
## 形容某人言而无信句子 (82句)

1. 言而无信,不立于世。 (A person who breaks their word cannot stand in the world.)

2. 言过其实,言不由衷。 (Words exceed the reality, and they are not sincere.)

3. 信口开河,信口雌黄。 (Talking nonsense, speaking untruths.)

4. 巧言令色,鲜矣仁。 (Those who are eloquent and flattering are rarely benevolent.)

5. 虚情假意,口是心非。 (Insincere and hypocritical, saying one thing but thinking another.)

6. 言不及义,言不及实。 (Words without meaning, words without truth.)

7. 出尔反尔,反复无常。 (Going back on one's word, capricious and fickle.)

8. 说话不算数,承诺不兑现。 (Not keeping one's word, not fulfilling promises.)

9. 言行不一,表里不一。 (Words and actions don't match, appearance and reality are different.)

10. 欺骗他人,不讲诚信。 (Deceiving others, lacking integrity.)

11. 说话像放屁,一吹就散。 (Words like farts, gone with a puff.)

12. 说话像放空炮,响声大,没威力。 (Words like blank shots, loud but powerless.)

13. 说话不负责任,随便承诺。 (Speaking irresponsibly, promising casually.)

14. 说话不讲道理,不讲逻辑。 (Speaking illogically, without reason or logic.)

15. 说话没有分寸,口无遮拦。 (Speaking without restraint, saying anything that comes to mind.)

16. 说话轻率,不经大脑。 (Speaking carelessly, without thinking.)

17. 说话不顾后果,不计代价。 (Speaking without considering consequences or cost.)

18. 说话没有底线,无所不用其极。 (Speaking without limits, using any means necessary.)

19. 说话像放风筝,越说越远。 (Speaking like flying a kite, going further and further away from the truth.)

20. 说话像放烟花,灿烂一时,却无实际意义。 (Speaking like fireworks, dazzling for a moment, but meaningless.)

21. 说话像放水一样,漫无目的,毫无重点。 (Speaking like water, aimless and pointless.)

22. 说话像放羊一样,漫无边际,不着边际。 (Speaking like herding sheep, boundless and irrelevant.)

23. 说话像放鞭炮,轰轰烈烈,却转瞬即逝。 (Speaking like firecrackers, loud and impressive, but fleeting.)

24. 说话像放电影,一幕幕场景,却缺乏真实感。 (Speaking like watching a movie, scenes unfolding, but lacking authenticity.)

25. 说话像放书包,一堆堆东西,却毫无条理。 (Speaking like dropping a backpack, a bunch of stuff, but disorganized.)

26. 说话像放风筝,越说越远,越说越飘。 (Speaking like flying a kite, getting further and further away, becoming more and more detached.)

27. 说话像放屁,臭不可闻,让人厌恶。 (Speaking like farting, smelly and disgusting.)

28. 说话像放毒,一针见血,令人心寒。 (Speaking like poisoning, cutting to the chase, chilling to the bone.)

29. 说话像放火,煽风点火,令人不安。 (Speaking like setting fire, fanning the flames, making people uneasy.)

30. 说话像放枪,一鸣惊人,却毫无价值。 (Speaking like firing a gun, making a splash, but worthless.)

31. 说话像放电,瞬间闪耀,却转瞬即逝。 (Speaking like releasing electricity, shining brightly for a moment, but fleeting.)

32. 说话像放音乐,节奏明快,却缺乏内涵。 (Speaking like playing music, upbeat and rhythmic, but lacking depth.)

33. 说话像放书,内容丰富,却无人问津。 (Speaking like releasing a book, rich in content, but no one reads it.)

34. 说话像放卫星,看似宏伟,却毫无实际意义。 (Speaking like launching a satellite, seemingly grand, but meaningless.)

35. 说话像放电影,一幕幕场景,却缺乏真实感。(Speaking like watching a movie, scenes unfolding, but lacking authenticity.)

36. 说话像放风筝,越说越远,越说越飘。(Speaking like flying a kite, getting further and further away, becoming more and more detached.)

37. 说话像放屁,臭不可闻,让人厌恶。(Speaking like farting, smelly and disgusting.)

38. 说话像放毒,一针见血,令人心寒。(Speaking like poisoning, cutting to the chase, chilling to the bone.)

39. 说话像放火,煽风点火,令人不安。(Speaking like setting fire, fanning the flames, making people uneasy.)

40. 说话像放枪,一鸣惊人,却毫无价值。(Speaking like firing a gun, making a splash, but worthless.)

41. 说话像放电,瞬间闪耀,却转瞬即逝。(Speaking like releasing electricity, shining brightly for a moment, but fleeting.)

