
## 有马先生句子,67句,中英对照

1. 有马先生,一个充满魅力和神秘感的人物,他的人生充满了传奇色彩。

1. Mr. Arima, a figure brimming with charm and mystery, his life is a tapestry woven with legendary threads.

2. 他拥有着锐利的洞察力和非凡的智慧,能够轻易洞悉他人的内心世界。

2. He possesses a sharp insight and extraordinary wisdom, capable of effortlessly deciphering the depths of others' souls.

3. 有马先生的行动总是充满了预谋,他的目标明确,手段果断。

3. Mr. Arima's actions are always calculated, his goals clear, and his methods decisive.

4. 他仿佛一个谜一样,让人难以捉摸,却又无法忽视他的存在。

4. He is an enigma, an elusive figure, yet his presence cannot be ignored.

5. 有马先生的言语总是简短而有力,每一个字都蕴藏着深意。

5. Mr. Arima's words are always concise and powerful, each syllable laden with meaning.

6. 他对自己的目标坚定不移,任何困难都无法动摇他的意志。

6. He is unwavering in his pursuit of his goals, his resolve unyielding in the face of any obstacle.

7. 有马先生拥有着强大的气场,他走到哪里,哪里就会充满着神秘和压迫感。

7. Mr. Arima exudes an aura of power, his presence wherever he goes suffused with mystery and an unspoken weight.

8. 他对待敌人冷酷无情,但对朋友却十分忠诚,值得信赖。

8. He is ruthless towards his enemies, but fiercely loyal and trustworthy to his friends.

9. 有马先生的过去充满了谜团,没有人知道他真正的身份和来历。

9. Mr. Arima's past is shrouded in mystery, his true identity and origins unknown to all.

10. 他是一个传奇,一个传说,一个永远无法被世人忘却的名字。

10. He is a legend, a myth, a name that will forever be etched in the annals of history.

11. 有马先生的微笑如同冬日暖阳,温暖而充满希望。

11. Mr. Arima's smile is like the warmth of the winter sun, comforting and full of hope.

12. 他的眼睛深邃而迷人,仿佛能够洞穿一切秘密。

12. His eyes are deep and captivating, seeming to penetrate all secrets.

13. 有马先生的动作优雅而敏捷,宛如一只潜伏在黑暗中的猎豹。

13. Mr. Arima moves with grace and agility, like a panther lurking in the shadows.

14. 他总是能够在关键时刻出现,化解危机,扭转乾坤。

14. He always appears at the crucial moment, resolving crises and turning the tide.

15. 有马先生的智慧和能力令人叹服,他是一个真正的强者。

15. Mr. Arima's wisdom and abilities are awe-inspiring, he is a true powerhouse.

16. 他是一个谜,一个谜团,一个永远无法被完全理解的人物。

16. He is an enigma, a mystery, a figure who will never be fully understood.

17. 有马先生的沉默胜过千言万语,他的眼神充满了威严和力量。

17. Mr. Arima's silence speaks volumes, his gaze radiating authority and strength.

18. 他是一个充满矛盾的人物,既冷酷无情,又充满着慈悲之心。

18. He is a figure of contradictions, both ruthless and compassionate.

19. 有马先生的内心隐藏着巨大的秘密,只有少数人知道他的真实想法。

19. Mr. Arima's heart holds immense secrets, his true thoughts known only to a select few.

20. 他是一个孤独的行者,一个游走在黑暗边缘的守护者。

20. He is a solitary traveler, a guardian who walks the edge of darkness.

21. 有马先生总是能够在最关键的时刻做出正确的决定。

21. Mr. Arima always makes the right decisions at the most crucial moments.

22. 他是一个充满魅力和危险的人物,让人又爱又恨。

22. Mr. Arima is a figure of both charm and danger, arousing both love and hate.

23. 有马先生的内心充满了伤痛,但他从未放弃对正义的追求。

23. Mr. Arima's heart is filled with pain, but he never abandons his pursuit of justice.

24. 他是一个传奇,一个传说,一个永远活在人们心中的英雄。

24. He is a legend, a myth, a hero who will forever live in the hearts of the people.

25. 有马先生的言行举止充满了神秘感,让人忍不住想要探究他的内心世界。

