
## 沙雕道歉句子 88句

**Part 1: 通用型**

1. 对不起,我错了,下次还敢!

Sorry, I was wrong, but I'll do it again next time!

2. 我错了,但这并不意味着我以后会改!

I was wrong, but that doesn't mean I'll change in the future!

3. 我知道我错了,但我真的不想道歉!

I know I was wrong, but I really don't want to apologize!

4. 我是真心的道歉,但你可能不信!

I'm sincerely apologizing, but you probably won't believe me!

5. 我错了,但我不知道我哪里错了!

I was wrong, but I don't know what I did wrong!

6. 我错了,但这都是你的错!

I was wrong, but it's all your fault!

7. 我错了,但我已经后悔了!

I was wrong, but I regret it already!

8. 我错了,但我下次还会犯!

I was wrong, but I'll do it again next time!

9. 我错了,但我不应该道歉!

I was wrong, but I shouldn't apologize!

10. 对不起,我错了,但我下次还是会这样!

Sorry, I was wrong, but I'll still do it next time!

**Part 2: 针对特定情况**

11. 我知道我打呼噜很吵,但我真的控制不住!

I know my snoring is loud, but I really can't control it!

12. 对不起,我忘了你的生日!但没关系,我们一起过下一个生日吧!

Sorry, I forgot your birthday! But it's okay, let's celebrate the next one together!

13. 我知道我吃太多,但我真的太饿了!

I know I ate too much, but I was really hungry!

14. 我知道我迟到了,但路上堵车了!

I know I'm late, but there was traffic!

15. 对不起,我没能帮你!但我已经尽力了!

Sorry, I couldn't help you! But I've done my best!

16. 我知道我弄坏了你的东西,但我会给你买新的!

I know I broke your thing, but I'll buy you a new one!

17. 对不起,我惹你生气了!但你还是最棒的!

Sorry, I made you angry! But you're still the best!

18. 我知道我讲了不该讲的话,但我是真的爱你!

I know I said something I shouldn't have, but I really love you!

19. 我知道我喝醉了,但我真的很开心!

I know I was drunk, but I was really happy!

20. 我知道我做的不对,但我真的很想你!

I know I did something wrong, but I really miss you!

**Part 3: 搞笑型**

21. 我错了,但我不想承认!

I was wrong, but I don't want to admit it!

22. 我错了,但你能不能别生气了?

I was wrong, but can you please stop being angry?

23. 我错了,但我还是认为我没错!

I was wrong, but I still think I'm right!

24. 我错了,但你真的需要冷静一下!

I was wrong, but you really need to calm down!

25. 我错了,但我不是故意的!

I was wrong, but I didn't mean to do it!

26. 我错了,但这都是你的错!

I was wrong, but it's all your fault!

27. 我错了,但我不会再犯了!

I was wrong, but I won't do it again!

28. 我错了,但我现在已经无路可退了!

I was wrong, but I have nowhere else to go now!

29. 我错了,但我以后还是会这样!

I was wrong, but I'll still do it in the future!

30. 我错了,但这是个秘密!

I was wrong, but it's a secret!

**Part 4: 自黑型**

31. 我错了,但我还是想再犯一次!

I was wrong, but I want to do it again!

32. 我错了,但我不应该道歉!

I was wrong, but I shouldn't apologize!

33. 我错了,但我不后悔!

I was wrong, but I don't regret it!

34. 我错了,但我没有办法!

I was wrong, but I can't help it!

35. 我错了,但我不应该被惩罚!

I was wrong, but I shouldn't be punished!

36. 我错了,但我还是认为我没错!

I was wrong, but I still think I'm right!

37. 我错了,但我不会改变!

I was wrong, but I won't change!

38. 我错了,但我真的不知道我错在哪里!

I was wrong, but I really don't know where I went wrong!

39. 我错了,但我希望你能原谅我!

I was wrong, but I hope you can forgive me!

40. 我错了,但我还是爱着你!

I was wrong, but I still love you!

**Part 5: 文艺型**

41. 我的错误,就像一朵乌云,遮蔽了我的天空。

My mistakes, like a dark cloud, covered my sky.

42. 我的过错,就像一颗流星,划破了夜空,却留下了永恒的伤痕。

My faults, like a meteor, streaked across the night sky, leaving behind an eternal scar.

43. 我错了,就像一艘迷失在海上的船,找不到方向。

I was wrong, like a ship lost at sea, unable to find its way.

