
## 70 个成语积累句子及英文翻译

**1. 一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To achieve great success with one brilliant effort


He achieved great success with one brilliant effort, becoming a famous writer.

**2. 胸有成竹** (xiōng yǒu chéng zhú) - To be fully prepared and confident


He was fully prepared and confident, believing that he would definitely succeed.

**3. 百尺竿头,更进一步** (bǎi chǐ gān tóu, gèng jìn yī bù) - To strive for continuous improvement


Although he had already achieved great success, he still strove for continuous improvement, pursuing higher goals.

**4. 精益求精** (jīng yì qiú jīng) - To strive for perfection


He strived for perfection, constantly improving his work.

**5. 锲而不舍** (qiè ér bù shě) - To persevere


He persevered and finally overcame the difficulties, completing the task.

**6. 厚积薄发** (hòu jī bó fā) - To accumulate strength and then release it suddenly


He accumulated strength and then released it suddenly, playing a crucial role at a critical moment.

**7. 水滴石穿** (shuǐ dī shí chuān) - Perseverance can overcome any obstacle


As long as we persevere, like water dripping through stone, any difficulty can be overcome.

**8. 逆水行舟,不进则退** (nì shuǐ xíng zhōu, bù jìn zé tuì) - To make progress or fall behind


In a fiercely competitive society, we must make progress or fall behind. We need to continuously learn to keep up with the times.

**9. 海阔天空** (hǎi kuò tiān kōng) - To be free and unrestrained


He spoke freely and unrestrainedly, discussing the future.

**10. 举一反三** (jǔ yī fǎn sān) - To learn by analogy


He learned by analogy and quickly mastered new knowledge.

**11. 博学多才** (bó xué duō cái) - To be learned and talented


He was learned and talented, achieving success in multiple fields.

**12. 学无止境** (xué wú zhǐ jìng) - To learn without limit


Learning is a lifelong endeavor. There is no limit to learning. We must continuously learn and enrich ourselves.

**13. 精雕细琢** (jīng diāo xì zhuó) - To work with meticulous care


He worked with meticulous care, creating exquisite works of art.

**14. 匠心独运** (jiàng xīn dú yùn) - To be ingenious and original


This work was ingenious and original, leaving people speechless.

**15. 不负众望** (bù fù zhòng wàng) - To live up to expectations


He finally lived up to expectations and won the competition.

**16. 功成名就** (gōng chéng míng jiù) - To achieve fame and fortune


After years of hard work, he finally achieved fame and fortune, becoming a leader in the industry.

**17. 功败垂成** (gōng bài chuí chéng) - To fail at the last moment


He failed at the last moment, missing this precious opportunity.

**18. 一败涂地** (yī bài tú dì) - To be completely defeated


They were completely defeated, completely losing their competitive advantage.

**19. 胜败乃兵家常事** (shèng bài nǎi bīng jiā cháng shì) - Victory and defeat are common in warfare


Victory and defeat are common in warfare. Don't be discouraged by a single failure.

**20. 知己知彼,百战不殆** (zhī jǐ zhī bǐ, bǎi zhàn bù dài) - To know oneself and one's enemy, and one can fight a hundred battles without danger


In any competition, knowing oneself and one's enemy, one can fight a hundred battles without danger, and only then can one stand undefeated.

**21. 兵贵神速** (bīng guì shén sù) - Speed is essential in warfare


He acted swiftly, quickly seizing the high ground.

**22. 以牙还牙** (yǐ yá huán yá) - To retaliate in kind


He retaliated in kind, avenging those who had hurt him.

**23. 落井下石** (luò jǐng xià shí) - To attack someone who is already in trouble


He attacked someone who was already in trouble, taking advantage of their weakness, which is despicable.

**24. 兔死狐悲** (tù sǐ hú bēi) - To feel sympathy for someone in trouble, even if you are not closely related


Although he was a stranger to the other person, he still felt sympathy when he saw them in trouble.

**25. 患难见真情** (huàn nán jiàn zhēn qíng) - True love is revealed in times of difficulty


True love is revealed in times of difficulty. Only in times of hardship can we truly feel the sincerity of our friends.

**26. 肝胆相照** (gān dǎn xiāng zhào) - To be as close as brothers


They were as close as brothers, sharing hardship and suffering, true friends indeed.

**27. 同舟共济** (tóng zhōu gòng jì) - To work together in overcoming difficulties


In the face of difficulties, we must work together, united as one, to overcome the challenges.

**28. 精诚所至,金石为开** (jīng chéng suǒ zhì, jīn shí wéi kāi) - Sincerity can move even the hardest heart


His sincerity touched the other person, and he achieved success.

**29. 满腹经纶** (mǎn fù jīng lún) - To be full of learning and experience


He was full of learning and experience, a seasoned scholar.

**30. 才华横溢** (cái huá héng yì) - To be overflowing with talent


He was overflowing with talent, achieving extraordinary success in the art world.

**31. 大器晚成** (dà qì wǎn chéng) - To achieve success later in life


He achieved success later in life, only making his mark in middle age.

**32. 名声大噪** (míng shēng dà zào) - To become famous overnight


His new book became an instant bestseller, making him famous overnight.

**33. 名垂青史** (míng chuí qīng shǐ) - To go down in history


He was a great scientist, whose name will go down in history, forever remembered by people.

