
## 鲁冠球去世句子 (66句)

**1. 鲁冠球先生走了,他留下了万众敬仰的企业家精神。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu has passed away, leaving behind the entrepreneurial spirit that is admired by millions.

**2. 鲁冠球先生的离去,是时代的损失,是企业的损失,更是我们全体国民的损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a loss to the times, a loss to the enterprise, and a loss to all of us.

**3. 鲁冠球先生,您用一生的努力,谱写了中国民营企业的传奇。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you have written a legend of China's private enterprises with your lifelong efforts.

**4. 鲁冠球先生,您的奋斗精神,将永远激励着我们前进。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit of struggle will forever inspire us to move forward.

**5. 鲁冠球先生,您的成功,是所有中国民营企业的榜样。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your success is a role model for all Chinese private enterprises.

**6. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将被永远铭记在中华民族的史册上。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever be remembered in the annals of Chinese history.

**7. 鲁冠球先生,您走了,但您的精神将永远与我们同在。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are gone, but your spirit will always be with us.

**8. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的先驱,是改革开放的弄潮儿。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a pioneer of the times, a trendsetter of reform and opening up.

**9. 鲁冠球先生,您用自己的行动,诠释了“敢为人先”的企业家精神。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you have interpreted the entrepreneurial spirit of"dare to be the first" with your actions.

**10. 鲁冠球先生,您用自己的智慧,创造了万众瞩目的辉煌成就。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you have created brilliant achievements that have attracted worldwide attention with your wisdom.

**11. 鲁冠球先生,您是中华民族的骄傲,是新时代的楷模。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are the pride of the Chinese nation and a role model of the new era.

**12. 鲁冠球先生,您不仅是一位成功的企业家,更是一位伟大的慈善家。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are not only a successful entrepreneur but also a great philanthropist.

**13. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是中华民族的重大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a great loss to the Chinese nation.

**14. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为祖国的繁荣昌盛而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the prosperity of our country!

**15. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将成为我们永远的学习教材。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will be our eternal textbook.

**16. 鲁冠球先生,您是所有中国企业家的榜样,您的精神将永远激励着我们前进。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a role model for all Chinese entrepreneurs, and your spirit will forever inspire us to move forward.

**17. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是我们心中永远的痛。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your passing is an eternal pain in our hearts.

**18. 鲁冠球先生,您是改革开放的见证者,是时代发展的推动者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a witness to reform and opening up and a driver of the times.

**19. 鲁冠球先生,您的成功,是所有中国民营企业的骄傲。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your success is the pride of all Chinese private enterprises.

**20. 鲁冠球先生,您用自己的行动,诠释了中华民族的伟大精神。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you have interpreted the great spirit of the Chinese nation with your actions.

**21. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the Chinese Dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**22. 鲁冠球先生,您是改革开放的时代英雄,是新时代的领路人。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a hero of the era of reform and opening up, a leader of the new era.

**23. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是企业的重大损失,是行业的重大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a major loss to the enterprise and a major loss to the industry.

**24. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中国梦的实现而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the realization of the Chinese Dream!

**25. 鲁冠球先生,您是改革开放的功臣,是新时代的先锋。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a contributor to reform and opening up and a pioneer of the new era.

**26. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为中国经济的腾飞而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the take-off of China's economy!

**27. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的楷模,是民族的骄傲。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a role model of the times and the pride of the nation.

**28. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是社会各界的重大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a major loss to all sectors of society.

**29. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中国社会的发展进步而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the development and progress of Chinese society!

**30. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的英雄,是民族的脊梁。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a hero of the times and the backbone of the nation.

**31. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为中国人民的幸福生活而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the happy life of the Chinese people!

**32. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的先锋,是改革开放的旗帜。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a pioneer of the times and a banner of reform and opening up.

**33. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是时代发展的重大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a major loss to the development of the times.

**34. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中国社会的和谐发展而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the harmonious development of Chinese society!

**35. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的领路人,是新时代的开拓者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a leader of the times and a pioneer of the new era.

**36. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为中国社会的繁荣昌盛而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the prosperity of Chinese society!

**37. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的见证者,是改革开放的参与者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a witness to the times and a participant in reform and opening up.

**38. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是企业界不可挽回的损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is an irreparable loss to the business community.

**39. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中国企业的创新发展而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the innovative development of Chinese enterprises!

**40. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的弄潮儿,是改革开放的旗手。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a trendsetter of the times and a standard-bearer of reform and opening up.

**41. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为中国企业走向世界而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the world-wide expansion of Chinese enterprises!

**42. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的缔造者,是新时代的开创者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a creator of the times and an innovator of the new era.

**43. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是社会发展的一大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a great loss to social development.

**44. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中国社会的进步发展而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the progress and development of Chinese society!

**45. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的先锋,是改革开放的推动者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a pioneer of the times and a driver of reform and opening up.

**46. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为中国社会的和谐稳定而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the harmony and stability of Chinese society!

**47. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的领袖,是新时代的引领者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a leader of the times and a leader of the new era.

**48. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是民族的重大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a major loss to the nation.

**49. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中华民族的伟大复兴而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**50. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的英雄,是新时代的典范。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a hero of the times and a model of the new era.

**51. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为中国人民的幸福生活而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the happy life of the Chinese people!

**52. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的楷模,是民族的骄傲。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a role model of the times and the pride of the nation.

**53. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是企业界的重大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a major loss to the business community.

**54. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中国企业的创新发展而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the innovative development of Chinese enterprises!

**55. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的弄潮儿,是改革开放的旗手。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a trendsetter of the times and a standard-bearer of reform and opening up.

**56. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为中国企业走向世界而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the world-wide expansion of Chinese enterprises!

**57. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的缔造者,是新时代的开创者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a creator of the times and an innovator of the new era.

**58. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是社会发展的一大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a great loss to social development.

**59. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中国社会的进步发展而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the progress and development of Chinese society!

**60. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的先锋,是改革开放的推动者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a pioneer of the times and a driver of reform and opening up.

**61. 鲁冠球先生,您的故事,将永远激励着我们,为中国社会的和谐稳定而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your story will forever inspire us to strive for the harmony and stability of Chinese society!

**62. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的领袖,是新时代的引领者。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a leader of the times and a leader of the new era.

**63. 鲁冠球先生,您的离去,是民族的重大损失。**

The passing of Mr. Lu Guanqiu is a major loss to the nation.

**64. 鲁冠球先生,您的精神将永远激励着我们,为中华民族的伟大复兴而努力奋斗!**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, your spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**65. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的英雄,是新时代的典范。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are a hero of the times and a model of the new era.

**66. 鲁冠球先生,您是时代的光芒,您的精神将永远照耀着我们前进的道路。**

Mr. Lu Guanqiu, you are the light of the times, and your spirit will forever illuminate our path forward.

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