
## 心累无法说出的句子 (80句)

1. 我不是不爱了,只是心累了,真的无力再爱了。

2. 心累的时候,连说句话都觉得很累。

3. 你不知道我有多努力,你只看到我现在的疲惫。

4. 失望多了,心就麻木了,也就不再奢望了。

5. 我想放手,却放不下,只能默默承受着这心累。

6. 笑着笑着就哭了,因为心太累,再难撑下去。

7. 一颗真心,换来的是满身的伤痕。

8. 我努力了,也付出了,可是最终还是徒劳。

9. 我以为我们可以一直走下去,可是我错了。

10. 我真的累了,想要休息,想要逃离这一切。

11. 我以为你会懂我,可是你却不懂。

12. 你说你爱我,可是你的行动却让我心寒。

13. 我以为可以依靠你,可是你却让我失望。

14. 我真的累了,不想再解释,不想再争辩。

15. 我想回到过去,回到那个没有心累的日子。

16. 我不知道该怎么办,我的心好累,好痛。

17. 我好想哭,可是眼泪已经流干了。

18. 我好想说些什么,可是却无话可说。

19. 我好想逃离这里,逃离这一切,可是我无处可去。

20. 我真的好累,好累,好累。

21. 我试图用微笑掩盖内心的疲惫,却无济于事。

22. 我无法改变现状,只能默默承受着这心累。

23. 我强忍着泪水,努力装作没事人一样。

24. 我一遍遍告诉自己要坚强,可是内心却在崩溃。

25. 我多么希望你能懂我,可是你却选择视而不见。

26. 我付出了真心,却换来你的无情和伤害。

27. 我以为我们可以一起走过风雨,可是你却选择独自离开。

28. 我努力了,也坚持了,可是最终还是无法改变结局。

29. 我一遍遍安慰自己要释怀,可是内心却无法释然。

30. 我多么希望你能给我一个拥抱,可是你却选择了冷漠。

31. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择误解我。

32. 我多么希望你能陪伴我,可是你却选择了离开我。

33. 我多么希望你能爱我,可是你却选择了伤害我。

34. 我多么希望你能珍惜我,可是你却选择了放弃我。

35. 我多么希望你能在乎我,可是你却选择了忽视我。

36. 我多么希望你能信任我,可是你却选择了怀疑我。

37. 我多么希望你能支持我,可是你却选择了反对我。

38. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了指责我。

39. 我多么希望你能安慰我,可是你却选择了沉默。

40. 我多么希望你能关心我,可是你却选择了无视我。

41. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了不相信我。

42. 我多么希望你能体谅我,可是你却选择了指责我。

43. 我多么希望你能认可我,可是你却选择了否定我。

44. 我多么希望你能鼓励我,可是你却选择了打击我。

45. 我多么希望你能接受我,可是你却选择了拒绝我。

46. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了误解我。

47. 我多么希望你能相信我,可是你却选择了怀疑我。

48. 我多么希望你能支持我,可是你却选择了反对我。

49. 我多么希望你能爱我,可是你却选择了伤害我。

50. 我多么希望你能珍惜我,可是你却选择了放弃我。

51. 我多么希望你能在乎我,可是你却选择了忽视我。

52. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了不相信我。

53. 我多么希望你能体谅我,可是你却选择了指责我。

54. 我多么希望你能认可我,可是你却选择了否定我。

55. 我多么希望你能鼓励我,可是你却选择了打击我。

56. 我多么希望你能接受我,可是你却选择了拒绝我。

57. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了误解我。

58. 我多么希望你能相信我,可是你却选择了怀疑我。

59. 我多么希望你能支持我,可是你却选择了反对我。

60. 我多么希望你能爱我,可是你却选择了伤害我。

61. 我多么希望你能珍惜我,可是你却选择了放弃我。

62. 我多么希望你能在乎我,可是你却选择了忽视我。

63. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了不相信我。

64. 我多么希望你能体谅我,可是你却选择了指责我。

65. 我多么希望你能认可我,可是你却选择了否定我。

66. 我多么希望你能鼓励我,可是你却选择了打击我。

67. 我多么希望你能接受我,可是你却选择了拒绝我。

68. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了误解我。

69. 我多么希望你能相信我,可是你却选择了怀疑我。

70. 我多么希望你能支持我,可是你却选择了反对我。

71. 我多么希望你能爱我,可是你却选择了伤害我。

72. 我多么希望你能珍惜我,可是你却选择了放弃我。

73. 我多么希望你能在乎我,可是你却选择了忽视我。

74. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了不相信我。

75. 我多么希望你能体谅我,可是你却选择了指责我。

76. 我多么希望你能认可我,可是你却选择了否定我。

77. 我多么希望你能鼓励我,可是你却选择了打击我。

78. 我多么希望你能接受我,可是你却选择了拒绝我。

79. 我多么希望你能理解我,可是你却选择了误解我。

80. 我多么希望你能相信我,可是你却选择了怀疑我。

## 英文翻译

1. I'm not not loving you, it's just that I'm tired, and I really don't have the energy to love anymore.

2. When I'm tired, even speaking feels exhausting.

3. You don't know how hard I've been trying, you only see my current exhaustion.

4. After too much disappointment, my heart becomes numb and I no longer have expectations.

5. I want to let go, but I can't, so I can only silently endure this weariness.

6. I laugh and laugh, then I cry, because my heart is so tired, I can't hold on any longer.

7. A sincere heart, in return, is a body full of scars.

8. I tried, I gave, but in the end it was all in vain.

9. I thought we could go on forever, but I was wrong.

10. I'm really tired, I want to rest, I want to escape all this.

11. I thought you'd understand me, but you don't.

12. You say you love me, but your actions make my heart cold.

13. I thought I could rely on you, but you disappointed me.

14. I'm really tired, I don't want to explain anymore, I don't want to argue anymore.

15. I want to go back to the past, to the days when there was no weariness.

16. I don't know what to do, my heart is so tired, so painful.

17. I want to cry, but my tears have dried up.

18. I want to say something, but I have nothing to say.

19. I want to escape from here, from all of this, but I have nowhere to go.

20. I'm so tired, so tired, so tired.

21. I try to hide my inner fatigue with a smile, but it's no use.

22. I can't change the situation, I can only silently endure this weariness.

