
## 爱莲说美名远扬的句子(50句)

1. **予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。** (I am particularly fond of the lotus, which emerges from the mud yet remains unstained, washes in the clear stream yet does not become alluring. It is hollow within and straight without, with no tendrils or branches. Its fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, and it stands upright, pure and immaculate. It can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity.)
2. **莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,正所谓“出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”也。** (The lotus emerges from the mud yet remains unstained, washes in the clear stream yet does not become alluring. This is exactly what is meant by"emerging from the mud yet remaining unstained, washing in the clear stream yet not becoming alluring.")
3. **莲之香远益清,亭亭净植,此乃君子之风范也。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, and it stands upright, pure and immaculate. This is the demeanor of a gentleman.)
4. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其高洁之品格也。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, which symbolizes its noble character.)
5. **爱莲说,一篇经典之作,其文风清雅,意境深远,令人回味无穷。** ("A Discourse on the Lotus" is a classic work. Its writing style is elegant, its imagery profound, leaving a lingering taste in the reader's mind.)
6. **莲之美,在于其出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,其品格之高尚令人敬佩。** (The beauty of the lotus lies in its ability to emerge from the mud yet remain unstained, washing in the clear stream yet not becoming alluring. Its noble character commands respect.)
7. **莲之精神,乃君子之精神也,高洁无暇,不为世俗所染。** (The spirit of the lotus is the spirit of a gentleman, noble and pure, unstained by worldly influences.)
8. **莲之香远益清,其香气清雅,令人心旷神怡。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent elegant and refreshing, bringing peace and joy to the mind.)
9. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态优雅,令人赏心悦目。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture graceful and pleasing to the eye.)
10. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可亵渎之神圣。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its inviolable sanctity.)
11. **莲之美,在于其外形之美,更在于其内在之美。** (The beauty of the lotus lies not only in its outward appearance, but also in its inner beauty.)
12. **莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,其美乃自然之美。** (The lotus emerges from the mud yet remains unstained, washes in the clear stream yet does not become alluring. Its beauty is a beauty of nature.)
13. **莲之香远益清,其香气清幽,令人沉醉其中。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent tranquil and intoxicating.)
14. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态端庄,令人心生敬畏。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture dignified, inspiring awe in the viewer's heart.)
15. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可触碰之高洁。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its untouchable purity.)
16. **莲之美,在于其淡泊名利,不与世俗同流合污。** (The beauty of the lotus lies in its indifference to fame and fortune, refusing to be tainted by worldly influences.)
17. **莲之精神,乃清高之精神,不为物欲所困。** (The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of purity and loftiness, untroubled by material desires.)
18. **莲之香远益清,其香气清新,令人心胸开阔。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent refreshing and opening the mind.)
19. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态挺拔,令人精神振奋。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture tall and straight, invigorating the spirit.)
20. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可冒犯之尊严。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its unassailable dignity.)
21. **莲之美,在于其朴素自然,不事雕琢。** (The beauty of the lotus lies in its simple, natural form, untouched by embellishment.)
22. **莲之精神,乃坦荡之精神,不为世俗所羁绊。** (The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of openness and frankness, unfettered by worldly constraints.)
23. **莲之香远益清,其香气淡雅,令人心生愉悦。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent delicate and pleasing.)
24. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态秀丽,令人心旷神怡。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture delicate and graceful, bringing peace and joy to the mind.)
25. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可触碰之高贵。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its untouchable nobility.)
26. **莲之美,在于其高洁脱俗,不与世俗同流合污。** (The beauty of the lotus lies in its noble and refined nature, refusing to be tainted by worldly influences.)
27. **莲之精神,乃清白之精神,不为权势所屈服。** (The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of purity and innocence, unyielding to the power of authority.)
28. **莲之香远益清,其香气幽雅,令人心生向往。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent subtle and elegant, inspiring longing in the heart.)
29. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态优美,令人心生敬意。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture elegant and beautiful, inspiring respect in the viewer's heart.)
30. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可侵犯之尊贵。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its inviolable prestige.)
31. **莲之美,在于其无私奉献,为世人带来美好。** (The beauty of the lotus lies in its selfless dedication to bringing beauty to the world.)
32. **莲之精神,乃无私之精神,为他人带来快乐。** (The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of selflessness, bringing joy to others.)
33. **莲之香远益清,其香气芬芳,令人心生喜悦。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent fragrant and uplifting.)
34. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态美好,令人心生希望。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture beautiful and inspiring hope.)
35. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可亵渎之神圣。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its inviolable sanctity.)
36. **莲之美,在于其不畏艰险,在恶劣环境中依然坚强。** (The beauty of the lotus lies in its unyielding courage, remaining strong in the face of adversity.)
37. **莲之精神,乃坚韧之精神,不为困难所折服。** (The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of resilience, unyielding to hardship.)
38. **莲之香远益清,其香气沁人心脾,令人精神焕发。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent refreshing and invigorating the spirit.)
39. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态高雅,令人心生向往。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture elegant and inspiring longing.)
40. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可轻视之价值。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its inestimable worth.)
41. **莲之美,在于其不染尘埃,保持着纯洁的本性。** (The beauty of the lotus lies in its untainted nature, preserving its pristine purity.)
42. **莲之精神,乃纯洁之精神,不为世俗所污染。** (The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of purity, unstained by worldly influences.)
43. **莲之香远益清,其香气清新,令人心胸舒畅。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent refreshing and easing the mind.)
44. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态优雅,令人心生愉悦。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture graceful and pleasing.)
45. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可轻视之力量。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its unyielding strength.)
46. **莲之美,在于其不畏世俗,保持着独立的个性。** (The beauty of the lotus lies in its defiance of convention, maintaining its independent individuality.)
47. **莲之精神,乃独立之精神,不为世俗所左右。** (The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of independence, uninfluenced by worldly pressures.)
48. **莲之香远益清,其香气淡雅,令人心生宁静。** (The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent delicate and calming.)
49. **莲之亭亭净植,其姿态端庄,令人心生敬佩。** (The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture dignified and inspiring respect.)
50. **莲之可远观而不可亵玩焉,喻其不可忽视之潜力。** (The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its untapped potential.)

