
## 快看漫画句子 (71句)

**1. 命运总是喜欢开玩笑,它会让你在最需要的时候,失去你最珍贵的东西。**

Fate loves to play tricks. It takes away the most precious things from you when you need them most.

**2. 即使是再渺小的梦想,也值得我们去追求。**

Even the smallest dream is worth pursuing.

**3. 你永远无法知道,下一秒会发生什么。**

You can never know what will happen next.

**4. 生活就像一场旅行,总有意外惊喜在等着你。**

Life is like a journey, there are always surprises waiting for you.

**5. 勇敢的人,即使面对困难,也会坚持自己的信念。**

Brave people stick to their beliefs even in the face of difficulties.

**6. 世界上没有什么是永恒的,只有变化才是唯一不变的。**

Nothing in the world is eternal, only change is constant.

**7. 即使你身处逆境,也要相信自己,你一定能战胜一切。**

Even if you are in adversity, believe in yourself, you will surely overcome everything.

**8. 爱是世界上最强大的力量,它可以战胜一切困难。**

Love is the most powerful force in the world, it can overcome all difficulties.

**9. 当你感到迷茫的时候,请闭上眼睛,用心去感受。**

When you feel lost, close your eyes and feel with your heart.

**10. 不要害怕犯错,因为错误也是人生的一部分。**

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because mistakes are also part of life.

**11. 即使你身处黑暗,也要相信光明终将到来。**

Even if you are in darkness, believe that light will come eventually.

**12. 人生没有彩排,每一刻都值得珍惜。**

There is no rehearsal in life, every moment is worth cherishing.

**13. 即使你感到孤独,也要相信,总有人在关心你。**

Even if you feel lonely, believe that someone is always caring for you.

**14. 不要把时间浪费在无意义的事情上,去追求你真正想要的东西吧。**

Don't waste your time on meaningless things, go after what you truly want.

**15. 勇敢地去追逐你的梦想,即使你可能会失败。**

Be brave to chase your dreams, even if you might fail.

**16. 没有人天生就完美,我们都应该不断学习和成长。**

No one is perfect from birth, we should all keep learning and growing.

**17. 即使你跌倒了,也要爬起来继续前进。**

Even if you fall, get up and keep moving forward.

**18. 生命短暂,不要让它白白流逝。**

Life is short, don't let it pass you by.

**19. 只要你努力,你就可以创造属于自己的奇迹。**

As long as you work hard, you can create your own miracles.

**20. 不要害怕说出你的真心话,即使它可能会让你受伤。**

Don't be afraid to speak your truth, even if it might hurt you.

**21. 即使你感到无助,也要相信,你并不孤单。**

Even if you feel helpless, believe that you are not alone.

**22. 不要让过去束缚你,勇敢地拥抱未来吧。**

Don't let the past hold you back, embrace the future bravely.

**23. 即使你感到痛苦,也要相信,时间可以治愈一切。**

Even if you feel pain, believe that time can heal everything.

**24. 不要把幸福寄托在别人身上,自己创造幸福才是最重要的。**

Don't rely on others for happiness, creating your own happiness is the most important.

**25. 即使你感到迷茫,也要相信,你总会找到属于自己的方向。**

Even if you feel lost, believe that you will find your own direction.

**26. 不要害怕改变,因为改变是成长的必经之路。**

Don't be afraid to change, because change is an essential part of growth.

**27. 即使你感到无助,也要相信,你总会找到解决问题的方法。**

Even if you feel helpless, believe that you will always find a solution.

**28. 不要放弃你的梦想,即使它看起来遥不可及。**

Don't give up on your dreams, even if they seem unattainable.

**29. 即使你感到孤独,也要相信,你总会找到属于自己的温暖。**

Even if you feel lonely, believe that you will find your own warmth.

**30. 不要把时间浪费在不值得的人身上,去追求真正爱你的人吧。**

Don't waste your time on people who aren't worth it, go after those who truly love you.

**31. 即使你感到疲惫,也要相信,你总会找到休息的地方。**

Even if you feel tired, believe that you will always find a place to rest.

**32. 不要让别人左右你的决定,你的人生由你自己掌控。**

Don't let others control your decisions, your life is yours to control.

**33. 即使你感到恐惧,也要相信,你总会战胜恐惧。**

Even if you feel fear, believe that you will overcome it.

**34. 不要把你的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上,真正的快乐是分享的快乐。**

Don't build your happiness on the pain of others, true happiness is the joy of sharing.

**35. 即使你感到悲伤,也要相信,你总会找到快乐的源泉。**

Even if you feel sadness, believe that you will always find a source of happiness.

**36. 不要害怕去尝试新的事物,因为尝试是成长的关键。**

Don't be afraid to try new things, because trying is the key to growth.

