
## 期望越大失望越大句子 (95句)

1. 希望越大,失望越大,这是人生的常态。

2. 不要把希望寄托在别人身上,因为失望只会来自他们。

3. 期望越高,跌落越深,这是我们应该明白的道理。

4. 不要因为过高的期望而让自己陷入无尽的失望之中。

5. 失望是人生的必修课,但不要让它成为你的常态。

6. 期望越高,失望越大,但我们不能因此而停止期待。

7. 要学会控制自己的期望,不要让它成为你的负担。

8. 失望是人生的导师,它教我们学会珍惜,学会感恩。

9. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而放弃努力。

10. 我们要学会从失望中吸取教训,让自己变得更强大。

11. 失望是人生的磨砺,它让我们更加坚强,更加成熟。

12. 不要因为失望而放弃梦想,要勇敢地面对挑战。

13. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而失去对未来的希望。

14. 要学会享受过程,不要只盯着结果,这样才能避免失望。

15. 失望是人生的必经之路,但不要让它成为你前进的绊脚石。

16. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要忘记最初的梦想。

17. 不要把所有的期望都寄托在一个人身上,这样只会让你失望。

18. 要学会独立,不要依赖别人,这样才能避免失望。

19. 失望是人生的警钟,它提醒我们要更加谨慎,更加理智。

20. 不要让失望吞噬你的内心,要保持乐观的心态。

21. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而放弃追求幸福。

22. 要学会从失望中汲取经验,让自己变得更加优秀。

23. 失望是人生的考验,它让我们变得更加坚韧,更加勇敢。

24. 不要因为失望而失去对生活的热情,要保持积极的心态。

25. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而否定自己。

26. 要学会从不同的角度去看待问题,这样才能避免失望。

27. 失望是人生的挫折,但它也是我们成长的机会。

28. 不要让失望成为你的束缚,要勇敢地去追寻你的梦想。

29. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而忘记初心。

30. 要学会珍惜眼前拥有的,不要总是去追求那些虚无缥缈的东西。

31. 失望是人生的导师,它教会我们学会珍惜,学会感恩。

32. 不要把希望寄托在别人身上,因为失望只会来自他们。

33. 要学会独立,不要依赖别人,这样才能避免失望。

34. 失望是人生的磨砺,它让我们更加坚强,更加成熟。

35. 不要让失望吞噬你的内心,要保持乐观的心态。

36. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而放弃努力。

37. 要学会控制自己的期望,不要让它成为你的负担。

38. 失望是人生的警钟,它提醒我们要更加谨慎,更加理智。

39. 不要因为失望而失去对生活的热情,要保持积极的心态。

40. 要学会从失望中汲取经验,让自己变得更加优秀。

41. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而否定自己。

42. 要学会从不同的角度去看待问题,这样才能避免失望。

43. 失望是人生的挫折,但它也是我们成长的机会。

44. 不要让失望成为你的束缚,要勇敢地去追寻你的梦想。

45. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而忘记初心。

46. 要学会珍惜眼前拥有的,不要总是去追求那些虚无缥缈的东西。

47. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而失去对未来的希望。

48. 要学会享受过程,不要只盯着结果,这样才能避免失望。

49. 失望是人生的必经之路,但不要让它成为你前进的绊脚石。

50. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要忘记最初的梦想。

51. 不要把所有的期望都寄托在一个人身上,这样只会让你失望。

52. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而停止期待。

53. 失望是人生的导师,它教我们学会珍惜,学会感恩。

54. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而放弃追求幸福。

55. 要学会从失望中吸取教训,让自己变得更强大。

56. 失望是人生的考验,它让我们变得更加坚韧,更加勇敢。

57. 不要让失望成为你前进的阻碍,要勇敢地跨越它。

58. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而失去对生活的信心。

59. 要学会从错误中学习,不要让失望成为你的包袱。

60. 失望是人生的警钟,它提醒我们要更加珍惜眼前拥有的。

61. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而迷失方向。

62. 要学会设定合理的期望,不要让它成为你的压力。

63. 失望是人生的必修课,但不要让它成为你生命的全部。

64. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而放弃对爱的追求。

65. 要学会接受现实,不要沉溺于幻想,这样才能避免失望。

66. 失望是人生的挫折,但它也是我们成长的动力。

67. 不要让失望成为你的借口,要勇敢地去承担责任。

68. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而失去对未来的憧憬。

69. 要学会从失败中汲取经验,让自己变得更加强大。

70. 失望是人生的考验,它让我们更加珍惜成功来之不易。

71. 不要让失望成为你生命的阴影,要勇敢地去追寻光明。

72. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而忘记自己的价值。

73. 要学会从别人的成功中学习,不要因为别人的成功而感到失望。

74. 失望是人生的常态,但不要让它成为你生活的主题。

75. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而失去对生活的热情。

76. 要学会从逆境中成长,不要让失望成为你成长的障碍。

77. 失望是人生的导师,它教会我们学会面对现实,学会接受失败。

78. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而失去对爱的信仰。

79. 要学会从不同的角度去看待事物,这样才能避免失望。

80. 失望是人生的考验,它让我们更加珍惜身边的人。

