
## 真兄弟和假兄弟句子 (84句)


1. 患难见真情,兄弟情义深。

True brotherhood is revealed in times of hardship.

2. 血浓于水,兄弟情谊永存。

Blood is thicker than water, the brotherhood lasts forever.

3. 兄弟如手足,情谊比金坚。

Brothers are like limbs, their bond is stronger than gold.

4. 有福同享,有難同当,这是兄弟的真谛。

Sharing fortune and hardship together, that's the true meaning of brotherhood.

5. 真兄弟,不离不弃,风雨同舟。

True brothers stand by each other, weathering all storms together.

6. 兄弟之间,心心相印,无话不谈。

Brothers share a deep connection, they can talk about anything.

7. 即使隔着千山万水,兄弟情谊依然温暖。

Even separated by mountains and rivers, the brotherhood remains warm.

8. 兄弟之间的默契,是任何人都无法替代的。

The unspoken understanding between brothers is irreplaceable.

9. 真兄弟,永远是彼此最坚强的后盾。

True brothers are always each other's strongest support.

10. 兄弟情谊,是人生最宝贵的财富。

Brotherhood is the most valuable treasure in life.

11. 兄弟之间,永远是最亲密的伙伴。

Brothers are always the closest companions.

12. 真兄弟,即使吵架了也会很快和好。

True brothers, even if they fight, will soon make up.

13. 兄弟之间,互相扶持,共同成长。

Brothers support each other and grow together.

14. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最珍贵的礼物。

Brotherhood is the most precious gift in life.

15. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此的守护天使。

Brothers are always each other's guardian angels.

16. 真兄弟,是生命中的贵人。

True brothers are precious people in life.

17. 兄弟之间,永远是最真诚的朋友。

Brothers are always the most sincere friends.

18. 兄弟情谊,是人生最温暖的阳光。

Brotherhood is the warmest sunshine in life.

19. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最可靠的依靠。

Brothers are always each other's most reliable support.

20. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最美好的回忆。

Brotherhood is the most beautiful memory in life.

21. 兄弟之间,永远是最理解彼此的人。

Brothers are always the ones who understand each other best.

22. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得珍惜的缘分。

True brothers are the most precious connection in life.

23. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最宝贵的财富。

Brotherhood is the most valuable treasure in life.

24. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最亲密的家人。

Brothers are always each other's closest family.

25. 真兄弟,是生命中最美好的陪伴。

True brothers are the best company in life.

26. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最温暖的港湾。

Brotherhood is the warmest harbor in life.

27. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最忠诚的战友。

Brothers are always each other's most loyal comrades.

28. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得信赖的人。

True brothers are the most trustworthy people in life.

29. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最坚不可摧的力量。

Brotherhood is the strongest and most indestructible force in life.

30. 兄弟之间,永远是最懂彼此的心。

Brothers are always the ones who understand each other's hearts best.

31. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最美好的风景。

Brotherhood is the most beautiful scenery in life.

32. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得付出的人。

True brothers are the ones in life who are worth investing in.

33. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最美好的祝福。

Brotherhood is the most beautiful blessing in life.

34. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最坚强的臂膀。

Brothers are always each other's strongest arms.

35. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得依靠的人。

True brothers are the ones in life who are worth relying on.

36. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最值得守护的宝藏。

Brotherhood is the most precious treasure in life worth guarding.

37. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最忠诚的伙伴。

Brothers are always each other's most loyal companions.

38. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得尊敬的人。

True brothers are the ones in life who are worth respecting.

39. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最值得纪念的时刻。

Brotherhood is the most memorable moment in life.

40. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最珍贵的礼物。

Brothers are always each other's most precious gifts.

41. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得感谢的人。

True brothers are the ones in life who are worth thanking.

42. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最值得拥有的人。

Brotherhood is the most valuable thing in life to have.

43. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最亲密的朋友。

Brothers are always each other's closest friends.

44. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得回忆的人。

True brothers are the ones in life who are worth remembering.

45. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最值得珍惜的回忆。

Brotherhood is the most precious memory in life to cherish.

46. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最温暖的港湾。

Brothers are always each other's warmest harbors.

47. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得拥有的人。

True brothers are the ones in life who are worth having.

48. 兄弟情谊,是生命中最值得守护的珍宝。

Brotherhood is the most precious treasure in life worth guarding.

49. 兄弟之间,永远是彼此最亲密的家人。

Brothers are always each other's closest family.

50. 真兄弟,是生命中最值得信赖的人。

True brothers are the ones in life who are worth trusting.


51. 酒肉朋友,逢场作戏,并非真兄弟。

Wine and meat friends, acting on the occasion, are not true brothers.

52. 表面和睦,背后算计,这叫假兄弟。

A facade of harmony, but scheming behind the scenes, this is called a fake brother.

