
## 领导看望家属句子 (85 句)


1. 慰问您和您的家人,希望您能早日康复!

My condolences to you and your family, and I hope you recover soon!

2. 您的家人一直牵挂着您,我们也时刻关注着您的情况。

Your family has been very worried about you, and we have been following your situation closely.

3. 您为我们付出了太多,您的家人也为我们付出了太多,我们深感感谢!

You have given so much to us, and your family has also given so much to us, we are deeply grateful!

4. 您辛苦了,您的家人也辛苦了,希望您能早日恢复健康,享受天伦之乐。

You have worked hard, and your family has also worked hard, we hope you recover soon and enjoy your family time.

5. 您为我们做出了巨大贡献,我们永远不会忘记!

You have made a great contribution to us, and we will never forget it!


6. 听说您最近身体不太好,我们都很担心。

We heard you haven't been feeling well lately, and we are all very worried.

7. 您的家人也都很关心您,他们一直都在您的身边。

Your family is also very concerned about you, and they have been by your side all along.

8. 您有任何需要,请随时告诉我们,我们一定会尽力帮助您。

Please let us know if you need anything, and we will do our best to help you.

9. 我们希望您能尽快康复,回到我们身边。

We hope you recover soon and return to us.

10. 您是我们的好同志,我们会一直陪伴着您。

You are our good comrade, and we will always be with you.


11. 您是一位坚强的人,我相信您一定会战胜病魔!

You are a strong person, and I believe you will overcome this illness!

12. 您是我们的榜样,我们相信您一定能战胜困难!

You are our role model, and we believe you will overcome any difficulty!

13. 请您不要担心,我们会尽一切努力帮助您。

Please don't worry, we will do everything we can to help you.

14. 我们会一直陪伴着您,直到您完全康复。

We will be with you until you are fully recovered.

15. 我们相信您一定能战胜困难,早日恢复健康。

We believe you will overcome the difficulties and recover soon.


16. 感谢您为我们所做的一切,我们永远不会忘记。

Thank you for everything you have done for us, we will never forget.

17. 感谢您为我们付出的汗水和泪水,我们永远铭记。

Thank you for your sweat and tears for us, we will always remember.

18. 您是我们的英雄,我们感谢您为我们做的一切。

You are our hero, and we thank you for everything you have done for us.

19. 您为我们留下了宝贵的精神财富,我们永远不会忘记。

You have left us with precious spiritual wealth, and we will never forget.

20. 您为我们树立了榜样,我们将永远铭记您的精神。

You have set a good example for us, and we will always remember your spirit.


21. 您最近怎么样?身体恢复得还好吗?

How are you doing lately? Are you recovering well?

22. 您现在有什么需要吗?我们愿意尽力帮助您。

Do you need anything now? We are willing to help you.

23. 您的家人怎么样?他们最近还好吗?

How is your family? Are they doing well lately?

24. 您现在感觉怎么样?有什么不适吗?

How are you feeling now? Are you feeling any discomfort?

25. 您需要什么药吗?我们会尽快帮您准备好。

Do you need any medicine? We will get it ready for you as soon as possible.


26. 您的身体状况怎么样?有什么需要我们帮忙的吗?

How is your health? Is there anything we can help with?

27. 您最近感觉怎么样?有什么需要我们代劳的吗?

How have you been feeling lately? Is there anything we can do for you?

28. 您的家人们最近还好吗?有什么需要我们帮助的吗?

How are your family members doing lately? Is there anything we can help with?

29. 您现在有什么需要吗?请不要客气,尽管提出来。

Do you need anything now? Please feel free to ask.

30. 您的身体恢复得怎么样了?有什么不舒服的地方吗?

How is your recovery going? Is there anything that feels uncomfortable?


31. 祝您早日康复!

We wish you a speedy recovery!

32. 祝您身体健康,万事如意!

We wish you good health and all the best!

