
## 稳住江山的句子 (91句)

**1. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。**

It is better to be a broken jade than a complete tile. (This means it's better to die with honor than to live in shame.)

**2. 卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。**

Lie on thorns and taste gall, three thousand soldiers of Yue can conquer Wu. (This refers to the determination to overcome hardships and eventually succeed.)

**3. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。**

Devote oneself wholeheartedly, only after death will one cease. (This means to dedicate oneself to serving one's country until the very end.)

**4. 君子一言既出驷马难追。**

A gentleman's word is as solid as a mountain, even four horses cannot pull it back. (This emphasizes the importance of keeping one's promises.)

**5. 艰难困苦,玉汝于成。**

Hardships and difficulties will refine you like jade. (This means that challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.)

**6. 欲戴其冠,必承其重。**

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. (This means that great responsibilities come with great power.)

**7. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

When heaven intends to bestow a great task upon a man, it will first test his resolve, exhaust his strength, starve his body, expose him to poverty, and create chaos in his affairs. Through these trials, his spirit is tempered, his patience is nurtured, and he acquires the abilities he lacked before. (This emphasizes the importance of overcoming adversity to achieve greatness.)

**8. 正人心,平天下。**

Correct the hearts of the people, and the world will be at peace. (This emphasizes the importance of good governance and morality in maintaining stability.)

**9. 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。**

If it benefits the country, I am willing to die. Why should I avoid misfortune or seek good fortune? (This expresses unwavering patriotism and willingness to sacrifice for one's country.)

**10. 一寸山河一寸血,十万青年十万军。**

Every inch of our land is stained with blood, ten thousand young men make up ten thousand soldiers. (This emphasizes the importance of defending one's territory and the courage of the people.)

**11. 艰难困苦,玉汝于成。**

Hardships and difficulties will refine you like jade. (This means that challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.)

**12. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

When heaven intends to bestow a great task upon a man, it will first test his resolve, exhaust his strength, starve his body, expose him to poverty, and create chaos in his affairs. Through these trials, his spirit is tempered, his patience is nurtured, and he acquires the abilities he lacked before. (This emphasizes the importance of overcoming adversity to achieve greatness.)

**13. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。**

The rise and fall of the nation is everyone's responsibility. (This emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility for the well-being of the nation.)

**14. 精诚所至,金石为开。**

Where there is sincerity, even gold and stone can be moved. (This emphasizes the power of sincerity and perseverance in achieving one's goals.)

**15. 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。**

Without accumulating small steps, one cannot travel a thousand miles; without accumulating small streams, one cannot form a river or sea. (This emphasizes the importance of persistent effort and gradual accumulation in achieving great things.)

**16. 为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。**

Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, continue the legacy of the ancient sages, and usher in an era of lasting peace for all generations. (This expresses a lofty ideal of serving the people and contributing to the well-being of the world.)

**17. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。**

To know what you know and to know what you don't know, that is true knowledge. (This emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's limitations and pursuing knowledge with humility.)

**18. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。**

Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. (This emphasizes the importance of both learning and thinking in acquiring knowledge and understanding.)

**19. 敏而好学,不耻下问。**

Be quick to learn and eager to ask questions, do not be ashamed to learn from those below you. (This emphasizes the importance of humility and lifelong learning.)

**20. 天行健,君子以自强不息。**

The movement of heaven is unceasing; the gentleman strives for self-improvement without stopping. (This emphasizes the importance of perseverance and continuous self-improvement.)

**21. 居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。**

When at peace, think of danger; when you think, you are prepared; when you are prepared, there is no fear. (This emphasizes the importance of foresight and preparedness in preventing future problems.)

**22. 治国安邦,人才为本。**

To govern the state and secure the nation, people are the foundation. (This emphasizes the importance of talent and human capital in national development.)

**23. 民为邦本,本固邦宁。**

The people are the foundation of the state, when the foundation is strong, the state will be secure. (This emphasizes the importance of the well-being of the people in national stability.)

**24. 己所不欲,勿施于人。**

Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire. (This emphasizes the importance of empathy and treating others with respect.)

**25. 仁者爱人,勇者无敌。**

Those with benevolence love others, those with courage are invincible. (This emphasizes the importance of both compassion and strength in achieving success.)

**26. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。**

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. (This emphasizes the importance of the people's support for the government and the need for officials to be mindful of the people's will.)

**27. 得道多助,失道寡助。**

Those who follow the right path will have many helpers, those who stray from the right path will have few helpers. (This emphasizes the importance of justice and morality in building support and achieving success.)

**28. 兼听则明,偏信则暗。**

To listen to all sides is to be enlightened, to believe only one side is to be blinded. (This emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness and considering different perspectives.)

**29. 一言既出,驷马难追。**

Once a word is spoken, it is difficult to retract it, even with four horses. (This emphasizes the importance of speaking with caution and keeping one's promises.)

**30. 实事求是,脚踏实地。**

Be practical and realistic, and work diligently. (This emphasizes the importance of honesty, pragmatism, and hard work.)

**31. 不破不立,不塞不流。**

Without breaking, there is no building; without blocking, there is no flowing. (This emphasizes the importance of change and adaptation in achieving progress.)

