
## 干花复古句子 (95句)


1. 岁月静好,你我安好。 (Time is quiet and peaceful, you and I are well.)

Time is quiet and peaceful, you and I are well.

2. 花开花落,年华似水。 (Flowers bloom and fall, time flows like water.)

Flowers bloom and fall, time flows like water.

3. 一朵枯萎的花,也曾美丽过。 (A withered flower was once beautiful.)

A withered flower was once beautiful.

4. 回忆如花香,淡淡萦绕心间。 (Memories are like the fragrance of flowers, lingering in the heart.)

Memories are like the fragrance of flowers, lingering in the heart.

5. 花虽枯萎,情意依然。 (Although the flowers wither, the affection remains.)

Although the flowers wither, the affection remains.

6. 爱如干花,虽已失去鲜艳,却依然留着芬芳。 (Love is like a dried flower, though it has lost its vibrancy, it still retains its fragrance.)

Love is like a dried flower, though it has lost its vibrancy, it still retains its fragrance.

7. 你是我记忆中的那朵干花,永不凋零。 (You are the dried flower in my memory, never fading.)

You are the dried flower in my memory, never fading.

8. 我愿做你手中的那束干花,陪伴你度过漫漫人生路。 (I would like to be the bouquet of dried flowers in your hand, accompanying you on the long road of life.)

I would like to be the bouquet of dried flowers in your hand, accompanying you on the long road of life.

9. 爱,是永不凋零的干花,即使时间流逝,依然美丽。 (Love is a never-fading dried flower, even as time passes, it remains beautiful.)

Love is a never-fading dried flower, even as time passes, it remains beautiful.


10. 思念如干花,越久越香。 (Missing someone is like dried flowers, the longer it lasts, the more fragrant it becomes.)

Missing someone is like dried flowers, the longer it lasts, the more fragrant it becomes.

11. 我把思念化作一束干花,永远珍藏。 (I turned my longing into a bouquet of dried flowers, to treasure forever.)

I turned my longing into a bouquet of dried flowers, to treasure forever.

12. 干花虽然枯萎,却依然留着你我的回忆。 (Dried flowers may wither, but they still hold our memories.)

Dried flowers may wither, but they still hold our memories.

13. 我将这份思念,封存在这束干花里。 (I will seal this longing in this bouquet of dried flowers.)

I will seal this longing in this bouquet of dried flowers.

14. 干花代表着永恒的思念,就像我对你无止境的思念。 (Dried flowers represent eternal longing, just like my endless longing for you.)

Dried flowers represent eternal longing, just like my endless longing for you.

15. 你的身影,是我记忆里的那朵干花,永不褪色。 (Your figure is the dried flower in my memory, never fading.)

Your figure is the dried flower in my memory, never fading.

16. 思念如干花,虽然枯萎,却依然芬芳。 (Longing is like a dried flower, though withered, it still smells fragrant.)

Longing is like a dried flower, though withered, it still smells fragrant.

17. 我将思念化作一束干花,寄托于远方。 (I will turn my longing into a bouquet of dried flowers, to send to the distance.)

I will turn my longing into a bouquet of dried flowers, to send to the distance.


18. 生活就像一束干花,虽然不再鲜艳,但依然美丽。 (Life is like a bouquet of dried flowers, though no longer vibrant, it is still beautiful.)

Life is like a bouquet of dried flowers, though no longer vibrant, it is still beautiful.

19. 时光流逝,留下的只有干花般的回忆。 (Time flies, leaving only memories like dried flowers.)

Time flies, leaving only memories like dried flowers.

20. 人生就像一束干花,虽然枯萎,但依然美丽。 (Life is like a bouquet of dried flowers, though withered, it is still beautiful.)

Life is like a bouquet of dried flowers, though withered, it is still beautiful.

21. 我将平凡的生活,化作一束干花,留作纪念。 (I will turn my ordinary life into a bouquet of dried flowers, to keep as a souvenir.)

I will turn my ordinary life into a bouquet of dried flowers, to keep as a souvenir.

22. 干花虽已枯萎,却依然拥有独特的美丽。 (Dried flowers, though withered, still possess a unique beauty.)

Dried flowers, though withered, still possess a unique beauty.

23. 生活就像一束干花,虽然不再鲜艳,却依然散发着淡淡芬芳。 (Life is like a bouquet of dried flowers, though no longer vibrant, it still emits a faint fragrance.)

