
## 屈原作品重点句子及英文翻译


1. **路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。** (The road ahead is long and arduous, yet I shall strive for my goals both high and low.)

The road ahead is long and arduous, yet I shall strive for my goals both high and low.

2. **亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。** (Though my heart yearns for what is good, I shall not regret even if I die nine times.)

Though my heart yearns for what is good, I shall not regret even if I die nine times.

3. **宁溘死以流亡兮,余不忍为此俗。** (Rather than die and be a wanderer, I would not be willing to conform to these vulgar ways.)

Rather than die and be a wanderer, I would not be willing to conform to these vulgar ways.

4. **日月忽其不淹兮,春与秋其代序。** (Days and nights fly by without pause, spring and autumn succeed each other in their seasons.)

Days and nights fly by without pause, spring and autumn succeed each other in their seasons.

5. **惟草木之零落兮,恐美人之迟暮。** (I fear that the beauty of youth will fade away like the withering of plants.)

I fear that the beauty of youth will fade away like the withering of plants.

6. **何昔日之芳草兮,今直为此萧艾。** (Where are the fragrant plants of old? Now they are but withered weeds.)

Where are the fragrant plants of old? Now they are but withered weeds.

7. **虽体解而抗志兮,何所独无芳草。** (Even if my body is broken and my spirit is strong, where is there no fragrant plant?)

Even if my body is broken and my spirit is strong, where is there no fragrant plant?

8. **扈江离与辟芷兮,纫秋兰以为佩。** (I gather fragrant plants like Jiangli and Pizhi, and weave autumn orchids to wear as a pendant.)

I gather fragrant plants like Jiangli and Pizhi, and weave autumn orchids to wear as a pendant.

9. **长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。** (I heave a long sigh and cover my tears, grieving for the hardship of human life.)

I heave a long sigh and cover my tears, grieving for the hardship of human life.

10. **吾令奋飞以求食兮,吾将上下而求索。** (I urge my spirit to soar high in search of sustenance, I shall strive for my goals both high and low.)

I urge my spirit to soar high in search of sustenance, I shall strive for my goals both high and low.


11. **东风无力百花残,泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。** (The east wind is weak, a hundred flowers wither. Tearful eyes ask the flowers, the flowers remain silent. Scattered red petals fly past the swing.)

The east wind is weak, a hundred flowers wither. Tearful eyes ask the flowers, the flowers remain silent. Scattered red petals fly past the swing.

12. **山鬼自佚,河伯望之。** (The Mountain Spirit is free and carefree, the River God gazes upon her.)

The Mountain Spirit is free and carefree, the River God gazes upon her.

13. **彼何人兮,彼何人兮,美若天人。** (Who is she? Who is she? Beautiful like a celestial being.)

Who is she? Who is she? Beautiful like a celestial being.

14. **举酒属客,诵明月之诗。** (I raise my cup to my guests and recite a poem about the bright moon.)

I raise my cup to my guests and recite a poem about the bright moon.

15. **乘龙御风,远游四方。** (Riding on a dragon, I will ride the wind and travel far and wide.)

Riding on a dragon, I will ride the wind and travel far and wide.

16. **望夫处,江水碧波,闻猿声,泪沾裳。** (At the place where I wait for my husband, the river flows with blue waves. I hear the cry of monkeys, and my tears soak my clothes.)

At the place where I wait for my husband, the river flows with blue waves. I hear the cry of monkeys, and my tears soak my clothes.

17. **愿得一心人,白头不相离。** (I wish to find a soulmate, to stay together until our hair turns white.)

I wish to find a soulmate, to stay together until our hair turns white.

18. **美人如玉,剑如虹。** (The beauty is like jade, the sword is like a rainbow.)

The beauty is like jade, the sword is like a rainbow.

19. **长夜漫漫,何时才能与君相见。** (The long night stretches on, when will I be able to see you again?)

The long night stretches on, when will I be able to see you again?

20. **云中君,召我以灵,吾将上下而求索。** (The Cloud Spirit summons me with his spiritual power, I shall strive for my goals both high and low.)

The Cloud Spirit summons me with his spiritual power, I shall strive for my goals both high and low.


21. **遂古之初,谁传道之?** (At the beginning of time, who taught the way?)

