
## 士人风骨句子 (69 句)

1. **宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。** (Better to be shattered jade than intact tile.)

宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 (Better to be shattered jade than intact tile.)

2. **风骨凛然,浩气长存。** (Upright and dignified, with a noble spirit that endures.)

风骨凛然,浩气长存。 (Upright and dignified, with a noble spirit that endures.)

3. **读书万卷,胸怀天下。** (Read thousands of books, and embrace the world.)

读书万卷,胸怀天下。 (Read thousands of books, and embrace the world.)

4. **铁骨铮铮,浩然正气。** (A backbone of iron, with a righteous spirit.)

铁骨铮铮,浩然正气。 (A backbone of iron, with a righteous spirit.)

5. **志存高远,心怀坦荡。** (Aspire to lofty goals, with a clear and open heart.)

志存高远,心怀坦荡。 (Aspire to lofty goals, with a clear and open heart.)

6. **不畏强权,敢于直言。** (Unafraid of power, daring to speak truth.)

不畏强权,敢于直言。 (Unafraid of power, daring to speak truth.)

7. **舍生取义,忠肝义胆。** (Sacrifice life for righteousness, with loyalty and courage.)

舍生取义,忠肝义胆。 (Sacrifice life for righteousness, with loyalty and courage.)

8. **清风亮节,傲骨嶙峋。** (Pure and bright, with a proud and rugged spirit.)

清风亮节,傲骨嶙峋。 (Pure and bright, with a proud and rugged spirit.)

9. **以身许国,赤胆忠心。** (Devote oneself to the nation, with unwavering loyalty.)

以身许国,赤胆忠心。 (Devote oneself to the nation, with unwavering loyalty.)

10. **不屈不挠,坚韧不拔。** (Unwavering and resilient, never giving up.)

不屈不挠,坚韧不拔。 (Unwavering and resilient, never giving up.)

11. **文能提笔安天下,武能上马定乾坤。** (Able to govern the nation with the pen, and secure the world on horseback.)

文能提笔安天下,武能上马定乾坤。 (Able to govern the nation with the pen, and secure the world on horseback.)

12. **志士仁人,浩然正气。** (Righteous and benevolent, with a noble and righteous spirit.)

志士仁人,浩然正气。 (Righteous and benevolent, with a noble and righteous spirit.)

13. **高山仰止,景行行止。** (Like mountains to be looked up to, their actions are models for all.)

高山仰止,景行行止。 (Like mountains to be looked up to, their actions are models for all.)

14. **以天下为己任,以百姓为己心。** (Take the world as one's responsibility, and the people as one's heart.)

以天下为己任,以百姓为己心。 (Take the world as one's responsibility, and the people as one's heart.)

15. **忠义两全,仁义并举。** (Loyal and righteous, compassionate and just.)

忠义两全,仁义并举。 (Loyal and righteous, compassionate and just.)

16. **浩气凛然,正气浩然。** (A majestic and righteous spirit.)

浩气凛然,正气浩然。 (A majestic and righteous spirit.)

17. **刚正不阿,清廉正直。** (Upright and incorruptible, honest and straightforward.)

刚正不阿,清廉正直。 (Upright and incorruptible, honest and straightforward.)

18. **为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。** (Establish a heart for Heaven and Earth, establish a destiny for the people, inherit the legacy of the sages, and usher in an era of peace for all generations.)

为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。 (Establish a heart for Heaven and Earth, establish a destiny for the people, inherit the legacy of the sages, and usher in an era of peace for all generations.)

19. **一身正气,浩然正气。** (A righteous spirit, a noble and righteous spirit.)

一身正气,浩然正气。 (A righteous spirit, a noble and righteous spirit.)

20. **心怀天下,志存高远。** (Embrace the world, with lofty aspirations.)

心怀天下,志存高远。 (Embrace the world, with lofty aspirations.)

21. **学富五车,才高八斗。** (Vast knowledge and exceptional talent.)

学富五车,才高八斗。 (Vast knowledge and exceptional talent.)

22. **忠君爱国,以身报国。** (Loyal to the emperor, love for the country, serve the nation with one's life.)

忠君爱国,以身报国。 (Loyal to the emperor, love for the country, serve the nation with one's life.)

23. **文武双全,德才兼备。** (Skilled in both literary and martial arts, possessing both virtue and talent.)

文武双全,德才兼备。 (Skilled in both literary and martial arts, possessing both virtue and talent.)

