
## 77句焦点装饰句子及英文翻译

**1. 目光所及之处,皆是风景。**

Wherever your eyes reach, there is scenery.

**2. 心之所向,素履所往。**

Where the heart goes, the feet will follow.

**3. 不负韶华,不负自己。**

Don't let your prime years go to waste, don't let yourself down.

**4. 愿你眼中有星辰,心中有暖阳。**

May you have stars in your eyes and warmth in your heart.

**5. 人生苦短,及时行乐。**

Life is short, seize the day.

**6. 生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。**

Life is not just about the immediate worries, there is poetry and distant horizons.

**7. 努力成为更好的自己,不负此生。**

Strive to be the best version of yourself, don't waste this life.

**8. 愿你拥有诗意般的生活,和温柔的梦境。**

May you have a life full of poetry and gentle dreams.

**9. 世界很大,总有属于你的地方。**

The world is vast, there is always a place for you.

**10. 勇敢追梦,不留遗憾。**

Chase your dreams bravely, leave no regrets.

**11. 生命只有一次,不要浪费。**

You only live once, don't waste it.

**12. 爱是最好的礼物,也是最好的疗伤药。**

Love is the best gift, and the best medicine for healing.

**13. 时间会证明一切,也会带走一切。**

Time will tell, and time will take away.

**14. 珍惜眼前人,把握当下。**

Cherish those around you, seize the moment.

**15. 你所经历的一切,都会成为你的财富。**

Everything you experience will become your wealth.

**16. 生活总是充满挑战,但也要相信美好。**

Life is always full of challenges, but believe in the beauty.

**17. 不要害怕失败,因为失败是成功之母。**

Don't be afraid of failure, because failure is the mother of success.

**18. 相信自己,你也可以很强大。**

Believe in yourself, you can be strong too.

**19. 人生的路途很长,但要始终保持初心。**

The path of life is long, but always stay true to your heart.

**20. 做最好的自己,比追随别人更重要。**

Being the best version of yourself is more important than following others.

**21. 不要被世俗的眼光所束缚,勇敢做自己。**

Don't be bound by the world's eyes, be brave and be yourself.

**22. 即使跌倒也要爬起来,继续前行。**

Even if you fall, get back up and keep moving forward.

**23. 永远不要放弃梦想,因为梦想是生命的灯塔。**

Never give up on your dreams, because dreams are the lighthouse of life.

**24. 努力奋斗,让生活充满希望。**

Work hard and make life full of hope.

**25. 爱惜生命,珍惜每一天。**

Cherish life, cherish every day.

**26. 生命中充满了奇迹,只要你用心感受。**

Life is full of miracles, just feel it with your heart.

**27. 人生如戏,戏如人生。**

Life is like a play, and play is like life.

**28. 活在当下,享受生命中的每一刻。**

Live in the present, enjoy every moment of life.

**29. 学会感恩,懂得珍惜。**

Learn to be grateful and appreciate.

**30. 用积极的心态面对生活,你会发现更多美好。**

Face life with a positive attitude, and you will discover more beauty.

**31. 人生没有白走的路,每一步都算数。**

There is no path in life that is wasted, every step counts.

**32. 不要害怕孤独,因为孤独是成长的必经之路。**

Don't be afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is a necessary part of growth.

**33. 学会享受孤独,你会发现它也是一种美。**

Learn to enjoy loneliness, and you will find that it is also a kind of beauty.

**34. 人生就像一场旅行,充满了未知和惊喜。**

Life is like a journey, full of unknowns and surprises.

**35. 不要把时间浪费在无意义的事情上。**

Don't waste your time on meaningless things.

**36. 要学会享受孤独,也要学会享受热闹。**

Learn to enjoy solitude, and also learn to enjoy the hustle and bustle.

**37. 生命中充满了无限可能,只要你敢于尝试。**

Life is full of infinite possibilities, as long as you dare to try.