At the beginning of time, who taught the way?

22. **日月安属?列星安陈?** (Where are the sun and moon fixed? How are the stars arranged?)

Where are the sun and moon fixed? How are the stars arranged?

23. **地之所载?六合安藏?** (What does the earth support? Where is the vast universe hidden?)

What does the earth support? Where is the vast universe hidden?

24. **阴阳三合,何本何极?** (How do the three forces of yin, yang, and the third principle come together? What is their origin and end?)

How do the three forces of yin, yang, and the third principle come together? What is their origin and end?

25. **阴阳不测,何谓厚薄?** (How can we measure the thickness or thinness of the universe, which is unpredictable?)

How can we measure the thickness or thinness of the universe, which is unpredictable?

26. **日月齐明,万物皆春。** (When the sun and moon shine together, everything is in spring.)

When the sun and moon shine together, everything is in spring.

27. **天何所沓?六道安行?** (Where does the sky meet the earth? How do the six paths of existence travel?)

Where does the sky meet the earth? How do the six paths of existence travel?

28. **何处生兮?何处死兮?** (Where do things come from? Where do they go when they die?)

Where do things come from? Where do they go when they die?

29. **人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。** (Life is like a white horse flashing past a gap, fleeting and gone in an instant.)

Life is like a white horse flashing past a gap, fleeting and gone in an instant.

30. **人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。** (Death is inevitable for everyone, but some die with a weight heavier than Mount Tai, while others die lighter than a feather.)

Death is inevitable for everyone, but some die with a weight heavier than Mount Tai, while others die lighter than a feather.


31. **长歌之曲,幽咽之音,以为风波之操,而寄之远方。** (I sing a long and mournful song, its sound deep and choked. This is the song of the wind and waves, which I send to distant lands.)

I sing a long and mournful song, its sound deep and choked. This is the song of the wind and waves, which I send to distant lands.

32. **怀王忽不肖,而听谗人之言,以至于此。** (King Huai was suddenly foolish and listened to the words of slanderers, which led to this situation.)

King Huai was suddenly foolish and listened to the words of slanderers, which led to this situation.

33. **国破家亡,痛心疾首。** (My country is destroyed and my family is ruined, I am heartbroken and filled with grief.)

My country is destroyed and my family is ruined, I am heartbroken and filled with grief.

34. **长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。** (I heave a long sigh and cover my tears, grieving for the hardship of human life.)

I heave a long sigh and cover my tears, grieving for the hardship of human life.

35. **世事无常,唯有真情永存。** (The world is full of impermanence, only true feelings endure.)

The world is full of impermanence, only true feelings endure.


36. **魂兮归来,反故乡兮。** (My soul, come back, return to your home.)

My soul, come back, return to your home.

37. **君不见,秦王之女,亡于巴山之阳。** (Do you not see, the daughter of the King of Qin, lost on the southern slope of Mount Ba.)

Do you not see, the daughter of the King of Qin, lost on the southern slope of Mount Ba.

38. **魂兮归来,反故乡兮,吾将守之以死。** (My soul, come back, return to your home, I will guard you with my life.)

My soul, come back, return to your home, I will guard you with my life.

39. **愿魂兮归来,反故乡兮,吾将以明珠玉璧,作祭以迎。** (I hope my soul will come back, return to its home. I will offer bright pearls and jade ornaments as a sacrifice to welcome it.)

I hope my soul will come back, return to its home. I will offer bright pearls and jade ornaments as a sacrifice to welcome it.

40. **魂兮归来,反故乡兮,吾将以琼浆玉液,奉君之觞。** (My soul, come back, return to your home. I will offer you fine wine and jade-like liquids to drink.)

My soul, come back, return to your home. I will offer you fine wine and jade-like liquids to drink.


41. **沧浪之水清兮,可以濯吾缨。** (The water of the Canglang River is clear, I can wash my cap there.)

The water of the Canglang River is clear, I can wash my cap there.

42. **沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯吾足。** (The water of the Canglang River is murky, I can wash my feet there.)

The water of the Canglang River is murky, I can wash my feet there.

43. **举世皆浊,我独清;众人皆醉,我独醒。** (The world is all muddy, I alone am pure; all are drunk, I alone am sober.)

The world is all muddy, I alone am pure; all are drunk, I alone am sober.

