
## 泡妹子的搞笑套路句子 (98句)

**1. 你是风吗?因为你吹走了我的心。**

You are the wind, because you blew away my heart.

**2. 你是电吗?因为你让我触电了。**

You are electricity, because you shock me.

**3. 你是wifi吗?因为我感觉自己被你深深地吸引了。**

You are wifi, because I feel myself being deeply attracted to you.

**4. 我今天早上在字典里查了"完美" 的意思,发现上面印着你的照片。**

I looked up"perfect" in the dictionary this morning and found your picture printed on it.

**5. 你的眼睛真美,让我忍不住想偷看你。**

Your eyes are so beautiful that I can't help but want to steal a glance at them.

**6. 我好像迷路了,可以告诉我你的住址吗?**

I think I'm lost, can you tell me your address?

**7. 我最近正在学习做饭,你能不能来做我的品尝师?**

I'm learning to cook these days, can you come be my taster?

**8. 我想告诉你一个秘密,但我怕你听了会爱上我。**

I want to tell you a secret, but I'm afraid you'll fall in love with me after hearing it.

**9. 我觉得我们应该认识一下,因为我已经喜欢你很久了。**

I think we should get to know each other, because I've liked you for a long time.

**10. 你是来自星星的你吗?因为你光芒四射。**

Are you from My Love from the Star? Because you're shining brightly.

**11. 你知道吗,我今天早上看到了一只非常可爱的兔子,它和我一样喜欢你。**

You know, I saw a very cute rabbit this morning, and it likes you as much as I do.

**12. 你的名字是什么?我要把它写在我的幸运星上。**

What's your name? I want to write it on my lucky star.

**13. 我好像掉进你的眼睛里了,因为我再也找不到出路。**

I think I fell into your eyes because I can't find my way out.

**14. 你知道吗,我最近在学习星座,发现你的星座是“我的最爱”。**

You know, I've been learning about constellations recently and found that your constellation is"my favorite".

**15. 我相信缘分,所以我们一定会相遇。**

I believe in fate, so we will definitely meet.

**16. 你是奶茶吗?因为我对你“芋”见钟情。**

Are you milk tea? Because I"fall in love" with you at first sight.

**17. 你是盐吗?因为我对你“腌”了很久了。**

Are you salt? Because I've been"pickling" you for a long time.

**18. 我想我的手机可能坏了,因为里面没有你的号码。**

I think my phone might be broken, because it doesn't have your number in it.

**19. 我最近正在学习算命,算出来我们俩很有缘分。**

I've been learning fortune-telling recently, and I calculated that we are very destined to be together.

**20. 我好像喝了假酒,因为你看起来比我想象的还要漂亮。**

I think I drank fake wine, because you look even more beautiful than I imagined.

**21. 你是手机吗?因为我每天都想看你的照片。**

Are you a phone? Because I want to look at your photos every day.

**22. 你是月亮吗?因为我每天晚上都想看你。**

Are you the moon? Because I want to look at you every night.

**23. 我知道你正在看我的信息,你其实可以回复我,不用害羞。**

I know you're reading this message, you can actually reply to me, don't be shy.

**24. 你是糖果吗?因为我想要你甜甜的。**

Are you candy? Because I want you to be sweet.

**25. 你是空气吗?因为我离不开你。**

Are you air? Because I can't live without you.

**26. 我今天早上出门的时候,发现我的鞋子不见了,后来我发现你穿走了。**

I went out this morning and found my shoes were missing, then I found out you were wearing them.

**27. 你是金子吗?因为你闪闪发光。**

Are you gold? Because you sparkle.

**28. 你是书吗?因为我想要认真地读你。**

Are you a book? Because I want to read you carefully.

**29. 我今天早上起床后,发现我的枕头上有一根你的头发,这是不是意味着你梦到我了?**

I woke up this morning and found a strand of your hair on my pillow. Does this mean you dreamt of me?

**30. 你是星星吗?因为我的愿望就是和你在一起。**

Are you a star? Because my wish is to be with you.

**31. 你知道吗,我最近正在学习画画,我想要画一幅你的肖像画。**

You know, I've been learning to paint recently, and I want to paint a portrait of you.

