
## 鲜明对比的句子,63 句(含英文翻译)

1. 阳光明媚,照耀着大地;夜幕降临,星光闪烁。

1. The sun shines brightly on the earth; night falls, and the stars twinkle.

2. 欢快的笑声,打破了寂静的夜晚;痛苦的哭泣,刺破了欢乐的氛围。

2. Cheerful laughter breaks the silence of the night; painful cries pierce the atmosphere of joy.

3. 春风拂过,万物复苏;寒风凛冽,树木凋零。

3. The spring breeze blows, and all things come back to life; the cold wind howls, and the trees wither.

4. 温暖的阳光,驱散了冬日的寒意;刺骨的寒风,冻结了温暖的土地。

4. The warm sunshine dispels the chill of winter; the biting cold wind freezes the warm land.

5. 浪花翻滚,激起阵阵欢笑;巨浪滔天,吞噬着一切希望。

5. The waves roll and inspire bursts of laughter; the giant waves rise to the sky, swallowing all hope.

6. 鸟语花香,充满生机;一片荒凉,死气沉沉。

6. Birds sing and flowers bloom, filled with life; a desolate land, lifeless and dull.

7. 温柔的雨水,滋润着干渴的土地;狂风暴雨,摧毁着脆弱的生命。

7. Gentle rain nourishes the thirsty land; storms destroy fragile life.

8. 海阔天空,自由自在;身陷囹圄,苦不堪言。

8. The sea is vast and the sky is wide, free and unrestrained; imprisoned, suffering is unbearable.

9. 光明磊落,坦荡无私;阴险狡诈,心怀鬼胎。

9. Bright and upright, open and selfless; insidious and cunning, with malicious intent.

10. 富贵荣华,一梦黄粱;贫困潦倒,依然坚强。

10. Wealth and honor, a fleeting dream; poverty and despair, yet still strong.

11. 鲜花盛开,充满希望;枯枝败叶,象征着衰败。

11. Flowers bloom, full of hope; withered branches and fallen leaves symbolize decay.

12. 欢歌笑语,充满欢乐;愁眉苦脸,满目愁容。

12. Singing and laughter, full of joy; gloomy faces, filled with sorrow.

13. 勤劳勇敢,开拓未来;懒惰怯懦,一事无成。

13. Diligent and brave, pioneering the future; lazy and cowardly, achieving nothing.

14. 热情奔放,活力四射;冷酷无情,心如冰霜。

14. Passionate and unrestrained, full of vitality; cold and ruthless, with a heart of ice.

15. 充满希望,憧憬未来;绝望迷茫,看不到光明。

15. Full of hope, looking forward to the future; despair and confusion, unable to see the light.

16. 古老的树木,见证历史;新生的嫩芽,充满生机。

16. Ancient trees witness history; new buds are full of life.

17. 巍峨的山峰,耸入云霄;潺潺的小溪,滋润万物。

17. Majestic mountains soar into the sky; murmuring streams nourish all things.

18. 浩瀚的宇宙,无边无际;渺小的生命,短暂易逝。

18. The vast universe, boundless; tiny life, fleeting and ephemeral.

19. 温柔的言语,化解矛盾;尖酸刻薄,加剧冲突。

19. Gentle words resolve conflicts; harsh and sarcastic words exacerbate conflicts.

20. 真诚的友谊,如沐春风;虚伪的谎言,令人厌恶。

20. Genuine friendship, like a spring breeze; hypocritical lies, repulsive.

21. 坚强的意志,战胜困难;懦弱的灵魂,屈服于命运。

21. A strong will overcomes difficulties; a weak soul succumbs to fate.

22. 宽容待人,收获友谊;斤斤计较,失去真心。

22. Be tolerant and you will gain friendship; be petty and you will lose sincerity.

23. 知足常乐,心境平和;贪得无厌,永不满足。

23. Be content and you will be at peace; be greedy and you will never be satisfied.

24. 勤奋刻苦,成就梦想;懒惰懈怠,碌碌无为。

24. Work diligently and you will achieve your dreams; be lazy and you will achieve nothing.

25. 勇敢无畏,直面挑战;胆小怯懦,逃避现实。

25. Be brave and fearless, face challenges; be timid and cowardly, escape reality.

26. 善于倾听,理解他人;自以为是,固执己见。

26. Be good at listening, understand others; be arrogant and stubborn, stick to your own opinions.

27. 乐观积极,充满希望;悲观消极,自暴自弃。

27. Be optimistic and positive, full of hope; be pessimistic and negative, give up on yourself.

28. 宁静致远,淡泊名利;浮躁不安,功利心强。

28. Be calm and you will reach far, be indifferent to fame and fortune; be restless and ambitious.

29. 独立自主,勇于承担;依赖他人,逃避责任。

29. Be independent and self-reliant, be brave to take responsibility; depend on others, escape responsibility.

30. 博学多才,知识渊博;孤陋寡闻,见识浅薄。

30. Be knowledgeable and talented, with extensive knowledge; be ignorant and narrow-minded.

31. 真诚善良,乐于助人;虚伪狡诈,唯利是图。

31. Be sincere and kind, willing to help others; be hypocritical and cunning, selfish.

32. 追求卓越,精益求精;得过且过,敷衍塞责。

