**

Love, is the sunshine in life, illuminating our future journey.

**76. 感谢你,愿意与我一起携手共度人生的每一个精彩时刻。**

Thank you for being willing to walk through life's every exciting moment with me.

**77. 婚姻,是爱情的见证,也是幸福的开始。**

Marriage, is a testament to love, and the beginning of happiness.

**78. 爱情,是生命中的画卷,绘满了我们幸福的色彩。**

Love, is the painting in life, filled with the colors of our happiness.

**79. 感谢你,愿意与我一起分享人生的每一个酸甜苦辣。**

Thank you for being willing to share every ups and downs of life with me.

**80. 婚姻,是爱情的结晶,也是幸福的里程碑。**

Marriage, is the crystallization of love, and a milestone of happiness.

**81. 爱情,是生命中的河流,流淌着我们幸福的旋律。**

Love, is the river in life, flowing with the melody of our happiness.

**82. 感谢你,愿意与我一起创造属于我们的幸福未来。**

Thank you for being willing to create our own happy future.

**83. 婚姻,是爱情的港湾,也是幸福的终点。**

Marriage, is the harbor of love, and the destination of happiness.

**84. 爱情,是生命中的灯塔,照亮我们前行的道路。**

Love, is the lighthouse in life, illuminating our path forward.

**85. 感谢你,愿意与我一起迎接人生的每一个挑战,共度人生的每一个精彩时刻。**

Thank you for being willing to face every challenge in life, and share every exciting moment with me.

**86. 婚姻,是爱情的承诺,也是幸福的永恒。**

Marriage, is a commitment of love, and the eternity of happiness.

**87. 爱情,是生命中的宝藏,值得我们用一生去守护。**

Love, is the treasure in life, worth protecting with our entire lives.

**88. 感谢你,愿意与我一起创造属于我们的幸福家庭,共同迎接人生的每一个挑战。**

Thank you for being willing to create our own happy family, and face every challenge in life together.

**89. 婚姻,是爱情的升华,也是幸福的延续。**

Marriage, is the sublimation of love, and the continuation of happiness.

**90. 爱情,是生命中的旋律,奏响着我们幸福的乐章。**

Love, is the melody in life, playing our happy symphony.

**91. 感谢你,愿意与我一起分享人生的每一个喜怒哀乐,共同创造属于我们的幸福人生。**

Thank you for being willing to share every joy and sorrow of life with me, and create our own happy life together.

**92. 婚姻,是爱情的承诺,也是幸福的保证。**

Marriage, is a commitment of love, and a guarantee of happiness.

**93. 爱情,是生命中的阳光,照耀着我们未来的路程。**

Love, is the sunshine in life, illuminating our future journey.

**94. 感谢你,愿意与我一起携手共度人生的每一个精彩时刻,共同迎接人生的每一个挑战。**

Thank you for being willing to walk through life's every exciting moment with me, and face every challenge in life together.

以上就是关于晒结婚证的简短句子94句(晒结婚证的简短句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
