
## 有今生没来世经典句子 (80句)

1. 人生苦短,何必执着?

2. 世事无常,珍惜当下。

3. 活在当下,才是真谛。

4. 把握当下,才能不留遗憾。

5. 今生有缘,来世再见。

6. 莫问前生,莫论来世。

7. 生死有命,富贵在天。

8. 得失成败,皆为过眼云烟。

9. 何必留恋,一切皆空。

10. 珍惜眼前人,莫待失去空悲伤。

11. 今生相遇,已是缘分。

12. 此生无悔,来世再续前缘。

13. 人生如梦,醒来皆空。

14. 红尘滚滚,谁是谁非。

15. 世间万物,皆有定数。

16. 无常之法,无人能逃。

17. 花开花落,月圆月缺。

18. 缘来缘去,皆是天意。

19. 珍惜眼前,莫待失去方追悔。

20. 人生苦短,何必计较得失。

21. 今生无悔,来世再续前缘。

22. 莫问前生,莫论来世。

23. 世间万物,皆为过眼云烟。

24. 珍惜眼前人,莫待失去空悲伤。

25. 今生有缘,来世再见。

26. 人生如梦,醒来皆空。

27. 红尘滚滚,谁是谁非。

28. 世事无常,珍惜当下。

29. 活在当下,才是真谛。

30. 把握当下,才能不留遗憾。

31. 得失成败,皆为过眼云烟。

32. 何必留恋,一切皆空。

33. 无常之法,无人能逃。

34. 花开花落,月圆月缺。

35. 缘来缘去,皆是天意。

36. 珍惜眼前,莫待失去方追悔。

37. 人生苦短,何必计较得失。

38. 今生无悔,来世再续前缘。

39. 莫问前生,莫论来世。

40. 世间万物,皆为过眼云烟。

41. 珍惜眼前人,莫待失去空悲伤。

42. 今生有缘,来世再见。

43. 人生如梦,醒来皆空。

44. 红尘滚滚,谁是谁非。

45. 世事无常,珍惜当下。

46. 活在当下,才是真谛。

47. 把握当下,才能不留遗憾。

48. 得失成败,皆为过眼云烟。

49. 何必留恋,一切皆空。

50. 无常之法,无人能逃。

51. 花开花落,月圆月缺。

52. 缘来缘去,皆是天意。

53. 珍惜眼前,莫待失去方追悔。

54. 人生苦短,何必计较得失。

55. 今生无悔,来世再续前缘。

56. 莫问前生,莫论来世。

57. 世间万物,皆为过眼云烟。

58. 珍惜眼前人,莫待失去空悲伤。

59. 今生有缘,来世再见。

60. 人生如梦,醒来皆空。

61. 红尘滚滚,谁是谁非。

62. 世事无常,珍惜当下。

63. 活在当下,才是真谛。

64. 把握当下,才能不留遗憾。

65. 得失成败,皆为过眼云烟。

66. 何必留恋,一切皆空。

67. 无常之法,无人能逃。

68. 花开花落,月圆月缺。

69. 缘来缘去,皆是天意。

70. 珍惜眼前,莫待失去方追悔。

71. 人生苦短,何必计较得失。

72. 今生无悔,来世再续前缘。

73. 莫问前生,莫论来世。

74. 世间万物,皆为过眼云烟。

75. 珍惜眼前人,莫待失去空悲伤。

76. 今生有缘,来世再见。

77. 人生如梦,醒来皆空。

78. 红尘滚滚,谁是谁非。

79. 世事无常,珍惜当下。

80. 活在当下,才是真谛。

## 英文翻译

1. Life is short, why be so attached?

2. Things are impermanent, cherish the present.

3. Living in the present is the truth.

4. Seize the present, so as not to leave regrets.

5. We are destined to meet again in the next life.

6. Do not ask about the past, do not talk about the future.

7. Life and death are predestined, wealth and honor are given by Heaven.

8. Gains and losses, success and failure are all fleeting like clouds.

9. Why linger, all is empty.

10. Cherish those who are around you, don't wait until they are gone to grieve.

11. Meeting in this life is already a destiny.

12. No regrets in this life, we will continue our destiny in the next life.

13. Life is like a dream, waking up to emptiness.

14. The world is full of dust and confusion, who is right and who is wrong.

15. All things in the world have their destiny.

16. The law of impermanence, no one can escape.

17. Flowers bloom and fall, the moon waxes and wanes.

18. Coming and going are all by the will of Heaven.

19. Cherish what you have, don't wait until it's gone to regret.

20. Life is short, why care about gains and losses?

21. No regrets in this life, we will continue our destiny in the next life.

22. Do not ask about the past, do not talk about the future.

23. All things in the world are fleeting like clouds.

24. Cherish those who are around you, don't wait until they are gone to grieve.

25. We are destined to meet again in the next life.

26. Life is like a dream, waking up to emptiness.

27. The world is full of dust and confusion, who is right and who is wrong.

28. Things are impermanent, cherish the present.

29. Living in the present is the truth.

30. Seize the present, so as not to leave regrets.

31. Gains and losses, success and failure are all fleeting like clouds.

32. Why linger, all is empty.

33. The law of impermanence, no one can escape.

34. Flowers bloom and fall, the moon waxes and wanes.

35. Coming and going are all by the will of Heaven.

36. Cherish what you have, don't wait until it's gone to regret.

37. Life is short, why care about gains and losses?

38. No regrets in this life, we will continue our destiny in the next life.

39. Do not ask about the past, do not talk about the future.

40. All things in the world are fleeting like clouds.

41. Cherish those who are around you, don't wait until they are gone to grieve.

42. We are destined to meet again in the next life.

43. Life is like a dream, waking up to emptiness.

44. The world is full of dust and confusion, who is right and who is wrong.

45. Things are impermanent, cherish the present.

46. Living in the present is the truth.

47. Seize the present, so as not to leave regrets.

48. Gains and losses, success and failure are all fleeting like clouds.

49. Why linger, all is empty.

50. The law of impermanence, no one can escape.

51. Flowers bloom and fall, the moon waxes and wanes.

52. Coming and going are all by the will of Heaven.

53. Cherish what you have, don't wait until it's gone to regret.

54. Life is short, why care about gains and losses?

55. No regrets in this life, we will continue our destiny in the next life.

56. Do not ask about the past, do not talk about the future.

57. All things in the world are fleeting like clouds.

58. Cherish those who are around you, don't wait until they are gone to grieve.

59. We are destined to meet again in the next life.

60. Life is like a dream, waking up to emptiness.

61. The world is full of dust and confusion, who is right and who is wrong.

62. Things are impermanent, cherish the present.

63. Living in the present is the truth.

64. Seize the present, so as not to leave regrets.

65. Gains and losses, success and failure are all fleeting like clouds.

66. Why linger, all is empty.

67. The law of impermanence, no one can escape.

68. Flowers bloom and fall, the moon waxes and wanes.

69. Coming and going are all by the will of Heaven.

70. Cherish what you have, don't wait until it's gone to regret.

71. Life is short, why care about gains and losses?

72. No regrets in this life, we will continue our destiny in the next life.

73. Do not ask about the past, do not talk about the future.

74. All things in the world are fleeting like clouds.

75. Cherish those who are around you, don't wait until they are gone to grieve.

76. We are destined to meet again in the next life.

77. Life is like a dream, waking up to emptiness.

78. The world is full of dust and confusion, who is right and who is wrong.

79. Things are impermanent, cherish the present.

80. Living in the present is the truth.

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