
## 苍老了容颜前面的句子,58句

1. 岁月如梭,时光流逝,不觉间已白发苍苍。
2. 镜中容颜,昔日青春不再,如今已添满皱纹。
3. 昔日意气风发,如今却步履蹒跚,满头白发。
4. 昔日的容颜,已在时间的长河中,逐渐模糊。
5. 年华易逝,容颜易老,唯有记忆永存。
6. 岁月无情,容颜易逝,唯有精神永存。
7. 回首往事,昔日容颜已成过眼云烟。
8. 昔日风华绝代,如今却化作满头白发。
9. 昔日的青春年少,如今已化作沧桑。
10. 昔日的容颜,如今已化作历史的尘埃。
11. 岁月是把杀猪刀,无情地雕刻着容颜。
12. 时间如流水般逝去,留下了岁月的痕迹。
13. 昔日的容颜,在时间的长河中,逐渐褪色。
14. 昔日的光彩,如今已黯然失色。
15. 昔日的风采,如今已不复存在。
16. 昔日的青春,如今已化作回忆。
17. 昔日的梦想,如今已成过眼云烟。
18. 昔日的激情,如今已化作平静。
19. 昔日的活力,如今已化作沉静。
20. 昔日的活力,如今已化作迟暮。
21. 昔日的热情,如今已化作淡然。
22. 昔日的锋芒,如今已化作圆滑。
23. 昔日的锐气,如今已化作沉稳。
24. 昔日的冲动,如今已化作理智。
25. 昔日的任性,如今已化作成熟。
26. 昔日的张扬,如今已化作内敛。
27. 昔日的狂妄,如今已化作谦逊。
28. 昔日的骄傲,如今已化作淡泊。
29. 昔日的执着,如今已化作洒脱。
30. 昔日的固执,如今已化作宽容。
31. 昔日的偏执,如今已化作包容。
32. 昔日的冷酷,如今已化作温柔。
33. 昔日的刻薄,如今已化作善良。
34. 昔日的自私,如今已化作无私。
35. 昔日的贪婪,如今已化作知足。
36. 昔日的虚荣,如今已化作朴素。
37. 昔日的浮躁,如今已化作沉淀。
38. 昔日的轻浮,如今已化作稳重。
39. 昔日的幼稚,如今已化作成熟。
40. 昔日的鲁莽,如今已化作谨慎。
41. 昔日的冲动,如今已化作冷静。
42. 昔日的鲁莽,如今已化作沉稳。
43. 昔日的任性,如今已化作克制。
44. 昔日的放纵,如今已化作自律。
45. 昔日的狂妄,如今已化作谦虚。
46. 昔日的自负,如今已化作自信。
47. 昔日的自傲,如今已化作坦然。
48. 昔日的傲慢,如今已化作谦卑。
49. 昔日的浮华,如今已化作平淡。
50. 昔日的喧嚣,如今已化作宁静。
51. 昔日的繁华,如今已化作落寞。
52. 昔日的辉煌,如今已化作回忆。
53. 昔日的梦想,如今已化作现实。
54. 昔日的追求,如今已化作释然。
55. 昔日的渴望,如今已化作平静。
56. 昔日的焦虑,如今已化作淡定。
57. 昔日的迷茫,如今已化作清醒。
58. 昔日的痛苦,如今已化作释怀。

## 英文翻译

1. Time flies, time passes, and unknowingly, my hair has turned white.

2. The face in the mirror, the former youth is gone, now filled with wrinkles.

3. Once full of youthful spirit, now I walk with a limp, with a head full of white hair.

4. The face of the past has gradually blurred in the long river of time.

5. Time passes easily, beauty fades, only memories remain.

6. Time is ruthless, beauty fades, only spirit remains.

7. Looking back on the past, the face of the past has become a fleeting cloud.

8. Once stunning, now turned into a head full of white hair.

9. The youthful years of the past have now turned into vicissitudes of life.

10. The face of the past has now turned into dust of history.

11. Time is a butcher's knife, carving ruthlessly on the face.

12. Time passes like flowing water, leaving behind the marks of time.

13. The face of the past, gradually fades in the long river of time.

14. The former brilliance has now dimmed.

15. The former charm no longer exists.

16. The former youth has now turned into memories.

17. The former dreams have now become fleeting clouds.

18. The former passion has now turned into calmness.

19. The former vitality has now turned into tranquility.

20. The former vitality has now turned into twilight.

21. The former enthusiasm has now turned into indifference.

22. The former edge has now turned into smoothness.

23. The former sharpness has now turned into steadiness.

24. The former impulsiveness has now turned into reason.

25. The former wilfulness has now turned into maturity.

26. The former flamboyance has now turned into restraint.

27. The former arrogance has now turned into humility.

28. The former pride has now turned into detachment.

29. The former persistence has now turned into casualness.

30. The former stubbornness has now turned into tolerance.

31. The former bias has now turned into inclusiveness.

32. The former coldness has now turned into gentleness.

33. The former harshness has now turned into kindness.

34. The former selfishness has now turned into selflessness.

35. The former greed has now turned into contentment.

36. The former vanity has now turned into simplicity.

37. The former restlessness has now turned into settling down.

38. The former frivolity has now turned into steadiness.

39. The former childishness has now turned into maturity.

40. The former recklessness has now turned into caution.

41. The former impulsiveness has now turned into calmness.

42. The former recklessness has now turned into steadiness.

43. The former wilfulness has now turned into restraint.

44. The former indulgence has now turned into self-discipline.

45. The former arrogance has now turned into humility.

46. The former self-confidence has now turned into self-assurance.

47. The former pride has now turned into composure.

48. The former arrogance has now turned into humility.

49. The former extravagance has now turned into plainness.

50. The former hustle and bustle has now turned into tranquility.

51. The former prosperity has now turned into desolation.

52. The former glory has now turned into memories.

53. The former dreams have now turned into reality.

54. The former pursuits have now turned into acceptance.

55. The former longing has now turned into calmness.

56. The former anxiety has now turned into composure.

57. The former confusion has now turned into clarity.

58. The former pain has now turned into relief.

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