
## 97句描述灰尘满天飞的句子及英文翻译


1. 尘土飞扬,遮天蔽日。
2. 狂风卷起漫天黄沙,像是一场沙尘暴。
3. 风沙肆虐,天地间一片混沌。
4. 黄沙漫天,遮蔽了远处的山川河流。
5. 大风吹过,尘土漫天飞舞,犹如一场沙尘暴。
6. 干燥的土地上,尘土漫天飞舞,遮蔽了视线。
7. 暴风卷起沙尘,像是一条黄色的巨龙在怒吼。
8. 尘埃弥漫,空气中充满了刺鼻的味道。
9. 狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,犹如末日降临。
10. 尘土飞扬,使人睁不开眼,难以呼吸。
11. 沙尘弥漫,仿佛整个世界都被蒙上了一层灰色的面纱。
12. 风沙肆虐,将一切事物都裹上了一层黄色的外衣。
13. 大风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,形成了一道道黄色的龙卷风。
14. 尘土飞扬,将道路都掩盖了起来,行人只能艰难地前行。
15. 狂风卷起尘土,将房屋都吹得摇摇欲坠。
16. 尘土弥漫,使人仿佛置身于沙漠之中。
17. 暴风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,遮蔽了天空,将世界变成了一个灰色的世界。
18. 尘埃弥漫,空气中充满了沙尘的味道。
19. 风沙肆虐,将一切都掩盖了起来,只剩下黄沙漫天。
20. 尘土飞扬,将人们的衣服都染成了土黄色。
21. 狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,仿佛世界末日来临。
22. 尘土弥漫,使人感到窒息,难以呼吸。
23. 沙尘弥漫,将整个城市都笼罩在一片黄色的迷雾之中。
24. 风沙肆虐,将街道都变成了黄色的河流。
25. 大风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,形成了一道道黄色的沙尘暴。
26. 尘土飞扬,将树木都掩盖了起来,只剩下树枝在风中摇曳。
27. 狂风卷起尘土,将房屋的窗户都吹得粉碎。
28. 尘土弥漫,使人感到疲惫,难以行走。
29. 暴风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,遮蔽了太阳,将世界变成了一个黑暗的世界。
30. 尘埃弥漫,空气中充满了沙尘的味道,让人感到恶心。
31. 风沙肆虐,将一切事物都掩盖了起来,只剩下黄沙漫天飞舞。
32. 尘土飞扬,将人们的脸都涂上了黄色的泥土。
33. 狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,仿佛世界末日来临。
34. 尘土弥漫,使人感到窒息,难以呼吸。
35. 沙尘弥漫,将整个城市都笼罩在一片黄色的迷雾之中。
36. 风沙肆虐,将街道都变成了黄色的河流。
37. 大风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,形成了一道道黄色的沙尘暴。
38. 尘土飞扬,将树木都掩盖了起来,只剩下树枝在风中摇曳。
39. 狂风卷起尘土,将房屋的窗户都吹得粉碎。
40. 尘土弥漫,使人感到疲惫,难以行走。
41. 暴风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,遮蔽了太阳,将世界变成了一个黑暗的世界。
42. 尘埃弥漫,空气中充满了沙尘的味道,让人感到恶心。
43. 风沙肆虐,将一切事物都掩盖了起来,只剩下黄沙漫天飞舞。
44. 尘土飞扬,将人们的脸都涂上了黄色的泥土。
45. 狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,仿佛世界末日来临。
46. 尘土弥漫,使人感到窒息,难以呼吸。
47. 沙尘弥漫,将整个城市都笼罩在一片黄色的迷雾之中。
48. 风沙肆虐,将街道都变成了黄色的河流。
49. 大风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,形成了一道道黄色的沙尘暴。
