
## 焉非福祸句子,52句

**1. 塞翁失马,焉知非福?**

Even if you lose your horse, how do you know it's not a blessing in disguise? (The old man lost his horse, who knows if it is not a blessing in disguise?)

**2. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

Those who are destined to assume great responsibilities must first endure hardship, toil, hunger, and deprivation, and encounter setbacks and chaos in their endeavors. Only then can their minds be tempered, their characters fortified, and their abilities enhanced.

**3. 逆境是磨砺意志的熔炉,是成就人生的基石。**

Adversity is a furnace that tempers the will and a foundation stone for building a successful life.

**4. 祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。**

Misfortune is what lies beneath fortune, and fortune is what lies beneath misfortune.

**5. 艰难困苦,玉汝于成。**

Hardship and adversity will make you stronger, like jade being refined through fire.

**6. 塞翁失马,焉知非福,塞翁得马,焉知非祸?**

The old man lost his horse, who knows if it is not a blessing in disguise? The old man gained his horse, who knows if it is not a misfortune?

**7. 人生不如意事十之八九,要学会坦然面对。**

Life is filled with disappointments and frustrations. Learn to face them with equanimity.

**8. 祸福无常,生死有命。**

Fortune and misfortune are unpredictable, life and death are destined.

**9. 祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺。**

Disasters often accumulate from small, seemingly insignificant beginnings, while intelligent and brave individuals often get bogged down in their own weaknesses.

**10. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。**

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings in store; a family that accumulates evil deeds will surely have calamities in store.

**11. 祸福相依,塞翁失马,焉知非福?**

Fortune and misfortune are intertwined, as the proverb goes: The old man lost his horse, who knows if it is not a blessing in disguise?

**12. 世事无常,福祸相依。**

The world is unpredictable, and fortune and misfortune go hand in hand.

**13. 福祸无门,唯人自召。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions.

**14. 福兮祸之所伏,祸兮福之所倚。**

Fortune lies hidden in misfortune, and misfortune lies hidden in fortune.

**15. 祸福无定,生死有命,富贵在天,安贫乐道。**

Fortune and misfortune are not fixed, life and death are predetermined, wealth and nobility are bestowed by heaven, so embrace a life of contentment and simplicity.

**16. 祸福相依,莫以成败论英雄。**

Fortune and misfortune are intertwined, do not judge a hero by success or failure.

**17. 祸福无常,不可预测。**

Fortune and misfortune are unpredictable and cannot be foreseen.

**18. 祸福相依,不可贪求。**

Fortune and misfortune are intertwined, do not seek greedily.

**19. 福祸相依,莫贪一时之快。**

Fortune and misfortune are intertwined, do not seek temporary pleasure.

**20. 祸福相依,不可执着。**

Fortune and misfortune are intertwined, do not cling to them stubbornly.

**21. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫怨天尤人。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not blame heaven or others.

**22. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫强求不属于自己的东西。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not force yourself to obtain what does not belong to you.

**23. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫计较得失。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not obsess over gains and losses.

**24. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫执着于过往。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not dwell on the past.

**25. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫畏惧未来。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not fear the future.

**26. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫自怨自艾。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not blame yourself and feel sorry for yourself.

**27. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫消极悲观。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not be negative or pessimistic.

**28. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫贪图享乐。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not indulge in pleasure-seeking.

**29. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫放纵自己。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not let yourself go wild.

**30. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫沉溺于虚荣。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not become obsessed with vanity.

**31. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫追名逐利。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not chase fame and fortune.

**32. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫计较个人得失。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not be concerned about personal gains and losses.

**33. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫斤斤计较。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not be overly meticulous or picky.

**34. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫患得患失。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not worry excessively about gains and losses.

**35. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫执迷不悟。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not be blindly obsessed or stuck in your ways.

**36. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫自寻烦恼。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not create unnecessary troubles for yourself.

**37. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫怨天尤人,莫自暴自弃。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not blame heaven or others, and do not give up on yourself.

**38. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫妄自菲薄。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not belittle yourself.

**39. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫妄自尊大。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not be arrogant or conceited.

**40. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫心存侥幸。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not rely on luck or chance.

**41. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫坐井观天。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not have a narrow perspective or limited understanding.

**42. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫固执己见。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not be stubborn or inflexible in your opinions.

**43. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫闭目塞听。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not close your eyes and ears to the world.

**44. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫轻信谣言。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not easily believe rumors.

**45. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫随波逐流。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not blindly follow the crowd.

**46. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫自以为是。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not think you are always right.

**47. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫自欺欺人。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not deceive yourself or others.

**48. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫心存怨恨。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not harbor resentment or bitterness.

**49. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫执着于过去。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not cling to the past.

**50. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫畏惧未来。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not fear the future.

**51. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫轻言放弃。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not give up easily.

**52. 祸福无门,唯人自召,莫心灰意冷。**

Fortune and misfortune have no doors; they are attracted by one's own actions. Do not lose hope or become discouraged.

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