Life is like a bouquet of dried flowers, though no longer vibrant, it still emits a faint fragrance.

24. 我愿用干花,记录下生命中每一个值得纪念的瞬间。 (I would like to use dried flowers to record every memorable moment in my life.)

I would like to use dried flowers to record every memorable moment in my life.

25. 干花,承载着岁月的痕迹,也留下了生命的印记。 (Dried flowers carry the marks of time and also leave the imprint of life.)

Dried flowers carry the marks of time and also leave the imprint of life.


26. 时间就像一束干花,慢慢褪去颜色。 (Time is like a bouquet of dried flowers, slowly fading in color.)

Time is like a bouquet of dried flowers, slowly fading in color.

27. 岁月如流水,将鲜花化作干花。 (Years pass like flowing water, turning fresh flowers into dried ones.)

Years pass like flowing water, turning fresh flowers into dried ones.

28. 干花,记录着时间的流逝,也见证着岁月的变迁。 (Dried flowers record the passage of time and also witness the changes of the years.)

Dried flowers record the passage of time and also witness the changes of the years.

29. 时光匆匆,留下一片干花般的回忆。 (Time flies, leaving behind memories like dried flowers.)

Time flies, leaving behind memories like dried flowers.

30. 时光流逝,干花依然美丽。 (Time passes, dried flowers are still beautiful.)

Time passes, dried flowers are still beautiful.

31. 干花,是时间的雕刻,也是岁月的见证。 (Dried flowers are the carving of time, and also the witness of years.)

Dried flowers are the carving of time, and also the witness of years.

32. 一束干花,诉说着岁月的流逝,也留下了永恒的美丽。 (A bouquet of dried flowers tells of the passage of time and also leaves eternal beauty.)

A bouquet of dried flowers tells of the passage of time and also leaves eternal beauty.

33. 干花,记录着我们曾经拥有过的美好时光。 (Dried flowers record the beautiful times we once had.)

Dried flowers record the beautiful times we once had.


34. 人生如一束干花,经历风雨,依然美丽。 (Life is like a bouquet of dried flowers, having weathered storms, it remains beautiful.)

Life is like a bouquet of dried flowers, having weathered storms, it remains beautiful.

35. 干花,虽然失去了鲜艳,却依然散发着淡淡的香气。 (Dried flowers, though they have lost their vibrancy, still exude a faint fragrance.)

Dried flowers, though they have lost their vibrancy, still exude a faint fragrance.

36. 干花,是生命的另一种形态,依然美丽。 (Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.)

Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.

37. 我将这束干花,作为生命的纪念,永远珍藏。 (I will keep this bouquet of dried flowers as a memorial to life, to treasure forever.)

I will keep this bouquet of dried flowers as a memorial to life, to treasure forever.

38. 干花,虽然失去了水分,却依然拥有坚韧的灵魂。 (Dried flowers, though they have lost their moisture, still possess a tough soul.)

Dried flowers, though they have lost their moisture, still possess a tough soul.

39. 干花,是时光的留痕,也是生命的沉淀。 (Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.)

Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.

40. 我们应该像干花一样,即使经历过风雨,依然保持坚强。 (We should be like dried flowers, even after experiencing storms, we should still remain strong.)

We should be like dried flowers, even after experiencing storms, we should still remain strong.

41. 干花,虽然失去了鲜艳,却依然拥有着独特的魅力。 (Dried flowers, though they have lost their vibrancy, still possess a unique charm.)

Dried flowers, though they have lost their vibrancy, still possess a unique charm.


42. 友谊如干花,虽然枯萎,但依然珍贵。 (Friendship is like dried flowers, though withered, it is still precious.)

Friendship is like dried flowers, though withered, it is still precious.

43. 我把我们的友谊,化作一束干花,永远珍藏。 (I will turn our friendship into a bouquet of dried flowers, to treasure forever.)

I will turn our friendship into a bouquet of dried flowers, to treasure forever.

44. 干花,代表着永恒的友谊,就像我们之间不变的友谊。 (Dried flowers represent eternal friendship, just like the unchanging friendship between us.)

Dried flowers represent eternal friendship, just like the unchanging friendship between us.

45. 友谊就像一束干花,虽然不再鲜艳,却依然散发着淡淡的香气。 (Friendship is like a bouquet of dried flowers, though no longer vibrant, it still emits a faint fragrance.)

