
## 地动山摇句子 (78句)

1. 山崩地裂,地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般。

The mountains crumbled and the earth shook violently, as if the ground itself was about to split open.

2. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,地动山摇,房屋摇晃得厉害。

The deafening roar, the earth shaking violently, and the houses swaying precariously.

3. 地动山摇,房屋倒塌,街道上到处都是碎石瓦砾。

The ground shook violently, houses collapsed, and the streets were littered with debris.

4. 突然间,地动山摇,大地仿佛在颤抖。

Suddenly, the earth shook violently, as if the ground was trembling.

5. 巨大的轰鸣声,地动山摇,天空仿佛要塌下来了。

A tremendous roar, the earth shaking violently, and the sky seemed to be falling.

6. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们纷纷逃命。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people fled in panic.

7. 山河变色,地动山摇,天地仿佛要毁灭了。

The mountains and rivers changed color, the earth shook violently, and the world seemed to be coming to an end.

8. 地动山摇,大地裂开了一条巨大的缝隙。

The earth shook violently, and a huge crack opened up in the ground.

9. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,景象十分壮观。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, and the sight was truly spectacular.

10. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊慌失措。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were in a state of panic.

11. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂成两半。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split in two.

12. 地动山摇,海水倒灌,城市一片狼藉。

The earth shook violently, seawater surged in, and the city was in ruins.

13. 地动山摇,房屋倒塌,无数人丧生。

The earth shook violently, houses collapsed, and countless people lost their lives.

14. 地动山摇,山川崩塌,景象令人震撼。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, and the sight was awe-inspiring.

15. 地动山摇,大地仿佛在怒吼。

The earth shook violently, as if it was roaring with rage.

16. 地动山摇,天地为之变色。

The earth shook violently, and the heavens changed color.

17. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified.

18. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动。

The earth shook violently, and the mountains and rivers trembled.

19. 地动山摇,天空仿佛被撕裂了。

The earth shook violently, and the sky seemed to be torn apart.

20. 地动山摇,房屋纷纷倒塌,街道上到处都是碎石瓦砾。

The earth shook violently, houses collapsed one after another, and the streets were littered with debris.

21. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,景象十分惨烈。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, and the sight was truly tragic.

22. 地动山摇,大地仿佛在颤抖,人们惊慌失措。

The earth shook violently, as if it was trembling, and people were in a state of panic.

23. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,景象十分壮观。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, and the sight was truly spectacular.

24. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic.

25. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃命。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing for their lives.

26. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, and the ground seemed to be roaring with rage.

27. 地动山摇,天地为之变色,景象令人惊叹。

The earth shook violently, the heavens changed color, and the sight was awe-inspiring.

28. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状,纷纷躲避。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified, fleeing for cover.

29. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在颤抖。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

30. 地动山摇,天空仿佛被撕裂了,景象十分壮观。

The earth shook violently, and the sky seemed to be torn apart, a truly spectacular sight.

31. 地动山摇,房屋倒塌,街道上到处都是碎石瓦砾,景象十分惨烈。

The earth shook violently, houses collapsed, the streets were littered with debris, and the sight was truly tragic.

32. 地动山摇,大地仿佛在颤抖,人们惊慌失措,纷纷逃离家园。

The earth shook violently, as if it was trembling, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing their homes.

33. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分壮观。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly spectacular.

34. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措,纷纷躲避。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing for cover.

35. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃离家园,寻找安全的地方。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing their homes to find safe places.

36. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分惨烈,令人心惊胆战。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly tragic and terrifying.

37. 地动山摇,天地为之变色,景象令人惊叹,仿佛世界末日来临。

The earth shook violently, the heavens changed color, and the sight was awe-inspiring, as if the end of the world had come.

38. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves.

39. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在颤抖,景象十分壮观,令人叹为观止。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the sight was truly spectacular and awe-inspiring.

40. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves.

41. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃离家园,寻找安全的地方,以求自保。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing their homes to find safe places to protect themselves.

42. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分惨烈,令人心惊胆战,却也令人震撼。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly tragic and terrifying, but also awe-inspiring.

43. 地动山摇,天地为之变色,景象令人惊叹,仿佛世界末日来临,却也让人们看到了大自然的威力。

The earth shook violently, the heavens changed color, and the sight was awe-inspiring, as if the end of the world had come, but it also revealed the power of nature.

44. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们意识到生命的脆弱和珍贵。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people realize the fragility and preciousness of life.

45. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在颤抖,景象十分壮观,令人叹为观止,也让人们对大自然的伟力肃然起敬。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the sight was truly spectacular and awe-inspiring. It also made people deeply respect the power of nature.

46. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们意识到团结的重要性。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people realize the importance of unity.

47. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃离家园,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们体会到家园的宝贵。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing their homes to find safe places to protect themselves. It also made people appreciate the value of home.

48. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分惨烈,令人心惊胆战,却也让人们看到了生命的坚韧和顽强。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly tragic and terrifying, but it also showed the resilience and tenacity of life.

49. 地动山摇,天地为之变色,景象令人惊叹,仿佛世界末日来临,却也让人们认识到生命的宝贵和短暂。

The earth shook violently, the heavens changed color, and the sight was awe-inspiring, as if the end of the world had come. It also made people realize the preciousness and brevity of life.

50. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们感受到人类的渺小和脆弱。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people feel the smallness and fragility of humanity.

51. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在颤抖,景象十分壮观,令人叹为观止,也让人们对大自然的敬畏之心油然而生。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the sight was truly spectacular and awe-inspiring. It also inspired a deep awe and respect for nature.

52. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加珍惜生命和生活。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people cherish life and life even more.

53. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃离家园,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们体会到家园的温暖和重要。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing their homes to find safe places to protect themselves. It also made people feel the warmth and importance of home.

54. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分惨烈,令人心惊胆战,却也让人们看到了希望和力量。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly tragic and terrifying, but it also showed hope and strength.

55. 地动山摇,天地为之变色,景象令人惊叹,仿佛世界末日来临,却也让人们更加珍惜当下,更加热爱生活。

The earth shook violently, the heavens changed color, and the sight was awe-inspiring, as if the end of the world had come. It also made people cherish the present moment even more and love life even more.

56. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加懂得生命的意义和价值。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people better understand the meaning and value of life.

57. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在颤抖,景象十分壮观,令人叹为观止,也让人们更加敬畏自然,更加尊重生命。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the sight was truly spectacular and awe-inspiring. It also made people respect nature even more and respect life even more.

58. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加懂得珍惜时间,珍惜当下。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people cherish time more and cherish the present moment.

59. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃离家园,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加懂得感恩和珍惜。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing their homes to find safe places to protect themselves. It also made people more grateful and cherish what they have.

60. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分惨烈,令人心惊胆战,却也让人们更加坚强和勇敢。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly tragic and terrifying, but it also made people stronger and braver.

61. 地动山摇,天地为之变色,景象令人惊叹,仿佛世界末日来临,却也让人们更加乐观和积极。

The earth shook violently, the heavens changed color, and the sight was awe-inspiring, as if the end of the world had come. It also made people more optimistic and positive.

62. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加团结和友爱。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people more united and friendly.

63. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在颤抖,景象十分壮观,令人叹为观止,也让人们更加热爱生活,更加珍惜生命。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the sight was truly spectacular and awe-inspiring. It also made people love life more and cherish life more.

64. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加懂得生命的意义,更加懂得珍惜生命。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people better understand the meaning of life and cherish life more.

65. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃离家园,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加珍惜家园,更加热爱生活。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing their homes to find safe places to protect themselves. It also made people cherish their homes more and love life more.

66. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分惨烈,令人心惊胆战,却也让人们更加勇敢面对困难,更加坚强地活下去。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly tragic and terrifying, but it also made people more courageous in the face of adversity and live on more strongly.

67. 地动山摇,天地为之变色,景象令人惊叹,仿佛世界末日来临,却也让人们更加珍惜彼此,更加懂得相互帮助。

The earth shook violently, the heavens changed color, and the sight was awe-inspiring, as if the end of the world had come. It also made people cherish each other more and understand how to help each other.

68. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加珍惜和平,更加懂得和平的宝贵。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people cherish peace more and understand the preciousness of peace.

69. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在颤抖,景象十分壮观,令人叹为观止,也让人们更加敬畏自然,更加懂得保护环境。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the sight was truly spectacular and awe-inspiring. It also made people respect nature more and understand the importance of protecting the environment.

70. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加懂得生命的美好,更加懂得珍惜生命。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people appreciate the beauty of life more and cherish life more.

71. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃离家园,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加珍惜家园,更加懂得爱护家园。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing their homes to find safe places to protect themselves. It also made people cherish their homes more and understand how to cherish their homes.

72. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分惨烈,令人心惊胆战,却也让人们更加懂得生命的坚强,更加懂得战胜困难。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly tragic and terrifying, but it also made people understand the strength of life better and understand how to overcome difficulties.

73. 地动山摇,天地为之变色,景象令人惊叹,仿佛世界末日来临,却也让人们更加懂得生命的价值,更加懂得珍惜时间。

The earth shook violently, the heavens changed color, and the sight was awe-inspiring, as if the end of the world had come. It also made people better understand the value of life and cherish time more.

74. 地动山摇,万物皆惊,人们惊恐万状,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加懂得团结协作,更加懂得互相帮助。

The earth shook violently, everything was in chaos, and people were terrified, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people understand the importance of teamwork and helping each other.

75. 地动山摇,山川河流都为之震动,大地仿佛在颤抖,景象十分壮观,令人叹为观止,也让人们更加敬畏自然,更加懂得保护环境,保护家园。

The earth shook violently, the mountains and rivers trembled, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the sight was truly spectacular and awe-inspiring. It also made people respect nature more and understand the importance of protecting the environment and protecting their home.

76. 地动山摇,大地仿佛要裂开一般,人们惊慌失措,纷纷躲避,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加懂得生命的宝贵,更加懂得珍惜生命,珍惜生活。

The earth shook violently, as if it was going to split open, and people were in a state of panic, fleeing for cover, searching for safe places to protect themselves. It also made people appreciate the preciousness of life more and cherish life and life more.

77. 地动山摇,房屋摇摇欲坠,人们惊恐万状,纷纷逃离家园,寻找安全的地方,以求自保,也让人们更加懂得家园的温暖,更加懂得珍惜家园,珍惜亲人。

The earth shook violently, houses were on the verge of collapse, and people were terrified, fleeing their homes to find safe places to protect themselves. It also made people appreciate the warmth of home more and cherish their home and loved ones more.

78. 地动山摇,山峰倒塌,巨石滚落,大地仿佛在怒吼,景象十分惨烈,令人心惊胆战,却也让人们更加懂得生命的坚强,更加懂得生命的意义,更加懂得生命的宝贵。

The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, boulders rolled down, the ground seemed to be roaring with rage, and the sight was truly tragic and terrifying, but it also made people understand the strength of life better, understand the meaning of life better, and understand the preciousness of life better.

以上就是关于地动山摇句子78句(地动山摇句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
