
## 水调歌头 道尽千载离人心愿 55句

**1. 念往昔,繁华如梦,几度春秋。**

Thinking back to the past, prosperity was like a dream, how many autumns and springs have passed.

**2. 风云变幻,沧海桑田,人事几番休。**

Winds and clouds change, the ocean turns into fields, how many changes have happened to the world and people.

**3. 叹流年,似水东流,不复少年游。**

Sighing at the fleeting years, like water flowing eastward, no longer a youth.

**4. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。**

But I hope people will live long, and share the beauty of the moon together, though thousands of miles apart.

**5. 月圆月缺,花开花谢,人生苦短愁。**

The moon waxes and wanes, flowers bloom and wither, life is short and full of sorrow.

**6. 只愿此生,不负韶华,无愧此行舟。**

I only wish to live this life without wasting my youth and without regrets.

**7. 天涯海角,故人相思,梦绕魂牵。**

At the ends of the earth, missing old friends, dreams and souls are entangled.

**8. 寄情于明月,遥寄思念,寄托哀愁。**

Expressing emotions to the moon, sending my thoughts and sorrows far away.

**9. 知音难觅,红颜易老,岁月无情留。**

True friends are hard to find, beauty fades easily, time is relentless and leaves no trace.

**10. 但求此生,无悔无憾,心存善念留。**

I only ask for a life without regrets, with kind thoughts forever.

**11. 望断天涯路,心碎不堪,泪眼婆娑。**

Looking at the road that stretches to the end of the world, my heart shatters, tears blurring my vision.

**12. 回首往事,如烟如梦,不堪回首。**

Looking back at the past, like smoke and dreams, too painful to recall.

**13. 梦里相逢,醒来皆空,徒留寂寞。**

Meeting in dreams, waking up to emptiness, only loneliness remains.

**14. 世间情爱,如海似浪,翻滚无休。**

Love in this world, like the sea and waves, constantly surging.

**15. 但愿真心,永不改变,不负此生守。**

I only wish for true love, never changing, forever faithful.

**16. 离别伤痛,思念难解,心如刀绞。**

The pain of separation, the longing that cannot be relieved, my heart aches like a knife.

**17. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。**

I wish to find someone to love, to grow old together and never be separated.

**18. 天长地久,情谊绵长,共度春秋。**

For eternity, our friendship will last, we will spend our years together.

**19. 人生苦短,岁月无情,珍惜眼前人。**

Life is short, time is ruthless, cherish the people you have now.

**20. 回首往事,感慨万千,泪湿衣襟。**

Looking back at the past, I am filled with emotion, my clothes are wet with tears.

**21. 相思之苦,无人可解,唯有自尝。**

The pain of missing someone, no one can understand, only I can taste it.

**22. 孤灯夜半,思绪万千,难入梦乡。**

Alone under the lamplight at midnight, thoughts flood my mind, unable to sleep.

**23. 岁月如梭,转眼之间,青春已逝。**

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, youth has passed.

**24. 但愿此生,不负韶华,无悔此行舟。**

I only wish to live this life without wasting my youth and without regrets.

**25. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。**

I wish to find someone to love, to grow old together and never be separated.

**26. 相思入骨,肝肠寸断,泪眼婆娑。**

Longing penetrates my bones, my heart breaks, tears blur my vision.

**27. 梦里相逢,醒来皆空,徒留寂寞。**

Meeting in dreams, waking up to emptiness, only loneliness remains.

**28. 回首往事,如烟如梦,不堪回首。**

Looking back at the past, like smoke and dreams, too painful to recall.

**29. 世间情爱,如海似浪,翻滚无休。**

Love in this world, like the sea and waves, constantly surging.

**30. 但愿真心,永不改变,不负此生守。**

I only wish for true love, never changing, forever faithful.

**31. 离别伤痛,思念难解,心如刀绞。**

The pain of separation, the longing that cannot be relieved, my heart aches like a knife.

**32. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。**

I wish to find someone to love, to grow old together and never be separated.

**33. 天长地久,情谊绵长,共度春秋。**

For eternity, our friendship will last, we will spend our years together.

**34. 人生苦短,岁月无情,珍惜眼前人。**

Life is short, time is ruthless, cherish the people you have now.

**35. 回首往事,感慨万千,泪湿衣襟。**

Looking back at the past, I am filled with emotion, my clothes are wet with tears.

**36. 相思之苦,无人可解,唯有自尝。**

The pain of missing someone, no one can understand, only I can taste it.

**37. 孤灯夜半,思绪万千,难入梦乡。**

Alone under the lamplight at midnight, thoughts flood my mind, unable to sleep.

**38. 岁月如梭,转眼之间,青春已逝。**

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, youth has passed.

**39. 但愿此生,不负韶华,无悔此行舟。**

I only wish to live this life without wasting my youth and without regrets.

**40. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。**

I wish to find someone to love, to grow old together and never be separated.

**41. 红尘滚滚,世事难料,唯有情真。**

The world is full of chaos and uncertainty, only true love remains.

**42. 情深意浓,难舍难分,此情不渝。**

Deep love and strong feelings, unable to part, this love will never change.

**43. 相思之苦,无人可解,唯有自尝。**

The pain of missing someone, no one can understand, only I can taste it.

**44. 梦里相逢,醒来皆空,徒留寂寞。**

Meeting in dreams, waking up to emptiness, only loneliness remains.

**45. 回首往事,如烟如梦,不堪回首。**

Looking back at the past, like smoke and dreams, too painful to recall.

**46. 世间情爱,如海似浪,翻滚无休。**

Love in this world, like the sea and waves, constantly surging.

**47. 但愿真心,永不改变,不负此生守。**

I only wish for true love, never changing, forever faithful.

**48. 离别伤痛,思念难解,心如刀绞。**

The pain of separation, the longing that cannot be relieved, my heart aches like a knife.

**49. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。**

I wish to find someone to love, to grow old together and never be separated.

**50. 天长地久,情谊绵长,共度春秋。**

For eternity, our friendship will last, we will spend our years together.

**51. 人生苦短,岁月无情,珍惜眼前人。**

Life is short, time is ruthless, cherish the people you have now.

**52. 回首往事,感慨万千,泪湿衣襟。**

Looking back at the past, I am filled with emotion, my clothes are wet with tears.

**53. 相思入骨,肝肠寸断,泪眼婆娑。**

Longing penetrates my bones, my heart breaks, tears blur my vision.

**54. 孤灯夜半,思绪万千,难入梦乡。**

Alone under the lamplight at midnight, thoughts flood my mind, unable to sleep.

**55. 但愿此生,无悔无憾,心存善念留。**

I only ask for a life without regrets, with kind thoughts forever.

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