44. 我的错误,就像一只受伤的鸟,无法飞翔。

My mistakes, like a wounded bird, unable to fly.

45. 我错了,就像一株枯萎的花朵,失去了光彩。

I was wrong, like a withered flower, losing its luster.

46. 我错了,就像一滴眼泪,坠落在地,无法挽回。

I was wrong, like a tear, falling to the ground, unable to be retrieved.

47. 我的错误,就像一团迷雾,笼罩着我的心。

My mistakes, like a fog, enveloped my heart.

48. 我错了,就像一首歌,唱得太过悲伤,却无法停止。

I was wrong, like a song, sung too sadly, unable to stop.

49. 我错了,就像一幅画,被泼了水,无法修复。

I was wrong, like a painting, splashed with water, unable to be repaired.

50. 我错了,就像一个梦,醒来后,一切都消失了。

I was wrong, like a dream, after waking up, everything disappears.

**Part 6: 古风型**

51. 臣妾错了,愿陛下恕罪!

Your servant was wrong, please forgive me!

52. 小女子错了,还请公子原谅!

The young lady was wrong, please forgive me, Master!

53. 愚兄错了,还请贤弟莫怪!

Your elder brother was wrong, please don't blame me, dear brother!

54. 某家错了,还请各位莫要见怪!

I was wrong, please don't take offense, everyone!

55. 老夫错了,还请诸位莫要追究!

I, an old man, was wrong, please don't pursue this matter, everyone!

56. 罪臣该死,还请陛下责罚!

The guilty official deserves death, please punish me, Your Majesty!

57. 小生错了,还请姑娘饶恕!

I was wrong, please forgive me, young lady!

58. 拙荆错了,还请诸位海涵!

My wife was wrong, please be understanding, everyone!

59. 吾错了,还请天帝恕罪!

I was wrong, please forgive me, Heavenly Emperor!

60. 吾乃凡人,错了便是错了,愿受天罚!

I am a mere mortal, I was wrong, I accept the punishment from heaven!

**Part 7: 网络流行语型**

61. 我错了,嘤嘤嘤!

I was wrong, ying ying ying!

62. 我错了,但你必须原谅我!

I was wrong, but you must forgive me!

63. 我错了,我下次还敢!

I was wrong, but I'll do it again next time!

64. 我错了,但我不后悔!

I was wrong, but I don't regret it!

65. 我错了,但你不能生气!

I was wrong, but you can't be angry!

66. 我错了,但你必须理解我!

I was wrong, but you must understand me!

67. 我错了,但你必须爱我!

I was wrong, but you must love me!

68. 我错了,但你必须给我机会!

I was wrong, but you must give me a chance!

69. 我错了,但你必须记住我!

I was wrong, but you must remember me!

70. 我错了,但你必须让我快乐!

I was wrong, but you must make me happy!

**Part 8: 其他**

71. 对不起,我错了,我错了,我错了!

Sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong!

72. 我错了,我以后会注意!

I was wrong, I'll be more careful next time!

73. 我错了,但我真的不是故意的!

I was wrong, but I really didn't mean to do it!

74. 我错了,但我已经受到了惩罚!

I was wrong, but I have already been punished!

75. 我错了,但请你相信我!

I was wrong, but please believe me!

76. 我错了,但我真的不想再犯了!

I was wrong, but I really don't want to do it again!

77. 我错了,但请你原谅我!

I was wrong, but please forgive me!

78. 我错了,但这真的不是我的错!

I was wrong, but it really isn't my fault!

79. 我错了,但请你别生气!

I was wrong, but please don't be angry!

80. 我错了,但希望你能理解!

I was wrong, but I hope you can understand!

81. 我错了,但我不会再犯了!

I was wrong, but I won't do it again!

82. 我错了,但请你别生我的气!

I was wrong, but please don't be mad at me!

83. 我错了,但我已经尽力了!

I was wrong, but I've done my best!

84. 我错了,但我还是爱你!

I was wrong, but I still love you!

85. 我错了,但我真的不知道该怎么办!

I was wrong, but I really don't know what to do!

86. 我错了,但我还是希望你能原谅我!

I was wrong, but I still hope you can forgive me!

87. 我错了,但我真的不知道该怎么弥补!

I was wrong, but I really don't know how to make it up to you!

88. 我错了,但我以后会更努力!

I was wrong, but I'll work harder in the future!

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