50. 尘土飞扬,将树木都掩盖了起来,只剩下树枝在风中摇曳。
51. 狂风卷起尘土,将房屋的窗户都吹得粉碎。
52. 尘土弥漫,使人感到疲惫,难以行走。
53. 暴风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,遮蔽了太阳,将世界变成了一个黑暗的世界。
54. 尘埃弥漫,空气中充满了沙尘的味道,让人感到恶心。
55. 风沙肆虐,将一切事物都掩盖了起来,只剩下黄沙漫天飞舞。
56. 尘土飞扬,将人们的脸都涂上了黄色的泥土。
57. 狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,仿佛世界末日来临。
58. 尘土弥漫,使人感到窒息,难以呼吸。
59. 沙尘弥漫,将整个城市都笼罩在一片黄色的迷雾之中。
60. 风沙肆虐,将街道都变成了黄色的河流。
61. 大风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,形成了一道道黄色的沙尘暴。
62. 尘土飞扬,将树木都掩盖了起来,只剩下树枝在风中摇曳。
63. 狂风卷起尘土,将房屋的窗户都吹得粉碎。
64. 尘土弥漫,使人感到疲惫,难以行走。
65. 暴风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,遮蔽了太阳,将世界变成了一个黑暗的世界。
66. 尘埃弥漫,空气中充满了沙尘的味道,让人感到恶心。
67. 风沙肆虐,将一切事物都掩盖了起来,只剩下黄沙漫天飞舞。
68. 尘土飞扬,将人们的脸都涂上了黄色的泥土。
69. 狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,仿佛世界末日来临。
70. 尘土弥漫,使人感到窒息,难以呼吸。
71. 沙尘弥漫,将整个城市都笼罩在一片黄色的迷雾之中。
72. 风沙肆虐,将街道都变成了黄色的河流。
73. 大风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,形成了一道道黄色的沙尘暴。
74. 尘土飞扬,将树木都掩盖了起来,只剩下树枝在风中摇曳。
75. 狂风卷起尘土,将房屋的窗户都吹得粉碎。
76. 尘土弥漫,使人感到疲惫,难以行走。
77. 暴风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,遮蔽了太阳,将世界变成了一个黑暗的世界。
78. 尘埃弥漫,空气中充满了沙尘的味道,让人感到恶心。
79. 风沙肆虐,将一切事物都掩盖了起来,只剩下黄沙漫天飞舞。
80. 尘土飞扬,将人们的脸都涂上了黄色的泥土。
81. 狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,仿佛世界末日来临。
82. 尘土弥漫,使人感到窒息,难以呼吸。
83. 沙尘弥漫,将整个城市都笼罩在一片黄色的迷雾之中。
84. 风沙肆虐,将街道都变成了黄色的河流。
85. 大风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,形成了一道道黄色的沙尘暴。
86. 尘土飞扬,将树木都掩盖了起来,只剩下树枝在风中摇曳。
87. 狂风卷起尘土,将房屋的窗户都吹得粉碎。
88. 尘土弥漫,使人感到疲惫,难以行走。
89. 暴风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,遮蔽了太阳,将世界变成了一个黑暗的世界。
90. 尘埃弥漫,空气中充满了沙尘的味道,让人感到恶心。
91. 风沙肆虐,将一切事物都掩盖了起来,只剩下黄沙漫天飞舞。
92. 尘土飞扬,将人们的脸都涂上了黄色的泥土。
93. 狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,仿佛世界末日来临。
94. 尘土弥漫,使人感到窒息,难以呼吸。
95. 沙尘弥漫,将整个城市都笼罩在一片黄色的迷雾之中。
96. 风沙肆虐,将街道都变成了黄色的河流。
97. 大风将尘土吹得漫天飞舞,形成了一道道黄色的沙尘暴。


