
## 早起的鸟儿恶搞句子 (55句)

**1. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,晚起的虫儿有鸟吃。**

The early bird gets the worm, the late worm gets eaten by the bird.

**2. 早起的鸟儿,未必有虫吃,可能只是被虫子吃。**

The early bird may not get the worm, it might just get eaten by the worm.

**3. 早起是福,但你得先有福气才能早起。**

Waking up early is a blessing, but you need to be blessed to wake up early.

**4. 早起的鸟儿,未必是好鸟,可能是被窝太热。**

The early bird is not necessarily a good bird, it might just be too hot in the bed.

**5. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被雷劈,因为雷电一般在早上。**

The early bird might get struck by lightning, because lightning usually happens in the morning.

**6. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想上厕所。**

The early bird might just be wanting to use the toilet.

**7. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被其他鸟儿嘲笑,因为它们还在睡觉。**

The early bird might be laughed at by other birds, because they are still sleeping.

**8. 早起是金,但金子太重,你搬得动吗?**

Early rising is gold, but gold is too heavy, can you carry it?

**9. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想找借口睡懒觉。**

The early bird might just be looking for an excuse to sleep in.

**10. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被其他鸟儿抢走虫子。**

The early bird might have its worm stolen by other birds.

**11. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想看日出,然后被日晒黑了。**

The early bird might just want to see the sunrise, and then get tanned by the sun.

**12. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被风吹走,因为早上风很大。**

The early bird might get blown away by the wind, because the wind is strong in the morning.

**13. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被猫吃掉,因为猫喜欢早上捕食。**

The early bird might get eaten by a cat, because cats like to hunt in the morning.

**14. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想锻炼身体,然后被狗咬了。**

The early bird might just want to exercise, and then get bitten by a dog.

**15. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被雨淋湿,因为早上可能下雨。**

The early bird might get wet in the rain, because it might rain in the morning.

**16. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想找点乐子,然后被树枝绊倒了。**

The early bird might just be looking for some fun, and then trip over a branch.

**17. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被蜘蛛网粘住,因为早上蜘蛛网上有露水。**

The early bird might get stuck in a spider web, because spider webs have dew on them in the morning.

**18. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想找点吃的,然后发现虫子都睡着了。**

The early bird might just be looking for something to eat, and then find out that the worms are all asleep.

**19. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被其他鸟儿打架,因为早上鸟儿们都比较活跃。**

The early bird might get into a fight with other birds, because birds are more active in the morning.

**20. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想呼吸新鲜空气,然后被雾霾呛着了。**

The early bird might just want to breathe fresh air, and then get choked by smog.

**21. 早起的鸟儿,可能会被自己的口水噎住,因为早上嘴巴比较干。**

The early bird might choke on its own saliva, because its mouth is dry in the morning.

**22. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想上网冲浪,然后发现网络卡了。**

The early bird might just want to surf the internet, and then find out that the internet is slow.

**23. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想吃早餐,然后发现厨房没饭了。**

The early bird might just want to eat breakfast, and then find out that there's no food in the kitchen.

**24. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想看新闻,然后发现新闻都是负面的。**

The early bird might just want to watch the news, and then find out that the news is all negative.

**25. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想听歌,然后发现耳机没电了。**

The early bird might just want to listen to music, and then find out that its headphones are dead.

**26. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想出去散步,然后发现天冷了。**

The early bird might just want to go for a walk, and then find out that it's cold.

**27. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想找点事情做,然后发现没什么事情可做。**

The early bird might just be looking for something to do, and then find out that there's nothing to do.

**28. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点上班,然后发现堵车了。**

The early bird might just want to get to work early, and then find out that there's a traffic jam.

**29. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点下班,然后发现老板不批准。**

The early bird might just want to leave work early, and then find out that the boss won't approve it.

**30. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点睡觉,然后发现睡不着了。**

The early bird might just want to go to bed early, and then find out that it can't sleep.

**31. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点恋爱,然后发现单身狗没有春天。**

The early bird might just want to fall in love early, and then find out that single dogs don't have spring.

**32. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点发财,然后发现赚钱很辛苦。**

The early bird might just want to get rich early, and then find out that making money is hard work.

**33. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点退休,然后发现退休生活很无聊。**

The early bird might just want to retire early, and then find out that retirement life is boring.

**34. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点上天堂,然后发现天堂太挤了。**

The early bird might just want to go to heaven early, and then find out that heaven is too crowded.

**35. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去月球,然后发现月球上没有wifi。**

The early bird might just want to go to the moon early, and then find out that there's no wifi on the moon.

**36. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去火星,然后发现火星上没有氧气。**

The early bird might just want to go to Mars early, and then find out that there's no oxygen on Mars.

**37. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去外太空,然后发现外星人不喜欢地球人。**

The early bird might just want to go to outer space early, and then find out that aliens don't like humans.

**38. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点穿越时空,然后发现时间旅行是不可能的。**

The early bird might just want to travel through time early, and then find out that time travel is impossible.

**39. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点成为超级英雄,然后发现自己没有超能力。**

The early bird might just want to become a superhero early, and then find out that it has no superpowers.

**40. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点改变世界,然后发现改变世界太难了。**

The early bird might just want to change the world early, and then find out that changing the world is too hard.

**41. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点谈恋爱,然后发现对象是自己的亲戚。**

The early bird might just want to fall in love early, and then find out that its partner is its relative.

**42. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点结婚生子,然后发现养孩子很辛苦。**

The early bird might just want to get married and have children early, and then find out that raising children is hard work.

**43. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点学习新技能,然后发现学不会。**

The early bird might just want to learn new skills early, and then find out that it can't learn them.

**44. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点环游世界,然后发现没钱。**

The early bird might just want to travel the world early, and then find out that it has no money.

**45. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点吃火锅,然后发现火锅店还没开门。**

The early bird might just want to eat hotpot early, and then find out that the hotpot restaurant is not open yet.

**46. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点看电影,然后发现电影院没票了。**

The early bird might just want to watch a movie early, and then find out that there are no tickets left at the cinema.

**47. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去健身房,然后发现健身房停电了。**

The early bird might just want to go to the gym early, and then find out that the gym is out of power.

**48. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去图书馆,然后发现图书馆还没开门。**

The early bird might just want to go to the library early, and then find out that the library is not open yet.

**49. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去超市,然后发现超市还没开门。**

The early bird might just want to go to the supermarket early, and then find out that the supermarket is not open yet.

**50. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去公园,然后发现公园里全是锻炼身体的人。**

The early bird might just want to go to the park early, and then find out that the park is full of people exercising.

**51. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去游泳池,然后发现游泳池还没开放。**

The early bird might just want to go to the swimming pool early, and then find out that the swimming pool is not open yet.

**52. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去爬山,然后发现山路太滑了。**

The early bird might just want to go hiking early, and then find out that the mountain path is too slippery.

**53. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去海边,然后发现海边全是沙子。**

The early bird might just want to go to the beach early, and then find out that the beach is full of sand.

**54. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去旅行,然后发现旅行太贵了。**

The early bird might just want to travel early, and then find out that traveling is too expensive.

**55. 早起的鸟儿,可能只是想早点去天堂,然后发现天堂太无聊了。**

The early bird might just want to go to heaven early, and then find out that heaven is too boring.

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