44. **宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。** (Better to be a jade piece that breaks than a tile that remains whole.)

Better to be a jade piece that breaks than a tile that remains whole.

45. **路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。** (The road ahead is long and arduous, yet I shall strive for my goals both high and low.)

The road ahead is long and arduous, yet I shall strive for my goals both high and low.


46. **惜往事,挥长袖,泪沾巾。** (Thinking of the past, I wave my long sleeves, my tears soaking my kerchief.)

Thinking of the past, I wave my long sleeves, my tears soaking my kerchief.

47. **国破山河在,城春草木深。** (Though the country is destroyed, the mountains and rivers remain. The city is overgrown with spring grass and trees.)

Though the country is destroyed, the mountains and rivers remain. The city is overgrown with spring grass and trees.

48. **江山如画,一时多少豪杰。** (The mountains and rivers are like a painting, how many heroes have there been throughout history?)

The mountains and rivers are like a painting, how many heroes have there been throughout history?

49. **问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。** (How much sorrow can a man endure? It is like the spring river flowing eastward.)

How much sorrow can a man endure? It is like the spring river flowing eastward.

50. **天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花。** (There are fragrant plants everywhere under heaven, why fixate on one flower?)

There are fragrant plants everywhere under heaven, why fixate on one flower?

51. **举杯邀明月,对影成三人。** (I raise my cup to invite the bright moon, and my shadow makes three.)

I raise my cup to invite the bright moon, and my shadow makes three.

52. **故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。** (My old friend leaves from the Yellow Crane Tower, in the smoke and flowers of March, he heads to Yangzhou.)

My old friend leaves from the Yellow Crane Tower, in the smoke and flowers of March, he heads to Yangzhou.

53. **何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。** (When will we be able to trim the candle together by the west window, and reminisce about the night rain in Mount Ba?)

When will we be able to trim the candle together by the west window, and reminisce about the night rain in Mount Ba?

54. **君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。** (Do you not see the water of the Yellow River, coming from the sky above, flowing to the sea and never returning?)

Do you not see the water of the Yellow River, coming from the sky above, flowing to the sea and never returning?

55. **山河破碎风飘絮,身世飘零雨打萍。** (The mountains and rivers are shattered like windblown cotton, my life is adrift like a rain-beaten water lily.)

The mountains and rivers are shattered like windblown cotton, my life is adrift like a rain-beaten water lily.

56. **人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。** (When life is good, you should enjoy yourself to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty.)

When life is good, you should enjoy yourself to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty.

57. **天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。** (I am born with talent that will surely be of use, even if I spend all my wealth, it will come back to me.)

I am born with talent that will surely be of use, even if I spend all my wealth, it will come back to me.

58. **俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天揽明月。** (We all share a carefree spirit and grand aspirations, we want to soar to the sky and embrace the bright moon.)

We all share a carefree spirit and grand aspirations, we want to soar to the sky and embrace the bright moon.

59. **仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。** (I look up to the sky and laugh loudly as I leave, am I, of all people, someone who belongs among the weeds?)

I look up to the sky and laugh loudly as I leave, am I, of all people, someone who belongs among the weeds?

60. **落花流水春去也,天上人间。** (The falling flowers and flowing water, spring has gone, both in heaven and on earth.)

The falling flowers and flowing water, spring has gone, both in heaven and on earth.

61. **人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。** (Since ancient times, who has not died? I will leave behind my red heart to shine in history.)

Since ancient times, who has not died? I will leave behind my red heart to shine in history.

62. **壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。** (With ambition, I will eat the meat of the barbarians in my hunger, and laughingly drink the blood of the Xiongnu in my thirst.)

With ambition, I will eat the meat of the barbarians in my hunger, and laughingly drink the blood of the Xiongnu in my thirst.

63. **千古兴亡多少事,悠悠。不尽长江滚滚流。** (Throughout history, there have been countless rises and falls, all passing by like the endless flow of the Yangtze River.)

Throughout history, there have been countless rises and falls, all passing by like the endless flow of the Yangtze River.

64. **人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。** (Life is like a dream, I raise a cup and pour the wine into the river moon.)

Life is like a dream, I raise a cup and pour the wine into the river moon.

