
## 中秋和国庆的句子 (87句)**中秋节**1. 月圆人团圆,中秋节快乐!> Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the moon be full and families reunited.2. 一轮明月照九州,家家户户庆团圆。> A round moon shines on the nine provinces, every family celebrates reunion.3. 举杯邀明月,共赏团圆月。> Raise a glass to the bright moon, together we admire the reunion moon.4. 中秋佳节,愿你月圆人圆事事圆满。> On this Mid-Autumn Festival, may your moon be full, your heart be full, and your life be full of happiness.5. 月饼香甜,祝福绵绵。> The mooncakes are sweet, and the blessings are endless.6. 赏月、吃月饼、猜灯谜,中秋节的快乐回忆。> Admiring the moon, eating mooncakes, and guessing riddles - happy memories of Mid-Autumn Festival.7. 月光如水,洒落在人间,照亮了思念。> Moonlight like water, falling on the world, illuminating longing.8. 中秋节,团圆的日子,思念的味道。> Mid-Autumn Festival, a day of reunion, a taste of longing.9. 愿月圆之夜,与你共赏人间美景。> May the night of the full moon be filled with the beautiful scenery of the world, shared with you.10. 中秋佳节,祝你合家欢乐,幸福美满。> Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Wishing you a happy and harmonious family, filled with joy and happiness.**国庆节**11. 祖国生日快乐,祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛!> Happy birthday to our motherland! May she prosper and flourish!12. 十月一日,举国欢庆,祝福祖国永远强大!> October 1st, the whole nation celebrates, wishing our country eternal strength!13. 五星红旗迎风飘扬,祖国在心中永远闪耀。> The red flag with five stars flutters in the wind, our motherland forever shines in our hearts.14. 祖国母亲,我爱你!> Motherland, I love you!15. 祖国发展,蒸蒸日上,我们共同见证。> Witnessing our motherland's development and progress, soaring to new heights.16. 国庆节,让我们一起为祖国喝彩!> On National Day, let's cheer for our motherland together!17. 祖国强大,人民幸福,这是我们共同的愿望。> A strong motherland and a happy people, this is our shared dream.18. 祖国,我为你自豪!> Motherland, I am proud of you!19. 国庆佳节,祝愿祖国繁荣富强!> Happy National Day! Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength!20. 祖国,永远是我们心中最温暖的港湾。> Motherland, you are forever the warmest harbor in our hearts.**中秋和国庆的组合**21. 中秋佳节,喜迎国庆,双节同庆,万事如意。> Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, double the celebration, may all your wishes come true.22. 月圆国庆,举国同庆,共祝祖国繁荣昌盛!> Full moon and National Day, the whole country celebrates, wishing our motherland prosperity and strength!23. 中秋之夜,共赏明月,国庆之日,齐颂祖国。> On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, we admire the bright moon together, on National Day, we sing praises to our motherland together.24. 中秋国庆,双节同欢,愿你幸福美满。> Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, double the joy, may you be blessed with happiness and fulfillment.25. 月圆之夜,家家团圆,国庆之日,国泰民安。> On the night of the full moon, families reunite, on National Day, our country enjoys peace and prosperity.26. 中秋之月,寄托思念,国庆之歌,满怀希望。> The moon of Mid-Autumn Festival carries our longing, the song of National Day fills us with hope.27. 中秋国庆,双节喜庆,愿你生活美满幸福。> Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, double the celebration, may your life be filled with happiness and joy.28. 月圆中秋,国强国庆,双节同乐,共庆盛世。> Full moon on Mid-Autumn Festival, strong nation on National Day, double the joy, celebrating a prosperous era together.29. 中秋佳节,月圆人团圆,国庆盛典,举国同庆。> Mid-Autumn Festival, full moon and family reunion, National Day celebration, the whole nation celebrates together.30. 中秋国庆,双节祝福,愿你平安健康,万事顺意。> Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, double the blessings, may you be safe and healthy, and everything go smoothly.**其他祝福语**31. 祝福祖国繁荣昌盛,人民生活幸福美满。> Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, and happy and fulfilling lives for the people.32. 愿祖国越来越强大,人民越来越幸福。> May our motherland become increasingly strong, and our people increasingly happy.33. 祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛,人民安居乐业。> Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, and a peaceful and happy life for our people.34. 愿祖国繁荣富强,人民幸福安康。> May our motherland be prosperous and strong, and our people be happy and healthy.35. 愿祖国繁荣昌盛,人民生活蒸蒸日上。> May our motherland prosper and flourish, and the lives of our people soar to new heights.36. 祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛,人民生活幸福美满。> Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, and happy and fulfilling lives for the people.37. 愿祖国越来越强大,人民越来越幸福。> May our motherland become increasingly strong, and our people increasingly happy.38. 祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛,人民安居乐业。> Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, and a peaceful and happy life for our people.39. 愿祖国繁荣富强,人民幸福安康。> May our motherland be prosperous and strong, and our people be happy and healthy.40. 愿祖国繁荣昌盛,人民生活蒸蒸日上。> May our motherland prosper and flourish, and the lives of our people soar to new heights.**中秋节的诗词**41. 海上升明月,天涯共此时。> The moon rises from the sea, we are together under the same sky, though far apart.42. 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。> People experience joy and sorrow, parting and reunion, the moon waxes and wanes, this is something that has been difficult since ancient times.43. 