
## 心累难过的句子 (60句)

**1. 感觉自己像个透明人,努力了很久,却始终得不到关注。**

I feel like a transparent person, I've been trying hard for a long time, but I've never been noticed.

**2. 所有的失望都源于曾经的期待,所有的心酸都源于曾经的依赖。**

All disappointments stem from past expectations, all heartache comes from past dependence.

**3. 最怕的就是,你认真付出了真心,却换来一句“你变了”。**

What I fear most is that you have paid your true heart, but in return you get a"you have changed".

**4. 想念是一种病,只有你想念的人才能治。**

Missing is a disease, only the person you miss can cure it.

**5. 心累的时候,连微笑都觉得是一种负担。**

When you're tired, even smiling feels like a burden.

**6. 生活就像一面镜子,你对它笑,它也会对你笑;你对它哭,它也会对你哭。**

Life is like a mirror, you smile at it, it will smile at you; you cry at it, it will cry at you.

**7. 我以为我会很坚强,可以独自面对一切,但当困难来临,我才知道,我有多么脆弱。**

I thought I would be strong and face everything alone, but when difficulties came, I realized how fragile I was.

**8. 我已经习惯了孤独,也习惯了失望,但还是忍不住期待着温暖。**

I'm used to loneliness, I'm used to disappointment, but I can't help but look forward to warmth.

**9. 有一种难过,叫做无能为力。**

There is a kind of sadness called helplessness.

**10. 有一种失望,叫做自作多情。**

There is a kind of disappointment called self-deception.

**11. 人心就像一个容器,装满了失望,就装不下快乐了。**

The human heart is like a container, when it is full of disappointment, it can no longer hold happiness.

**12. 我努力了很久,却始终无法摆脱困境,我开始怀疑自己,怀疑人生。**

I've been trying hard for a long time, but I still can't escape the predicament. I began to doubt myself, to doubt life.

**13. 你说你爱我,却总是在伤害我,我不知道该相信谁,也不知道该相信什么。**

You say you love me, but you always hurt me. I don't know who to believe, I don't know what to believe.

**14. 我一直以为,只要我足够努力,就能得到想要的一切,但现实却给了我沉重的打击。**

I always thought that as long as I worked hard enough, I could get everything I wanted, but reality gave me a heavy blow.

**15. 我曾经以为,我们之间会永远幸福,但现实却将我们残酷地分开。**

I once thought we would be happy forever, but reality cruelly separated us.

**16. 我想你了,却又不敢说,因为我怕你会拒绝。**

I miss you, but I dare not say it because I'm afraid you will refuse.

**17. 我以为我可以忘记你,但我发现,你早已刻在我的骨子里。**

I thought I could forget you, but I found that you are already engraved in my bones.

**18. 我以为时间可以冲淡一切,但我发现,有些伤痛,永远无法愈合。**

I thought time could dilute everything, but I found that some wounds can never heal.

**19. 我真的好累,好想休息一下,可生活却不停地往前走。**

I'm so tired, I just want to take a break, but life keeps moving forward.

**20. 我真的不知道,该怎么才能让自己快乐起来。**

I really don't know how to make myself happy.

**21. 我拼命地想要抓住你,却发现,你早已不在我的身边。**

I desperately tried to hold onto you, but found that you were no longer by my side.

**22. 我以为,我可以一直守护着你,但现实却告诉我,我错了。**

I thought I could protect you forever, but reality told me I was wrong.

**23. 我真的很想你,但我却无法告诉你。**

I really miss you, but I can't tell you.

**24. 我以为我们之间会永远幸福,但我却错了。**

I thought we would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**25. 我以为我足够勇敢,可以面对一切,但我却发现,我错了。**

I thought I was brave enough to face everything, but I found that I was wrong.

**26. 我以为我会一直幸福下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**27. 我以为我会永远记得你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would remember you forever, but I was wrong.

**28. 我以为我会永远爱你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would love you forever, but I was wrong.

**29. 我以为我会一直快乐下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**30. 我以为我会一直坚强下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be strong forever, but I was wrong.

**31. 我以为我会一直幸福下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**32. 我以为我会一直爱你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would love you forever, but I was wrong.

**33. 我以为我会永远记得你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would remember you forever, but I was wrong.

**34. 我以为我会一直坚强下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be strong forever, but I was wrong.

**35. 我以为我会一直快乐下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**36. 我以为我会一直幸福下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**37. 我以为我会一直爱你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would love you forever, but I was wrong.

**38. 我以为我会永远记得你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would remember you forever, but I was wrong.

**39. 我以为我会一直坚强下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be strong forever, but I was wrong.

**40. 我以为我会一直快乐下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**41. 我以为我会一直幸福下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**42. 我以为我会一直爱你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would love you forever, but I was wrong.

**43. 我以为我会永远记得你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would remember you forever, but I was wrong.

**44. 我以为我会一直坚强下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be strong forever, but I was wrong.

**45. 我以为我会一直快乐下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**46. 我以为我会一直幸福下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**47. 我以为我会一直爱你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would love you forever, but I was wrong.

**48. 我以为我会永远记得你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would remember you forever, but I was wrong.

**49. 我以为我会一直坚强下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be strong forever, but I was wrong.

**50. 我以为我会一直快乐下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**51. 我以为我会一直幸福下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**52. 我以为我会一直爱你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would love you forever, but I was wrong.

**53. 我以为我会永远记得你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would remember you forever, but I was wrong.

**54. 我以为我会一直坚强下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be strong forever, but I was wrong.

**55. 我以为我会一直快乐下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**56. 我以为我会一直幸福下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

**57. 我以为我会一直爱你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would love you forever, but I was wrong.

**58. 我以为我会永远记得你,但我却错了。**

I thought I would remember you forever, but I was wrong.

**59. 我以为我会一直坚强下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be strong forever, but I was wrong.

**60. 我以为我会一直快乐下去,但我却错了。**

I thought I would be happy forever, but I was wrong.

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