
## 西北有高楼穆卿衣,55 句

1. 西北有高楼,穆卿衣上绣。

In the northwest, there stands a lofty tower, with embroidered clothes upon Muqing's form.

2. 孤灯照夜色,思念如潮涌。

The solitary lamp illuminates the night, and longing swells like a tide.

3. 望尽天涯路,不见归期远。

Gazing towards the horizon, the return journey seems distant and indefinite.

4. 暮色染山河,心绪如落叶。

Twilight paints the mountains and rivers, and my heart feels like falling leaves.

5. 琴声绕梁间,诉说离别愁。

The melody lingers in the air, echoing the sorrow of parting.

6. 月华如银盘,照亮思君夜。

The moonlight shines like a silver platter, illuminating the night I yearn for you.

7. 远山含黛色,思念入梦来。

The distant mountains wear a shade of blue, as longing enters my dreams.

8. 秋风萧瑟冷,寒意入骨髓。

The autumn wind is bleak and cold, its chill piercing to the bone.

9. 孤雁南飞去,何时能相见?

The lone geese fly south, when will we meet again?

10. 执手共白首,此生愿相守。

Holding hands, we'll grow old together, for life I wish to be by your side.

11. 繁花落尽时,唯剩心中念。

When the blossoms have all fallen, only my thoughts for you remain.

12. 岁月催人老,情深却难忘。

Time marches on, aging us all, yet deep love remains etched in my heart.

13. 眉间藏相思,夜夜梦萦绕。

Between my brows, longing resides, weaving itself into my nightly dreams.

14. 执笔写心语,寄托相思意。

With pen in hand, I write my heart's desire, entrusting it to the winds of longing.

15. 天涯路漫漫,思念永相伴。

The journey to the ends of the earth is long, but my thoughts for you will always be with me.

16. 红尘滚滚事,唯有情最真。

In the swirling world of dust, only love is truly real.

17. 泪眼望君去,心痛难言说。

My tear-filled eyes watch you leave, the pain in my heart is too deep to express.

18. 孤影独徘徊,思念如潮水。

I wander alone, my thoughts for you like surging tides.

19. 夜深人静时,唯有梦相依。

When the night is deep and quiet, only dreams offer me solace.

20. 此情天长地久,永不负卿心。

This love will last for eternity, forever true to your heart.

21. 愿君一切安好,勿念我心忧。

May you always be well, and please don't worry about my heartache.

22. 繁星点点缀,照亮夜空暗。

Twinkling stars adorn the night, illuminating the darkness.

23. 月色如水柔,映照相思情。

The moonlight is soft like water, reflecting my longing love.

24. 远方传来歌,思念入耳中。

Songs from afar reach my ears, carrying my longing with them.

25. 风吹落叶飘,思念似落花。

The wind blows leaves to the ground, my longing like fallen petals.

26. 执笔书情书,寄托无尽爱。

With pen in hand, I write a love letter, pouring out my endless love.

27. 岁月如流水,情深永不渝。

Time flows like water, but my deep love will never change.

28. 愿君早日归来,共赏人间美。

May you return soon, so we can enjoy the beauty of this world together.

29. 天涯海角远,思念永不息。

Though separated by vast distances, my longing never ceases.

30. 孤灯伴我眠,梦里见君颜。

The solitary lamp keeps me company as I sleep, in my dreams I see your face.

31. 此情无处诉,唯有寄托诗。

This love has no place to go, I can only express it in poetry.

32. 愿君心如明月,照亮我前路。

May your heart be like the moon, illuminating my path ahead.

33. 远山如黛色,思念似云烟。

The distant mountains are a shade of blue, my longing like wisps of smoke.

34. 孤影独徘徊,思念如落花。

I wander alone, my longing like fallen petals.

35. 此生有君在,何惧世事难。

With you in my life, I fear no hardship the world may bring.

36. 执手共白首,此生无悔恨。

Holding hands, we'll grow old together, with no regrets in this life.

37. 愿君此生平安,幸福永相伴。

May you live a life of peace and happiness, always surrounded by love.

38. 红尘滚滚事,唯愿君安好。

In the swirling world of dust, I only wish for your well-being.

39. 远方传来歌,思念如潮涌。

Songs from afar reach my ears, and longing swells like a tide.

40. 孤雁南飞去,何时能相聚?

The lone geese fly south, when will we reunite?

41. 执笔写心语,寄托爱无限。

With pen in hand, I write my heart's desire, entrusting it to my boundless love.

42. 天涯路漫漫,思念永相依。

The journey to the ends of the earth is long, but my thoughts for you will always be with me.

43. 红尘滚滚事,唯有爱最真。

In the swirling world of dust, only love is truly real.

44. 泪眼望君去,心痛难言说。

My tear-filled eyes watch you leave, the pain in my heart is too deep to express.

45. 孤影独徘徊,思念如潮水。

I wander alone, my thoughts for you like surging tides.

46. 夜深人静时,唯有梦相依。

When the night is deep and quiet, only dreams offer me solace.

47. 此情天长地久,永不负卿心。

This love will last for eternity, forever true to your heart.

48. 愿君一切安好,勿念我心忧。

May you always be well, and please don't worry about my heartache.

49. 繁星点点缀,照亮夜空暗。

Twinkling stars adorn the night, illuminating the darkness.

50. 月色如水柔,映照相思情。

The moonlight is soft like water, reflecting my longing love.

51. 远方传来歌,思念入耳中。

Songs from afar reach my ears, carrying my longing with them.

52. 风吹落叶飘,思念似落花。

The wind blows leaves to the ground, my longing like fallen petals.

53. 执笔书情书,寄托无尽爱。

With pen in hand, I write a love letter, pouring out my endless love.

54. 岁月如流水,情深永不渝。

Time flows like water, but my deep love will never change.

55. 愿君早日归来,共赏人间美。

May you return soon, so we can enjoy the beauty of this world together.

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