23. I hold back my tears and try to act like nothing is wrong.

24. I tell myself to be strong over and over again, but my heart is breaking.

25. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to ignore it.

26. I gave my heart, but in return I got your cruelty and hurt.

27. I thought we could weather the storms together, but you chose to leave on your own.

28. I tried, I persisted, but in the end I couldn't change the outcome.

29. I try to comfort myself to let go, but my heart can't let go.

30. I wish you could give me a hug, but you choose to be cold.

31. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to misunderstand me.

32. I wish you could stay with me, but you choose to leave me.

33. I wish you could love me, but you choose to hurt me.

34. I wish you could cherish me, but you choose to give up on me.

35. I wish you could care about me, but you choose to ignore me.

36. I wish you could trust me, but you choose to doubt me.

37. I wish you could support me, but you choose to oppose me.

38. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to blame me.

39. I wish you could comfort me, but you choose to be silent.

40. I wish you could care about me, but you choose to ignore me.

41. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to not believe me.

42. I wish you could be considerate of me, but you choose to blame me.

43. I wish you could acknowledge me, but you choose to deny me.

44. I wish you could encourage me, but you choose to discourage me.

45. I wish you could accept me, but you choose to reject me.

46. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to misunderstand me.

47. I wish you could believe me, but you choose to doubt me.

48. I wish you could support me, but you choose to oppose me.

49. I wish you could love me, but you choose to hurt me.

50. I wish you could cherish me, but you choose to give up on me.

51. I wish you could care about me, but you choose to ignore me.

52. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to not believe me.

53. I wish you could be considerate of me, but you choose to blame me.

54. I wish you could acknowledge me, but you choose to deny me.

55. I wish you could encourage me, but you choose to discourage me.

56. I wish you could accept me, but you choose to reject me.

57. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to misunderstand me.

58. I wish you could believe me, but you choose to doubt me.

59. I wish you could support me, but you choose to oppose me.

60. I wish you could love me, but you choose to hurt me.

61. I wish you could cherish me, but you choose to give up on me.

62. I wish you could care about me, but you choose to ignore me.

63. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to not believe me.

64. I wish you could be considerate of me, but you choose to blame me.

65. I wish you could acknowledge me, but you choose to deny me.

66. I wish you could encourage me, but you choose to discourage me.

67. I wish you could accept me, but you choose to reject me.

68. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to misunderstand me.

69. I wish you could believe me, but you choose to doubt me.

70. I wish you could support me, but you choose to oppose me.

71. I wish you could love me, but you choose to hurt me.

72. I wish you could cherish me, but you choose to give up on me.

73. I wish you could care about me, but you choose to ignore me.

74. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to not believe me.

75. I wish you could be considerate of me, but you choose to blame me.

76. I wish you could acknowledge me, but you choose to deny me.

77. I wish you could encourage me, but you choose to discourage me.

78. I wish you could accept me, but you choose to reject me.

79. I wish you could understand me, but you choose to misunderstand me.

80. I wish you could believe me, but you choose to doubt me.

以上就是关于表达心累的但无法说出的句子80句(表达心累的但无法说出的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
