
## 水浒传鲁智深经典句子

1. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。 (When you meet a kindred spirit, a thousand cups of wine are not enough. But when you can't find common ground, even half a sentence is too much.)

2. 洒家只爱杀人,不爱说话。(I only love killing, not talking.)

3. 洒家这拳头,可不是吃素的!(My fists aren't for show!)

4. 我要喝酒,吃肉,快活! (I want to drink, eat meat, and be happy!)

5. 洒家一生快活,不曾为难别人,如今却被人逼得如此田地! (I've lived a happy life, never harming anyone, yet now I'm driven to this!)

6. 洒家生平最恨那欺善怕恶之人! (My greatest hatred is for those who bully the weak and fear the strong!)

7. 你等着,我迟早要报仇! (You wait, I'll have my revenge one day!)

8. 洒家这辈子,只认得一个理字! (In my life, I only recognize the word 'justice'!)

9. 洒家要痛痛快快地喝酒吃肉,谁也别来烦我! (I want to drink and eat heartily, without any interruptions!)

10. 洒家天生神力,谁敢惹我? (I'm naturally strong, who dares to provoke me?)

11. 洒家不是怕死,只是不甘心! (I'm not afraid of death, just unwilling to die!)

12. 洒家这辈子,只图个痛快! (I've lived my life for pleasure!)

13. 洒家这辈子,除了杀人,最爱喝酒! (In my life, besides killing, I love drinking the most!)

14. 洒家这辈子,最恨的就是别人欺骗我! (The thing I hate most in this life is being deceived!)

15. 洒家这辈子,最喜欢的就是喝酒吃肉! (The thing I like most in this life is drinking and eating meat!)

16. 洒家这辈子,最怕的就是被人看不起! (The thing I fear most in this life is being looked down upon!)

17. 洒家这辈子,最希望的就是能够快快乐乐地活下去! (The thing I hope for most in this life is to live happily ever after!)

18. 洒家这辈子,最讨厌的就是那些假仁假义的人! (The thing I detest most in this life is those who are hypocritical!)

19. 洒家这辈子,最佩服的就是那些有胆识的人! (The thing I admire most in this life is those who are courageous!)

20. 洒家这辈子,最渴望的就是能够找到一个知己! (The thing I crave most in this life is to find a kindred spirit!)

21. 洒家这辈子,最后悔的就是没有好好珍惜那些对我好的人! (The thing I regret most in this life is not cherishing those who were good to me!)

22. 洒家这辈子,最感谢的就是那些帮助过我的人! (The thing I'm most grateful for in this life is those who helped me!)

23. 洒家这辈子,最对不起的就是那些被我伤害过的人! (The thing I'm most sorry for in this life is those I hurt!)

24. 洒家这辈子,最想做的事情就是能够为国家做点贡献! (The thing I want to do most in this life is to contribute to my country!)

25. 洒家这辈子,最希望的就是能够过上安稳的日子! (The thing I hope for most in this life is to live a peaceful life!)

26. 洒家这辈子,最怕的就是被人误会! (The thing I fear most in this life is being misunderstood!)

27. 洒家这辈子,最讨厌的就是那些喜欢背后说人坏话的人! (The thing I detest most in this life is those who like to gossip!)

28. 洒家这辈子,最佩服的就是那些敢于为正义而战的人! (The thing I admire most in this life is those who dare to fight for justice!)

29. 洒家这辈子,最渴望的就是能够找到一个真心爱我的人! (The thing I crave most in this life is to find someone who truly loves me!)

30. 洒家这辈子,最后悔的就是没有好好学习! (The thing I regret most in this life is not studying hard!)

31. 洒家这辈子,最感谢的就是我的父母! (The thing I'm most grateful for in this life is my parents!)

32. 洒家这辈子,最对不起的就是我的家人! (The thing I'm most sorry for in this life is my family!)

33. 洒家这辈子,最想做的事情就是能够报效国家! (The thing I want to do most in this life is to serve my country!)

34. 洒家这辈子,最希望的就是能够过上幸福快乐的生活! (The thing I hope for most in this life is to live a happy and joyful life!)

35. 洒家这辈子,最怕的就是被人背叛! (The thing I fear most in this life is being betrayed!)

36. 洒家这辈子,最讨厌的就是那些喜欢吹牛的人! (The thing I detest most in this life is those who like to brag!)

37. 洒家这辈子,最佩服的就是那些有毅力的人! (The thing I admire most in this life is those who are determined!)

38. 洒家这辈子,最渴望的就是能够找到一个可以依靠的人! (The thing I crave most in this life is to find someone to lean on!)

39. 洒家这辈子,最后悔的就是没有早点学会忍耐! (The thing I regret most in this life is not learning to be patient earlier!)

40. 洒家这辈子,最感谢的就是那些帮助我度过难关的人! (The thing I'm most grateful for in this life is those who helped me through difficult times!)

41. 洒家这辈子,最对不起的就是那些曾经伤害过我的人! (The thing I'm most sorry for in this life is those who I once hurt!)

42. 洒家这辈子,最想做的事情就是能够留下一些功名! (The thing I want to do most in this life is to leave a legacy!)

43. 洒家这辈子,最希望的就是能够过上自由自在的生活! (The thing I hope for most in this life is to live a free and easy life!)

44. 洒家这辈子,最怕的就是被人利用! (The thing I fear most in this life is being manipulated!)

45. 洒家这辈子,最讨厌的就是那些喜欢耍阴谋诡计的人! (The thing I detest most in this life is those who like to play tricks!)

46. 洒家这辈子,最佩服的就是那些敢于坚持自己的人! (The thing I admire most in this life is those who dare to stand by their convictions!)

47. 洒家这辈子,最渴望的就是能够找到一个可以信任的人! (The thing I crave most in this life is to find someone I can trust!)

48. 洒家这辈子,最后悔的就是没有珍惜时间! (The thing I regret most in this life is not cherishing time!)

49. 洒家这辈子,最感谢的就是那些给我带来快乐的人! (The thing I'm most grateful for in this life is those who brought me joy!)

50. 洒家这辈子,最对不起的就是那些被我冷落的人! (The thing I'm most sorry for in this life is those I neglected!)

51. 洒家这辈子,最想做的事情就是能够为社会做出贡献! (The thing I want to do most in this life is to contribute to society!)

52. 洒家这辈子,最希望的就是能够过上健康快乐的生活! (The thing I hope for most in this life is to live a healthy and happy life!)

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