明月几时有?把酒问青天。> When will the bright moon appear? I raise my glass and ask the blue sky.44. 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。> The moon hangs high above the willow branches, we meet at dusk.45. 中秋月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家。> The bright moon of Mid-Autumn Festival is seen by all, I wonder who has a heart full of autumn thoughts.46. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。> I raise a glass to the bright moon, my shadow makes three.47. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。> May our hearts last long, and we share the beauty of the moon, though thousands of miles apart.48. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。> The moon sets, crows cry, frost fills the sky, maple leaves by the river, fishing lights, I face these with a heart full of sorrow.49. 月色溶溶夜如昼,花香淡淡酒微醺。> The moonlight is soft, the night is like day, the fragrance of flowers is faint, the wine is slightly intoxicating.50. 天涯共此时,望月思乡情。> We are together under the same sky, looking at the moon and thinking of our homeland.**国庆节的诗词**51. 山河壮丽,国泰民安。> Mountains and rivers are magnificent, our country enjoys peace and prosperity.52. 祖国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福安康。> Our motherland is prosperous and strong, our people are happy and healthy.53. 五星红旗迎风飘扬,祖国永远在我心中。> The red flag with five stars flutters in the wind, our motherland forever shines in my heart.54. 祖国,我为你自豪!> Motherland, I am proud of you!55. 祖国,我的骄傲!> Motherland, my pride!56. 祖国,我的梦想!> Motherland, my dream!57. 祖国,我的希望!> Motherland, my hope!58. 愿祖国繁荣昌盛,万古流芳。> May our motherland prosper and flourish, forever remembered in history.59. 愿祖国永远强大,人民永远幸福。> May our motherland forever be strong, and our people forever happy.60. 愿祖国繁荣昌盛,永远屹立于世界民族之林。> May our motherland prosper and flourish, forever standing tall among the nations of the world.**关于团圆**61. 中秋节,月圆人团圆,家家户户洋溢着幸福的氛围。> Mid-Autumn Festival, full moon and family reunion, every home is filled with the atmosphere of happiness.62. 月圆之夜,与家人团聚,享受天伦之乐。> On the night of the full moon, reunite with your family and enjoy the joy of family life.63. 中秋节,是家人团聚的节日,也是思念亲人的日子。> Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival for family reunion, and a day to miss loved ones.64. 愿月圆之夜,家人团聚,共赏明月,共话家常。> May the night of the full moon be filled with family reunion, together we admire the bright moon and share stories.65. 月圆之夜,思念家乡,思念亲人,思念所有爱的人。> On the night of the full moon, I miss my hometown, I miss my family, I miss all those I love.66. 月圆之夜,愿你与家人团聚,共度美好时光。> On the night of the full moon, may you reunite with your family and enjoy beautiful moments together.67. 月圆之夜,让我们一起分享彼此的爱和思念。> On the night of the full moon, let us share our love and longing for each other.**关于祖国**68. 祖国母亲,您永远是我们心中最温暖的港湾。> Motherland, you are forever the warmest harbor in our hearts.69. 祖国发展蒸蒸日上,我们为之骄傲。> Our motherland is developing and making progress, we are proud of it.70. 祖国强大的背后,是无数人民的辛勤付出。> Behind our country's strength are the hard work and dedication of countless people.71. 愿祖国永远繁荣昌盛,人民永远幸福安康。> May our motherland forever be prosperous and strong, and our people forever be happy and healthy.72. 祖国,我们永远支持你,永远爱你!> Motherland, we will always support you, we will always love you!73. 祖国,我们为您的发展而感到自豪!> Motherland, we are proud of your development!74. 祖国,我们为您的成就而感到骄傲!> Motherland, we are proud of your achievements!75. 祖国,我们为您的未来而感到期待!> Motherland, we are looking forward to your future!**关于祝福**76. 祝愿所有的人,中秋国庆双节快乐,万事如意!> Wishing everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, may all your wishes come true!77. 祝愿大家节日快乐,阖家团圆,幸福美满!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, a harmonious family, and a happy and fulfilling life!78. 祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福安康,节日快乐!> Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, our people happy and healthy, and a happy holiday!79. 祝愿大家节日快乐,心想事成,万事顺意!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, may all your dreams come true, and everything go smoothly!80. 祝愿大家节日快乐,身体健康,平安喜乐!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, good health, peace, and joy!81. 祝愿大家节日快乐,事业顺利,爱情甜蜜!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, smooth sailing in your career, and sweet love!82. 祝愿大家节日快乐,家庭幸福,生活美满!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, a happy family, and a happy life!83. 祝愿大家节日快乐,心想事成,万事如意!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, may all your dreams come true, and everything go smoothly!84. 祝愿大家节日快乐,平安健康,幸福美满!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, good health, peace, and joy!85. 祝愿大家节日快乐,事业顺利,爱情甜蜜!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, smooth sailing in your career, and sweet love!86. 祝愿大家节日快乐,家庭幸福,生活美满!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, a happy family, and a happy life!87. 祝愿大家节日快乐,一切顺利,心想事成!> Wishing everyone a happy holiday, smooth sailing, and may all your dreams come true!## 英文翻译 (87句)