65. **不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。** (One cannot see the true face of Mount Lu, because they are within the mountain.)

One cannot see the true face of Mount Lu, because they are within the mountain.

66. **青山遮不住,毕竟东流去。** (The green mountains cannot block it, in the end, the river will flow eastward.)

The green mountains cannot block it, in the end, the river will flow eastward.

67. **落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。** (Fallen petals are not without feeling, they turn into fertile soil to nurture the flowers.)

Fallen petals are not without feeling, they turn into fertile soil to nurture the flowers.

68. **莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。** (Don't worry about not having friends on the road ahead, who in the world does not know you?)

Don't worry about not having friends on the road ahead, who in the world does not know you?

69. **欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。** (To see a thousand miles, climb to a higher floor.)

To see a thousand miles, climb to a higher floor.

70. **海内存知己,天涯若比邻。** (Friends are like neighbors, even if they are at the ends of the earth.)

Friends are like neighbors, even if they are at the ends of the earth.

71. **天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来。** (I am born with talent that will surely be of use, even if I spend all my wealth, it will come back to me.)

I am born with talent that will surely be of use, even if I spend all my wealth, it will come back to me.

72. **书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。** (Only when you need knowledge do you realize you lack it, only when you've experienced something do you know its difficulty.)

Only when you need knowledge do you realize you lack it, only when you've experienced something do you know its difficulty.

73. **山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休。** (Green hills beyond green hills, towers beyond towers, when will the music and dance of West Lake ever cease?)

Green hills beyond green hills, towers beyond towers, when will the music and dance of West Lake ever cease?

74. **月色溶溶夜色深,不知何处是家园。** (The moonlight is soft, the night is deep, I don't know where my home is.)

The moonlight is soft, the night is deep, I don't know where my home is.

75. **孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。** (The lonely sail disappears into the blue sky, only the Yangtze River flows towards the horizon.)

The lonely sail disappears into the blue sky, only the Yangtze River flows towards the horizon.

76. **人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。** (When life is good, you should enjoy yourself to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty.)

When life is good, you should enjoy yourself to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty.

77. **举杯邀明月,对影成三人。** (I raise my cup to invite the bright moon, and my shadow makes three.)

I raise my cup to invite the bright moon, and my shadow makes three.

78. **俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天揽明月。** (We all share a carefree spirit and grand aspirations, we want to soar to the sky and embrace the bright moon.)

We all share a carefree spirit and grand aspirations, we want to soar to the sky and embrace the bright moon.

79. **仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。** (I look up to the sky and laugh loudly as I leave, am I, of all people, someone who belongs among the weeds?)

I look up to the sky and laugh loudly as I leave, am I, of all people, someone who belongs among the weeds?

80. **落花流水春去也,天上人间。** (The falling flowers and flowing water, spring has gone, both in heaven and on earth.)

The falling flowers and flowing water, spring has gone, both in heaven and on earth.

81. **人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。** (Since ancient times, who has not died? I will leave behind my red heart to shine in history.)

Since ancient times, who has not died? I will leave behind my red heart to shine in history.

82. **壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。** (With ambition, I will eat the meat of the barbarians in my hunger, and laughingly drink the blood of the Xiongnu in my thirst.)

With ambition, I will eat the meat of the barbarians in my hunger, and laughingly drink the blood of the Xiongnu in my thirst.

83. **千古兴亡多少事,悠悠。不尽长江滚滚流。** (Throughout history, there have been countless rises and falls, all passing by like the endless flow of the Yangtze River.)

Throughout history, there have been countless rises and falls, all passing by like the endless flow of the Yangtze River.

84. **人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。** (Life is like a dream, I raise a cup and pour the wine into the river moon.)

Life is like a dream, I raise a cup and pour the wine into the river moon.

85. **不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。** (One cannot see the true face of Mount Lu, because they are within the mountain.)

One cannot see the true face of Mount Lu, because they are within the mountain.

86. **青山遮不住,毕竟东流去。** (The green mountains cannot block it, in the end, the river will flow eastward.)

The green mountains cannot block it, in the end, the river will flow eastward.

87. **落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。** (Fallen petals are not without feeling, they turn into fertile soil to nurture the flowers.)

Fallen petals are not without feeling, they turn into fertile soil to nurture the flowers.

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