
## 炙手可热的句子 (60句)


1. 这款新手机一上市就被抢购一空,真是炙手可热。

2. 他的新书刚出版就成为了畅销书,真是炙手可热。

3. 这位明星最近的热度很高,真是炙手可热。

4. 这次的演唱会门票十分抢手,真是炙手可热。

5. 这家餐厅的招牌菜总是供不应求,真是炙手可热。

6. 他的作品在艺术界引起了很大的反响,真是炙手可热。

7. 这部电影的票房收入十分惊人,真是炙手可热。

8. 这款游戏上线后就迅速成为热门游戏,真是炙手可热。

9. 这家公司的新产品一经推出就受到了市场追捧,真是炙手可热。

10. 这项技术的应用前景十分广阔,真是炙手可热。

11. 这个项目吸引了众多投资者的目光,真是炙手可热。

12. 他的演讲获得了热烈的掌声,真是炙手可热。

13. 这款服装的设计十分新颖,真是炙手可热。

14. 这件古董的收藏价值很高,真是炙手可热。

15. 这款香水十分受欢迎,真是炙手可热。

16. 这家酒店的房间总是爆满,真是炙手可热。

17. 这家公司的股票价格不断攀升,真是炙手可热。

18. 这款软件的功能十分强大,真是炙手可热。

19. 这首歌曲的下载量十分惊人,真是炙手可热。

20. 这本书的销量十分可观,真是炙手可热。

21. 他的表演获得了观众的热烈反响,真是炙手可热。

22. 他的作品在拍卖会上被拍出了高价,真是炙手可热。

23. 这款产品的设计理念十分超前,真是炙手可热。

24. 这项技术的应用范围十分广泛,真是炙手可热。

25. 这个项目的投资回报率很高,真是炙手可热。

26. 他的创意十分新颖,真是炙手可热。

27. 他的想法十分超前,真是炙手可热。

28. 他的作品充满了艺术价值,真是炙手可热。

29. 他的音乐充满了感染力,真是炙手可热。

30. 他的演技十分精湛,真是炙手可热。

31. 他的画作充满了独特的风格,真是炙手可热。

32. 他的作品充满了思想深度,真是炙手可热。

33. 他的才华令人叹服,真是炙手可热。

34. 他的能力十分突出,真是炙手可热。

35. 他的魅力无法抵挡,真是炙手可热。

36. 他的名声在外,真是炙手可热。

37. 他的地位十分显赫,真是炙手可热。

38. 他的影响力十分强大,真是炙手可热。

39. 他的成就令人瞩目,真是炙手可热。

40. 他的贡献十分巨大,真是炙手可热。

41. 这件商品十分抢手,真是炙手可热。

42. 他的演讲十分精彩,真是炙手可热。

43. 他的作品十分优秀,真是炙手可热。

44. 他的计划十分完美,真是炙手可热。

45. 他的方案十分可行,真是炙手可热。

46. 他的想法十分独特,真是炙手可热。

47. 他的行动十分迅速,真是炙手可热。

48. 他的效率十分高,真是炙手可热。

49. 他的表现十分出色,真是炙手可热。

50. 他的成绩十分优异,真是炙手可热。

51. 他的性格十分讨喜,真是炙手可热。

52. 他的魅力十分吸引人,真是炙手可热。

53. 他的风度十分迷人,真是炙手可热。

54. 他的气质十分优雅,真是炙手可热。

55. 他的形象十分正面,真是炙手可热。

56. 他的名声十分响亮,真是炙手可热。

57. 他的地位十分稳固,真是炙手可热。

58. 他的影响力十分深远,真是炙手可热。

59. 他的成就十分卓越,真是炙手可热。

60. 他的贡献十分突出,真是炙手可热。


1. This new phone was sold out as soon as it was launched, it's really hot.

2. His new book became a bestseller as soon as it was published, it's really hot.

3. This star is very popular recently, it's really hot.

4. Tickets for this concert are in high demand, it's really hot.

5. The signature dish of this restaurant is always in short supply, it's really hot.

6. His works have caused a great stir in the art world, it's really hot.

7. The box office revenue of this movie is very impressive, it's really hot.

8. This game quickly became a popular game after it was launched, it's really hot.

9. This company's new products have been well-received by the market as soon as they were launched, it's really hot.

10. The application prospect of this technology is very broad, it's really hot.

11. This project has attracted the attention of many investors, it's really hot.

12. His speech received enthusiastic applause, it's really hot.

13. The design of this clothing is very novel, it's really hot.

14. The collection value of this antique is very high, it's really hot.

15. This perfume is very popular, it's really hot.

16. The rooms of this hotel are always full, it's really hot.

17. The stock price of this company is constantly rising, it's really hot.

18. The functions of this software are very powerful, it's really hot.

19. The download volume of this song is very impressive, it's really hot.

20. The sales volume of this book is very impressive, it's really hot.

21. His performance received enthusiastic response from the audience, it's really hot.

22. His works were sold at a high price at auction, it's really hot.

23. The design concept of this product is very advanced, it's really hot.

24. The application range of this technology is very wide, it's really hot.

25. The return on investment of this project is very high, it's really hot.

26. His creativity is very novel, it's really hot.

27. His ideas are very advanced, it's really hot.

28. His works are full of artistic value, it's really hot.

29. His music is full of infectivity, it's really hot.

30. His acting skills are very superb, it's really hot.

31. His paintings are full of unique style, it's really hot.

32. His works are full of intellectual depth, it's really hot.

33. His talent is admirable, it's really hot.

34. His abilities are very prominent, it's really hot.

35. His charm is irresistible, it's really hot.

36. His reputation is known far and wide, it's really hot.

37. His status is very prominent, it's really hot.

38. His influence is very powerful, it's really hot.

39. His achievements are remarkable, it's really hot.

40. His contributions are very significant, it's really hot.

41. This commodity is in high demand, it's really hot.

42. His speech is very impressive, it's really hot.

43. His works are very excellent, it's really hot.

44. His plan is perfect, it's really hot.

45. His scheme is feasible, it's really hot.

46. His ideas are unique, it's really hot.

47. His actions are very fast, it's really hot.

48. His efficiency is very high, it's really hot.

49. His performance is excellent, it's really hot.

50. His grades are excellent, it's really hot.

51. His personality is very likable, it's really hot.

52. His charm is very attractive, it's really hot.

53. His manners are very charming, it's really hot.

54. His temperament is very elegant, it's really hot.

55. His image is very positive, it's really hot.

56. His reputation is very loud, it's really hot.

57. His position is very stable, it's really hot.

58. His influence is very far-reaching, it's really hot.

59. His achievements are outstanding, it's really hot.

60. His contributions are very prominent, it's really hot.

以上就是关于炙手可连句子60句(炙手可连句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