42. 说话像放音乐,节奏明快,却缺乏内涵。(Speaking like playing music, upbeat and rhythmic, but lacking depth.)

43. 说话像放书,内容丰富,却无人问津。(Speaking like releasing a book, rich in content, but no one reads it.)

44. 说话像放卫星,看似宏伟,却毫无实际意义。(Speaking like launching a satellite, seemingly grand, but meaningless.)

45. 说话像放空炮,响声大,没有威力。(Words are like blank shots, loud but powerless.)

46. 说话像放烟花,灿烂一时,却无实际意义。(Words are like fireworks, dazzling for a moment, but meaningless.)

47. 说话像放屁,一吹就散。(Words are like farts, gone with a puff.)

48. 说话像放水一样,漫无目的,毫无重点。(Words are like water, aimless and pointless.)

49. 说话像放羊一样,漫无边际,不着边际。(Words are like herding sheep, boundless and irrelevant.)

50. 说话像放鞭炮,轰轰烈烈,却转瞬即逝。(Words are like firecrackers, loud and impressive, but fleeting.)

51. 说话像放书包,一堆堆东西,却毫无条理。(Words are like dropping a backpack, a bunch of stuff, but disorganized.)

52. 说话像放风筝,越说越远,越说越飘。(Words are like flying a kite, getting further and further away, becoming more and more detached.)

53. 说话像放屁,臭不可闻,让人厌恶。(Words are like farting, smelly and disgusting.)

54. 说话像放毒,一针见血,令人心寒。(Words are like poisoning, cutting to the chase, chilling to the bone.)

55. 说话像放火,煽风点火,令人不安。(Words are like setting fire, fanning the flames, making people uneasy.)

56. 说话像放枪,一鸣惊人,却毫无价值。(Words are like firing a gun, making a splash, but worthless.)

57. 说话像放电,瞬间闪耀,却转瞬即逝。(Words are like releasing electricity, shining brightly for a moment, but fleeting.)

58. 说话像放音乐,节奏明快,却缺乏内涵。(Words are like playing music, upbeat and rhythmic, but lacking depth.)

59. 说话像放书,内容丰富,却无人问津。(Words are like releasing a book, rich in content, but no one reads it.)

60. 说话像放卫星,看似宏伟,却毫无实际意义。(Words are like launching a satellite, seemingly grand, but meaningless.)

61. 他言而无信,令人失望。(He is untrustworthy, causing disappointment.)

62. 她说话不算数,我们不能再相信她了。(She doesn't keep her word, we can't trust her anymore.)

63. 他总是出尔反尔,让人难以捉摸。(He's constantly changing his mind, making him unpredictable.)

64. 这个承诺像泡沫一样,一戳就破。(This promise is like a bubble, easily burst.)

65. 他满口谎言,令人作呕。(He's full of lies, making people sick.)

66. 他说话没有分寸,常常得罪人。(He speaks without restraint, often offending people.)

67. 他的承诺像空头支票,毫无价值。(His promises are like worthless checks.)

68. 他的口头承诺只是为了敷衍了事。(His promises are just to get by.)

69. 他言而无信,已经成为他的习惯。(His untrustworthiness has become his habit.)

70. 他说话像放风筝,越说越远,越来越飘。(He talks like flying a kite, getting further and further away, becoming more and more detached.)

71. 他说话像放屁,臭不可闻,让人厌恶。(He talks like farting, smelly and disgusting.)

72. 他说话像放毒,一针见血,令人心寒。(He talks like poisoning, cutting to the chase, chilling to the bone.)

73. 他说话像放火,煽风点火,令人不安。(He talks like setting fire, fanning the flames, making people uneasy.)

74. 他说话像放枪,一鸣惊人,却毫无价值。(He talks like firing a gun, making a splash, but worthless.)

75. 他说话像放电,瞬间闪耀,却转瞬即逝。(He talks like releasing electricity, shining brightly for a moment, but fleeting.)

76. 他说话像放音乐,节奏明快,却缺乏内涵。(He talks like playing music, upbeat and rhythmic, but lacking depth.)

77. 他说话像放书,内容丰富,却无人问津。(He talks like releasing a book, rich in content, but no one reads it.)

78. 他说话像放卫星,看似宏伟,却毫无实际意义。(He talks like launching a satellite, seemingly grand, but meaningless.)

79. 他言而无信,令人对他失去信任。(His untrustworthiness makes people lose faith in him.)

80. 他说话不负责任,令人无法依靠。(He speaks irresponsibly, making him unreliable.)

81. 他言行不一,表里不一,令人难以相信。(His words and actions don't match, making him hard to believe.)

82. 他欺骗他人,不讲诚信,令人唾弃。(He deceives others, lacking integrity, making him despicable.)

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