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the moon be full and families reunited.

A round moon shines on the nine provinces, every family celebrates reunion.

Raise a glass to the bright moon, together we admire the reunion moon.

On this Mid-Autumn Festival, may your moon be full, your heart be full, and your life be full of happiness.

The mooncakes are sweet, and the blessings are endless.

Admiring the moon, eating mooncakes, and guessing riddles - happy memories of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Moonlight like water, falling on the world, illuminating longing.

Mid-Autumn Festival, a day of reunion, a taste of longing.

May the night of the full moon be filled with the beautiful scenery of the world, shared with you.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Wishing you a happy and harmonious family, filled with joy and happiness.

Happy birthday to our motherland! May she prosper and flourish!

October 1st, the whole nation celebrates, wishing our country eternal strength!

The red flag with five stars flutters in the wind, our motherland forever shines in our hearts.

Motherland, I love you!

Witnessing our motherland's development and progress, soaring to new heights.

On National Day, let's cheer for our motherland together!

A strong motherland and a happy people, this is our shared dream.

Motherland, I am proud of you!

Happy National Day! Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength!

Motherland, you are forever the warmest harbor in our hearts.

Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, double the celebration, may all your wishes come true.

Full moon and National Day, the whole country celebrates, wishing our motherland prosperity and strength!

On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, we admire the bright moon together, on National Day, we sing praises to our motherland together.

Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, double the joy, may you be blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

On the night of the full moon, families reunite, on National Day, our country enjoys peace and prosperity.

The moon of Mid-Autumn Festival carries our longing, the song of National Day fills us with hope.

Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, double the celebration, may your life be filled with happiness and joy.

Full moon on Mid-Autumn Festival, strong nation on National Day, double the joy, celebrating a prosperous era together.

Mid-Autumn Festival, full moon and family reunion, National Day celebration, the whole nation celebrates together.

Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, double the blessings, may you be safe and healthy, and everything go smoothly.

Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, and happy and fulfilling lives for the people.

May our motherland become increasingly strong, and our people increasingly happy.

Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, and a peaceful and happy life for our people.

May our motherland be prosperous and strong, and our people be happy and healthy.

May our motherland prosper and flourish, and the lives of our people soar to new heights.

Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, and happy and fulfilling lives for the people.

May our motherland become increasingly strong, and our people increasingly happy.

Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, and a peaceful and happy life for our people.

May our motherland be prosperous and strong, and our people be happy and healthy.

May our motherland prosper and flourish, and the lives of our people soar to new heights.

The moon rises from the sea, we are together under the same sky, though far apart.

People experience joy and sorrow, parting and reunion, the moon waxes and wanes, this is something that has been difficult since ancient times.

When will the bright moon appear? I raise my glass and ask the blue sky.

The moon hangs high above the willow branches, we meet at dusk.

The bright moon of Mid-Autumn Festival is seen by all, I wonder who has a heart full of autumn thoughts.

I raise a glass to the bright moon, my shadow makes three.

May our hearts last long, and we share the beauty of the moon, though thousands of miles apart.

The moon sets, crows cry, frost fills the sky, maple leaves by the river, fishing lights, I face these with a heart full of sorrow.

The moonlight is soft, the night is like day, the fragrance of flowers is faint, the wine is slightly intoxicating.

We are together under the same sky, looking at the moon and thinking of our homeland.

Mountains and rivers are magnificent, our country enjoys peace and prosperity.

Our motherland is prosperous and strong, our people are happy and healthy.

The red flag with five stars flutters in the wind, our motherland forever shines in my heart.

Motherland, I am proud of you!

Motherland, my pride!

Motherland, my dream!

Motherland, my hope!

May our motherland prosper and flourish, forever remembered in history.

May our motherland forever be strong, and our people forever happy.

May our motherland prosper and flourish, forever standing tall among the nations of the world.

Mid-Autumn Festival, full moon and family reunion, every home is filled with the atmosphere of happiness.

On the night of the full moon, reunite with your family and enjoy the joy of family life.

Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival for family reunion, and a day to miss loved ones.

May the night of the full moon be filled with family reunion, together we admire the bright moon and share stories.

On the night of the full moon, I miss my hometown, I miss my family, I miss all those I love.

On the night of the full moon, may you reunite with your family and enjoy beautiful moments together.

On the night of the full moon, let us share our love and longing for each other.

Motherland, you are forever the warmest harbor in our hearts.

Our motherland is developing and making progress, we are proud of it.

Behind our country's strength are the hard work and dedication of countless people.

May our motherland forever be prosperous and strong, and our people forever be happy and healthy.

Motherland, we will always support you, we will always love you!

Motherland, we are proud of your development!

Motherland, we are proud of your achievements!

Motherland, we are looking forward to your future!

Wishing everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, may all your wishes come true!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, a harmonious family, and a happy and fulfilling life!

Wishing our motherland prosperity and strength, our people happy and healthy, and a happy holiday!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, may all your dreams come true, and everything go smoothly!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, good health, peace, and joy!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, smooth sailing in your career, and sweet love!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, a happy family, and a happy life!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, may all your dreams come true, and everything go smoothly!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, good health, peace, and joy!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, smooth sailing in your career, and sweet love!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, a happy family, and a happy life!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, smooth sailing, and may all your dreams come true!

以上就是关于今年的中秋和国庆的句子87句(今年的中秋和国庆的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