25. Mr. Arima's words and actions are shrouded in mystery, inspiring an irresistible urge to delve into his inner world.

26. 他是一个沉默的守护者,一个在黑暗中默默守护着光明的人。

26. He is a silent guardian, a protector of light who watches over in the shadows.

27. 有马先生的出现总是伴随着奇迹,他仿佛拥有着改变命运的力量。

27. Mr. Arima's arrival is always accompanied by miracles, he seems to possess the power to change destiny.

28. 他是一个永远无法被定义的人,一个永远充满着神秘感的存在。

28. He is a man who can never be defined, a being forever shrouded in mystery.

29. 有马先生的内心充满了复杂的情感,他既是冷酷的杀手,又是温柔的守护者。

29. Mr. Arima's heart is a complex tapestry of emotions, he is both a ruthless killer and a gentle protector.

30. 他是一个孤独的战士,一个在命运的洪流中逆流而上的英雄。

30. He is a solitary warrior, a hero who fights against the tide of fate.

31. 有马先生的意志坚定,他的目光坚定,他的脚步坚定,他永远不会停下前进的步伐。

31. Mr. Arima's will is unyielding, his gaze unwavering, his steps determined, he will never cease his forward march.

32. 他是一个充满矛盾的英雄,他既是正义的化身,又是孤独的战士。

32. He is a hero of contradictions, both an embodiment of justice and a solitary warrior.

33. 有马先生的行动总是充满了戏剧性,他仿佛天生就注定要成为传奇。

33. Mr. Arima's actions are always dramatic, he seems destined to become a legend from birth.

34. 他是一个充满魅力和危险的人物,让人又敬又畏。

34. Mr. Arima is a figure of both charm and danger, inspiring both admiration and fear.

35. 有马先生的内心充满了悲剧色彩,但他始终坚强地面对着命运的考验。

35. Mr. Arima's heart is steeped in tragedy, but he faces the trials of fate with unwavering strength.

36. 他是一个永远无法被理解的人,一个永远活在人们心中的谜。

36. He is a man who will never be understood, a mystery that will forever live in the hearts of the people.

37. 有马先生的出现总是伴随着希望,他仿佛是黑暗中的一道光明。

37. Mr. Arima's arrival is always accompanied by hope, he is like a beacon of light in the darkness.

38. 他是一个充满着神秘感和魅力的人物,让人忍不住想要靠近他,却又害怕被他伤害。

38. Mr. Arima is a figure brimming with mystery and charm, drawing people in, yet instilling a fear of being hurt.

39. 有马先生的眼中充满了忧郁,他仿佛经历过太多悲伤和苦难。

39. Mr. Arima's eyes are filled with melancholy, as if he has witnessed too much sorrow and hardship.

40. 他是一个孤独的灵魂,一个在漫漫人生路上踽踽独行的行者。

40. He is a lonely soul, a traveler who walks alone on the long road of life.

41. 有马先生的内心充满了爱,他爱着他的朋友,他的家人,他的事业,他爱着这个世界。

41. Mr. Arima's heart is filled with love, he loves his friends, his family, his work, he loves the world.

42. 他是一个充满着矛盾的人物,既是冷酷无情的杀手,又是充满慈悲之心的守护者。

42. He is a figure of contradictions, both a ruthless killer and a compassionate guardian.

43. 有马先生的行动总是充满了智慧,他总是能够在最关键的时刻做出正确的决定。

43. Mr. Arima's actions are always guided by wisdom, he always makes the right decisions at the most crucial moments.

44. 他是一个充满着神秘感和传奇色彩的人物,他的故事充满了惊险和刺激。

44. Mr. Arima is a figure steeped in mystery and legend, his story filled with thrills and excitement.

45. 有马先生的行动总是充满了戏剧性,他仿佛天生就注定要成为传奇。

45. Mr. Arima's actions are always dramatic, he seems destined to become a legend from birth.

46. 他是一个充满着魅力和危险的人物,让人又敬又畏。

46. Mr. Arima is a figure of both charm and danger, inspiring both admiration and fear.