33. 祝您早日恢复健康,重返工作岗位!

We wish you a speedy recovery and return to work!

34. 祝您和您的家人一切安好!

We wish you and your family well!

35. 祝您一切顺利,平安健康!

We wish you all the best and good health!


36. 我们知道您和您的家人经历了这段艰难的时期,请您相信我们,我们会一直陪伴着您。

We know you and your family have gone through a difficult time, please believe us, we will always be with you.

37. 我们会尽一切努力,帮助您和您的家人渡过难关。

We will do everything we can to help you and your family through this difficult time.

38. 我们一定会尽心尽力,为您和您的家人提供帮助。

We will do our best to provide help for you and your family.

39. 我们会尽力减轻您的负担,让您和您的家人安心。

We will try our best to alleviate your burden and give you and your family peace of mind.

40. 我们希望您能尽快恢复健康,让您的家人能够安心。

We hope you recover soon and give your family peace of mind.

41. 您的家人一直牵挂着您,请您不要担心,我们会照顾好他们。

Your family is always worried about you, please don't worry, we will take good care of them.

42. 我们知道您为我们付出了很多,我们会永远记住您的贡献。

We know you have given a lot for us, and we will always remember your contributions.

43. 我们会尽一切努力,让您和您的家人感受到我们的关心和温暖。

We will do everything we can to make you and your family feel our care and warmth.

44. 您是我们的好同志,我们不会忘记您为我们做的一切。

You are our good comrade, and we will not forget everything you have done for us.

45. 您为我们树立了榜样,我们会永远学习您的精神。

You have set a good example for us, and we will always learn from your spirit.


46. 请您代我向您的家人问好,告诉他们我们都很关心他们。

Please convey my greetings to your family and tell them we are all concerned about them.

47. 请您转告您的家人,我们一直都在关注着他们的情况。

Please tell your family that we have been following their situation.

48. 请您转告您的家人,我们感谢他们一直以来的支持。

Please tell your family that we appreciate their support all along.

49. 请您转告您的家人,我们希望他们能够保重身体,一切顺利。

Please tell your family that we hope they can take care of themselves and everything goes well.

50. 请您转告您的家人,我们一定会尽力帮助他们,让他们安心。

Please tell your family that we will do our best to help them and give them peace of mind.

51. 请您转告您的家人,我们一直都在关心他们,希望他们能一切安好。

Please tell your family that we have been concerned about them and hope they are doing well.

52. 请您代我向您的家人表示慰问,希望他们能够坚强面对。

Please convey my condolences to your family and hope they can face it bravely.

53. 请您代我向您的家人致以最诚挚的慰问,希望他们能够早日走出阴霾。

Please convey my heartfelt condolences to your family and hope they can emerge from the shadows soon.

54. 请您转告您的家人,我们永远不会忘记他们为我们付出的爱和支持。

Please tell your family that we will never forget the love and support they have given us.

55. 请您转告您的家人,我们一定会尽力帮助他们,让他们感受到温暖和关怀。

Please tell your family that we will do our best to help them and make them feel our warmth and care.


56. 听说您最近身体不太好,住院了,我们都很担心,特地来看望您。

We heard you haven't been feeling well lately and have been hospitalized, we are all very worried and came to visit you specially.

57. 听说您最近身体恢复得不错,我们都很高兴,特地来看望您。

We heard that you have been recovering well lately, and we are all very happy and came to visit you specially.

58. 听说您最近身体恢复得不错,我们特地来看望您,希望您能早日康复。

We heard that you have been recovering well lately, and we came to visit you specially, hoping that you can recover soon.

59. 听说您最近遇到了一些困难,我们特地来看望您,希望能够帮助您。

We heard you have encountered some difficulties lately, and we came to visit you specially, hoping to help you.

60. 听说您最近家里发生了一些事情,我们特地来看望您,希望能够安慰您。

We heard something happened at your home recently, and we came to visit you specially, hoping to comfort you.