81. 不要让失望成为你人生的负担,要学会放下,学会释怀。

82. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而忘记自己的目标。

83. 要学会从失败中吸取教训,让自己变得更加优秀。

84. 失望是人生的磨砺,它让我们更加坚强,更加自信。

85. 不要让失望成为你人生的枷锁,要勇敢地去追求自由。

86. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而失去对未来的憧憬。

87. 要学会从别人的错误中学习,不要让失望成为你人生的教训。

88. 失望是人生的考验,它让我们更加珍惜成功来之不易。

89. 不要让失望成为你生命的阴影,要勇敢地去追寻光明。

90. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而忘记自己的价值。

91. 要学会从别人的成功中学习,不要因为别人的成功而感到失望。

92. 失望是人生的常态,但不要让它成为你生活的主题。

93. 期望越大,失望越大,但不要因此而失去对生活的热情。

94. 要学会从逆境中成长,不要让失望成为你成长的障碍。

95. 失望是人生的导师,它教会我们学会面对现实,学会接受失败。

## 英文翻译

1. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. This is the norm of life.

2. Don't place your hopes on others, for disappointment will only come from them.

3. The higher the expectation, the deeper the fall. This is a truth we should understand.

4. Don't let excessive expectations plunge you into endless disappointment.

5. Disappointment is a compulsory course in life, but don't let it become your norm.

6. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but we cannot stop expecting because of this.

7. Learn to control your expectations and don't let them become a burden.

8. Disappointment is a teacher in life, it teaches us to cherish and be grateful.

9. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't give up trying because of this.

10. We should learn from disappointment and become stronger.

11. Disappointment is a trial in life, it makes us stronger and more mature.

12. Don't give up your dreams because of disappointment, face the challenges bravely.

13. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose hope for the future because of this.

14. Learn to enjoy the process, don't just focus on the result, this can prevent disappointment.

15. Disappointment is a necessary part of life, but don't let it become a stumbling block for your progress.

16. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't forget your initial dreams.

17. Don't place all your expectations on one person, this will only lead to disappointment.

18. Learn to be independent, don't rely on others, this can prevent disappointment.

19. Disappointment is a life alarm, reminding us to be more cautious and rational.

20. Don't let disappointment consume your heart, maintain an optimistic attitude.

21. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't give up pursuing happiness because of this.

22. Learn to learn from disappointment, make yourself better.

23. Disappointment is a test in life, it makes us more resilient and braver.

24. Don't lose your passion for life because of disappointment, maintain a positive attitude.

25. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't deny yourself because of this.

26. Learn to look at problems from different angles, this can prevent disappointment.

27. Disappointment is a setback in life, but it's also an opportunity for us to grow.

28. Don't let disappointment become your constraint, bravely pursue your dreams.

29. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't forget your original intention because of this.