**32. 我想我应该去买彩票,因为我已经中了你的大奖。**

I think I should go buy a lottery ticket, because I've already won your grand prize.

**33. 你是蜂蜜吗?因为我想要你粘着我。**

Are you honey? Because I want you to stick to me.

**34. 你是巧克力吗?因为我想要一口一口地把你吃掉。**

Are you chocolate? Because I want to eat you bite by bite.

**35. 你是咖啡吗?因为你让我一天都充满活力。**

Are you coffee? Because you make me full of energy all day long.

**36. 你是手机充电器吗?因为你让我充满电。**

Are you a phone charger? Because you make me full of power.

**37. 我今天早上看到了一只非常漂亮的蝴蝶,它告诉我你喜欢我。**

I saw a very beautiful butterfly this morning, and it told me that you like me.

**38. 你是冰淇淋吗?因为我想要你融化在我的心里。**

Are you ice cream? Because I want you to melt in my heart.

**39. 你是星星吗?因为你照亮了我的夜晚。**

Are you a star? Because you light up my night.

**40. 你是地图吗?因为你让我迷路了。**

Are you a map? Because you got me lost.

**41. 我今天早上在街上走的时候,看到了一张你的照片,我以为自己看错了,结果发现真的是你。**

I was walking down the street this morning and saw a picture of you, I thought I was mistaken, but then I realized it was really you.

**42. 我想我的手机应该改个名字,因为现在它叫“你的号码”。**

I think my phone should change its name, because now it's called"your number".

**43. 我想我的钱包应该改个名字,因为现在它叫“你的照片”。**

I think my wallet should change its name, because now it's called"your photo".

**44. 你是太阳吗?因为你让我每天都充满温暖。**

Are you the sun? Because you make me feel warm every day.

**45. 你是彩虹吗?因为你让我看到了希望。**

Are you a rainbow? Because you show me hope.

**46. 你是灯泡吗?因为你照亮了我的生活。**

Are you a light bulb? Because you light up my life.

**47. 我想我的眼睛应该改个名字,因为现在它叫“你的美”。**

I think my eyes should change their name, because now they're called"your beauty".

**48. 你是蛋糕吗?因为我想要一口一口地把你吃掉。**

Are you cake? Because I want to eat you bite by bite.

**49. 你是手机吗?因为我想要时刻和你保持联系。**

Are you a phone? Because I want to stay connected with you at all times.

**50. 你是wifi吗?因为我想要和你连接。**

Are you wifi? Because I want to connect with you.

**51. 你是音乐吗?因为你让我心动。**

Are you music? Because you move me.

**52. 你是电影吗?因为我想要和你一起看。**

Are you a movie? Because I want to watch you with you.

**53. 你是游戏吗?因为我想要和你一起玩。**

Are you a game? Because I want to play with you.

**54. 你是书吗?因为我想要和你一起阅读。**

Are you a book? Because I want to read with you.

**55. 你是星星吗?因为我想要和你一起看星星。**

Are you a star? Because I want to watch the stars with you.

**56. 你是海吗?因为我想要和你一起看海。**

Are you the sea? Because I want to watch the sea with you.

**57. 你是花吗?因为我想要和你一起赏花。**

Are you a flower? Because I want to admire flowers with you.

**58. 你是旅行吗?因为我想要和你一起去旅行。**

Are you a trip? Because I want to travel with you.

**59. 你是蛋糕吗?因为我想要和你一起吃蛋糕。**

Are you cake? Because I want to eat cake with you.

**60. 你是冰淇淋吗?因为我想要和你一起吃冰淇淋。**

Are you ice cream? Because I want to eat ice cream with you.

**61. 你是咖啡吗?因为我想要和你一起喝咖啡。**

Are you coffee? Because I want to drink coffee with you.

**62. 你是奶茶吗?因为我想要和你一起喝奶茶。**

Are you milk tea? Because I want to drink milk tea with you.

**63. 你是电影票吗?因为我想要和你一起去看电影。**

Are you a movie ticket? Because I want to go to the movies with you.

**64. 你是游戏机吗?因为我想要和你一起玩游戏。**

Are you a gaming console? Because I want to play games with you.

**65. 你是书吗?因为我想要和你一起读书。**

Are you a book? Because I want to read with you.