24. **气吞山河,志凌云霄。** (A spirit that encompasses mountains and rivers, an ambition that reaches the heavens.)

气吞山河,志凌云霄。 (A spirit that encompasses mountains and rivers, an ambition that reaches the heavens.)

25. **舍己为人,大义凛然。** (Sacrifice oneself for others, with a noble sense of righteousness.)

舍己为人,大义凛然。 (Sacrifice oneself for others, with a noble sense of righteousness.)

26. **不为五斗米折腰,宁为清贫不为浊富。** (Not bend for a mere five buckets of rice, choose poverty rather than dirty wealth.)

不为五斗米折腰,宁为清贫不为浊富。 (Not bend for a mere five buckets of rice, choose poverty rather than dirty wealth.)

27. **浩然正气,凛然不可侵犯。** (A noble and righteous spirit, untouchable and inviolable.)

浩然正气,凛然不可侵犯。 (A noble and righteous spirit, untouchable and inviolable.)

28. **以德服人,以才治国。** (Win over people with virtue, govern the nation with talent.)

以德服人,以才治国。 (Win over people with virtue, govern the nation with talent.)

29. **忧国忧民,心系百姓。** (Concerned for the nation and the people, with a heart for the common folk.)

忧国忧民,心系百姓。 (Concerned for the nation and the people, with a heart for the common folk.)

30. **光明磊落,坦荡无私。** (Bright and honest, open and selfless.)

光明磊落,坦荡无私。 (Bright and honest, open and selfless.)

31. **文质彬彬,风度翩翩。** (Refined and elegant, graceful and charming.)

文质彬彬,风度翩翩。 (Refined and elegant, graceful and charming.)

32. **志存高远,不为名利所累。** (Aspire to lofty goals, not burdened by fame and fortune.)

志存高远,不为名利所累。 (Aspire to lofty goals, not burdened by fame and fortune.)

33. **言必行,行必果。** (What one says, one will do, and what one does, one will carry through.)

言必行,行必果。 (What one says, one will do, and what one does, one will carry through.)

34. **胸怀坦荡,光明磊落。** (A broad and open heart, bright and honest.)

胸怀坦荡,光明磊落。 (A broad and open heart, bright and honest.)

35. **舍小利,顾大局。** (Sacrifice small gains for the greater good.)

舍小利,顾大局。 (Sacrifice small gains for the greater good.)

36. **有胆有识,有情有义。** (Courageous and insightful, compassionate and righteous.)

有胆有识,有情有义。 (Courageous and insightful, compassionate and righteous.)

37. **不畏艰险,勇往直前。** (Unafraid of hardship, bravely forging ahead.)

不畏艰险,勇往直前。 (Unafraid of hardship, bravely forging ahead.)

38. **坚韧不拔,百折不挠。** (Resilient and unwavering, never giving up despite setbacks.)

坚韧不拔,百折不挠。 (Resilient and unwavering, never giving up despite setbacks.)

39. **心怀仁爱,胸怀天下。** (With a compassionate heart, embracing the world.)

心怀仁爱,胸怀天下。 (With a compassionate heart, embracing the world.)

40. **爱国情怀,忠肝义胆。** (Patriotic spirit, loyal and courageous.)

爱国情怀,忠肝义胆。 (Patriotic spirit, loyal and courageous.)

41. **为民请命,敢于抗争。** (Speak up for the people, dare to fight against injustice.)

为民请命,敢于抗争。 (Speak up for the people, dare to fight against injustice.)

42. **正气浩然,凛然不可侵犯。** (A noble and righteous spirit, untouchable and inviolable.)

正气浩然,凛然不可侵犯。 (A noble and righteous spirit, untouchable and inviolable.)

43. **立身以正,立言以信,立事以果。** (Be upright in character, be truthful in speech, and be resolute in action.)

立身以正,立言以信,立事以果。 (Be upright in character, be truthful in speech, and be resolute in action.)

44. **大仁大义,舍身取义。** (Great benevolence and righteousness, sacrifice oneself for righteousness.)

大仁大义,舍身取义。 (Great benevolence and righteousness, sacrifice oneself for righteousness.)

45. **忠心耿耿,肝胆相照。** (Utterly loyal, with a heart and soul in harmony.)

忠心耿耿,肝胆相照。 (Utterly loyal, with a heart and soul in harmony.)

46. **精忠报国,万死不辞。** (Loyal and devoted to the nation, willing to die a thousand deaths.)

