
## 避暑山庄唯美句子

**1. 青山绿水,秀丽如画,避暑山庄,人间仙境。**

Green mountains and clear water, picturesque scenery, the Mountain Resort, a paradise on earth.

**2. 翠竹掩映,曲径通幽,山庄静谧,心旷神怡。**

Bamboo groves, winding paths, the tranquil resort, a refreshing experience for the soul.

**3. 碧波荡漾,荷花盛放,山庄如诗,美不胜收。**

Sparkling water, blooming lotuses, the resort like a poem, breathtakingly beautiful.

**4. 远山如黛,云雾缭绕,山庄静谧,宛如仙境。**

Distant mountains like indigo, shrouded in mist, the tranquil resort, resembling a fairyland.

**5. 幽幽古树,参天蔽日,山庄静谧,历史悠久。**

Ancient trees, towering and shading the sun, the tranquil resort, steeped in history.

**6. 潺潺流水,清澈见底,山庄静谧,令人心醉。**

Gurgling streams, crystal clear, the tranquil resort, captivating the heart.

**7. 芳草萋萋,绿树成荫,山庄静谧,春意盎然。**

Lush grass, shady trees, the tranquil resort, filled with the vitality of spring.

**8. 金秋时节,红叶漫山,山庄静谧,美不胜收。**

In autumn, red leaves cover the mountains, the tranquil resort, breathtakingly beautiful.

**9. 冬雪飘飘,银装素裹,山庄静谧,宁静祥和。**

Snowflakes fluttering, the world cloaked in silver, the tranquil resort, serene and peaceful.

**10. 避暑山庄,承载着历史的厚重,也展现着自然的魅力。**

The Mountain Resort, carrying the weight of history, also showcasing the charm of nature.


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