**66. 你是音乐吗?因为我想要和你一起听音乐。**

Are you music? Because I want to listen to music with you.

**67. 你是星星吗?因为我想要和你一起看星星。**

Are you a star? Because I want to watch the stars with you.

**68. 你是海吗?因为我想要和你一起看海。**

Are you the sea? Because I want to watch the sea with you.

**69. 你是花吗?因为我想要和你一起赏花。**

Are you a flower? Because I want to admire flowers with you.

**70. 你是旅行吗?因为我想要和你一起去旅行。**

Are you a trip? Because I want to travel with you.

**71. 你是蛋糕吗?因为我想要和你一起吃蛋糕。**

Are you cake? Because I want to eat cake with you.

**72. 你是冰淇淋吗?因为我想要和你一起吃冰淇淋。**

Are you ice cream? Because I want to eat ice cream with you.

**73. 你是咖啡吗?因为我想要和你一起喝咖啡。**

Are you coffee? Because I want to drink coffee with you.

**74. 你是奶茶吗?因为我想要和你一起喝奶茶。**

Are you milk tea? Because I want to drink milk tea with you.

**75. 你是电影票吗?因为我想要和你一起去看电影。**

Are you a movie ticket? Because I want to go to the movies with you.

**76. 你是游戏机吗?因为我想要和你一起玩游戏。**

Are you a gaming console? Because I want to play games with you.

**77. 你是书吗?因为我想要和你一起读书。**

Are you a book? Because I want to read with you.

**78. 你是音乐吗?因为我想要和你一起听音乐。**

Are you music? Because I want to listen to music with you.

**79. 你是星星吗?因为我想要和你一起看星星。**

Are you a star? Because I want to watch the stars with you.

**80. 你是海吗?因为我想要和你一起看海。**

Are you the sea? Because I want to watch the sea with you.

**81. 你是花吗?因为我想要和你一起赏花。**

Are you a flower? Because I want to admire flowers with you.

**82. 你是旅行吗?因为我想要和你一起去旅行。**

Are you a trip? Because I want to travel with you.

**83. 你是蛋糕吗?因为我想要和你一起吃蛋糕。**

Are you cake? Because I want to eat cake with you.

**84. 你是冰淇淋吗?因为我想要和你一起吃冰淇淋。**

Are you ice cream? Because I want to eat ice cream with you.

**85. 你是咖啡吗?因为我想要和你一起喝咖啡。**

Are you coffee? Because I want to drink coffee with you.

**86. 你是奶茶吗?因为我想要和你一起喝奶茶。**

Are you milk tea? Because I want to drink milk tea with you.

**87. 你是电影票吗?因为我想要和你一起去看电影。**

Are you a movie ticket? Because I want to go to the movies with you.

**88. 你是游戏机吗?因为我想要和你一起玩游戏。**

Are you a gaming console? Because I want to play games with you.

**89. 你是书吗?因为我想要和你一起读书。**

Are you a book? Because I want to read with you.

**90. 你是音乐吗?因为我想要和你一起听音乐。**

Are you music? Because I want to listen to music with you.

**91. 你是星星吗?因为我想要和你一起看星星。**

Are you a star? Because I want to watch the stars with you.

**92. 你是海吗?因为我想要和你一起看海。**

Are you the sea? Because I want to watch the sea with you.

**93. 你是花吗?因为我想要和你一起赏花。**

Are you a flower? Because I want to admire flowers with you.

**94. 你是旅行吗?因为我想要和你一起去旅行。**

Are you a trip? Because I want to travel with you.

**95. 你是蛋糕吗?因为我想要和你一起吃蛋糕。**

Are you cake? Because I want to eat cake with you.

**96. 你是冰淇淋吗?因为我想要和你一起吃冰淇淋。**

Are you ice cream? Because I want to eat ice cream with you.

**97. 你是咖啡吗?因为我想要和你一起喝咖啡。**

Are you coffee? Because I want to drink coffee with you.

**98. 你是奶茶吗?因为我想要和你一起喝奶茶。**

Are you milk tea? Because I want to drink milk tea with you.

以上就是关于泡妹子的搞笑套路句子98句(泡妹子的搞笑套路句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