**32. 功成不必在我,功成必定有我。**

The success of our cause may not be achieved in my time, but I will ensure that I contribute to its eventual success. (This expresses a selfless commitment to serving one's country and contributing to its long-term prosperity.)

**33. 为政以德,匹夫之志也。**

To govern with virtue is the aspiration of every man. (This emphasizes the importance of moral leadership and the responsibility of everyone to uphold high standards.)

**34. 国之兴衰,系于民心。**

The rise and fall of a nation depends on the will of the people. (This emphasizes the importance of the people's support for the government and the need for officials to be responsive to the people's needs.)

**35. 兴亡有数,成败在天。**

The rise and fall of empires is destined, success and failure are determined by fate. (This expresses a sense of resignation and acceptance of the cyclical nature of history.)

**36. 知己知彼,百战不殆。**

To know oneself and one's enemy, one can fight a hundred battles without defeat. (This emphasizes the importance of understanding both one's strengths and weaknesses and those of one's opponents.)

**37. 一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。**

The first drumbeat inspires the greatest effort, the second brings a decline, and the third leads to exhaustion. (This emphasizes the importance of seizing the moment and maintaining momentum in achieving one's goals.)

**38. 不进则退,不破不立。**

If you don't advance, you regress; if you don't break, you can't rebuild. (This emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and embracing change.)

**39. 安不忘危,存不忘亡。**

Do not forget danger when you are at peace, do not forget death when you are alive. (This emphasizes the importance of humility, foresight, and awareness of potential threats.)

**40. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。**

Favorable timing is not as important as advantageous terrain, but advantageous terrain is not as important as the unity of the people. (This emphasizes the importance of unity and cooperation in achieving success.)

**41. 百尺竿头,更进一步。**

To climb to a hundred-foot pole, and then take one more step. (This emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and striving for excellence.)

**42. 不畏艰险,勇往直前。**

Fear no danger, forge ahead courageously. (This emphasizes the importance of bravery and determination in overcoming obstacles.)

**43. 欲速则不达。**

To hurry is to fail. (This emphasizes the importance of patience and a measured approach in achieving success.)

**44. 逆境是人生的磨砺,磨砺出坚强。**

Adversity is the crucible of life, which tempers us into strength. (This emphasizes the importance of overcoming challenges and emerging stronger.)

**45. 胸怀天下,心系苍生。**

To embrace the world with your heart, and care for all living beings. (This emphasizes a selfless commitment to serving others and making a positive impact on the world.)

**46. 生于忧患,死于安乐。**

Those who are born in times of hardship will survive, those who live in ease will perish. (This emphasizes the importance of vigilance and adaptability in facing challenges.)

**47. 以天下为己任。**

To take the responsibility for the entire world as your own. (This expresses a lofty ideal of serving the people and contributing to the well-being of the world.)

**48. 舍生取义,浩然正气。**

To sacrifice one's life for righteousness, to possess a noble and righteous spirit. (This emphasizes the importance of upholding moral principles and being willing to sacrifice for what is right.)

**49. 自强不息,厚德载物。**

Strive for self-improvement without stopping, be virtuous and capable of carrying the weight of the world. (This emphasizes the importance of both personal development and serving others.)

**50. 天下大势,浩浩荡荡,顺之者昌,逆之者亡。**

The great currents of history are unstoppable; those who follow them will prosper, those who resist them will perish. (This emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to the changing tide of events.)

**51. 知耻而后勇。**

To know shame is to be brave. (This emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, taking responsibility for one's actions, and striving to improve.)

**52. 精忠报国,死而后已。**

To serve one's country with unwavering loyalty, even unto death. (This expresses unwavering patriotism and willingness to sacrifice for one's country.)

**53. 宁为战死,不为俘虏。**

It is better to die in battle than to be captured. (This emphasizes the importance of fighting for one's principles and resisting oppression.)

**54. 不为良相,则为良材。**

If I cannot be a good minister, I will become a good material. (This emphasizes the importance of contributing to society in whatever way possible.)

**55. 以身作则,言传身教。**

Lead by example, teach by words and deeds. (This emphasizes the importance of integrity and setting a good example for others.)

**56. 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。**

Without accumulating small steps, one cannot travel a thousand miles; without accumulating small streams, one cannot form a river or sea. (This emphasizes the importance of persistent effort and gradual accumulation in achieving great things.)

**57. 绳锯木断,水滴石穿。**

A rope can saw through wood, water drops can wear away stone. (This emphasizes the power of persistence and the ability to achieve great things through consistent effort.)

**58. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

When heaven intends to bestow a great task upon a man, it will first test his resolve, exhaust his strength, starve his body, expose him to poverty, and create chaos in his affairs. Through these trials, his spirit is tempered, his patience is nurtured, and he acquires the abilities he lacked before. (This emphasizes the importance of overcoming adversity to achieve greatness.)

**59. 艰难困苦,玉汝于成。**

Hardships and difficulties will refine you like jade. (This means that challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.)

**60. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。**

The rise and fall of the nation is everyone's responsibility. (This emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility for the well-being of the nation.)