53. 利益熏心,见利忘义,这样的兄弟不可信。

Driven by greed, forgetting loyalty, such a brother cannot be trusted.

54. 落井下石,落难之时不帮忙,这就是假兄弟。

Pushing someone when they fall, not helping when they are in trouble, this is a fake brother.

55. 口蜜腹剑,阳奉阴违,这种兄弟是最可怕的。

Sweet words with a venomous heart, outwardly complying but secretly defying, this kind of brother is the most terrifying.

56. 虚情假意,逢迎讨好,这种兄弟不可交。

False emotions, flattering and pandering, such a brother should not be associated with.

57. 为了利益,不择手段,这样的兄弟没有义气。

Using any means for profit, such a brother has no sense of loyalty.

58. 表面兄弟,背后捅刀,这种人最可恨。

Brothers in name only, stabbing in the back, such people are the most hateful.

59. 过河拆桥,恩将仇报,这种兄弟比敌人更可怕。

To burn bridges after crossing, to repay kindness with hostility, such a brother is more terrifying than an enemy.

60. 自私自利,只顾自己,这种兄弟不值得深交。

Selfish and self-serving, only caring about themselves, such a brother is not worth getting close to.

61. 爱慕虚荣,攀比炫耀,这种兄弟虚伪无耻。

Admiration for superficiality, showing off and competing, such a brother is hypocritical and shameless.

62. 没有担当,推卸责任,这种兄弟靠不住。

Lacking responsibility, shirking responsibility, such a brother cannot be relied upon.

63. 爱嚼舌根,搬弄是非,这种兄弟最招人烦。

Loving to gossip and stir up trouble, such a brother is the most annoying.

64. 欺软怕硬,见风使舵,这种兄弟不可交。

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, adjusting to the wind, such a brother should not be associated with.

65. 表面亲热,内心冷漠,这种兄弟虚情假意。

Appearing warm on the surface, but cold at heart, such a brother is hypocritical.

66. 不讲信义,言而无信,这种兄弟不可信赖。

Lacking integrity, breaking promises, such a brother cannot be trusted.

67. 无情无义,见死不救,这种兄弟最可耻。

Heartless and unprincipled, refusing to help in times of need, such a brother is the most shameful.

68. 冷酷无情,见利忘义,这种兄弟令人心寒。

Cold and ruthless, forgetting loyalty for profit, such a brother chills one to the bone.

69. 欺骗利用,自私自利,这种兄弟是最可恨的。

Deceitful and exploitative, selfish and self-serving, such a brother is the most hateful.

70. 见钱眼开,见利忘义,这种兄弟最令人失望。

Eyes only for money, forgetting loyalty for profit, such a brother is the most disappointing.

71. 背后说人坏话,背后捅刀子,这种兄弟最可耻。

Speaking ill of others behind their backs, stabbing in the back, such a brother is the most shameful.

72. 爱占小便宜,不讲道理,这种兄弟最令人反感。

Loving to take advantage of small benefits, being unreasonable, such a brother is the most repulsive.

73. 爱说风凉话,冷嘲热讽,这种兄弟最令人厌恶。

Loving to make sarcastic remarks, being cold and cynical, such a brother is the most loathsome.

74. 喜欢吹牛,爱说大话,这种兄弟最虚伪。

Loving to boast, talking big, such a brother is the most hypocritical.

75. 没有责任感,推卸责任,这种兄弟最不靠谱。

Lacking responsibility, shirking responsibility, such a brother is the most unreliable.

76. 喜欢挑拨离间,制造矛盾,这种兄弟最阴险。

Loving to sow discord, create conflict, such a brother is the most insidious.

77. 爱记仇,爱报复,这种兄弟最可怕。

Loving to hold grudges, loving revenge, such a brother is the most terrifying.

78. 喜欢拍马屁,阿谀奉承,这种兄弟最令人讨厌。

Loving to flatter, being obsequious, such a brother is the most annoying.

79. 爱慕虚荣,攀比炫耀,这种兄弟最虚伪。

Admiration for superficiality, showing off and competing, such a brother is the most hypocritical.

80. 喜欢耍小聪明,不讲诚信,这种兄弟最不可靠。

Loving to play smart, lacking integrity, such a brother is the most unreliable.

81. 喜欢斤斤计较,爱占便宜,这种兄弟最令人反感。

Loving to be petty, loving to take advantage, such a brother is the most repulsive.

82. 喜欢背后议论人,背后捅刀子,这种兄弟最可耻。

Loving to talk about people behind their backs, stabbing in the back, such a brother is the most shameful.

83. 喜欢挑拨离间,制造矛盾,这种兄弟最阴险。

Loving to sow discord, create conflict, such a brother is the most insidious.

84. 喜欢吹牛,爱说大话,这种兄弟最虚伪。

Loving to boast, talking big, such a brother is the most hypocritical.

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