
## 在酒吧的常用句子 (82 句)


1. 我想要一杯啤酒。/ I'd like a beer.
2. 我想要一杯 [酒名]。/ I'd like a [酒名].
3. 我想要一杯鸡尾酒。/ I'd like a cocktail.
4. 可以给我一杯 [酒名] 吗?/ Can I get a [酒名]?
5. 我想要一杯 [酒名],不加冰。/ I'd like a [酒名] on the rocks.
6. 我想要一杯 [酒名],加冰。/ I'd like a [酒名] with ice.
7. 我想要一杯 [酒名],加柠檬。/ I'd like a [酒名] with lemon.
8. 我想要一杯 [酒名],加苏打水。/ I'd like a [酒名] with soda.
9. 我想要一杯 [酒名],加 [饮料]。/ I'd like a [酒名] with [饮料].
10. 我想要一瓶 [酒名]。/ I'd like a bottle of [酒名].
11. 我想要一杯 [酒名],不要加糖。/ I'd like a [酒名] unsweetened.
12. 我想要一杯 [酒名],加糖。/ I'd like a [酒名] sweetened.
13. 可以推荐一杯酒吗?/ Can you recommend a drink?
14. 有什么特色酒吗?/ What are your signature drinks?
15. 有 [酒名] 吗?/ Do you have [酒名]?
16. 有 [饮料] 吗?/ Do you have [饮料]?
17. 可以给我来一份菜单吗?/ Can I get a menu, please?
18. 这里有什么好吃的吗?/ What's good here?
19. 我想要一份 [食物名]。/ I'd like a [食物名].
20. 我想要一份 [食物名],不要加 [食材]。/ I'd like a [食物名] without [食材].
21. 我想要一份 [食物名],加 [食材]。/ I'd like a [食物名] with [食材].
22. 我想要一份 [食物名],少放盐。/ I'd like a [食物名] with less salt.
23. 我想要一份 [食物名],多放盐。/ I'd like a [食物名] with more salt.
24. 我想要一份 [食物名],不要加酱汁。/ I'd like a [食物名] without sauce.
25. 我想要一份 [食物名],加 [酱汁]。/ I'd like a [食物名] with [酱汁].
26. 可以给我一张纸巾吗?/ Can I get a napkin, please?
27. 可以给我一个杯垫吗?/ Can I get a coaster, please?


28. 您好!/ Hello!
29. 谢谢!/ Thank you!
30. 请稍等!/ Hold on!
31. 请慢点!/ Slow down!
32. 请给我一杯水。/ Can I get some water?
33. 请给我一杯冰水。/ Can I get some ice water?
34. 多少钱?/ How much is it?
35. 我买单!/ I'll take the bill.
36. 请开账单。/ Can I have the check, please?
37. 我可以刷卡吗?/ Can I pay by card?
38. 我可以现金支付吗?/ Can I pay cash?
39. 可以帮我叫辆出租车吗?/ Can you call me a taxi?
40. 我想点一些酒。/ I'd like to order some drinks.
41. 我想点一些食物。/ I'd like to order some food.
42. 我想多点一杯酒。/ I'd like another drink.
43. 我想多点一份食物。/ I'd like another order of food.
44. 我想换一杯酒。/ I'd like to change my drink.
45. 我想换一份食物。/ I'd like to change my order.
46. 这酒太甜了。/ This drink is too sweet.
47. 这酒太苦了。/ This drink is too bitter.
48. 这酒太淡了。/ This drink is too weak.
49. 这酒太浓了。/ This drink is too strong.
50. 这酒味道不对。/ This drink tastes wrong.
51. 这食物太冷了。/ This food is too cold.
52. 这食物太热了。/ This food is too hot.
53. 这食物太咸了。/ This food is too salty.
54. 这食物太淡了。/ This food is too bland.
55. 这食物不好吃。/ This food is not good.
56. 我想点一些 [酒名]。/ I'd like some [酒名].
57. 我想点一些 [食物名]。/ I'd like some [食物名].
58. 可以帮我调一杯 [酒名] 吗?/ Can you make me a [酒名]?
59. 可以帮我做一份 [食物名] 吗?/ Can you make me a [食物名]?
60. 可以帮我加点 [食材] 吗?/ Can I get some more [食材]?
61. 可以帮我少放点 [食材] 吗?/ Can I get less [食材]?
62. 可以帮我换个杯子吗?/ Can I get a new glass?
63. 可以帮我换个盘子吗?/ Can I get a new plate?
64. 可以帮我换个位置吗?/ Can I get a different seat?
65. 可以帮我叫个朋友吗?/ Can you call my friend?
66. 我想借用一下洗手间。/ I need to use the restroom.
67. 可以帮我保管一下东西吗?/ Can you hold my things?
68. 可以帮我充电一下手机吗?/ Can I charge my phone?
69. 可以帮我叫一辆车吗?/ Can I get a ride?


