
## 98 个客观表述的句子:

1. 地球是太阳系中唯一已知的拥有生命的行星。

Earth is the only known planet in the solar system that has life.

2. 水是生命所必需的。

Water is essential for life.

3. 光合作用是植物利用阳光、二氧化碳和水制造食物的过程。

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to create food.

4. 人类大脑是地球上最复杂的器官。

The human brain is the most complex organ on Earth.

5. 重力是地球上的物体相互吸引的力。

Gravity is the force that attracts objects to each other on Earth.

6. 月球是地球的天然卫星。

The Moon is Earth's natural satellite.

7. 太阳是太阳系的中心恒星。

The Sun is the central star of the solar system.

8. 温度是热量的衡量标准。

Temperature is a measure of heat.

9. 压力是施加在物体表面的力。

Pressure is the force applied to a surface.

10. 声音是由振动产生的波。

Sound is a wave produced by vibrations.

11. 光是由电磁辐射产生的波。

Light is a wave produced by electromagnetic radiation.

12. 颜色是由可见光的光谱组成的。

Color is composed of the spectrum of visible light.

13. 物质是由原子组成的。

Matter is made up of atoms.

14. 元素是具有相同原子序数的原子类型。

An element is a type of atom that has the same atomic number.

15. 化学反应是涉及原子和分子重新排列的过程。

A chemical reaction is a process involving the rearrangement of atoms and molecules.

16. 能量是做功的能力。

Energy is the ability to do work.

17. 动能是物体运动时的能量。

Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object.

18. 势能是物体位置或状态所储存的能量。

Potential energy is the energy stored by an object's position or state.

19. 电力是由带电粒子流动产生的。

Electricity is produced by the flow of charged particles.

20. 磁力是由磁场产生的力。

Magnetic force is the force produced by a magnetic field.

21. 火山是地壳中熔融岩石喷发的开口。

A volcano is an opening in the Earth's crust from which molten rock erupts.

22. 地震是地球内部岩石突然断裂和移动引起的震动。

An earthquake is a vibration of the Earth caused by the sudden rupture and movement of rocks inside the Earth.

23. 海啸是由海底地震或火山爆发引起的巨浪。

A tsunami is a giant wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption under the sea.

24. 飓风是一种强烈的热带气旋。

A hurricane is a powerful tropical cyclone.

25. 龙卷风是一种剧烈的旋转气柱。

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air.

26. 气候是特定区域长期的天气模式。

Climate is the long-term weather pattern of a particular region.

27. 天气是特定时间和地点的大气状况。

Weather is the atmospheric conditions at a particular time and place.

28. 温度是衡量热量的标准。

Temperature is a measure of heat.

29. 湿度是空气中水分含量的衡量标准。

Humidity is a measure of the amount of moisture in the air.

30. 风是由气压差引起的空气流动。

Wind is the flow of air caused by differences in air pressure.

31. 降雨是由水蒸气冷凝形成的。

Rain is formed by the condensation of water vapor.

32. 雪是由水蒸气冷凝形成的冰晶。

Snow is formed by the condensation of water vapor into ice crystals.

33. 冰雹是由冰晶在云层中积累形成的。

Hail is formed by the accumulation of ice crystals within a cloud.

34. 植物是能够进行光合作用的生物。

Plants are organisms capable of photosynthesis.

35. 动物是无法进行光合作用的生物,必须食用其他生物才能获取能量。

Animals are organisms that cannot perform photosynthesis and must consume other organisms for energy.

36. 细胞是所有生物的基本结构和功能单位。

Cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms.

37. DNA是携带遗传信息的分子。

DNA is the molecule that carries genetic information.

38. 基因是DNA片段,决定了特定的性状。

Genes are segments of DNA that determine specific traits.

39. 进化是生物随时间变化的过程。

Evolution is the process of change in living organisms over time.

40. 自然选择是进化的一种机制,使最适应环境的生物更有可能生存和繁殖。

Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution in which organisms best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.

41. 生物多样性是指地球上生物种类的多样性。

Biodiversity is the diversity of species on Earth.

42. 生态系统是生物与其周围环境相互作用的系统。

An ecosystem is a system in which living organisms interact with their surrounding environment.

43. 食物链是描述生物之间能量流动的路径。

A food chain describes the path of energy flow between organisms.

44. 食物网是由多个食物链相互连接而成的网络。

A food web is a network of interconnected food chains.

45. 竞争是指两种或多种生物争夺相同资源。

Competition is when two or more organisms compete for the same resources.

46. 捕食是指一种生物捕食另一种生物。

Predation is when one organism hunts and consumes another organism.

47. 共生是指两种或多种生物之间互惠互利的关系。

Symbiosis is a relationship between two or more organisms where both benefit from the interaction.

48. 寄生是指一种生物从另一种生物身上获取利益,而另一种生物则受到损害。

Parasitism is a relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits at the expense of the other.

49. 人口是特定地区的人口数量。

Population is the number of individuals in a specific area.