61. 听说您最近工作压力很大,我们特地来看望您,希望能够缓解您的压力。

We heard that you have been under a lot of work pressure lately, and we came to visit you specially, hoping to relieve your stress.

62. 我们知道您最近遇到了一些困难,我们希望能够尽力帮助您,让您能够安心。

We know you have encountered some difficulties recently, and we hope to help you as much as possible so that you can feel at ease.

63. 我们知道您最近家里发生了一些事情,我们希望能够尽力帮助您,让您能够渡过难关。

We know something happened at your home recently, and we hope to help you as much as possible so that you can get through this difficult time.

64. 我们知道您最近工作压力很大,我们希望能够尽力帮助您,让您能够减轻压力。

We know that you have been under a lot of work pressure recently, and we hope to help you as much as possible so that you can reduce your stress.

65. 我们知道您最近遇到了一些困难,我们希望能够尽力帮助您,让您能够恢复正常的生活。

We know you have encountered some difficulties recently, and we hope to help you as much as possible so that you can resume a normal life.


66. 看到您现在这么好,我们真是太高兴了。

We are so happy to see you doing so well now.

67. 您为我们付出了这么多,我们永远不会忘记您的贡献。

You have given so much to us, and we will never forget your contributions.

68. 您是我们的好朋友,我们会一直陪伴着您。

You are our good friend, and we will always be with you.

69. 我们知道您是一位坚强的人,我们会一直支持您。

We know you are a strong person, and we will always support you.

70. 您是我们的好同志,我们会永远记住您的精神。

You are our good comrade, and we will always remember your spirit.


71. 我们希望您能够早日恢复健康,重返工作岗位。

We hope you recover soon and return to work.

72. 我们希望您能够早日恢复健康,继续为我们贡献力量。

We hope you recover soon and continue to contribute to us.

73. 我们希望您能够早日恢复健康,享受幸福的生活。

We hope you recover soon and enjoy a happy life.

74. 我们希望您能够早日恢复健康,和家人团聚。

We hope you recover soon and reunite with your family.

75. 我们希望您能够早日恢复健康,一切顺利。

We hope you recover soon and everything goes well.


76. 我们代表全体同志来看望您,祝您早日康复!

We are here on behalf of all our comrades to visit you and wish you a speedy recovery!

77. 我们今天来,主要是想看望您,了解您的近况,并向您表达我们的关心和慰问。

We are here today mainly to visit you, learn about your current situation, and express our care and condolences.

78. 我们知道您最近身体不太好,我们都很担心,特地来探望您。

We know you haven't been feeling well lately, and we are all very worried and came to visit you specially.

79. 我们知道您最近经历了一些困难,我们希望能够尽力帮助您,让您能够安心。

We know you have encountered some difficulties recently, and we hope to help you as much as possible so that you can feel at ease.

80. 我们希望您能早日康复,回到我们身边,继续为我们贡献力量。

We hope you recover soon, return to us, and continue to contribute to us.

81. 我们相信您一定能够战胜困难,早日恢复健康,我们会一直支持您。

We believe you will overcome the difficulties and recover soon, and we will always support you.

82. 我们会尽一切努力,帮助您渡过难关,让您和您的家人能够安心。

We will do everything we can to help you through this difficult time and give you and your family peace of mind.

83. 我们永远不会忘记您为我们所做的一切,我们会一直陪伴着您,直到您完全康复。

We will never forget everything you have done for us, and we will always be with you until you are fully recovered.

84. 我们希望您能早日康复,享受幸福的生活,我们会一直关心您和您的家人。

We hope you recover soon and enjoy a happy life, and we will always care about you and your family.

85. 我们知道您是一位坚强的人,我们会一直支持您,直到您战胜一切困难。

We know you are a strong person, and we will always support you until you overcome all difficulties.

以上就是关于领导看望家属句子85句(领导看望家属句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
