
## 85句靠自己的句子及英文翻译

**1. 靠自己,才能真正拥有力量。**

Only by relying on yourself can you truly possess strength.

**2. 只有靠自己,才能走得更远。**

Only by relying on yourself can you go further.

**3. 靠自己,才能创造属于自己的未来。**

Only by relying on yourself can you create your own future.

**4. 靠自己,才能找到真正的快乐。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find true happiness.

**5. 靠自己,才能战胜一切困难。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all difficulties.

**6. 靠自己,才能获得真正的成功。**

Only by relying on yourself can you achieve true success.

**7. 靠自己,才能活出精彩的人生。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live a wonderful life.

**8. 靠自己,才能实现梦想。**

Only by relying on yourself can you achieve your dreams.

**9. 靠自己,才能成为更好的自己。**

Only by relying on yourself can you become a better version of yourself.

**10. 靠自己,才能在逆境中崛起。**

Only by relying on yourself can you rise from adversity.

**11. 靠自己,才能拥有坚定的信念。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have unwavering belief.

**12. 靠自己,才能克服一切恐惧。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all fears.

**13. 靠自己,才能拥抱希望。**

Only by relying on yourself can you embrace hope.

**14. 靠自己,才能找到人生的意义。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find the meaning of life.

**15. 靠自己,才能走出困境。**

Only by relying on yourself can you get out of trouble.

**16. 靠自己,才能成就梦想。**

Only by relying on yourself can you achieve your dreams.

**17. 靠自己,才能让生活充满希望。**

Only by relying on yourself can you make life full of hope.

**18. 靠自己,才能拥有真正的自由。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have true freedom.

**19. 靠自己,才能活出自己的精彩。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live your own brilliance.

**20. 靠自己,才能获得真正的满足感。**

Only by relying on yourself can you achieve true satisfaction.

**21. 靠自己,才能克服所有的困难。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all difficulties.

**22. 靠自己,才能拥有坚强的意志。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a strong will.

**23. 靠自己,才能走上成功的道路。**

Only by relying on yourself can you embark on the road to success.

**24. 靠自己,才能找到属于自己的幸福。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find your own happiness.

**25. 靠自己,才能活出真实的自己。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live as your true self.

**26. 靠自己,才能创造美好的未来。**

Only by relying on yourself can you create a better future.

**27. 靠自己,才能拥有真正的自信。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have true confidence.

**28. 靠自己,才能战胜一切挫折。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all setbacks.

**29. 靠自己,才能实现人生的价值。**

Only by relying on yourself can you realize the value of life.

**30. 靠自己,才能拥有无穷的潜力。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have unlimited potential.

**31. 靠自己,才能找到人生的方向。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find the direction of your life.

**32. 靠自己,才能拥有强大的内心。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a strong heart.

**33. 靠自己,才能活出精彩的人生。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live a wonderful life.

**34. 靠自己,才能突破自我。**

Only by relying on yourself can you break through yourself.

**35. 靠自己,才能创造奇迹。**

Only by relying on yourself can you create miracles.

**36. 靠自己,才能获得真正的自由。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have true freedom.

**37. 靠自己,才能拥有坚定的信念。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have unwavering belief.

**38. 靠自己,才能战胜一切诱惑。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all temptations.

**39. 靠自己,才能拥有强大的意志力。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have strong willpower.

**40. 靠自己,才能找到人生的真谛。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find the true meaning of life.

**41. 靠自己,才能活出真我。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live your true self.

**42. 靠自己,才能实现人生的价值。**

Only by relying on yourself can you realize the value of life.

**43. 靠自己,才能拥有无悔的人生。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a life without regrets.

**44. 靠自己,才能活出自己的精彩。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live your own brilliance.

**45. 靠自己,才能拥有美好的未来。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a better future.

**46. 靠自己,才能战胜一切磨难。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all hardships.

**47. 靠自己,才能拥有强大的力量。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have great power.

**48. 靠自己,才能成就伟业。**

Only by relying on yourself can you achieve great things.

**49. 靠自己,才能创造属于自己的精彩。**

Only by relying on yourself can you create your own brilliance.

**50. 靠自己,才能赢得人生的胜利。**

Only by relying on yourself can you win the victory of life.

**51. 靠自己,才能拥有独立的精神。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have an independent spirit.

**52. 靠自己,才能获得真正的快乐。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find true happiness.

**53. 靠自己,才能走出人生的迷茫。**

Only by relying on yourself can you get out of life's confusion.

**54. 靠自己,才能找到人生的方向。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find the direction of your life.

**55. 靠自己,才能成就梦想。**

Only by relying on yourself can you achieve your dreams.

**56. 靠自己,才能让梦想照进现实。**

Only by relying on yourself can you make your dreams come true.

**57. 靠自己,才能拥有真正的自由。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have true freedom.

**58. 靠自己,才能战胜一切恐惧。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all fears.

**59. 靠自己,才能拥有坚强的意志。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a strong will.

**60. 靠自己,才能活出自己的精彩。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live your own brilliance.

**61. 靠自己,才能拥有强大的力量。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have great power.

**62. 靠自己,才能突破自我。**

Only by relying on yourself can you break through yourself.

**63. 靠自己,才能成就人生的价值。**

Only by relying on yourself can you realize the value of life.

**64. 靠自己,才能战胜一切挑战。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all challenges.

**65. 靠自己,才能拥有无悔的人生。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a life without regrets.

**66. 靠自己,才能找到人生的真谛。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find the true meaning of life.

**67. 靠自己,才能创造美好的未来。**

Only by relying on yourself can you create a better future.

**68. 靠自己,才能拥有独立的思想。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have independent thoughts.

**69. 靠自己,才能拥有强大的内心。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a strong heart.

**70. 靠自己,才能活出真我。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live your true self.

**71. 靠自己,才能战胜一切诱惑。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all temptations.

**72. 靠自己,才能拥有坚定的信念。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have unwavering belief.

**73. 靠自己,才能找到人生的方向。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find the direction of your life.

**74. 靠自己,才能实现人生的价值。**

Only by relying on yourself can you realize the value of life.

**75. 靠自己,才能拥有无悔的人生。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a life without regrets.

**76. 靠自己,才能创造奇迹。**

Only by relying on yourself can you create miracles.

**77. 靠自己,才能成就伟业。**

Only by relying on yourself can you achieve great things.

**78. 靠自己,才能拥有强大的意志力。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have strong willpower.

**79. 靠自己,才能战胜一切困难。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all difficulties.

**80. 靠自己,才能拥有美好的未来。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have a better future.

**81. 靠自己,才能找到人生的意义。**

Only by relying on yourself can you find the meaning of life.

**82. 靠自己,才能活出自己的精彩。**

Only by relying on yourself can you live your own brilliance.

**83. 靠自己,才能拥有真正的自信。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have true confidence.

**84. 靠自己,才能战胜一切挫折。**

Only by relying on yourself can you overcome all setbacks.

**85. 靠自己,才能拥有独立的人生。**

Only by relying on yourself can you have an independent life.

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