
## 灰蒙蒙的天空的句子 (87句)

**1. 天空灰蒙蒙的,像一张巨大的灰色的画布,压抑着人的心情。**

The sky is overcast, like a huge gray canvas, depressing people's mood.

**2. 天空中没有一丝阳光,灰蒙蒙的,让人感觉沉闷压抑。**

There is not a ray of sunshine in the sky, it is overcast and makes people feel dull and depressed.

**3. 远处的山峦隐没在灰蒙蒙的天空之中,看不清轮廓。**

The distant mountains are hidden in the overcast sky, their outlines are indistinct.

**4. 灰蒙蒙的天空下,城市像一座巨大的水泥森林,让人感到窒息。**

Under the overcast sky, the city is like a huge concrete jungle, making people feel suffocated.

**5. 灰色的天空,灰色的街道,灰色的建筑,一切都笼罩在一片灰蒙蒙之中。**

The gray sky, the gray streets, the gray buildings, everything is shrouded in a gray haze.

**6. 浓密的云层遮蔽了阳光,天空灰蒙蒙的,像是要下雨的样子。**

Thick clouds block out the sun, the sky is overcast, as if it is about to rain.

**7. 灰蒙蒙的天空,仿佛预示着即将到来的暴风雨。**

The overcast sky seems to forebode an impending storm.

**8. 灰色的天空让人感到压抑,像是有一块沉重的石头压在胸口。**

The gray sky makes people feel depressed, as if a heavy stone is pressing on their chests.

**9. 站在高处眺望,灰蒙蒙的天空下,城市像一个巨大的棋盘。**

Standing high up and looking out, under the overcast sky, the city looks like a giant chessboard.

**10. 天空灰蒙蒙的,让人感觉不到一丝温暖,仿佛冬天就在眼前。**

The sky is overcast, making people feel no warmth at all, as if winter is just around the corner.

**11. 灰色的天空,像是被一层厚厚的灰尘覆盖,让人感到窒息。**

The gray sky, as if covered by a thick layer of dust, makes people feel suffocated.

**12. 灰蒙蒙的天空下,街道上行人匆匆,仿佛每个人都赶着去一个地方。**

Under the overcast sky, people are hurrying along the street, as if everyone is rushing to a place.

**13. 灰色的天空,像一块巨大的幕布,遮蔽了所有希望。**

The gray sky, like a huge curtain, blocks out all hope.

**14. 灰蒙蒙的天空下,树木的枝叶显得格外黯淡。**

Under the overcast sky, the leaves of the trees appear particularly dull.

**15. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感觉喘不过气来。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel suffocated.

**16. 灰蒙蒙的天空,像是要将所有的光明吞噬。**

The overcast sky, as if it is going to swallow up all the light.

**17. 灰色的天空,仿佛是世界末日的预兆。**

The gray sky, as if it is a harbinger of the end of the world.

**18. 灰色的天空,让人感到孤独和无助。**

The gray sky makes people feel lonely and helpless.

**19. 灰蒙蒙的天空,像是被一层雾气覆盖,让人看不清前方。**

The overcast sky, as if covered by a layer of mist, makes people unable to see clearly ahead.

**20. 灰色的天空,像一块巨大的石头,压得人喘不过气来。**

The gray sky, like a huge stone, presses down on people, making them feel suffocated.

**21. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**22. 灰蒙蒙的天空,仿佛是世界的尽头。**

The overcast sky, as if it is the end of the world.

**23. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**24. 灰蒙蒙的天空下,城市仿佛是一座巨大的坟墓。**

Under the overcast sky, the city seems like a huge tomb.

**25. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到迷茫。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel lost.

**26. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**27. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**28. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**29. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**30. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**31. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**32. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**33. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**34. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**35. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**36. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**37. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**38. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**39. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**40. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**41. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**42. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**43. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**44. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**45. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**46. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**47. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**48. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**49. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**50. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**51. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**52. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**53. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**54. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**55. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**56. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**57. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**58. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**59. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**60. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**61. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**62. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**63. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**64. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**65. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**66. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**67. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**68. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**69. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**70. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**71. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**72. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**73. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**74. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**75. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**76. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**77. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**78. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**79. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**80. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**81. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**82. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**83. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

**84. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量吞噬着,让人感到恐惧。**

The gray sky, as if being swallowed up by some force, makes people feel afraid.

**85. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量笼罩着,让人感到绝望。**

The gray sky, as if shrouded by some force, makes people feel desperate.

**86. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量压抑着,让人感到压抑。**

The gray sky, as if being suppressed by some force, makes people feel depressed.

**87. 灰色的天空,像是被某种力量控制着,让人感到不安。**

The gray sky, as if being controlled by some force, makes people feel uneasy.

以上就是关于灰蒙蒙的天空的句子87句(灰蒙蒙的天空的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
