
## 墨菲定律书籍句子,81句

**1. 墨菲定律:任何事都有可能出错,而且出错的可能性总是大于其不发生的可能性。**

Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and the probability of it going wrong is always greater than the probability of it not going wrong.

**2. 如果事情有多种可能出错的方式,那么它一定会选择其中最糟糕的一种。**

If there are several possible ways in which a thing can go wrong, it will go wrong in the worst possible way.

**3. 任何事看起来都很容易,直到你尝试去做它。**

Everything looks easy until you try to do it.

**4. 你所做的任何事,只要有可能出错,它一定会出错。**

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, if there is a possibility of it going wrong.

**5. 如果你担心某件事会发生,它就一定会发生。**

If you are worried about something happening, it will happen.

**6. 你越担心某件事,它就越有可能发生。**

The more you worry about something, the more likely it is to happen.

**7. 你越想避免某件事,它就越有可能发生。**

The more you try to avoid something, the more likely it is to happen.

**8. 你越相信某件事不会发生,它就越有可能发生。**

The more you believe something won't happen, the more likely it is to happen.

**9. 你越努力让某件事顺利进行,它就越有可能出错。**

The harder you try to make something go right, the more likely it is to go wrong.

**10. 你越是想让某件事变得完美,它就越有可能变得一团糟。**

The more you want something to be perfect, the more likely it is to be a mess.

**11. 你越是想快速完成某件事,它就越有可能花费更长的时间。**

The more you want to do something quickly, the more likely it is to take longer.

**12. 你越是试图隐藏某件事,它就越有可能被发现。**

The more you try to hide something, the more likely it is to be discovered.

**13. 你越是试图欺骗别人,你就越有可能被他们识破。**

The more you try to deceive others, the more likely it is that they will see through you.

**14. 你越是试图控制某件事,它就越有可能失控。**

The more you try to control something, the more likely it is to get out of control.

**15. 你越是试图解决一个问题,它就越有可能变得更加复杂。**

The more you try to solve a problem, the more likely it is to become more complicated.

**16. 任何事只要能出错,它一定会出错,而且在最糟糕的时候出错。**

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, and it will go wrong at the worst possible time.

**17. 如果你能预测到某件事会出错,它就不会出错。**

If you can predict something will go wrong, it won't go wrong.

**18. 如果某件事看起来太简单,那就一定有陷阱。**

If something looks too easy, there's probably a catch.

**19. 当你认为你已经完成了一件事,你实际上才刚刚开始。**

When you think you've finished something, you've actually just begun.

**20. 如果你犯了一个错误,你一定会再次犯同样的错误。**

If you make a mistake, you will likely make the same mistake again.

**21. 如果你成功了,不要以为你已经学会了教训。**

If you succeed, don't assume you've learned your lesson.

**22. 如果你失败了,不要灰心,因为你一定会再次失败。**

If you fail, don't be discouraged, because you will likely fail again.

**23. 如果你尝试改进某件事,它一定会变得更糟。**

If you try to improve something, it will likely get worse.

**24. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更好,它一定会变得更糟。**

If you try to make something better, it will likely get worse.

**25. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更简单,它一定会变得更复杂。**

If you try to make something simpler, it will likely become more complex.

**26. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更快,它一定会变得更慢。**

If you try to make something faster, it will likely become slower.

**27. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更便宜,它一定会变得更贵。**

If you try to make something cheaper, it will likely become more expensive.

**28. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更安全,它一定会变得更危险。**

If you try to make something safer, it will likely become more dangerous.

**29. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更可靠,它一定会变得更不可靠。**

If you try to make something more reliable, it will likely become less reliable.

**30. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更有效,它一定会变得更无效。**

If you try to make something more efficient, it will likely become less efficient.

**31. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更容易,它一定会变得更难。**

If you try to make something easier, it will likely become harder.

**32. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更有趣,它一定会变得更无聊。**

If you try to make something more fun, it will likely become more boring.

**33. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更漂亮,它一定会变得更丑。**

If you try to make something prettier, it will likely become uglier.

**34. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**35. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更强大,它一定会变得更脆弱。**

If you try to make something stronger, it will likely become more fragile.

**36. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更坚固,它一定会变得更易碎。**

If you try to make something more durable, it will likely become more breakable.

**37. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更耐用,它一定会变得更易损。**

If you try to make something more lasting, it will likely become more perishable.

**38. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更稳定,它一定会变得更不稳定。**

If you try to make something more stable, it will likely become less stable.

**39. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更平衡,它一定会变得更不平衡。**

If you try to make something more balanced, it will likely become less balanced.

**40. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更和谐,它一定会变得更不和谐。**

If you try to make something more harmonious, it will likely become less harmonious.

**41. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更协调,它一定会变得更不协调。**

If you try to make something more coordinated, it will likely become less coordinated.

**42. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更统一,它一定会变得更不统一。**

If you try to make something more unified, it will likely become less unified.

**43. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完整,它一定会变得更不完整。**

If you try to make something more complete, it will likely become less complete.

**44. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**45. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更理想,它一定会变得更不理想。**

If you try to make something more ideal, it will likely become less ideal.

**46. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更优秀,它一定会变得更糟糕。**

If you try to make something better, it will likely get worse.

**47. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更出色,它一定会变得更平庸。**

If you try to make something more outstanding, it will likely become more ordinary.

**48. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更杰出,它一定会变得更平凡。**

If you try to make something more remarkable, it will likely become more commonplace.

**49. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更独特,它一定会变得更普通。**

If you try to make something more unique, it will likely become more common.

**50. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更稀有,它一定会变得更常见。**

If you try to make something more rare, it will likely become more common.

**51. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更宝贵,它一定会变得更廉价。**

If you try to make something more valuable, it will likely become cheaper.

**52. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更重要,它一定会变得更不重要。**

If you try to make something more important, it will likely become less important.

**53. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更成功,它一定会变得更失败。**

If you try to make something more successful, it will likely become more unsuccessful.

**54. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更有名,它一定会变得更默默无闻。**

If you try to make something more famous, it will likely become more obscure.

**55. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更受欢迎,它一定会变得更不受欢迎。**

If you try to make something more popular, it will likely become less popular.

**56. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更值得关注,它一定会变得更不受关注。**

If you try to make something more noticeable, it will likely become less noticeable.

**57. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更显眼,它一定会变得更不显眼。**

If you try to make something more prominent, it will likely become less prominent.

**58. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更重要,它一定会变得更不重要。**

If you try to make something more significant, it will likely become less significant.

**59. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更伟大,它一定会变得更渺小。**

If you try to make something greater, it will likely become smaller.

**60. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更宏伟,它一定会变得更简陋。**

If you try to make something grander, it will likely become humbler.

**61. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更雄伟,它一定会变得更卑微。**

If you try to make something more majestic, it will likely become more humble.

**62. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更壮丽,它一定会变得更朴素。**

If you try to make something more magnificent, it will likely become more plain.

**63. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更辉煌,它一定会变得更黯淡。**

If you try to make something more brilliant, it will likely become more dim.

**64. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更灿烂,它一定会变得更暗淡。**

If you try to make something more radiant, it will likely become more subdued.

**65. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更光彩照人,它一定会变得更暗淡无光。**

If you try to make something more dazzling, it will likely become more dull.

**66. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**67. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**68. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**69. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**70. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**71. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**72. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**73. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**74. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**75. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**76. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**77. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**78. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**79. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**80. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

**81. 如果你尝试让某件事变得更完美,它一定会变得更不完美。**

If you try to make something more perfect, it will likely become less perfect.

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