
## 朋友不经常联系的句子(100句):

**1. 朋友之间,偶尔联系,胜过无休止的寒暄。**

Sometimes, less frequent contact between friends is better than endless small talk.

**2. 时间会淡化很多东西,包括友情,但真情永远不会消失。**

Time may fade many things, including friendship, but true feelings will never disappear.

**3. 有些人,就像天上的星星,虽然遥远,但依然闪耀着光芒。**

Some people, like stars in the sky, may be distant, but they still shine brightly.

**4. 朋友之间,不需要每天联系,但需要时刻惦记。**

Friends don't need to contact each other every day, but they need to keep each other in mind.

**5. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然温暖着内心。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, still warm our hearts.

**6. 朋友之间,无需刻意经营,自然而然便是一份珍贵的情谊。**

Friendship doesn't need to be cultivated deliberately; it naturally blossoms into a precious bond.

**7. 真正的朋友,不在乎距离,不在乎时间,只在乎彼此的心。**

True friends don't care about distance or time, they only care about each other's hearts.

**8. 朋友就像天上的云朵,有时近在咫尺,有时却遥不可及。**

Friends are like clouds in the sky, sometimes close at hand, sometimes out of reach.

**9. 即使偶尔失联,也无法抹去彼此的记忆。**

Even occasional disconnection cannot erase the memories we have of each other.

**10. 友谊是一颗种子,需要用心呵护,才能开出美丽的花朵。**

Friendship is a seed that needs careful nurturing to blossom into beautiful flowers.

**11. 朋友之间,偶尔的沉默,也是一种默契。**

Sometimes, silence between friends is also a kind of understanding.

**12. 真正的友谊,经得起时间的考验,也经得起距离的考验。**

True friendship can withstand the test of time and the test of distance.

**13. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真情流露。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just let their true feelings flow.

**14. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然在生命中扮演着重要的角色。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, still play an important role in our lives.

**15. 友谊是一种无声的语言,用心感受,才能明白其中的真谛。**

Friendship is a silent language, and you need to feel it with your heart to understand its true meaning.

**16. 朋友之间,不需要每天联系,但需要时刻惦记。**

Friends don't need to contact each other every day, but they need to keep each other in mind.

**17. 有些朋友,就像一本书,读过一遍,便会深深地印在脑海中。**

Some friends are like books, once you've read them, they'll be deeply imprinted in your mind.

**18. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**19. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**20. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**21. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**22. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**23. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**24. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**25. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**26. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**27. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**28. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**29. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**30. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**31. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**32. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**33. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**34. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**35. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**36. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**37. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**38. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**39. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**40. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**41. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**42. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**43. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**44. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**45. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**46. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**47. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**48. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**49. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**50. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**51. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**52. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**53. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**54. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**55. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**56. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**57. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**58. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**59. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**60. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**61. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**62. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**63. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**64. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**65. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**66. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**67. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**68. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**69. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**70. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**71. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**72. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**73. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**74. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**75. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**76. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**77. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**78. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**79. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**80. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**81. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**82. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**83. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**84. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**85. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**86. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**87. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**88. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**89. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**90. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**91. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**92. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**93. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**94. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**95. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

**96. 朋友之间,无需刻意,只要真心相待。**

Friends don't need to be deliberate, just treat each other with sincerity.

**97. 真正的友谊,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

True friendship is a collision of hearts and a resonance of spirits.

**98. 朋友之间,即使不常联系,也依然是彼此生命中的风景。**

Even if we don't contact each other often, friends are still the scenery in our lives.

**99. 友谊是一份礼物,需要用心珍惜。**

Friendship is a gift that needs to be cherished with all your heart.

**100. 有些朋友,即使不常联系,却依然是我们生命中的温暖。**

Some friends, even if we don't contact them often, are still a source of warmth in our lives.

以上就是关于朋友不经常联系好句子100句(朋友不经常联系好句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