Friendship is like a bouquet of dried flowers, though no longer vibrant, it still emits a faint fragrance.

46. 干花,承载着我们曾经的欢笑和泪水,也留下了我们最珍贵的回忆。 (Dried flowers carry our past laughter and tears, and also leave our most precious memories.)

Dried flowers carry our past laughter and tears, and also leave our most precious memories.

47. 干花,是友谊的象征,也是时间的见证。 (Dried flowers are a symbol of friendship, and also a witness of time.)

Dried flowers are a symbol of friendship, and also a witness of time.

48. 我将这束干花,献给我的朋友,感谢他们一路的陪伴。 (I will offer this bouquet of dried flowers to my friends, thank them for their company along the way.)

I will offer this bouquet of dried flowers to my friends, thank them for their company along the way.


49. 一束干花,承载着岁月的沧桑。 (A bouquet of dried flowers carries the vicissitudes of time.)

A bouquet of dried flowers carries the vicissitudes of time.

50. 干花,虽然失去了鲜艳,却依然拥有着独特的美丽。 (Dried flowers, though they have lost their vibrancy, still possess a unique beauty.)

Dried flowers, though they have lost their vibrancy, still possess a unique beauty.

51. 干花,是时光的留痕,也是岁月的见证。 (Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the witness of years.)

Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the witness of years.

52. 一束干花,可以带你回到过去,回忆曾经的美好。 (A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to recall the beauty of the past.)

A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to recall the beauty of the past.

53. 干花,是时间的产物,也是岁月的馈赠。 (Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the gift of the years.)

Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the gift of the years.

54. 干花,拥有着独特的魅力,吸引着人们的目光。 (Dried flowers possess a unique charm, attracting people's attention.)

Dried flowers possess a unique charm, attracting people's attention.

55. 干花,是生命的另一种形态,依然美丽。 (Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.)

Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.

56. 干花,承载着岁月的沉淀,也留下了生命的印记。 (Dried flowers carry the sedimentation of time, and also leave the imprint of life.)

Dried flowers carry the sedimentation of time, and also leave the imprint of life.

57. 干花,是时间的雕刻,也是岁月的见证。 (Dried flowers are the carving of time, and also the witness of years.)

Dried flowers are the carving of time, and also the witness of years.

58. 干花,虽然失去了水分,却依然拥有坚韧的灵魂。 (Dried flowers, though they have lost their moisture, still possess a tough soul.)

Dried flowers, though they have lost their moisture, still possess a tough soul.

59. 一束干花,可以带你回到过去,感受曾经的温暖。 (A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to feel the warmth of the past.)

A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to feel the warmth of the past.

60. 干花,是时光的留痕,也是生命的沉淀。 (Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.)

Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.

61. 干花,是生命的另一种表达方式,依然美丽。 (Dried flowers are another way of expressing life, still beautiful.)

Dried flowers are another way of expressing life, still beautiful.

62. 干花,拥有着独特的韵味,让人回味无穷。 (Dried flowers have a unique flavor, leaving a lingering taste.)

Dried flowers have a unique flavor, leaving a lingering taste.

63. 干花,是时间的礼物,也是岁月的馈赠。 (Dried flowers are the gift of time, and also the gift of the years.)

Dried flowers are the gift of time, and also the gift of the years.

64. 干花,是岁月的产物,也是生命的见证。 (Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the witness of life.)

Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the witness of life.

65. 干花,拥有着独特的魅力,吸引着人们的目光。 (Dried flowers possess a unique charm, attracting people's attention.)

Dried flowers possess a unique charm, attracting people's attention.

66. 干花,是时间的雕刻,也是岁月的见证。 (Dried flowers are the carving of time, and also the witness of years.)

Dried flowers are the carving of time, and also the witness of years.

67. 一束干花,可以带你回到过去,感受曾经的温暖。 (A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to feel the warmth of the past.)

A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to feel the warmth of the past.

68. 干花,是时光的留痕,也是生命的沉淀。 (Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.)

Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.

69. 干花,是生命的另一种形态,依然美丽。 (Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.)

Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.

70. 干花,承载着岁月的沉淀,也留下了生命的印记。 (Dried flowers carry the sedimentation of time, and also leave the imprint of life.)

Dried flowers carry the sedimentation of time, and also leave the imprint of life.

