
## 70句关于喝酒的经典句子:


1. 酒逢知己千杯少。
2. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回。
3. 酒香不怕巷子深。
4. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。
5. 不醉不归。
6. 酒后吐真言。
7. 酒是穿肠毒药,色是刮骨钢刀。
8. 劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。
9. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。
10. 酒能解忧愁,也能添烦恼。
11. 酒过三巡,菜过五味。
12. 酒不醉人人自醉。
13. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。
14. 酒后失言,后悔莫及。
15. 酒是粮食精,越喝越年轻。
16. 酒后乱性,不可取。
17. 酒后驾驶,害人害己。
18. 酒可以让人放松,但不能让人麻醉。
19. 酒能助兴,但不能助长歪风邪气。
20. 酒桌上的礼仪不可忽视。
21. 酒量如命,不可强求。
22. 酒是好东西,但要适量。
23. 酒可以让人忘记烦恼,但不能让人忘记责任。
24. 酒可以让人开心,但不能让人沉溺。
25. 酒可以让人交朋友,但不能让人乱交朋友。
26. 酒可以让人放松,但不能让人放纵。
27. 酒可以让人勇敢,但不能让人鲁莽。
28. 酒可以让人快乐,但不能让人迷失自我。
29. 酒可以让人忘记烦恼,但不能让人逃避现实。
30. 酒可以让人放松,但不能让人失去原则。
31. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去理智。
32. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去判断力。
33. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去自控力。
34. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去道德底线。
35. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去法律意识。
36. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去社会责任感。
37. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去家庭责任感。
38. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去个人责任感。
39. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去人生目标。
40. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去人生意义。
41. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去梦想。
42. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去希望。
43. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去信心。
44. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去勇气。
45. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去毅力。
46. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去坚持。
47. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去努力。
48. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去奋斗。
49. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去追求。
50. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去前进的动力。
51. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去梦想的火花。
52. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对未来的憧憬。
53. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对人生的热爱。
54. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对生命的敬畏。
55. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对世界的好奇。
56. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对知识的渴求。
57. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对艺术的追求。
58. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对美的欣赏。
59. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对爱的渴望。
60. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对友谊的珍惜。
61. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对亲情的眷恋。
62. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对家庭的责任。
63. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对社会的贡献。
64. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对人生的意义。
65. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对生命的价值。
66. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对人生的思考。
67. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对人生的探索。
68. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对人生的追求。
69. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对人生的热爱。
70. 酒可以让人兴奋,但不能让人失去对人生的意义。


1. A thousand cups are not enough for a friend who knows you well.

2. Don't laugh at those who sleep on the battlefield, few warriors return from war.

3. Good wine needs no bush.

4. I raise a cup to the moon, my shadow makes us three.

5. Not drunk, not going home.

6. True words after wine.

7. Wine is a poison that goes through your intestines, beauty is a steel knife that scrapes your bones.

8. Drink another cup of wine, I'm leaving for the west and have no acquaintances in Yangguan.

9. Life is short, let's enjoy ourselves, don't let the golden cup be empty in front of the moon.

10. Wine can relieve sorrows, but it can also add to them.

11. Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

12. The wine does not intoxicate, but the person intoxicates themselves.

13. A thousand cups are not enough for a friend who knows you well, but a few words are too much for a person you don't get along with.

14. Regret after drunken talk.

15. Wine is the essence of grain, the more you drink, the younger you become.

16. It's not advisable to behave wildly after drinking.

17. Drinking and driving harms yourself and others.

18. Wine can relax you, but it can't numb you.

19. Wine can add to the fun, but it can't promote bad habits.

20. Wine table etiquette should not be ignored.

21. Your capacity for alcohol is like your life, don't force it.

22. Wine is a good thing, but drink it in moderation.

23. Wine can make you forget your troubles, but it can't make you forget your responsibilities.

24. Wine can make you happy, but it can't make you indulge.

25. Wine can help you make friends, but it can't make you make bad friends.

26. Wine can relax you, but it can't make you indulge.

27. Wine can make you brave, but it can't make you reckless.

28. Wine can make you happy, but it can't make you lose yourself.

29. Wine can make you forget your troubles, but it can't make you escape reality.

30. Wine can relax you, but it can't make you lose your principles.

31. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your reason.

32. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your judgment.

33. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your self-control.

34. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your moral compass.

35. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your legal awareness.

36. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your sense of social responsibility.

37. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your sense of family responsibility.

38. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your sense of personal responsibility.

39. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your life goals.

40. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose the meaning of life.

41. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your dreams.

42. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your hope.

43. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your confidence.

44. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your courage.

45. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your perseverance.

46. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your persistence.

47. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your efforts.

48. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your struggle.

49. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your pursuit.

50. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose the motivation to move forward.

51. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose the spark of your dreams.

52. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your longing for the future.

53. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your love for life.

54. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your awe of life.

55. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your curiosity about the world.

56. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your thirst for knowledge.

57. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your pursuit of art.

58. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your appreciation for beauty.

59. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your desire for love.

60. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your appreciation for friendship.

61. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your love for family.

62. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your responsibility to your family.

63. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your contribution to society.

64. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose the meaning of life.

65. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose the value of life.

66. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your reflection on life.

67. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your exploration of life.

68. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your pursuit of life.

69. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose your love for life.

70. Wine can excite you, but it can't make you lose the meaning of life.

以上就是关于经常喝酒的句子经典句子70句(经常喝酒的句子经典句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