## 爱莲说美名远扬的句子(英文翻译)

1. I am particularly fond of the lotus, which emerges from the mud yet remains unstained, washes in the clear stream yet does not become alluring. It is hollow within and straight without, with no tendrils or branches. Its fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, and it stands upright, pure and immaculate. It can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity.

2. The lotus emerges from the mud yet remains unstained, washes in the clear stream yet does not become alluring. This is exactly what is meant by"emerging from the mud yet remaining unstained, washing in the clear stream yet not becoming alluring."

3. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, and it stands upright, pure and immaculate. This is the demeanor of a gentleman.

4. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, which symbolizes its noble character.

5."A Discourse on the Lotus" is a classic work. Its writing style is elegant, its imagery profound, leaving a lingering taste in the reader's mind.

6. The beauty of the lotus lies in its ability to emerge from the mud yet remain unstained, washing in the clear stream yet not becoming alluring. Its noble character commands respect.

7. The spirit of the lotus is the spirit of a gentleman, noble and pure, unstained by worldly influences.

8. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent elegant and refreshing, bringing peace and joy to the mind.

9. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture graceful and pleasing to the eye.

10. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its inviolable sanctity.

11. The beauty of the lotus lies not only in its outward appearance, but also in its inner beauty.

12. The lotus emerges from the mud yet remains unstained, washes in the clear stream yet does not become alluring. Its beauty is a beauty of nature.

13. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent tranquil and intoxicating.

14. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture dignified, inspiring awe in the viewer's heart.

15. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its untouchable purity.

16. The beauty of the lotus lies in its indifference to fame and fortune, refusing to be tainted by worldly influences.

17. The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of purity and loftiness, untroubled by material desires.

18. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent refreshing and opening the mind.

19. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture tall and straight, invigorating the spirit.

20. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its unassailable dignity.

21. The beauty of the lotus lies in its simple, natural form, untouched by embellishment.

22. The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of openness and frankness, unfettered by worldly constraints.

23. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent delicate and pleasing.

24. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture delicate and graceful, bringing peace and joy to the mind.

25. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its untouchable nobility.

26. The beauty of the lotus lies in its noble and refined nature, refusing to be tainted by worldly influences.

27. The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of purity and innocence, unyielding to the power of authority.

28. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent subtle and elegant, inspiring longing in the heart.

29. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture elegant and beautiful, inspiring respect in the viewer's heart.

30. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its inviolable prestige.

31. The beauty of the lotus lies in its selfless dedication to bringing beauty to the world.

32. The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of selflessness, bringing joy to others.

33. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent fragrant and uplifting.

34. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture beautiful and inspiring hope.

35. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its inviolable sanctity.

36. The beauty of the lotus lies in its unyielding courage, remaining strong in the face of adversity.

37. The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of resilience, unyielding to hardship.

38. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent refreshing and invigorating the spirit.

39. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture elegant and inspiring longing.

40. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its inestimable worth.

41. The beauty of the lotus lies in its untainted nature, preserving its pristine purity.

42. The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of purity, unstained by worldly influences.

43. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent refreshing and easing the mind.

44. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture graceful and pleasing.

45. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its unyielding strength.

46. The beauty of the lotus lies in its defiance of convention, maintaining its independent individuality.

47. The spirit of the lotus is a spirit of independence, uninfluenced by worldly pressures.

48. The lotus' fragrance, far-reaching, is ever more pure, its scent delicate and calming.

49. The lotus stands upright, pure and immaculate, its posture dignified and inspiring respect.

50. The lotus can be admired from afar, but not be defiled by vulgarity, symbolizing its untapped potential.

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