
## 国士无双的句子 (63句)

**1. 功盖三分国,名成八阵图。**

His achievements surpassed the three kingdoms, and his name is forever etched in the eight formations.

**2. 天下英雄,唯使君与操耳。**

Among all the heroes in the world, only you and Cao Cao are worthy of being called true heroes.

**3. 出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。**

He died before his mission was accomplished, leaving heroes weeping in sorrow.

**4. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。**

He dedicated his entire life to serving the country, even until death.

**5. 忠义无双,名垂青史。**

His loyalty and righteousness are unmatched, and his name will forever be inscribed in history.

**6. 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外。**

He planned strategies within his tent, and won battles thousands of miles away.

**7. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。**

Rather be a broken jade than an intact tile. (Meaning: He would rather die with honor than survive in shame.)

**8. 一身正气,浩然长存。**

His righteous spirit will forever endure.

**9. 功成名就,淡泊名利。**

He achieved fame and success, yet remained humble and unattached to worldly fame.

**10. 爱民如子,仁义为怀。**

He loved his people as his own children, and his heart was filled with benevolence and righteousness.

**11. 文武双全,智勇兼备。**

He was both a skilled strategist and a valiant warrior, possessing both intelligence and courage.

**12. 明察秋毫,洞悉人心。**

He could see through people's intentions with great clarity, like discerning the smallest details in autumn leaves.

**13. 临危不惧,逆境求生。**

He remained fearless in the face of danger, and sought survival even in adversity.

**14. 千古奇才,一代名将。**

He was a brilliant genius and a legendary general throughout the ages.

**15. 心怀天下,胸襟博大。**

He cared for the entire world and possessed a vast and generous heart.

**16. 气吞山河,雄才大略。**

His ambition was as vast as the mountains and rivers, and his talent was extraordinary.

**17. 忠心耿耿,赤胆忠魂。**

His loyalty was unwavering, and his spirit was as red as the flames of patriotism.

**18. 舍生忘死,救国救民。**

He sacrificed his life without hesitation to save his country and his people.

**19. 威震四方,名扬海外。**

His reputation for bravery spread throughout the land and even beyond the borders.

**20. 仁义之师,天下楷模。**

His army was known for its benevolence and righteousness, setting an example for all.

**21. 以德服人,以理服人。**

He won people over with his virtues and his reason.

**22. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。**

He dedicated his entire life to serving the country, even until death.

**23. 忠肝义胆,赤胆忠心。**

He was loyal and righteous, with a heart full of patriotism.

**24. 文韬武略,智勇双全。**

He was a master of both strategy and combat, possessing both intelligence and courage.

**25. 运筹帷幄,决胜千里。**

He planned strategies within his tent, and won battles thousands of miles away.

**26. 爱国情怀,深沉厚重。**

His love for his country was profound and unwavering.

**27. 以身许国,舍身报国。**

He dedicated his entire life to his country, sacrificing himself for its sake.

**28. 威名远播,功绩卓著。**

His fame spread far and wide, and his accomplishments were remarkable.

**29. 忠心耿耿,为国捐躯。**

He remained loyal until the end, giving his life for his country.

**30. 仁义为本,以德服人。**

He believed in benevolence and righteousness, and won people over with his virtue.

**31. 运筹帷幄,决胜千里之外。**

He planned strategies within his tent, and won battles thousands of miles away.

**32. 舍生忘死,救国救民。**

He sacrificed his life without hesitation to save his country and his people.

**33. 气吞山河,雄才大略。**

His ambition was as vast as the mountains and rivers, and his talent was extraordinary.

**34. 爱民如子,仁义为怀。**

He loved his people as his own children, and his heart was filled with benevolence and righteousness.

**35. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。**

He dedicated his entire life to serving the country, even until death.

**36. 忠义无双,名垂青史。**

His loyalty and righteousness are unmatched, and his name will forever be inscribed in history.

**37. 功成名就,淡泊名利。**

He achieved fame and success, yet remained humble and unattached to worldly fame.

**38. 以身许国,舍身报国。**

He dedicated his entire life to his country, sacrificing himself for its sake.

**39. 爱国情怀,深沉厚重。**

His love for his country was profound and unwavering.

**40. 一身正气,浩然长存。**

His righteous spirit will forever endure.

**41. 文武双全,智勇兼备。**

He was both a skilled strategist and a valiant warrior, possessing both intelligence and courage.

**42. 临危不惧,逆境求生。**

He remained fearless in the face of danger, and sought survival even in adversity.

**43. 千古奇才,一代名将。**

He was a brilliant genius and a legendary general throughout the ages.

**44. 心怀天下,胸襟博大。**

He cared for the entire world and possessed a vast and generous heart.

**45. 名垂青史,万世流芳。**

His name will forever be etched in history, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

**46. 忠肝义胆,赤胆忠心。**

He was loyal and righteous, with a heart full of patriotism.

**47. 舍生忘死,救国救民。**

He sacrificed his life without hesitation to save his country and his people.

**48. 以德服人,以理服人。**

He won people over with his virtues and his reason.

**49. 爱民如子,仁义为怀。**

He loved his people as his own children, and his heart was filled with benevolence and righteousness.

**50. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。**

He dedicated his entire life to serving the country, even until death.

**51. 忠义无双,名垂青史。**

His loyalty and righteousness are unmatched, and his name will forever be inscribed in history.

**52. 功成名就,淡泊名利。**

He achieved fame and success, yet remained humble and unattached to worldly fame.

**53. 运筹帷幄,决胜千里。**

He planned strategies within his tent, and won battles thousands of miles away.

**54. 舍生忘死,救国救民。**

He sacrificed his life without hesitation to save his country and his people.

**55. 气吞山河,雄才大略。**

His ambition was as vast as the mountains and rivers, and his talent was extraordinary.

**56. 一身正气,浩然长存。**

His righteous spirit will forever endure.

**57. 文武双全,智勇兼备。**

He was both a skilled strategist and a valiant warrior, possessing both intelligence and courage.

**58. 临危不惧,逆境求生。**

He remained fearless in the face of danger, and sought survival even in adversity.

**59. 千古奇才,一代名将。**

He was a brilliant genius and a legendary general throughout the ages.

**60. 心怀天下,胸襟博大。**

He cared for the entire world and possessed a vast and generous heart.

**61. 名垂青史,万世流芳。**

His name will forever be etched in history, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

**62. 以德服人,以理服人。**

He won people over with his virtues and his reason.

**63. 功盖三分国,名成八阵图。**

His achievements surpassed the three kingdoms, and his name is forever etched in the eight formations.

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