70. 你想喝点什么?/ What would you like to drink?
71. 你想吃点什么?/ What would you like to eat?
72. 我们来玩个游戏吧。/ Let's play a game.
73. 你想聊些什么?/ What do you want to talk about?
74. 我请你喝一杯。/ It's on me.
75. 你想结伴去哪里?/ Where do you want to go?
76. 我们一起跳舞吧。/ Let's dance together.
77. 你觉得这个酒吧怎么样?/ What do you think of this bar?
78. 你觉得这个酒怎么样?/ How do you like this drink?
79. 你觉得这个食物怎么样?/ How do you like this food?
80. 你觉得这个地方怎么样?/ How do you like this place?
81. 你玩得开心吗?/ Are you having a good time?
82. 我很喜欢和你在一起。/ I enjoy being with you.

## 英文翻译:

**Ordering Drinks**

1. I'd like a beer.

2. I'd like a [drink name].

3. I'd like a cocktail.

4. Can I get a [drink name]?

5. I'd like a [drink name] on the rocks.

6. I'd like a [drink name] with ice.

7. I'd like a [drink name] with lemon.

8. I'd like a [drink name] with soda.

9. I'd like a [drink name] with [beverage].

10. I'd like a bottle of [drink name].

11. I'd like a [drink name] unsweetened.

12. I'd like a [drink name] sweetened.

13. Can you recommend a drink?

14. What are your signature drinks?

15. Do you have [drink name]?

16. Do you have [beverage]?

17. Can I get a menu, please?

18. What's good here?

19. I'd like a [food name].

20. I'd like a [food name] without [ingredient].

21. I'd like a [food name] with [ingredient].

22. I'd like a [food name] with less salt.

23. I'd like a [food name] with more salt.

24. I'd like a [food name] without sauce.

25. I'd like a [food name] with [sauce].

26. Can I get a napkin, please?

27. Can I get a coaster, please?

**Interacting with the Bartender**

28. Hello!

29. Thank you!

30. Hold on!

31. Slow down!

32. Can I get some water?

33. Can I get some ice water?

34. How much is it?

35. I'll take the bill.

36. Can I have the check, please?

37. Can I pay by card?

38. Can I pay cash?

39. Can you call me a taxi?

40. I'd like to order some drinks.

41. I'd like to order some food.

42. I'd like another drink.

43. I'd like another order of food.

44. I'd like to change my drink.

45. I'd like to change my order.

46. This drink is too sweet.

47. This drink is too bitter.

48. This drink is too weak.

49. This drink is too strong.

50. This drink tastes wrong.

51. This food is too cold.

52. This food is too hot.

53. This food is too salty.

54. This food is too bland.

55. This food is not good.

56. I'd like some [drink name].

57. I'd like some [food name].

58. Can you make me a [drink name]?

59. Can you make me a [food name]?

60. Can I get some more [ingredient]?

61. Can I get less [ingredient]?

62. Can I get a new glass?

63. Can I get a new plate?

64. Can I get a different seat?

65. Can you call my friend?

66. I need to use the restroom.

67. Can you hold my things?

68. Can I charge my phone?

69. Can I get a ride?

**Interacting with Friends**

70. What would you like to drink?

71. What would you like to eat?

72. Let's play a game.

73. What do you want to talk about?

74. It's on me.

75. Where do you want to go?

76. Let's dance together.

77. What do you think of this bar?

78. How do you like this drink?

79. How do you like this food?

80. How do you like this place?

81. Are you having a good time?

82. I enjoy being with you.

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