**38. 要相信,总会有美好的事情发生。**

Believe that good things will happen.

**39. 要勇敢追梦,不要害怕失败。**

Be brave and chase your dreams, don't be afraid of failure.

**40. 要学会感恩,珍惜身边的人和事。**

Learn to be grateful and cherish the people and things around you.

**41. 要学会宽容,不要计较得失。**

Learn to be forgiving, don't dwell on gains and losses.

**42. 要学会独立,不要依靠他人。**

Learn to be independent, don't rely on others.

**43. 要学会坚强,不要轻易放弃。**

Learn to be strong, don't give up easily.

**44. 要学会乐观,不要总是抱怨。**

Learn to be optimistic, don't always complain.

**45. 要学会包容,不要排斥不同。**

Learn to be inclusive, don't reject differences.

**46. 要学会爱,不要吝啬付出。**

Learn to love, don't be stingy with your giving.

**47. 要学会尊重,不要妄自菲薄。**

Learn to respect, don't belittle yourself.

**48. 要学会真诚,不要虚情假意。**

Learn to be sincere, don't be hypocritical.

**49. 要学会勇敢,不要畏首畏尾。**

Learn to be brave, don't be timid.

**50. 要学会珍惜,不要等到失去才后悔。**

Learn to cherish, don't regret until you lose it.

**51. 要学会宽恕,不要怀恨在心。**

Learn to forgive, don't hold grudges.

**52. 要学会理解,不要轻易评判。**

Learn to understand, don't judge easily.

**53. 要学会倾听,不要只顾自己说话。**

Learn to listen, don't just talk yourself.

**54. 要学会分享,不要独享快乐。**

Learn to share, don't keep the joy to yourself.

**55. 要学会付出,不要只想着索取。**

Learn to give, don't just think about taking.

**56. 要学会坚持,不要轻易放弃。**

Learn to persevere, don't give up easily.

**57. 要学会改变,不要墨守成规。**

Learn to change, don't stick to the rules.

**58. 要学会成长,不要停滞不前。**

Learn to grow, don't stagnate.

**59. 要学会反省,不要一错再错。**

Learn to reflect, don't repeat mistakes.

**60. 要学会感恩,不要忘恩负义。**

Learn to be grateful, don't be ungrateful.

**61. 要学会珍惜,不要等到失去才后悔。**

Learn to cherish, don't regret until you lose it.

**62. 要学会宽容,不要斤斤计较。**

Learn to be forgiving, don't be petty.

**63. 要学会理解,不要轻易评判。**

Learn to understand, don't judge easily.

**64. 要学会倾听,不要只顾自己说话。**

Learn to listen, don't just talk yourself.

**65. 要学会分享,不要独享快乐。**

Learn to share, don't keep the joy to yourself.

**66. 要学会付出,不要只想着索取。**

Learn to give, don't just think about taking.

**67. 要学会坚持,不要轻易放弃。**

Learn to persevere, don't give up easily.

**68. 要学会改变,不要墨守成规。**

Learn to change, don't stick to the rules.

**69. 要学会成长,不要停滞不前。**

Learn to grow, don't stagnate.

**70. 要学会反省,不要一错再错。**

Learn to reflect, don't repeat mistakes.

**71. 要学会感恩,不要忘恩负义。**

Learn to be grateful, don't be ungrateful.

**72. 要学会珍惜,不要等到失去才后悔。**

Learn to cherish, don't regret until you lose it.

**73. 要学会宽容,不要斤斤计较。**

Learn to be forgiving, don't be petty.

**74. 要学会理解,不要轻易评判。**

Learn to understand, don't judge easily.

**75. 要学会倾听,不要只顾自己说话。**

Learn to listen, don't just talk yourself.

**76. 要学会分享,不要独享快乐。**

Learn to share, don't keep the joy to yourself.

**77. 要学会付出,不要只想着索取。**

Learn to give, don't just think about taking.

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