
## 预订蛋糕句子,68句


1. 我想预订一个蛋糕。
> I'd like to order a cake.

2. 请问您这边可以预订蛋糕吗?
> Do you offer cake pre-orders?

3. 我想预订一个蛋糕,请问您需要提前多久预订?
> I'd like to order a cake, how far in advance do I need to book?

4. 请问您这边蛋糕的款式和口味有哪些?
> What are the cake designs and flavors available?

5. 我想预订一个 [蛋糕口味] 的蛋糕, [蛋糕尺寸] 大小, [蛋糕形状] 形状。
> I would like to order a [cake flavor] cake, [cake size] size, in the shape of [cake shape].

6. 请问您这边可以做定制蛋糕吗?
> Do you offer custom cake designs?

7. 我希望蛋糕上可以写上 [文字内容]。
> I would like to have [text content] written on the cake.

8. 请问您这边蛋糕的价位是多少?
> What is the price range for the cakes?

9. 请问您这边可以提供蛋糕的图片吗?
> Do you have pictures of the cakes available?

10. 请问您这边可以送货上门吗?
> Do you offer delivery?


11. 我想要一个 [生日] 的蛋糕, [数字] 岁。
> I need a cake for a [birthday], [number] years old.

12. 我想要一个 [婚礼] 的蛋糕, [主题] 主题。
> I want a cake for a [wedding], with a [theme] theme.

13. 我想要一个 [纪念日] 的蛋糕, [图案] 图案。
> I want a cake for a [anniversary], with a [pattern] pattern.

14. 我想要一个 [庆祝活动] 的蛋糕, [口味] 口味。
> I want a cake for a [celebration], with [flavor] flavor.

15. 我想要一个 [节日] 的蛋糕, [颜色] 颜色。
> I want a cake for a [holiday], in [color] color.

16. 我想预订一个 [图案] 的蛋糕, [口味] 口味。
> I want to order a cake with [pattern] design and [flavor] flavor.

17. 我想预订一个 [形状] 的蛋糕, [颜色] 颜色。
> I want to order a cake in [shape] shape and [color] color.

18. 我想预订一个 [大小] 的蛋糕, [层数] 层。
> I want to order a cake of [size] size and [number] layers.

19. 我想预订一个 [装饰] 的蛋糕, [口味] 口味。
> I want to order a cake with [decoration] decoration and [flavor] flavor.

20. 我想预订一个 [特殊要求] 的蛋糕, 请问您这边可以做到吗?
> I want to order a cake with [special request], is it possible?


21. 我想在 [日期] 这天取蛋糕。
> I want to pick up the cake on [date].

22. 我想在 [时间] 点取蛋糕。
> I want to pick up the cake at [time].

23. 我想在 [地点] 取蛋糕。
> I want to pick up the cake at [location].

24. 我想在 [日期] 这天送货。
> I want the cake delivered on [date].

25. 我想在 [时间] 点送货。
> I want the cake delivered at [time].

26. 我想把蛋糕送到 [地址]。
> I want the cake delivered to [address].

27. 请问您这边可以提供 [时间段] 送货服务吗?
> Do you offer delivery service during [time period]?

28. 请问您这边需要提前多久预订蛋糕?
> How far in advance do I need to book a cake?

29. 请问您这边蛋糕的制作时间是多久?
> How long does it take to make a cake?

30. 请问您这边可以接受 [预订方式] 预订吗?
> Do you accept [booking method] for booking?


31. 请问您这边接受 [支付方式] 付款吗?
> Do you accept [payment method]?

32. 请问您这边需要预付定金吗?
> Do you require a deposit?

33. 定金需要多少?
> How much is the deposit?

34. 请问您这边可以提供发票吗?
> Do you provide invoices?

35. 请问您这边可以用 [优惠券] 吗?
> Can I use [coupon] here?

36. 请问您这边有 [促销活动] 吗?
> Do you have any [promotional activities]?

37. 请问您这边可以提供 [优惠] 吗?
> Do you offer any [discount]?

38. 请问您这边可以提供 [积分] 奖励吗?
> Do you offer [points] reward?

39. 请问您这边可以提供 [会员折扣] 吗?
> Do you offer [member discount]?

40. 请问您这边可以提供 [礼品包装] 吗?
> Do you offer [gift wrapping]?


41. 请问您这边可以帮我确认一下我的订单吗?
> Can you please confirm my order?

42. 请问您这边可以帮我修改一下我的订单吗?
> Can you please modify my order?

43. 请问您这边可以帮我取消我的订单吗?
> Can you please cancel my order?

44. 请问您这边可以提供我的订单号吗?
> Can you please provide my order number?

45. 请问您这边可以提供我的订单详情吗?
> Can you please provide my order details?

46. 请问您这边可以提供蛋糕的照片吗?
> Can you please provide a picture of the cake?

47. 请问您这边可以提供蛋糕的尺寸和重量吗?
> Can you please provide the size and weight of the cake?