71. 干花,拥有着独特的韵味,让人回味无穷。 (Dried flowers have a unique flavor, leaving a lingering taste.)

Dried flowers have a unique flavor, leaving a lingering taste.

72. 干花,是时间的礼物,也是岁月的馈赠。 (Dried flowers are the gift of time, and also the gift of the years.)

Dried flowers are the gift of time, and also the gift of the years.

73. 干花,是岁月的产物,也是生命的见证。 (Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the witness of life.)

Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the witness of life.

74. 一束干花,可以带你回到过去,感受曾经的温暖。 (A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to feel the warmth of the past.)

A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to feel the warmth of the past.

75. 干花,是时光的留痕,也是生命的沉淀。 (Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.)

Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.

76. 干花,是生命的另一种形态,依然美丽。 (Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.)

Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.

77. 干花,承载着岁月的沉淀,也留下了生命的印记。 (Dried flowers carry the sedimentation of time, and also leave the imprint of life.)

Dried flowers carry the sedimentation of time, and also leave the imprint of life.

78. 干花,拥有着独特的韵味,让人回味无穷。 (Dried flowers have a unique flavor, leaving a lingering taste.)

Dried flowers have a unique flavor, leaving a lingering taste.

79. 干花,是时间的礼物,也是岁月的馈赠。 (Dried flowers are the gift of time, and also the gift of the years.)

Dried flowers are the gift of time, and also the gift of the years.

80. 干花,是岁月的产物,也是生命的见证。 (Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the witness of life.)

Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the witness of life.


81. 一束干花,静静地躺在角落,诉说着岁月的流逝。 (A bouquet of dried flowers lies quietly in the corner, telling of the passage of time.)

A bouquet of dried flowers lies quietly in the corner, telling of the passage of time.

82. 干花,承载着岁月的沧桑,也留下了生命的印记。 (Dried flowers carry the vicissitudes of time, and also leave the imprint of life.)

Dried flowers carry the vicissitudes of time, and also leave the imprint of life.

83. 干花,是时光的留痕,也是岁月的见证。 (Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the witness of years.)

Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the witness of years.

84. 干花,在岁月的洗礼下,依然散发出独特的魅力。 (Dried flowers, after the baptism of time, still exude a unique charm.)

Dried flowers, after the baptism of time, still exude a unique charm.

85. 干花,是生命的另一种形态,依然美丽。 (Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.)

Dried flowers are another form of life, still beautiful.

86. 干花,承载着岁月的沉淀,也留下了生命的印记。 (Dried flowers carry the sedimentation of time, and also leave the imprint of life.)

Dried flowers carry the sedimentation of time, and also leave the imprint of life.

87. 干花,是时间的雕刻,也是岁月的见证。 (Dried flowers are the carving of time, and also the witness of years.)

Dried flowers are the carving of time, and also the witness of years.

88. 一束干花,静静地躺在角落,诉说着岁月的流逝,也留下了永恒的美丽。 (A bouquet of dried flowers lies quietly in the corner, telling of the passage of time, and also leaving eternal beauty.)

A bouquet of dried flowers lies quietly in the corner, telling of the passage of time, and also leaving eternal beauty.

89. 干花,是时光的留痕,也是生命的沉淀。 (Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.)

Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life.

90. 干花,是生命的另一种表达方式,依然美丽。 (Dried flowers are another way of expressing life, still beautiful.)

Dried flowers are another way of expressing life, still beautiful.

91. 干花,拥有着独特的韵味,让人回味无穷。 (Dried flowers have a unique flavor, leaving a lingering taste.)

Dried flowers have a unique flavor, leaving a lingering taste.

92. 干花,是时间的礼物,也是岁月的馈赠。 (Dried flowers are the gift of time, and also the gift of the years.)

Dried flowers are the gift of time, and also the gift of the years.

93. 干花,是岁月的产物,也是生命的见证。 (Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the witness of life.)

Dried flowers are the product of time, and also the witness of life.

94. 一束干花,可以带你回到过去,感受曾经的温暖,也留下了永恒的美丽。 (A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to feel the warmth of the past, and also leave eternal beauty.)

A bouquet of dried flowers can take you back to the past, to feel the warmth of the past, and also leave eternal beauty.

95. 干花,是时光的留痕,也是生命的沉淀,依然散发出独特的魅力。 (Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life, still exuding a unique charm.)

Dried flowers are the traces of time, and also the sedimentation of life, still exuding a unique charm.

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