
## 69句气象谚语及英文翻译

1. 朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里。 Morning glow, don’t go out. Evening glow, travel far.

2. 天上鱼鳞斑,晒谷不用翻。 Fish scales in the sky, no need to turn the grain to dry.

3. 早霞不出门,晚霞行千里。 Early clouds, don’t go out. Late clouds, travel far.

4. 云往西走,雨水来临。 Clouds move westward, rain is coming.

5. 天上钩钩云,地上雨淋淋。 Hook-shaped clouds in the sky, rain will fall on the ground.

6. 雷声隆隆,大雨倾盆。 Thundering sounds, heavy rain pours.

7. 风起东南,雨必连绵。 Wind rises from the southeast, rain will continue.

8. 风向西南,雨水绵绵。 Wind blows from the southwest, rain will be continuous.

9. 风吹日头,雨水不久。 Wind blows the sun, rain will come soon.

10. 风急雨骤,雷鸣闪电。 Wind rushes, rain pours, thunder roars, lightning flashes.

11. 久雨必晴,久晴必雨。 Long rain must clear, long sunshine must rain.

12. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 The weather is unpredictable, good and bad fortune come to people unexpectedly.

13. 春雨贵如油,夏雨涨水流。 Spring rain is precious as oil, summer rain makes water rise.

14. 秋雨绵绵,冬雨绵绵。 Autumn rain is continuous, winter rain is also continuous.

15. 一场秋雨一场寒。 One autumn rain, one cold snap.

16. 寒露过后,雨水渐少。 After Cold Dew, rain gradually lessens.

17. 霜降过后,气温下降。 After Frost Descent, temperature drops.

18. 立冬不见雪,来年雪满山。 If there is no snow on the beginning of winter, there will be snow covering the mountains next year.

19. 冬雪不寒,春雪不暖。 Winter snow is not cold, spring snow is not warm.

20. 雨过天晴,彩虹出现。 After the rain clears, rainbows appear.

21. 天晴日暖,万物生长。 Sunny and warm days, everything grows.

22. 天阴沉沉,要下雨了。 The sky is overcast, it's going to rain.

23. 太阳出来,天气转晴。 The sun comes out, the weather clears up.

24. 月亮明亮,天气晴朗。 Bright moon, clear weather.

25. 星星闪烁,天气晴朗。 Twinkling stars, clear weather.

26. 日落西山,天将下雨。 Sun sets in the west, it will rain.

27. 日出东方,天气晴朗。 Sun rises in the east, clear weather.

28. 云低雾重,天气阴冷。 Low clouds and heavy fog, cold and gloomy weather.

29. 乌云密布,大雨将至。 Thick dark clouds, heavy rain is coming.

30. 白云飘飘,天气晴朗。 White clouds drift, clear weather.

31. 黑云压城城欲摧。 Dark clouds press down on the city, threatening to destroy it.

32. 雨过彩虹,阳光灿烂。 Rainbow after the rain, sunshine is brilliant.

33. 雷声过后,雨水倾盆。 After the thunder, rain pours down.

34. 闪电过后,雨水即至。 After the lightning, rain will come soon.

35. 风吹柳枝,雨水将至。 Wind blows willow branches, rain will come soon.

36. 蜻蜓低飞,预示雨水。 Dragonflies fly low, indicating rain.

37. 燕子低飞,预示下雨。 Swallows fly low, indicating rain.

38. 蚂蚁搬家,预示下雨。 Ants move house, indicating rain.

39. 鸡进窝,雨水多。 Chickens go into the coop, rain is abundant.

40. 蛙鸣不断,预示下雨。 Frogs croak continuously, indicating rain.

41. 蚯蚓出土,预示下雨。 Earthworms come out of the ground, indicating rain.

42. 夜里打雷,预示要下雨。 Thunder at night, indicating rain.

43. 早晨起雾,预示晴天。 Morning fog, indicating clear weather.

44. 朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里。 Morning glory, don't go out. Evening glory, travel far.

45. 夜里星星多,白天少雨水。 Many stars at night, less rain during the day.

46. 早晚云彩多,白天雨水少。 Many clouds in the morning and evening, less rain during the day.

47. 东边日出,西边下雨。 Sunrise in the east, rain in the west.

48. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 The weather is unpredictable, people have good and bad fortune unexpectedly.

49. 日出雾,雨无阻。 Sun rises with fog, rain won't stop.

50. 雾散天晴,预示好天气。 Fog dissipates, clear weather is coming.

51. 日晕三更雨,月晕午时风。 Sun halo at midnight, rain; Moon halo at noon, wind.

52. 夜里打雷,预示要下雨。 Thunder at night, indicating rain.

53. 朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里。 Morning glory, don't go out. Evening glory, travel far.

54. 天上鱼鳞斑,晒谷不用翻。 Fish scales in the sky, no need to turn the grain to dry.

55. 风吹日头,雨水不久。 Wind blows the sun, rain will come soon.

56. 雷声隆隆,大雨倾盆。 Thundering sounds, heavy rain pours.

57. 久雨必晴,久晴必雨。 Long rain must clear, long sunshine must rain.

58. 云往西走,雨水来临。 Clouds move westward, rain is coming.

59. 天上钩钩云,地上雨淋淋。 Hook-shaped clouds in the sky, rain will fall on the ground.

60. 风急雨骤,雷鸣闪电。 Wind rushes, rain pours, thunder roars, lightning flashes.

61. 春雨贵如油,夏雨涨水流。 Spring rain is precious as oil, summer rain makes water rise.

62. 秋雨绵绵,冬雨绵绵。 Autumn rain is continuous, winter rain is also continuous.

63. 一场秋雨一场寒。 One autumn rain, one cold snap.

64. 寒露过后,雨水渐少。 After Cold Dew, rain gradually lessens.

65. 霜降过后,气温下降。 After Frost Descent, temperature drops.

66. 立冬不见雪,来年雪满山。 If there is no snow on the beginning of winter, there will be snow covering the mountains next year.

67. 冬雪不寒,春雪不暖。 Winter snow is not cold, spring snow is not warm.

68. 雨过天晴,彩虹出现。 After the rain clears, rainbows appear.

69. 天晴日暖,万物生长。 Sunny and warm days, everything grows.

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