**61. 精诚所至,金石为开。**

Where there is sincerity, even gold and stone can be moved. (This emphasizes the power of sincerity and perseverance in achieving one's goals.)

**62. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。**

To know what you know and to know what you don't know, that is true knowledge. (This emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's limitations and pursuing knowledge with humility.)

**63. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。**

Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. (This emphasizes the importance of both learning and thinking in acquiring knowledge and understanding.)

**64. 敏而好学,不耻下问。**

Be quick to learn and eager to ask questions, do not be ashamed to learn from those below you. (This emphasizes the importance of humility and lifelong learning.)

**65. 天行健,君子以自强不息。**

The movement of heaven is unceasing; the gentleman strives for self-improvement without stopping. (This emphasizes the importance of perseverance and continuous self-improvement.)

**66. 居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。**

When at peace, think of danger; when you think, you are prepared; when you are prepared, there is no fear. (This emphasizes the importance of foresight and preparedness in preventing future problems.)

**67. 治国安邦,人才为本。**

To govern the state and secure the nation, people are the foundation. (This emphasizes the importance of talent and human capital in national development.)

**68. 民为邦本,本固邦宁。**

The people are the foundation of the state, when the foundation is strong, the state will be secure. (This emphasizes the importance of the well-being of the people in national stability.)

**69. 己所不欲,勿施于人。**

Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire. (This emphasizes the importance of empathy and treating others with respect.)

**70. 仁者爱人,勇者无敌。**

Those with benevolence love others, those with courage are invincible. (This emphasizes the importance of both compassion and strength in achieving success.)

**71. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。**

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. (This emphasizes the importance of the people's support for the government and the need for officials to be mindful of the people's will.)

**72. 得道多助,失道寡助。**

Those who follow the right path will have many helpers, those who stray from the right path will have few helpers. (This emphasizes the importance of justice and morality in building support and achieving success.)

**73. 兼听则明,偏信则暗。**

To listen to all sides is to be enlightened, to believe only one side is to be blinded. (This emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness and considering different perspectives.)

**74. 实事求是,脚踏实地。**

Be practical and realistic, and work diligently. (This emphasizes the importance of honesty, pragmatism, and hard work.)

**75. 不破不立,不塞不流。**

Without breaking, there is no building; without blocking, there is no flowing. (This emphasizes the importance of change and adaptation in achieving progress.)

**76. 功成不必在我,功成必定有我。**

The success of our cause may not be achieved in my time, but I will ensure that I contribute to its eventual success. (This expresses a selfless commitment to serving one's country and contributing to its long-term prosperity.)

**77. 为政以德,匹夫之志也。**

To govern with virtue is the aspiration of every man. (This emphasizes the importance of moral leadership and the responsibility of everyone to uphold high standards.)

**78. 国之兴衰,系于民心。**

The rise and fall of a nation depends on the will of the people. (This emphasizes the importance of the people's support for the government and the need for officials to be responsive to the people's needs.)

**79. 兴亡有数,成败在天。**

The rise and fall of empires is destined, success and failure are determined by fate. (This expresses a sense of resignation and acceptance of the cyclical nature of history.)

**80. 知己知彼,百战不殆。**

To know oneself and one's enemy, one can fight a hundred battles without defeat. (This emphasizes the importance of understanding both one's strengths and weaknesses and those of one's opponents.)

**81. 一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。**

The first drumbeat inspires the greatest effort, the second brings a decline, and the third leads to exhaustion. (This emphasizes the importance of seizing the moment and maintaining momentum in achieving one's goals.)

**82. 不进则退,不破不立。**

If you don't advance, you regress; if you don't break, you can't rebuild. (This emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and embracing change.)

**83. 安不忘危,存不忘亡。**

Do not forget danger when you are at peace, do not forget death when you are alive. (This emphasizes the importance of humility, foresight, and awareness of potential threats.)

**84. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。**

Favorable timing is not as important as advantageous terrain, but advantageous terrain is not as important as the unity of the people. (This emphasizes the importance of unity and cooperation in achieving success.)

**85. 百尺竿头,更进一步。**

To climb to a hundred-foot pole, and then take one more step. (This emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and striving for excellence.)

**86. 不畏艰险,勇往直前。**

Fear no danger, forge ahead courageously. (This emphasizes the importance of bravery and determination in overcoming obstacles.)

**87. 欲速则不达。**

To hurry is to fail. (This emphasizes the importance of patience and a measured approach in achieving success.)

**88. 逆境是人生的磨砺,磨砺出坚强。**

Adversity is the crucible of life, which tempers us into strength. (This emphasizes the importance of overcoming challenges and emerging stronger.)

**89. 胸怀天下,心系苍生。**

To embrace the world with your heart, and care for all living beings. (This emphasizes a selfless commitment to serving others and making a positive impact on the world.)

**90. 生于忧患,死于安乐。**

Those who are born in times of hardship will survive, those who live in ease will perish. (This emphasizes the importance of vigilance and adaptability in facing challenges.)

**91. 以天下为己任。**

To take the responsibility for the entire world as your own. (This expresses a lofty ideal of serving the people and contributing to the well-being of the world.)

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