32. Strive for excellence, pursue perfection; be content with mediocrity, perfunctory and irresponsible.

33. 心怀感恩,珍惜拥有;怨天尤人,一无所获。

33. Be grateful, cherish what you have; blame heaven and others, gain nothing.

34. 勇于创新,不断突破;墨守成规,固步自封。

34. Be brave to innovate, constantly break through; stick to old ways, close yourself off.

35. 积极进取,勇攀高峰;消极懈怠,原地踏步。

35. Be proactive and ambitious, climb to the top; be negative and lazy, stand still.

36. 爱护环境,保护自然;破坏生态,自毁家园。

36. Protect the environment, preserve nature; destroy the ecosystem, destroy your own home.

37. 团结合作,共克难关;勾心斗角,一盘散沙。

37. Unite and cooperate, overcome difficulties; be suspicious and competitive, be a disunited group.

38. 乐于分享,传递快乐;自私自利,孤家寡人。

38. Be willing to share, spread happiness; be selfish, be a lonely person.

39. 心存善念,行善积德;心怀歹意,恶贯满盈。

39. Have good intentions, do good deeds and accumulate virtue; have evil intentions, be full of wickedness.

40. 光明正大,堂堂正正;见不得光,鬼鬼祟祟。

40. Be open and aboveboard, be upright; be shady and sneaky.

41. 脚踏实地,稳步前进;好高骛远,一事无成。

41. Be down-to-earth, move forward steadily; be ambitious but unrealistic, achieve nothing.

42. 虚心求教,不断学习;自以为是,固步自封。

42. Be humble and learn from others, constantly learn; be arrogant and closed-minded.

43. 珍爱生命,活出精彩;轻视生命,一事无成。

43. Cherish life, live it to the fullest; despise life, achieve nothing.

44. 追逐梦想,永不放弃;随波逐流,碌碌无为。

44. Chase your dreams, never give up; drift with the tide, achieve nothing.

45. 真诚待人,收获友谊;虚情假意,失去真心。

45. Be sincere to others, gain friendship; be insincere, lose sincerity.

46. 乐观向上,充满活力;消极悲观,自暴自弃。

46. Be optimistic and positive, full of vitality; be negative and pessimistic, give up on yourself.

47. 勤奋刻苦,成就梦想;懒惰懈怠,一事无成。

47. Work diligently and you will achieve your dreams; be lazy and you will achieve nothing.

48. 勇敢无畏,直面挑战;胆小怯懦,逃避现实。

48. Be brave and fearless, face challenges; be timid and cowardly, escape reality.

49. 知足常乐,心境平和;贪得无厌,永不满足。

49. Be content and you will be at peace; be greedy and you will never be satisfied.

50. 爱护环境,保护自然;破坏生态,自毁家园。

50. Protect the environment, preserve nature; destroy the ecosystem, destroy your own home.

51. 宽容待人,收获友谊;斤斤计较,失去真心。

51. Be tolerant and you will gain friendship; be petty and you will lose sincerity.

52. 独立自主,勇于承担;依赖他人,逃避责任。

52. Be independent and self-reliant, be brave to take responsibility; depend on others, escape responsibility.

53. 心怀感恩,珍惜拥有;怨天尤人,一无所获。

53. Be grateful, cherish what you have; blame heaven and others, gain nothing.

54. 追求卓越,精益求精;得过且过,敷衍塞责。

54. Strive for excellence, pursue perfection; be content with mediocrity, perfunctory and irresponsible.

55. 团结合作,共克难关;勾心斗角,一盘散沙。

55. Unite and cooperate, overcome difficulties; be suspicious and competitive, be a disunited group.

56. 乐于分享,传递快乐;自私自利,孤家寡人。

56. Be willing to share, spread happiness; be selfish, be a lonely person.

57. 心存善念,行善积德;心怀歹意,恶贯满盈。

57. Have good intentions, do good deeds and accumulate virtue; have evil intentions, be full of wickedness.

58. 光明正大,堂堂正正;见不得光,鬼鬼祟祟。

58. Be open and aboveboard, be upright; be shady and sneaky.

59. 脚踏实地,稳步前进;好高骛远,一事无成。

59. Be down-to-earth, move forward steadily; be ambitious but unrealistic, achieve nothing.

60. 虚心求教,不断学习;自以为是,固步自封。

60. Be humble and learn from others, constantly learn; be arrogant and closed-minded.

61. 珍爱生命,活出精彩;轻视生命,一事无成。

61. Cherish life, live it to the fullest; despise life, achieve nothing.

62. 追逐梦想,永不放弃;随波逐流,碌碌无为。

62. Chase your dreams, never give up; drift with the tide, achieve nothing.

63. 真诚待人,收获友谊;虚情假意,失去真心。

63. Be sincere to others, gain friendship; be insincere, lose sincerity.

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