1. Dust is flying in the air, obscuring the sun and sky.

2. The strong wind whips up the sand, creating a dust storm.

3. The sandstorm rages, turning the world into chaos.

4. Yellow sand fills the air, hiding the mountains and rivers in the distance.

5. The wind blows, sending dust swirling in the air like a dust storm.

6. Dust flies in the air on the dry land, obscuring the view.

7. The storm picks up the sand, like a yellow dragon roaring.

8. Dust fills the air, with a pungent smell.

9. The wind howls, the yellow sand swirls, as if the apocalypse is coming.

10. The dust is flying, making it hard to open your eyes and breathe.

11. Sand fills the air, as if the whole world is covered in a gray veil.

12. The sandstorm rages, coating everything in a yellow layer.

13. The strong wind blows the dust swirling in the air, forming yellow tornadoes.

14. Dust is flying in the air, covering the roads, making it hard for pedestrians to walk.

15. The strong wind picks up the dust, making the houses shake.

16. Dust fills the air, making people feel like they are in the desert.

17. The storm picks up the dust, obscuring the sky, turning the world into a gray world.

18. Dust fills the air, with the smell of sand.

19. The sandstorm rages, covering everything, leaving only the yellow sand swirling in the air.

20. Dust is flying in the air, turning people's clothes a yellow color.

21. The wind howls, the yellow sand swirls, as if the world is coming to an end.

22. Dust fills the air, making people feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

23. Sand fills the air, shrouding the whole city in a yellow haze.

24. The sandstorm rages, turning the streets into yellow rivers.

25. The strong wind blows the dust swirling in the air, forming yellow dust storms.

26. Dust is flying in the air, covering the trees, leaving only branches swaying in the wind.

27. The strong wind picks up the dust, shattering the windows of houses.

28. Dust fills the air, making people feel tired and unable to walk.

29. The storm picks up the dust, obscuring the sun, turning the world into a dark world.

30. Dust fills the air, with the smell of sand, making people feel sick.

31. The sandstorm rages, covering everything, leaving only the yellow sand swirling in the air.

32. Dust is flying in the air, coating people's faces with yellow mud.

33. The wind howls, the yellow sand swirls, as if the world is coming to an end.

34. Dust fills the air, making people feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

35. Sand fills the air, shrouding the whole city in a yellow haze.

36. The sandstorm rages, turning the streets into yellow rivers.

37. The strong wind blows the dust swirling in the air, forming yellow dust storms.

38. Dust is flying in the air, covering the trees, leaving only branches swaying in the wind.

39. The strong wind picks up the dust, shattering the windows of houses.

40. Dust fills the air, making people feel tired and unable to walk.

41. The storm picks up the dust, obscuring the sun, turning the world into a dark world.

42. Dust fills the air, with the smell of sand, making people feel sick.

43. The sandstorm rages, covering everything, leaving only the yellow sand swirling in the air.

44. Dust is flying in the air, coating people's faces with yellow mud.

45. The wind howls, the yellow sand swirls, as if the world is coming to an end.

46. Dust fills the air, making people feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

47. Sand fills the air, shrouding the whole city in a yellow haze.

48. The sandstorm rages, turning the streets into yellow rivers.

49. The strong wind blows the dust swirling in the air, forming yellow dust storms.

50. Dust is flying in the air, covering the trees, leaving only branches swaying in the wind.

51. The strong wind picks up the dust, shattering the windows of houses.

52. Dust fills the air, making people feel tired and unable to walk.

53. The storm picks up the dust, obscuring the sun, turning the world into a dark world.

54. Dust fills the air, with the smell of sand, making people feel sick.

55. The sandstorm rages, covering everything, leaving only the yellow sand swirling in the air.

56. Dust is flying in the air, coating people's faces with yellow mud.

57. The wind howls, the yellow sand swirls, as if the world is coming to an end.

58. Dust fills the air, making people feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

59. Sand fills the air, shrouding the whole city in a yellow haze.

60. The sandstorm rages, turning the streets into yellow rivers.

61. The strong wind blows the dust swirling in the air, forming yellow dust storms.

62. Dust is flying in the air, covering the trees, leaving only branches swaying in the wind.

63. The strong wind picks up the dust, shattering the windows of houses.

64. Dust fills the air, making people feel tired and unable to walk.

65. The storm picks up the dust, obscuring the sun, turning the world into a dark world.

66. Dust fills the air, with the smell of sand, making people feel sick.

67. The sandstorm rages, covering everything, leaving only the yellow sand swirling in the air.

68. Dust is flying in the air, coating people's faces with yellow mud.

69. The wind howls, the yellow sand swirls, as if the world is coming to an end.

70. Dust fills the air, making people feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

71. Sand fills the air, shrouding the whole city in a yellow haze.

72. The sandstorm rages, turning the streets into yellow rivers.

73. The strong wind blows the dust swirling in the air, forming yellow dust storms.

74. Dust is flying in the air, covering the trees, leaving only branches swaying in the wind.

75. The strong wind picks up the dust, shattering the windows of houses.

76. Dust fills the air, making people feel tired and unable to walk.

77. The storm picks up the dust, obscuring the sun, turning the world into a dark world.

78. Dust fills the air, with the smell of sand, making people feel sick.

79. The sandstorm rages, covering everything, leaving only the yellow sand swirling in the air.

80. Dust is flying in the air, coating people's faces with yellow mud.

81. The wind howls, the yellow sand swirls, as if the world is coming to an end.

82. Dust fills the air, making people feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

83. Sand fills the air, shrouding the whole city in a yellow haze.

84. The sandstorm rages, turning the streets into yellow rivers.

85. The strong wind blows the dust swirling in the air, forming yellow dust storms.

86. Dust is flying in the air, covering the trees, leaving only branches swaying in the wind.

87. The strong wind picks up the dust, shattering the windows of houses.

88. Dust fills the air, making people feel tired and unable to walk.

89. The storm picks up the dust, obscuring the sun, turning the world into a dark world.

90. Dust fills the air, with the smell of sand, making people feel sick.

91. The sandstorm rages, covering everything, leaving only the yellow sand swirling in the air.

92. Dust is flying in the air, coating people's faces with yellow mud.

93. The wind howls, the yellow sand swirls, as if the world is coming to an end.

94. Dust fills the air, making people feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

95. Sand fills the air, shrouding the whole city in a yellow haze.

96. The sandstorm rages, turning the streets into yellow rivers.

97. The strong wind blows the dust swirling in the air, forming yellow dust storms.

以上就是关于灰尘满天飞的句子97句(灰尘满天飞的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
