
## 自有相逢类似句子 50句

**1. 缘分自有安排,不必强求。**

Destiny has its own arrangements, there's no need to force it.

**2. 该来的总会来,不来的强求不来。**

What's meant to be will be, what's not meant to be won't be no matter how hard you try.

**3. 不强求,顺其自然,一切都会好的。**

Don't force it, let things flow naturally, everything will be alright.

**4. 相信时间,相信缘分,一切都会在最好的时间相遇。**

Believe in time, believe in fate, everything will meet at the best time.

**5. 人生何处不相逢,只要心存善意,总会有人与你同行。**

Where in life will we not meet each other? As long as you hold kindness in your heart, there will always be someone to walk with you.

**6. 茫茫人海,自有缘分牵引,终会相遇。**

In the vast sea of people, fate will guide us, and we will eventually meet.

**7. 缘分就像花开花落,有始有终,不强求,不执着。**

Fate is like flowers blooming and falling, it has a beginning and an end, don't force it, don't be obsessed with it.

**8. 有些人注定要相遇,有些人注定要分离。**

Some people are destined to meet, some are destined to part.

**9. 不用刻意去寻找,该相遇的人,终会相遇。**

Don't deliberately search, the people you're meant to meet, will eventually meet.

**10. 缘分天注定,不可强求。**

Fate is predetermined, it cannot be forced.

**11. 相信缘分,相信美好,总有一个人在未来等着你。**

Believe in fate, believe in beauty, there's always someone waiting for you in the future.

**12. 缘分是一种奇妙的感觉,它会让你在不经意间相遇。**

Fate is a wonderful feeling, it will make you meet by chance.

**13. 人生路上,总有人来来往往,最终留下来的,才是真爱。**

On the road of life, there are always people coming and going, those who stay in the end are true love.

**14. 缘分是不可预知的,它会让你在最意想不到的时间,遇到最意想不到的人。**

Fate is unpredictable, it will make you meet the most unexpected people at the most unexpected time.

**15. 相信缘分,它总会给你最好的安排。**

Believe in fate, it will always give you the best arrangements.

**16. 缘分就像风,吹过就会留下痕迹。**

Fate is like the wind, it leaves a trace when it blows past.

**17. 相遇是缘分,相知是福分。**

Meeting is fate, knowing each other is good fortune.

**18. 缘分是不可强求的,但可以珍惜。**

Fate cannot be forced, but it can be cherished.

**19. 不必执着于过去,未来还有无限可能。**

Don't dwell on the past, the future has infinite possibilities.

**20. 缘分是两颗心之间的距离,它会随着时间的推移而变化。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, it changes with the passage of time.

**21. 相信时间,相信缘分,总会有一个合适的时机,让我们相遇。**

Believe in time, believe in fate, there will always be a suitable time for us to meet.

**22. 缘分就像一本书,翻过一页,就翻不过去了。**

Fate is like a book, once you turn a page, you can't turn it back.

**23. 不必担心错过,该属于你的,总会来。**

Don't worry about missing out, what belongs to you, will come.

**24. 缘分就像一朵花,需要细心呵护,才能开得更久。**

Fate is like a flower, it needs careful care to bloom longer.

**25. 缘分是无法解释的,它就像一种奇妙的化学反应,让人无法抗拒。**

Fate is inexplicable, it's like a wonderful chemical reaction that people can't resist.

**26. 缘分是冥冥之中注定的,也是可以创造的。**

Fate is predetermined, but it can also be created.

**27. 缘分是不可预知的,它会让你在最意想不到的地方,遇到最意想不到的人。**

Fate is unpredictable, it will make you meet the most unexpected people in the most unexpected places.

**28. 缘分是不可强求的,但可以珍惜。**

Fate cannot be forced, but it can be cherished.

**29. 相信缘分,相信美好,总会有一个人在未来的某个角落等着你。**

Believe in fate, believe in beauty, there's always someone waiting for you in a corner of the future.

**30. 缘分是两颗心之间的距离,它会随着时间的推移而变化。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, it changes with the passage of time.

**31. 相信时间,相信缘分,总会有一个合适的时机,让我们相遇。**

Believe in time, believe in fate, there will always be a suitable time for us to meet.

**32. 缘分就像一本书,翻过一页,就翻不过去了。**

Fate is like a book, once you turn a page, you can't turn it back.

**33. 不必担心错过,该属于你的,总会来。**

Don't worry about missing out, what belongs to you, will come.

**34. 缘分就像一朵花,需要细心呵护,才能开得更久。**

Fate is like a flower, it needs careful care to bloom longer.

**35. 缘分是无法解释的,它就像一种奇妙的化学反应,让人无法抗拒。**

Fate is inexplicable, it's like a wonderful chemical reaction that people can't resist.

**36. 缘分是冥冥之中注定的,也是可以创造的。**

Fate is predetermined, but it can also be created.

**37. 缘分是不可预知的,它会让你在最意想不到的地方,遇到最意想不到的人。**

Fate is unpredictable, it will make you meet the most unexpected people in the most unexpected places.

**38. 缘分是不可强求的,但可以珍惜。**

Fate cannot be forced, but it can be cherished.

**39. 相信缘分,相信美好,总会有一个人在未来的某个角落等着你。**

Believe in fate, believe in beauty, there's always someone waiting for you in a corner of the future.

**40. 缘分是两颗心之间的距离,它会随着时间的推移而变化。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, it changes with the passage of time.

**41. 相信时间,相信缘分,总会有一个合适的时机,让我们相遇。**

Believe in time, believe in fate, there will always be a suitable time for us to meet.

**42. 缘分就像一本书,翻过一页,就翻不过去了。**

Fate is like a book, once you turn a page, you can't turn it back.

**43. 不必担心错过,该属于你的,总会来。**

Don't worry about missing out, what belongs to you, will come.

**44. 缘分就像一朵花,需要细心呵护,才能开得更久。**

Fate is like a flower, it needs careful care to bloom longer.

**45. 缘分是无法解释的,它就像一种奇妙的化学反应,让人无法抗拒。**

Fate is inexplicable, it's like a wonderful chemical reaction that people can't resist.

**46. 缘分是冥冥之中注定的,也是可以创造的。**

Fate is predetermined, but it can also be created.

**47. 缘分是不可预知的,它会让你在最意想不到的地方,遇到最意想不到的人。**

Fate is unpredictable, it will make you meet the most unexpected people in the most unexpected places.

**48. 缘分是不可强求的,但可以珍惜。**

Fate cannot be forced, but it can be cherished.

**49. 相信缘分,相信美好,总会有一个人在未来的某个角落等着你。**

Believe in fate, believe in beauty, there's always someone waiting for you in a corner of the future.

**50. 缘分是两颗心之间的距离,它会随着时间的推移而变化。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, it changes with the passage of time.

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