精忠报国,万死不辞。 (Loyal and devoted to the nation, willing to die a thousand deaths.)

47. **凛然正气,浩然正气。** (A majestic and righteous spirit, a noble and righteous spirit.)

凛然正气,浩然正气。 (A majestic and righteous spirit, a noble and righteous spirit.)

48. **不畏权贵,敢于斗争。** (Unafraid of the powerful, courageous in struggle.)

不畏权贵,敢于斗争。 (Unafraid of the powerful, courageous in struggle.)

49. **以天下为己任,以百姓为己心。** (Take the world as one's responsibility, and the people as one's heart.)

以天下为己任,以百姓为己心。 (Take the world as one's responsibility, and the people as one's heart.)

50. **心怀坦荡,光明磊落。** (A broad and open heart, bright and honest.)

心怀坦荡,光明磊落。 (A broad and open heart, bright and honest.)

51. **读书万卷,心怀天下。** (Read thousands of books, and embrace the world.)

读书万卷,心怀天下。 (Read thousands of books, and embrace the world.)

52. **胸怀大志,志存高远。** (With grand aspirations, aiming high.)

胸怀大志,志存高远。 (With grand aspirations, aiming high.)

53. **不为名利所累,不为世俗所惑。** (Not burdened by fame and fortune, not swayed by worldly temptations.)

不为名利所累,不为世俗所惑。 (Not burdened by fame and fortune, not swayed by worldly temptations.)

54. **心存正义,敢于担当。** (With a heart for justice, willing to take responsibility.)

心存正义,敢于担当。 (With a heart for justice, willing to take responsibility.)

55. **仁义礼智信,温良恭俭让。** (Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, gentleness, kindness, courtesy, humility, and yielding.)

仁义礼智信,温良恭俭让。 (Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, gentleness, kindness, courtesy, humility, and yielding.)

56. **浩气长存,风骨凛然。** (A noble spirit that endures, upright and dignified.)

浩气长存,风骨凛然。 (A noble spirit that endures, upright and dignified.)

57. **为国为民,舍生忘死。** (For the nation and the people, willing to sacrifice life and forget death.)

为国为民,舍生忘死。 (For the nation and the people, willing to sacrifice life and forget death.)

58. **不屈不挠,坚韧不拔。** (Unwavering and resilient, never giving up.)

不屈不挠,坚韧不拔。 (Unwavering and resilient, never giving up.)

59. **以身作则,率先垂范。** (Set an example, be a role model for others.)

以身作则,率先垂范。 (Set an example, be a role model for others.)

60. **忠孝节义,仁义礼智信。** (Loyalty, filial piety, integrity, righteousness, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness.)

忠孝节义,仁义礼智信。 (Loyalty, filial piety, integrity, righteousness, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness.)

61. **淡泊名利,心怀天下。** (Indifferent to fame and fortune, embracing the world.)

淡泊名利,心怀天下。 (Indifferent to fame and fortune, embracing the world.)

62. **志士仁人,浩然正气。** (Righteous and benevolent, with a noble and righteous spirit.)

志士仁人,浩然正气。 (Righteous and benevolent, with a noble and righteous spirit.)

63. **光明磊落,坦荡无私。** (Bright and honest, open and selfless.)

光明磊落,坦荡无私。 (Bright and honest, open and selfless.)

64. **刚正不阿,清廉正直。** (Upright and incorruptible, honest and straightforward.)

刚正不阿,清廉正直。 (Upright and incorruptible, honest and straightforward.)

65. **不畏强权,敢于直言。** (Unafraid of power, daring to speak truth.)

不畏强权,敢于直言。 (Unafraid of power, daring to speak truth.)

66. **以德服人,以才治国。** (Win over people with virtue, govern the nation with talent.)

以德服人,以才治国。 (Win over people with virtue, govern the nation with talent.)

67. **心系百姓,为民请命。** (With a heart for the people, speak up for them.)

心系百姓,为民请命。 (With a heart for the people, speak up for them.)

68. **志存高远,心怀坦荡。** (Aspire to lofty goals, with a clear and open heart.)

志存高远,心怀坦荡。 (Aspire to lofty goals, with a clear and open heart.)

69. **文能提笔安天下,武能上马定乾坤。** (Able to govern the nation with the pen, and secure the world on horseback.)

文能提笔安天下,武能上马定乾坤。 (Able to govern the nation with the pen, and secure the world on horseback.)

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