50. 社区是特定地区的所有生物种群的集合。

A community is the collection of all the populations of species in a specific area.

51. 生物群落是具有相似气候和生物群落的大型地理区域。

A biome is a large geographic area with similar climates and communities.

52. 地球上主要的生物群落类型包括森林、草原、沙漠、湿地和海洋。

Major biome types on Earth include forests, grasslands, deserts, wetlands, and oceans.

53. 经济学是研究稀缺资源如何分配的研究。

Economics is the study of how scarce resources are allocated.

54. 市场是指供求力量决定商品和服务价格的地方。

A market is a place where the forces of supply and demand determine the price of goods and services.

55. 供求是指消费者对商品和服务的意愿与生产者提供商品和服务的意愿之间的关系。

Supply and demand is the relationship between the willingness of consumers to buy goods and services and the willingness of producers to provide them.

56. 货币是用来交换商品和服务的媒介。

Money is a medium of exchange used to trade goods and services.

57. 贸易是指商品和服务在不同国家或地区之间的交换。

Trade is the exchange of goods and services between different countries or regions.

58. 政府是管理国家或地区事务的机构。

Government is the institution that governs the affairs of a nation or region.

59. 政治是关于权力和决策的活动。

Politics is the activity of gaining and exercising power and making decisions.

60. 法律是社会成员必须遵守的规则。

Laws are rules that members of society must follow.

61. 犯罪是指违反法律的行为。

Crime is an act that violates the law.

62. 刑罚是针对违法行为的处罚。

Punishment is a penalty for breaking the law.

63. 历史是过去事件的研究。

History is the study of past events.

64. 文学是使用语言表达思想和情感的艺术。

Literature is the art of using language to express ideas and emotions.

65. 艺术是人类创造力的表达。

Art is the expression of human creativity.

66. 音乐是使用声音组织的声音艺术。

Music is the art of organizing sounds using sound.

67. 绘画是使用颜料在表面上创作图像的艺术。

Painting is the art of creating images on a surface using pigments.

68. 雕塑是使用材料三维地创作艺术品的艺术。

Sculpture is the art of creating art objects in three dimensions using materials.

69. 建筑是设计和建造建筑物的艺术和科学。

Architecture is the art and science of designing and building structures.

70. 科学是通过观察和实验来理解自然世界的方法。

Science is a method of understanding the natural world through observation and experimentation.

71. 技术是将科学知识应用于实际问题的过程。

Technology is the process of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems.

72. 工程学是设计和建造东西的学科。

Engineering is the discipline of designing and building things.

73. 医学是预防、诊断和治疗疾病的学科。

Medicine is the discipline of preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease.

74. 教育是传授知识和技能的过程。

Education is the process of imparting knowledge and skills.

75. 语言是人类交流的一种系统。

Language is a system of human communication.

76. 文化是特定群体或社会的习俗、价值观和信念。

Culture is the customs, values, and beliefs of a particular group or society.

77. 宗教是关于信仰和崇拜神灵或超自然力量的信仰体系。

Religion is a system of beliefs concerning faith and worship of deities or supernatural powers.

78. 哲学是关于存在、知识和道德的思考。

Philosophy is the study of existence, knowledge, and morality.

79. 社会学是关于人类社会的研究。

Sociology is the study of human society.

80. 心理学是关于人类行为和思维的研究。

Psychology is the study of human behavior and thought.

81. 计算机科学是关于计算机和计算系统的研究。

Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems.

82. 数学是关于数量、结构、空间和变化的研究。

Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change.

83. 物理学是关于物质、能量和它们之间相互作用的研究。

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions.

84. 化学是关于物质的组成、结构、性质和变化的研究。

Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties, and changes of matter.

85. 生物学是关于生命的研究。

Biology is the study of life.

86. 地质学是关于地球的研究。

Geology is the study of the Earth.

87. 天文学是关于天体的研究。

Astronomy is the study of celestial objects.

88. 宇宙学是关于宇宙起源和演化的研究。

Cosmology is the study of the origin and evolution of the universe.

89. 统计学是关于数据的收集、分析和解释的研究。

Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data.

90. 经济计量学是将统计学方法应用于经济学研究的学科。

Econometrics is the discipline of applying statistical methods to the study of economics.

91. 政治学是关于政治制度和行为的研究。

Political science is the study of political institutions and behavior.

92. 法学是关于法律制度和原则的研究。

Jurisprudence is the study of legal systems and principles.

93. 社会工作是帮助人们解决社会问题和改善生活条件的专业。

Social work is a profession that helps people solve social problems and improve their living conditions.

94. 教育学是关于教育理论和实践的研究。

Education is the study of educational theories and practices.

95. 语言学是关于语言的研究。

Linguistics is the study of language.

96. 人类学是关于人类文化的比较研究。

Anthropology is the comparative study of human cultures.

97. 历史学是关于过去事件的研究。

History is the study of past events.

98. 艺术史是关于艺术作品的创作、发展和意义的研究。

Art history is the study of the creation, development, and meaning of works of art.

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