47. 有马先生的内心充满了悲剧色彩,但他始终坚强地面对着命运的考验。

47. Mr. Arima's heart is steeped in tragedy, but he faces the trials of fate with unwavering strength.

48. 他是一个永远无法被理解的人,一个永远活在人们心中的谜。

48. He is a man who will never be understood, a mystery that will forever live in the hearts of the people.

49. 有马先生的出现总是伴随着希望,他仿佛是黑暗中的一道光明。

49. Mr. Arima's arrival is always accompanied by hope, he is like a beacon of light in the darkness.

50. 他是一个充满着神秘感和魅力的人物,让人忍不住想要靠近他,却又害怕被他伤害。

50. Mr. Arima is a figure brimming with mystery and charm, drawing people in, yet instilling a fear of being hurt.

51. 有马先生的眼中充满了忧郁,他仿佛经历过太多悲伤和苦难。

51. Mr. Arima's eyes are filled with melancholy, as if he has witnessed too much sorrow and hardship.

52. 他是一个孤独的灵魂,一个在漫漫人生路上踽踽独行的行者。

52. He is a lonely soul, a traveler who walks alone on the long road of life.

53. 有马先生的内心充满了爱,他爱着他的朋友,他的家人,他的事业,他爱着这个世界。

53. Mr. Arima's heart is filled with love, he loves his friends, his family, his work, he loves the world.

54. 他是一个充满着矛盾的人物,既是冷酷无情的杀手,又是充满慈悲之心的守护者。

54. He is a figure of contradictions, both a ruthless killer and a compassionate guardian.

55. 有马先生的行动总是充满了智慧,他总是能够在最关键的时刻做出正确的决定。

55. Mr. Arima's actions are always guided by wisdom, he always makes the right decisions at the most crucial moments.

56. 他是一个充满着神秘感和传奇色彩的人物,他的故事充满了惊险和刺激。

56. Mr. Arima is a figure steeped in mystery and legend, his story filled with thrills and excitement.

57. 有马先生的出现总是伴随着奇迹,他仿佛拥有着改变命运的力量。

57. Mr. Arima's arrival is always accompanied by miracles, he seems to possess the power to change destiny.

58. 他是一个永远无法被定义的人,一个永远充满着神秘感的存在。

58. He is a man who can never be defined, a being forever shrouded in mystery.

59. 有马先生的内心充满了复杂的情感,他既是冷酷的杀手,又是温柔的守护者。

59. Mr. Arima's heart is a complex tapestry of emotions, he is both a ruthless killer and a gentle protector.

60. 他是一个孤独的战士,一个在命运的洪流中逆流而上的英雄。

60. He is a solitary warrior, a hero who fights against the tide of fate.

61. 有马先生的意志坚定,他的目光坚定,他的脚步坚定,他永远不会停下前进的步伐。

61. Mr. Arima's will is unyielding, his gaze unwavering, his steps determined, he will never cease his forward march.

62. 他是一个充满矛盾的英雄,他既是正义的化身,又是孤独的战士。

62. He is a hero of contradictions, both an embodiment of justice and a solitary warrior.

63. 有马先生的行动总是充满了戏剧性,他仿佛天生就注定要成为传奇。

63. Mr. Arima's actions are always dramatic, he seems destined to become a legend from birth.

64. 他是一个充满着魅力和危险的人物,让人又敬又畏。

64. Mr. Arima is a figure of both charm and danger, inspiring both admiration and fear.

65. 有马先生的内心充满了悲剧色彩,但他始终坚强地面对着命运的考验。

65. Mr. Arima's heart is steeped in tragedy, but he faces the trials of fate with unwavering strength.

66. 他是一个永远无法被理解的人,一个永远活在人们心中的谜。

66. He is a man who will never be understood, a mystery that will forever live in the hearts of the people.

67. 有马先生的出现总是伴随着希望,他仿佛是黑暗中的一道光明。

67. Mr. Arima's arrival is always accompanied by hope, he is like a beacon of light in the darkness.

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