**34. 名副其实** (míng fù qí shí) - To live up to one's reputation


This restaurant lives up to its reputation, with delicious food and excellent service.

**35. 一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To achieve great success with one brilliant effort


He achieved great success with one brilliant effort, winning the world championship.

**36. 一举成名** (yī jǔ chéng míng) - To become famous with one stroke of luck


He became famous with one stroke of luck, becoming a household name.

**37. 一枝独秀** (yī zhī dú xiù) - To stand out from the crowd


He stood out from the crowd in the competition, winning first place.

**38. 独树一帜** (dú shù yī zhì) - To be unique and original


His work is unique and original, with a distinctive personal style.

**39. 前功尽弃** (qián gōng jìn qì) - To lose all one's previous efforts


He lost all his previous efforts, almost achieving success but ultimately failing, a pity.

**40. 功亏一篑** (gōng kuī yī kuì) - To fail at the last moment


He failed at the last moment, missing this precious opportunity.

**41. 事半功倍** (shì bàn gōng bèi) - To achieve twice the results with half the effort


He was very efficient, achieving twice the results with half the effort, and quickly completed the task.

**42. 事倍功半** (shì bèi gōng bàn) - To achieve half the results with twice the effort


He lacked planning in his work, achieving half the results with twice the effort, and was inefficient.

**43. 事过境迁** (shì guò jìng qiān) - To change with the passage of time


Time has passed and things have changed, the past has become a distant memory, but the memories remain precious.

**44. 十年寒窗** (shí nián hán chuāng) - To study hard for many years


After years of hard study, he finally got into his dream university.

**45. 苦尽甘来** (kǔ jìn gān lái) - To enjoy happiness after suffering


After years of struggle, he finally enjoyed happiness after suffering and achieved success.

**46. 一帆风顺** (yī fān fēng shùn) - To go smoothly without any setbacks


His career was smooth sailing, developing steadily.

**47. 一波三折** (yī bō sān zhé) - To have many ups and downs


His entrepreneurial journey was full of ups and downs, filled with challenges.

**48. 跌跌撞撞** (diē diē zhuàng zhuàng) - To stumble and falter


He walked unsteadily, seemingly not adapting well to the new environment.

**49. 步履维艰** (bù lǚ wéi jiān) - To walk with difficulty


He walked with difficulty, overcoming various obstacles on the path of life.

**50. 披荆斩棘** (pī jīng zhǎn jí) - To clear a path through obstacles


He cleared a path through obstacles and ultimately achieved success.

**51. 一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To achieve great success with one brilliant effort


His speech was a sensation, winning the admiration of everyone.

**52. 一蹴而就** (yī cù ér jiù) - To achieve something easily and quickly


He thought learning would be easy and quick, but the result was contrary to his wishes.

**53. 一帆风顺** (yī fān fēng shùn) - To go smoothly without any setbacks


His journey was smooth sailing, without any trouble.

**54. 一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To achieve great success with one brilliant effort


He achieved great success with one brilliant effort, getting into university with excellent results.

**55. 一蹴而就** (yī cù ér jiù) - To achieve something easily and quickly


This work cannot be achieved quickly and easily. It requires patience and care.

**56. 一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To achieve great success with one brilliant effort


He achieved great success with one brilliant effort, becoming a world-renowned scientist.

**57. 一举成名** (yī jǔ chéng míng) - To become famous with one stroke of luck


He became famous with one stroke of luck, becoming a sought-after actor.

**58. 一枝独秀** (yī zhī dú xiù) - To stand out from the crowd


His design stood out from the crowd and won first place in the design competition.

**59. 独树一帜** (dú shù yī zhì) - To be unique and original


His musical style is unique and original, popular among young people.

**60. 一帆风顺** (yī fān fēng shùn) - To go smoothly without any setbacks


His career was smooth sailing, climbing steadily.

**61. 一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To achieve great success with one brilliant effort


He achieved great success with one brilliant effort, winning a gold medal in the international competition.

**62. 一蹴而就** (yī cù ér jiù) - To achieve something easily and quickly


This work cannot be achieved quickly and easily. It requires long-term effort.

**63. 一帆风顺** (yī fān fēng shùn) - To go smoothly without any setbacks


His life was smooth sailing, without any setbacks.

**64. 一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To achieve great success with one brilliant effort


He achieved great success with one brilliant effort, becoming a famous writer.

**65. 一举成名** (yī jǔ chéng míng) - To become famous with one stroke of luck


He became famous with one stroke of luck, becoming a household name as a singer.

**66. 一枝独秀** (yī zhī dú xiù) - To stand out from the crowd


His design stood out from the crowd and won the design award.

**67. 独树一帜** (dú shù yī zhì) - To be unique and original


His painting style is unique and original, refreshing.

**68. 一帆风顺** (yī fān fēng shùn) - To go smoothly without any setbacks


His entrepreneurial journey was smooth sailing, achieving great success.

**69. 一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To achieve great success with one brilliant effort


He achieved great success with one brilliant effort, winning an international award with excellent results.

**70. 一蹴而就** (yī cù ér jiù) - To achieve something easily and quickly


Learning cannot be achieved easily and quickly. It requires continuous accumulation over time.

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