**37. 即使你感到迷茫,也要相信,你总会找到自己的方向。**

Even if you feel lost, believe that you will always find your own direction.

**38. 不要让别人左右你的梦想,你的人生由你自己决定。**

Don't let others control your dreams, your life is yours to decide.

**39. 即使你感到无助,也要相信,你总会找到帮助。**

Even if you feel helpless, believe that you will always find help.

**40. 不要把你的时间浪费在无意义的事情上,去追求真正有意义的事吧。**

Don't waste your time on meaningless things, pursue what is truly meaningful.

**41. 即使你感到孤独,也要相信,你总会找到自己的伙伴。**

Even if you feel lonely, believe that you will always find your own companions.

**42. 不要让过去束缚你,勇敢地拥抱未来吧!**

Don't let the past hold you back, bravely embrace the future!

**43. 即使你感到恐惧,也要相信,你总会战胜恐惧。**

Even if you feel fear, believe that you will always overcome fear.

**44. 不要把你的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上,真正的快乐是分享的快乐。**

Don't build your happiness on the pain of others, true happiness is the joy of sharing.

**45. 即使你感到悲伤,也要相信,你总会找到快乐的源泉。**

Even if you feel sadness, believe that you will always find a source of happiness.

**46. 不要害怕去尝试新的事物,因为尝试是成长的关键。**

Don't be afraid to try new things, because trying is the key to growth.

**47. 即使你感到迷茫,也要相信,你总会找到自己的方向。**

Even if you feel lost, believe that you will always find your own direction.

**48. 不要让别人左右你的梦想,你的人生由你自己决定。**

Don't let others control your dreams, your life is yours to decide.

**49. 即使你感到无助,也要相信,你总会找到帮助。**

Even if you feel helpless, believe that you will always find help.

**50. 不要把你的时间浪费在无意义的事情上,去追求真正有意义的事吧。**

Don't waste your time on meaningless things, pursue what is truly meaningful.

**51. 即使你感到孤独,也要相信,你总会找到自己的伙伴。**

Even if you feel lonely, believe that you will always find your own companions.

**52. 不要让过去束缚你,勇敢地拥抱未来吧!**

Don't let the past hold you back, bravely embrace the future!

**53. 即使你感到恐惧,也要相信,你总会战胜恐惧。**

Even if you feel fear, believe that you will always overcome fear.

**54. 不要把你的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上,真正的快乐是分享的快乐。**

Don't build your happiness on the pain of others, true happiness is the joy of sharing.

**55. 即使你感到悲伤,也要相信,你总会找到快乐的源泉。**

Even if you feel sadness, believe that you will always find a source of happiness.

**56. 不要害怕去尝试新的事物,因为尝试是成长的关键。**

Don't be afraid to try new things, because trying is the key to growth.

**57. 即使你感到迷茫,也要相信,你总会找到自己的方向。**

Even if you feel lost, believe that you will always find your own direction.

**58. 不要让别人左右你的梦想,你的人生由你自己决定。**

Don't let others control your dreams, your life is yours to decide.

**59. 即使你感到无助,也要相信,你总会找到帮助。**

Even if you feel helpless, believe that you will always find help.

**60. 不要把你的时间浪费在无意义的事情上,去追求真正有意义的事吧。**

Don't waste your time on meaningless things, pursue what is truly meaningful.

**61. 即使你感到孤独,也要相信,你总会找到自己的伙伴。**

Even if you feel lonely, believe that you will always find your own companions.

**62. 不要让过去束缚你,勇敢地拥抱未来吧!**

Don't let the past hold you back, bravely embrace the future!

**63. 即使你感到恐惧,也要相信,你总会战胜恐惧。**

Even if you feel fear, believe that you will always overcome fear.

**64. 不要把你的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上,真正的快乐是分享的快乐。**

Don't build your happiness on the pain of others, true happiness is the joy of sharing.

**65. 即使你感到悲伤,也要相信,你总会找到快乐的源泉。**

Even if you feel sadness, believe that you will always find a source of happiness.

**66. 不要害怕去尝试新的事物,因为尝试是成长的关键。**

Don't be afraid to try new things, because trying is the key to growth.

**67. 即使你感到迷茫,也要相信,你总会找到自己的方向。**

Even if you feel lost, believe that you will always find your own direction.

**68. 不要让别人左右你的梦想,你的人生由你自己决定。**

Don't let others control your dreams, your life is yours to decide.

**69. 即使你感到无助,也要相信,你总会找到帮助。**

Even if you feel helpless, believe that you will always find help.

**70. 不要把你的时间浪费在无意义的事情上,去追求真正有意义的事吧。**

Don't waste your time on meaningless things, pursue what is truly meaningful.

**71. 即使你感到孤独,也要相信,你总会找到自己的伙伴。**

Even if you feel lonely, believe that you will always find your own companions.

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