48. 请问您这边可以提供蛋糕的制作时间表吗?
> Can you please provide the production schedule of the cake?

49. 请问您这边可以提供蛋糕的送货时间表吗?
> Can you please provide the delivery schedule of the cake?

50. 请问您这边可以提供蛋糕的付款方式吗?
> Can you please provide the payment method for the cake?


51. 请问您这边有什么推荐的蛋糕口味吗?
> Do you have any recommended cake flavors?

52. 请问您这边有什么适合 [场合] 的蛋糕吗?
> Do you have any cakes suitable for [occasion]?

53. 请问您这边有什么适合 [人数] 人吃的蛋糕吗?
> Do you have any cakes suitable for [number] people?

54. 请问您这边有什么适合 [预算] 的蛋糕吗?
> Do you have any cakes suitable for [budget]?

55. 请问您这边有什么适合 [特殊要求] 的蛋糕吗?
> Do you have any cakes suitable for [special request]?

56. 请问您这边可以提供 [服务] 吗?
> Do you offer [service]?

57. 请问您这边有 [相关信息] 吗?
> Do you have [relevant information]?

58. 请问您这边可以提供 [帮助] 吗?
> Can you please provide [help]?

59. 请问您这边可以提供 [建议] 吗?
> Can you please provide [suggestions]?

60. 请问您这边可以提供 [咨询] 吗?
> Can you please provide [consultation]?

61. 请问您这边可以提供 [信息] 吗?
> Can you please provide [information]?

62. 请问您这边可以提供 [联系方式] 吗?
> Can you please provide [contact information]?

63. 请问您这边可以提供 [网址] 吗?
> Can you please provide [website]?

64. 请问您这边可以提供 [营业时间] 吗?
> Can you please provide [business hours]?

65. 请问您这边可以提供 [地图] 吗?
> Can you please provide [map]?

66. 请问您这边可以提供 [反馈] 吗?
> Can you please provide [feedback]?

67. 请问您这边可以提供 [评价] 吗?
> Can you please provide [review]?

68. 请问您这边可以提供 [资料] 吗?
> Can you please provide [material]?

## 英文翻译


1. I'd like to order a cake.

2. Do you offer cake pre-orders?

3. I'd like to order a cake, how far in advance do I need to book?

4. What are the cake designs and flavors available?

5. I would like to order a [cake flavor] cake, [cake size] size, in the shape of [cake shape].

6. Do you offer custom cake designs?

7. I would like to have [text content] written on the cake.

8. What is the price range for the cakes?

9. Do you have pictures of the cakes available?

10. Do you offer delivery?


11. I need a cake for a [birthday], [number] years old.

12. I want a cake for a [wedding], with a [theme] theme.

13. I want a cake for a [anniversary], with a [pattern] pattern.

14. I want a cake for a [celebration], with [flavor] flavor.

15. I want a cake for a [holiday], in [color] color.

16. I want to order a cake with [pattern] design and [flavor] flavor.

17. I want to order a cake in [shape] shape and [color] color.

18. I want to order a cake of [size] size and [number] layers.

19. I want to order a cake with [decoration] decoration and [flavor] flavor.

20. I want to order a cake with [special request], is it possible?


21. I want to pick up the cake on [date].

22. I want to pick up the cake at [time].

23. I want to pick up the cake at [location].

24. I want the cake delivered on [date].

25. I want the cake delivered at [time].

26. I want the cake delivered to [address].

27. Do you offer delivery service during [time period]?

28. How far in advance do I need to book a cake?

29. How long does it take to make a cake?

30. Do you accept [booking method] for booking?


31. Do you accept [payment method]?

32. Do you require a deposit?

33. How much is the deposit?

34. Do you provide invoices?

35. Can I use [coupon] here?

36. Do you have any [promotional activities]?

37. Do you offer any [discount]?

38. Do you offer [points] reward?

39. Do you offer [member discount]?

40. Do you offer [gift wrapping]?


41. Can you please confirm my order?

42. Can you please modify my order?

43. Can you please cancel my order?

44. Can you please provide my order number?

45. Can you please provide my order details?

46. Can you please provide a picture of the cake?

47. Can you please provide the size and weight of the cake?

48. Can you please provide the production schedule of the cake?

49. Can you please provide the delivery schedule of the cake?

50. Can you please provide the payment method for the cake?


51. Do you have any recommended cake flavors?

52. Do you have any cakes suitable for [occasion]?

53. Do you have any cakes suitable for [number] people?

54. Do you have any cakes suitable for [budget]?

55. Do you have any cakes suitable for [special request]?

56. Do you offer [service]?

57. Do you have [relevant information]?

58. Can you please provide [help]?

59. Can you please provide [suggestions]?

60. Can you please provide [consultation]?

61. Can you please provide [information]?

62. Can you please provide [contact information]?

63. Can you please provide [website]?

64. Can you please provide [business hours]?

65. Can you please provide [map]?

66. Can you please provide [feedback]?

67. Can you please provide [review]?

68. Can you please provide [material]?

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