
## 雪太滑啦! 53句

1. 雪太滑啦,走路要小心!

The snow is too slippery, be careful when you walk!

2. 今天雪太滑了,我差点摔倒。

The snow is so slippery today, I almost fell.

3. 地上积雪太滑,走路很危险。

The snow on the ground is too slippery, it's dangerous to walk.

4. 雪太滑,车子开慢点吧!

The snow is too slippery, slow down!

5. 雪太滑了,我不敢骑自行车。

The snow is too slippery, I dare not ride a bicycle.

6. 小心!雪太滑,很容易摔倒。

Be careful! The snow is very slippery, it's easy to fall.

7. 雪太滑了,我连路都走不稳。

The snow is too slippery, I can't even walk straight.

8. 雪太滑了,我今天只能在家休息了。

The snow is too slippery, I can only stay at home today.

9. 天气预报说今天雪很滑,要小心点。

The weather forecast says it's slippery today, be careful.

10. 雪太滑了,你小心点,别摔倒了。

The snow is very slippery, be careful and don't fall.

11. 这雪太滑了,像是在溜冰一样。

The snow is so slippery, it's like ice skating.

12. 雪太滑,孩子们不要乱跑。

The snow is too slippery, don't let the children run around.

13. 雪太滑了,我得扶着墙走。

The snow is so slippery, I have to walk by holding the wall.

14. 雪太滑,我决定今天不出去玩了。

The snow is too slippery, I decided not to go out today.

15. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑鞋垫。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip shoe pads.

16. 雪太滑,开车要注意安全。

The snow is too slippery, drive carefully.

17. 雪太滑了,小心别滑倒。

The snow is so slippery, be careful not to fall.

18. 这雪太滑,我都快走不动了。

The snow is so slippery, I'm about to fall.

19. 雪太滑,我只能慢慢走。

The snow is too slippery, I can only walk slowly.

20. 雪太滑了,我得找个人帮我扶一下。

The snow is so slippery, I need someone to hold me.

21. 雪太滑,我差点滑倒在路边。

The snow is so slippery, I almost fell by the side of the road.

22. 雪太滑了,我得把车停在停车场。

The snow is so slippery, I have to park my car in the parking lot.

23. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑链。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some snow chains.

24. 雪太滑了,我今天出门要多穿点衣服。

The snow is too slippery, I need to wear more clothes when I go out today.

25. 雪太滑了,我决定今天在家工作。

The snow is too slippery, I decided to work from home today.

26. 雪太滑了,我只能用手机和朋友聊天了。

The snow is so slippery, I can only chat with my friends on my phone.

27. 雪太滑了,我得找个地方休息一下。

The snow is so slippery, I have to find a place to rest.

28. 雪太滑了,我决定今天去逛逛博物馆。

The snow is too slippery, I decided to visit the museum today.

29. 雪太滑了,我只能在家看电影了。

The snow is too slippery, I can only watch movies at home.

30. 雪太滑了,我要去买点零食,准备在家过一天。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some snacks and stay home for a day.

31. 雪太滑了,我得找个地方躲躲。

The snow is too slippery, I need to find somewhere to hide.

32. 雪太滑了,我决定今天去图书馆看书。

The snow is too slippery, I decided to go to the library to read today.

33. 雪太滑了,我只能在家里写写东西了。

The snow is too slippery, I can only write at home.

34. 雪太滑了,我决定今天去健身房锻炼。

The snow is too slippery, I decided to go to the gym today.

35. 雪太滑了,我只能在家做饭了。

The snow is too slippery, I can only cook at home.

36. 雪太滑了,我决定今天去超市买点东西。

The snow is too slippery, I decided to go to the supermarket to buy some things today.

37. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑手套。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip gloves.

38. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑靴。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip boots.

39. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑袜子。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip socks.

40. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑剂。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip agent.

41. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑钉。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip studs.

42. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑垫。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip mats.

43. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑工具。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip tools.

44. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑设备。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip equipment.

45. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑材料。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip materials.

46. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑用品。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip products.

47. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑东西。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

48. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑玩意儿。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip gadgets.

49. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑玩意。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip stuff.

50. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑玩意儿。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

51. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑的东西。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

52. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑的东西。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

53. 雪太滑了,我要去买点防滑的东西。

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

## HTML 版本

The snow is too slippery, be careful when you walk!

The snow is so slippery today, I almost fell.

The snow on the ground is too slippery, it's dangerous to walk.

The snow is too slippery, slow down!

The snow is too slippery, I dare not ride a bicycle.

Be careful! The snow is very slippery, it's easy to fall.

The snow is too slippery, I can't even walk straight.

The snow is too slippery, I can only stay at home today.

The weather forecast says it's slippery today, be careful.

The snow is very slippery, be careful and don't fall.

The snow is so slippery, it's like ice skating.

The snow is too slippery, don't let the children run around.

The snow is so slippery, I have to walk by holding the wall.

The snow is too slippery, I decided not to go out today.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip shoe pads.

The snow is too slippery, drive carefully.

The snow is so slippery, be careful not to fall.

The snow is so slippery, I'm about to fall.

The snow is too slippery, I can only walk slowly.

The snow is so slippery, I need someone to hold me.

The snow is so slippery, I almost fell by the side of the road.

The snow is so slippery, I have to park my car in the parking lot.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some snow chains.

The snow is too slippery, I need to wear more clothes when I go out today.

The snow is too slippery, I decided to work from home today.

The snow is so slippery, I can only chat with my friends on my phone.

The snow is so slippery, I have to find a place to rest.

The snow is too slippery, I decided to visit the museum today.

The snow is too slippery, I can only watch movies at home.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some snacks and stay home for a day.

The snow is too slippery, I need to find somewhere to hide.

The snow is too slippery, I decided to go to the library to read today.

The snow is too slippery, I can only write at home.

The snow is too slippery, I decided to go to the gym today.

The snow is too slippery, I can only cook at home.

The snow is too slippery, I decided to go to the supermarket to buy some things today.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip gloves.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip boots.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip socks.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip agent.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip studs.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip mats.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip tools.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip equipment.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip materials.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip products.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip gadgets.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip stuff.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

The snow is too slippery, I'm going to buy some anti-slip things.

以上就是关于雪太滑啦句子53句(雪太滑啦句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
