
## 欲擒故纵的句子 (50句)

1. 欲擒故纵,方能得之。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go.)

2. 欲速则不达,欲擒故纵,方能事半功倍。 (Haste makes waste, but to catch a fish, you must first let it go, which will double your efficiency.)

3. 收放自如,方能掌控全局。 (Being able to control yourself is the key to controlling everything.)

4. 退一步海阔天空,进两步柳暗花明。 (Take a step back and the sky will be vast; take two steps forward and you will find a brighter future.)

5. 欲得其心,必先放手。 (To win someone's heart, you must first let go.)

6. 放手一搏,才能柳暗花明。 (Take a chance, and you will find a brighter future.)

7. 欲擒故纵,方能得鱼入网。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go, and it will eventually fall into your net.)

8. 松弛有度,方能百战百胜。 (Knowing when to loosen and when to tighten is the key to winning every battle.)

9. 以退为进,方能制敌于无形。 (To retreat is to advance, and to defeat your enemy without them knowing.)

10. 欲速则不达,欲擒故纵,方能以静制动。 (Haste makes waste, but to catch a fish, you must first let it go, and to defeat your enemy, you must remain calm.)

11. 欲得之,必先舍之。 (If you want to gain something, you must first be willing to lose it.)

12. 虚虚实实,方能以不变应万变。 (Be unpredictable and you will be able to adapt to any situation.)

13. 以退为进,方能四两拨千斤。 (To retreat is to advance, and to use minimal effort to achieve great results.)

14. 收放自如,方能游刃有余。 (Being able to control yourself will make you feel relaxed and confident.)

15. 欲擒故纵,方能引蛇出洞。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go, and it will eventually come out of its hole.)

16. 放长线钓大鱼,方能功成名就。 (Cast a long line to catch a big fish, and you will eventually achieve great success.)

17. 退一步海阔天空,进两步柳暗花明,方能功成名就。 (Take a step back and the sky will be vast; take two steps forward and you will find a brighter future, and you will eventually achieve great success.)

18. 以退为进,方能克敌制胜。 (To retreat is to advance, and to defeat your enemy.)

19. 欲速则不达,欲擒故纵,方能百战百胜。 (Haste makes waste, but to catch a fish, you must first let it go, and you will win every battle.)

20. 放手一搏,方能柳暗花明。 (Take a chance, and you will find a brighter future.)

21. 欲得之,必先舍之。 (If you want to gain something, you must first be willing to lose it.)

22. 欲擒故纵,方能得之。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go.)

23. 虚虚实实,方能以不变应万变。 (Be unpredictable and you will be able to adapt to any situation.)

24. 以退为进,方能制敌于无形。 (To retreat is to advance, and to defeat your enemy without them knowing.)

25. 收放自如,方能游刃有余。 (Being able to control yourself will make you feel relaxed and confident.)

26. 欲擒故纵,方能引蛇出洞。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go, and it will eventually come out of its hole.)

27. 放长线钓大鱼,方能功成名就。 (Cast a long line to catch a big fish, and you will eventually achieve great success.)

28. 欲擒故纵,方能得鱼入网。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go, and it will eventually fall into your net.)

29. 以退为进,方能克敌制胜。 (To retreat is to advance, and to defeat your enemy.)

30. 欲速则不达,欲擒故纵,方能以静制动。 (Haste makes waste, but to catch a fish, you must first let it go, and to defeat your enemy, you must remain calm.)

31. 退一步海阔天空,进两步柳暗花明,方能功成名就。 (Take a step back and the sky will be vast; take two steps forward and you will find a brighter future, and you will eventually achieve great success.)

32. 松弛有度,方能百战百胜。 (Knowing when to loosen and when to tighten is the key to winning every battle.)

33. 欲擒故纵,方能得之。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go.)

34. 欲速则不达,欲擒故纵,方能事半功倍。 (Haste makes waste, but to catch a fish, you must first let it go, which will double your efficiency.)

35. 收放自如,方能掌控全局。 (Being able to control yourself is the key to controlling everything.)

36. 退一步海阔天空,进两步柳暗花明。 (Take a step back and the sky will be vast; take two steps forward and you will find a brighter future.)

37. 欲得其心,必先放手。 (To win someone's heart, you must first let go.)

38. 放手一搏,才能柳暗花明。 (Take a chance, and you will find a brighter future.)

39. 欲擒故纵,方能得鱼入网。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go, and it will eventually fall into your net.)

40. 松弛有度,方能百战百胜。 (Knowing when to loosen and when to tighten is the key to winning every battle.)

41. 以退为进,方能制敌于无形。 (To retreat is to advance, and to defeat your enemy without them knowing.)

42. 欲速则不达,欲擒故纵,方能以静制动。 (Haste makes waste, but to catch a fish, you must first let it go, and to defeat your enemy, you must remain calm.)

43. 欲得之,必先舍之。 (If you want to gain something, you must first be willing to lose it.)

44. 虚虚实实,方能以不变应万变。 (Be unpredictable and you will be able to adapt to any situation.)

45. 以退为进,方能四两拨千斤。 (To retreat is to advance, and to use minimal effort to achieve great results.)

46. 收放自如,方能游刃有余。 (Being able to control yourself will make you feel relaxed and confident.)

47. 欲擒故纵,方能引蛇出洞。 (To catch a fish, you must first let it go, and it will eventually come out of its hole.)

48. 放长线钓大鱼,方能功成名就。 (Cast a long line to catch a big fish, and you will eventually achieve great success.)

49. 退一步海阔天空,进两步柳暗花明,方能功成名就。 (Take a step back and the sky will be vast; take two steps forward and you will find a brighter future, and you will eventually achieve great success.)

50. 以退为进,方能克敌制胜。 (To retreat is to advance, and to defeat your enemy.)

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