30. Learn to cherish what you have now, don't always pursue those elusive things.

31. Disappointment is a teacher in life, it teaches us to cherish and be grateful.

32. Don't place your hopes on others, for disappointment will only come from them.

33. Learn to be independent, don't rely on others, this can prevent disappointment.

34. Disappointment is a trial in life, it makes us stronger and more mature.

35. Don't let disappointment consume your heart, maintain an optimistic attitude.

36. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't give up trying because of this.

37. Learn to control your expectations and don't let them become a burden.

38. Disappointment is a life alarm, reminding us to be more cautious and rational.

39. Don't lose your passion for life because of disappointment, maintain a positive attitude.

40. Learn to learn from disappointment, make yourself better.

41. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't deny yourself because of this.

42. Learn to look at problems from different angles, this can prevent disappointment.

43. Disappointment is a setback in life, but it's also an opportunity for us to grow.

44. Don't let disappointment become your constraint, bravely pursue your dreams.

45. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't forget your original intention because of this.

46. Learn to cherish what you have now, don't always pursue those elusive things.

47. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose hope for the future because of this.

48. Learn to enjoy the process, don't just focus on the result, this can prevent disappointment.

49. Disappointment is a necessary part of life, but don't let it become a stumbling block for your progress.

50. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't forget your initial dreams.

51. Don't place all your expectations on one person, this will only lead to disappointment.

52. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but we cannot stop expecting because of this.

53. Disappointment is a teacher in life, it teaches us to cherish and be grateful.

54. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't give up pursuing happiness because of this.

55. We should learn from disappointment and become stronger.

56. Disappointment is a test in life, it makes us more resilient and braver.

57. Don't let disappointment become an obstacle to your progress, bravely overcome it.

58. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose faith in life because of this.

59. Learn from your mistakes, don't let disappointment become your burden.

60. Disappointment is a life alarm, reminding us to cherish what we have now.

61. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose your way because of this.

62. Learn to set reasonable expectations, don't let them become your pressure.

63. Disappointment is a compulsory course in life, but don't let it become your whole life.

64. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't give up on the pursuit of love because of this.

65. Learn to accept reality, don't indulge in fantasy, this can prevent disappointment.

66. Disappointment is a setback in life, but it's also a driving force for our growth.

67. Don't let disappointment become your excuse, bravely take responsibility.

68. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose your yearning for the future because of this.

69. Learn from failure and make yourself stronger.

70. Disappointment is a test in life, it makes us cherish the hard-won success even more.

71. Don't let disappointment become a shadow in your life, bravely pursue the light.

72. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't forget your own value because of this.

73. Learn from the success of others, don't be disappointed by the success of others.

74. Disappointment is a common occurrence in life, but don't let it become the theme of your life.

75. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose your passion for life because of this.

76. Learn to grow from adversity, don't let disappointment become an obstacle to your growth.

77. Disappointment is a teacher in life, it teaches us to face reality and accept failure.

78. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose your faith in love because of this.

79. Learn to look at things from different angles, this can prevent disappointment.

80. Disappointment is a test in life, it makes us cherish the people around us more.

81. Don't let disappointment become a burden in your life, learn to let go and release.

82. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't forget your goals because of this.

83. Learn from failure and make yourself better.

84. Disappointment is a trial in life, it makes us stronger and more confident.

85. Don't let disappointment become a shackle in your life, bravely pursue freedom.

86. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose your yearning for the future because of this.

87. Learn from the mistakes of others, don't let disappointment become a lesson in your life.

88. Disappointment is a test in life, it makes us cherish the hard-won success even more.

89. Don't let disappointment become a shadow in your life, bravely pursue the light.

90. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't forget your own value because of this.

91. Learn from the success of others, don't be disappointed by the success of others.

92. Disappointment is a common occurrence in life, but don't let it become the theme of your life.

93. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but don't lose your passion for life because of this.

94. Learn to grow from adversity, don't let disappointment become an obstacle to your growth.

95. Disappointment is a teacher in life, it teaches us to face reality and accept failure.

以上就是关于期望越大失望越大句子95句(期望越大失望越大句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
